Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mental Spins No More

Siddhananda: (showing a clear stone) Ok, so let's see what this one has (pausing with closed eyes).. [i'm] seeing a lot of light white energy coming through.. and then there's some image coming from that but i can't quite tell what that is.

G: aha

Siddhananda: (pause) They're not in a mental spin but they do want to say "mental spins no more"

G: ok (nodding)

Spirit: Mental spins darken the light

G: That's true

Spirit: Mental spins cause nothing but troubles in the end.

G: Right

Spirit: and that's all that separates you from the Light, are those mental spins.

G: (nodding)

Siddhananda: So, now i'm just seeing a lot of very light white energy. i think they're just wanting to put that out, to counteract some of that spinning energy

G: Ok, so the message from them is to let go of the mental spins. Absolutely!

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's it. So, thank you (gesturing namaste)

G: (gesturing namaste)

Siddhananda: A good one, it's always a good one.