Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dance of Shiva

This is the creation-destruction tandeva of Shiva Nataraj symbolizing the dance of life, the leela. This spirit message is speaking to the spiral of life, the dance of freedom. The Nataraj is a symbol of freedom in its ecstatic dance. 

This is the message: Be true to yourself and don't waver off on the wrong courses. There are so many roads you can get lost in. Stay present. Stay true to yourself, the Pure Self.
Do not mistake the Self to be the ego self. What is being spoken of here is the Pure Self. Some people wrap it around the personal self, what I want, what I can manifest for me. That is not this at all. That is the shadow side. A hand is being shown to push that away (meaning ignore it). The pure Self is what you come into alignment with. That is being true to yourself. Let the dance of Shiva rock your world and find that freedom within.

Image: Shiva Naturaj is standing on the little ego, dancing on its head and that little ego is down with its tongue out. It is done, over and then there is just the play of life that remains.


  1. Beautiful. So grateful for this writing. In the heart there is no self or ego self. There is a light only. Omm.

  2. wonderful in it's message and wording...

  3. Namaste - A beautiful dance and a mystical sculpture. An important message is, not to identify ourself with the ego. And be on the right track and stay on it. I know just finding the path can be diffecult. When the right path is found, one should stick to it. Thank You for sharing these messages.

  4. Namaste- Nice message to keep present, and not to be dragged into a dead end by ego's play..OM

  5. Namaste, this is a nice message and I always like to read it. It feels like an encouragement to keep on going, no matter what.
