Thursday, October 29, 2015

Angel of Grace

Siddhananda:  I’m just seeing a stream of consciousness. I see an Angel in that stream with a halo and everything.

G:  Right. Nice.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, really nice. We’ll take it!

This being feels that they are Grace Incarnate, or that’s their name, or their energy ... Grace. They want to transmit that angelic purity that lives in all beings and never suffers, never worries, never has any fear. They are saying to flow with that ... to go with that ... to feel that and to be with that.

G:  Right. If one asks that angel, that specific angel, to come and aid them with that, I’m sure that angel will be happy to help.

Siddhananda:  Yes, I see that angel with the word Grace written on it. This is Grace. This is Peace. You can’t beat that, right?

G:  You can’t beat the Angel of Grace.

Siddhananda:  So, they just wanted to say that. I do again see some doves flying up from that.

G:  Grace is always present. It’s always possible. People just have to open themselves up to receive it.

Siddhananda:  They're just beaming with hearing that. They’re lighting up with that. So, yes, that’s beautiful. They are saying they can stay or go, whatever you want (laughing)

G:  Well, we never want them to go. (smiling and laughing)

Siddhananda:  Are we going to turn that away? (laughing)

G: Never turn that down. Grace, are you kidding? We never turn Grace away. (smiling from ear to ear)

Siddhananda:  They're just beaming. So, they are quite fine and feel good with that. So, we'll just put them over with the healing energies. Thank you so much.

G: I'm sure the angel will confirm that if somebody asks for grace that angel will be there immediately.

Siddhananda:  They're just beaming with that and I see a sparkling white lotus. That's just their confirmation of yes. It's just sparkling and beaming with yes. I think these healing energies are just energies of yes, in a good way. Everything is open. It's all yes. It's all flow.

G:  Yes, exactly. That's what people have to understand.  Everything is there if they are open to it.

Siddhananda:  Right. That's it. It's all an open door and, yes, nothing is closed. So, we'll keep this beautiful healing stone.  We keep accumulating those and, you know,  it's all good.

G: We may have to go and purchase some more soon. All of them are going to be taken up soon. I'm not saying to leave, you know. They can stay right there.

Siddhananda: Oh, I know. If you just come sit by them, you're good. I can really feel it. If you tune in, you can feel these energies. Not everyone can, but even if you can't feel it, if you just open up, it's there. It's there, that's all.

G:  Exactly.  So, I think that these messages will help. To put these messages out there for people where they can go through them and see all of the help that's there, what's waiting for them.

Siddhananda: I totally agree. It would be a wonderful thing to actually read daily ... read one or two daily. It's just a good, good start whether you're on the path or not on the path, or whatever. It's just all there for all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Namaste I just love this angel of Grace! So nice to know there is nothing to be afraid of…

  3. Namaste - Grace is to be found everywhere, so its everpresent. One only has to tune in to receive it, by firstly being open of course, and after training oneself to hit the right frequency. A nice message about Grace and a beautiful image, that goes well with the text.
    Thank You for this message.

  4. Namaste- Very nice to hear that the Angel of Grace is at hand, if one is open..OM

  5. Namaste, sweet energy. Grace is here always good to hear :-) Thank you for the Grace !! Omm

  6. Namaste, I asked the grace angle for grace while reading this and it appeared- so yes, as stated in this message, these messages written for all to read daily is very valuable. It's grace for those who put these messages together, grace for those who read them, grace is ever present

  7. Namaste,
    Agreed that's it's quite nice to read this blog just *a few a day*... It's Great Pratice and thank you for this seva! May I be open to the Angels of Grace and Light.. Always!! OM & Thank You!

  8. 'Grace is always present' Thank you for this message.
