Sunday, October 11, 2015

Divine Flow

The moon is seen very big and below it are triangle pyramids on both sides. This spirit wants to reflect the moon and its cycles. The moon is an image of time and its phases in one way, yet, in another way, the fullness is a reflection and symbol of completion... the wholeness of being.

The moon is just getting big... a big supermoon is coming... the Blood Moon.

The triangle pyramid type shapes have something to do with the holding of energy and grounding. The two sides of the bottom are grounded but the way the energy is directed upwards, it's concentrating that energy in a singular direction. Together they really work in harmony as balance.

The full moon is a blessing from spirit.
From the bible verse, if your eye be single, then how great is the light. It's the same thing as that concentrated, one pointed, singular effort like the shape of the pyramid. It’s like the Masonic symbol that has the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on top of it. If your eye be still, then your energy is going to be fully directed. The eye is open... it's awake.

The spirit says that within that energy is the cosmic flow of the divine. It can flow that way rather than being blocked into this or that.

The energy is totally directed towards where you want it to be instead of it dissipating outwards to other things. It keeps a channel to that grace.

With the pyramid and the moon, there is a flow going through that pyramid type of structure… flowing into the moon and into that completion. It’s directed there.

So keep your attention focused, one-pointed. Don’t be waffling here and there, looking at a bunch of things. You have to keep your mind on your goal of where you want to be and continue forward…


  1. Thank you. Keeping my eye on realization. That deep resting place in the heart. Thank you

  2. Beautiful imagery with a good describtion of the pyramides function. The importance of one pointedness, is emphasized. Also a good explaination of how the flow of divine energy works. OM

  3. This message is for those that want to make as much progress as is possible towards Realization
