Sunday, October 25, 2015

Unlock the Door

Siddhananda sees a very nice, light energy. There is a key hole and the key.

The spirit says:
Open the door to Truth
You will have the key 
If you are still and quiet

G: Right, yes, the key is present... absolutely.


  1. this is perfect, says it all in so few words...

  2. Namaste, very nice, thank you!


  3. Namaste - It is a good reminder of stilling the mind. This is the main key to the light. This key is not to be found elsewhere, than within one self. This key never gets lost, by being a part of oneself. But this key can be forgotten. Thank you for sharing this compact yet wonderful message.

    1. Namaste, again a nice response- nothing left to say, this is a very nice message

  4. Namaste yes true key is just there for us to use it!

  5. Namaste. The key of life is right here. om shanti om.

  6. Namaste. Thank you. In the now Thank you.

  7. /\ Ask and you shall receive - that is the key. Words need not be spoken. All there needs to be is that honest desire for Truth in heart and the path will appear...but fear not...the journey will not be easy by any means and there will be that fear that keeps one from letting go...and that is the only way to progress...surrender...that letting go must take place... : ) funny how it's always believed that to get to where we want to go, all this knowledge and gaining this and that need to happen but it's really the letting go part that allows the progress to take place. /\
