Siddhananda: [I'm hearing] "My, me". "My, me"! (smiling)
G: "My, me"! (laughing) "Me, my, I! It's all about me. Pay attention to me!"
Siddhananda: Exactly. "It's all about me."
G: (smiling)
Siddhananda: "Meeeeeeeeee..." (making a dragging sound), it's going like that. So, starting to dissolve.
G: "Meeeeeeeeee..." (imitating in a funny voice).
Siddhananda: That's what happens in the energy here.
G: (Addressing the spirit) So, you're trying to hold that me together and it's not working so well for you now? (smiling)
Siddhananda: It's starting to slow down that me, and it's such a good thing.
G: It's good. It means they're losing that identification with that me story. It's like washing away, like "I can't even hold on to that energy any more, forget it! This is too much work." (laughing)
Siddhananda: Exactly. The me is getting very very tired.
G: That story is too much work. Let it go.
Siddhananda: Poor worn out thing that it is. It does take a lot of effort to just maintain that.
G: It does. Takes a lot of energy to maintain that me story, takes a lot of mental projection for that. Once one enters [into realization], once you get to that realization, Turiyatita, there is no mind anymore, there is no projection. You're not losing your energy in keeping this stuff going all the time.
Siddhananda: Perfect. That's really so well said and put out there. Again, it's the opposite of what the ego feels.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, the me [for this soul] is draining, it's draining. Let's see if there are any questions that come up in this draining process.
G: Ok.
Siddhananda: (trying to gather what the soul is saying) "Deaf to my song of person. The ears are being shut to my song of person."
G: Right.
Siddhananda: "The person that lived, struggling, person that forgot to...", (struggling to gather), i'm sorry. (laughing)
G: They're trying to remember their story, but it's not working so well. (laughing).
Siddhananda: I know that slowing of mind. "to....." (dragging sound, laughing).
G: I'm just not even hearing that story hardly any more, ok? It becomes like an old tape that one has played, and this tape becomes broken and the projector is just spinning now but the tape is not there.
Siddhananda: It is kind of funny, though.
G: It is kind of funny when one is unwinding. So, we're going to ask if there is somebody in the healing center that wants to just aid this one to let go of their story.
Siddhananda: Ok. Let's see if we can get hold of someone that would be willing to help.
G: Yeah, we need another helper, if there's somebody there that will just continue to aid them with that.
Siddhananda: And you want to know which one so we can get that one. Ok. (pausing with closed eyes). Ok, they're all there and they're all happy, the helpers!
G: (smiling) Yeah, the helpers, they're all waiting there [and going] "I want to help!". They're all good.
Siddhananda: When we look at this [soul], they're starting to cross a threshold in the dissolution process, so, [we need] someone that could work with that.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: (pause) "towards the back of it" (indicating the back row in crystal cave).
G: (Picks up one stone from the crystal cave).
Siddhananda: I was looking at the [same] one!
G: I keep getting drawn to this one. This is the one I keep going to.
Siddhananda: Isn't that funny!
G: Yeah, we're both feeling the same thing. It just immediately pops out! It's this one (showing a clear heart). It's one of the clear heart.
Siddhananda: Oh my gosh! That's exactly the one I was thinking of.
G: There must be 30 things in there and we're both feeling the same one.
Siddhananda: And that's in the back too.
G: It's in the back. Exactly. (Handing the stone to Siddhananda). So, this is the one that wants to work with them for a minute.
Siddhananda: So interesting how that works. That's what she was feeling and then it was said (pausing with closed eyes), [I'm hearing] "dripping down, drip down [to] where there is no personal world, where there is rest. Don't stop sinking down."
G: Yeah, continue to let that take place. Don't restrict it. Continue to let that fall away.
Siddhananda: Yes (pause). Ok, there are some flowers emerging. "Let's work to continue to finish." They're thanking you.
G: You're welcome (hand on heart).
Siddhananda: I see your name and it's like "starlight, that's a good starlight to follow (hand pointing towards Guruji)."
G: Good starlight to follow. We'll take that (smiling).
Siddhananda: [They're saying] "Siddhananda lives, spirit lives. Psychic. Good team. Starlight follow." (smiling). I like that. "Starlight follow."
G: I'm the light, you're the spirit. So, it all works together.
Siddhananda: These are perfect matches, right. "Don't think that this is about the body. The way to work, to one [is in spirit]." (gesturing working together).
G: Yeah, it has nothing to do with form. It has to do with the energetic connection that takes place.
Siddhananda: Right.
G: So, we'll go ahead and put them both together over there and let them continue to give instruction and guidance and let them have their space.
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