Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Let Go. Let God

A face is forming in the stone, changing shapes all the while (symbolic of the many lifetimes gone by and lived). A shady image of a heart is forming. A hand is reaching up out of the stone. It is holding the earth in its hand reaching upwards. The feeling of this imagery is that people do not need to hold up things by themselves. It is held up by grace, God Allah, Christ or whatever name is given. What is seen are people walking with heavy burdens on their shoulders. There is no need to do this, spoke the spirit message. It is being held up perfectly without your efforts (or the efforts of ego)... as Christ said, "My burden is light."

What is seen are people walking. They are carrying heavy bags. They are carrying them, even though they could set them down and be at ease. The pointing here is to "Let go and let God."

One of the bags is opened and what is seen in that bag is darkness. There is nothing in it of substance. There is nothing of worth within it. There is only drama that is empty in nature and has no solidity.

Then, there is imagery of snakes coming out of the bag and winding like kundalini. "Snake energy" to flush out the baggage and one can see what it is that is being carried. One is given the opportunity to see it for what it is... that it is truly empty in nature. The pointing is that as one opens up and lets go, kundalini comes forward like a "rotor rooter of consciousness"or a clearing of consciousness. Then, there is an image of a heart as kundalini comes into the heart and light is what remains. The journey is completed and the baggage goes and is no more.


  1. Namaste. This a great reminder. To drop the nonsense and the laggage with it. Thank you. Omm.

  2. awesome imagery .. don't be a baggage collector, let go, let God ... so very nice and filled with the mystic kundalini energy...

  3. Namaste. No more collecting garbage. OM

  4. Namaste- This beautiful message goes out to all people. Let go of all the burdens one carries, which are collected in many lifetimes, and let the kundalini snake burn it all (Rotor Rooter). This includes ones ignorant being, ones identity together with the ego. Cause all these things are meaningless in reality, and have no value in themselves, therefore empty by nature. By doing this, kundalini will grab one, and can change ones energy, together with ones consciousness, leaving only the solid Is.Your burden is light now. Let go and let God. Beautiful.

  5. Namaste- Very nice imagery, and message ,to let go of all what is been held too, and move into the light...OM

  6. Namaste, Valuable message -- Thank you.

  7. Namaste,
    Sounds so simple put like that.... Loll

  8. Namaste, it is encouraging to hear what kundalini does and the potential end result of its effect. Furthermore, the pointing- let go, let God- very good, it had an effect from reading it

  9. Namaste..surrender the message is clear.
