Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dissolving the Ego

Siddhananda:  Next one (closing her eyes). Right away, I'm hearing, "rambling mind."

G:  Raambling mind ... uh huh.

Siddhananda:  I do see an image of that ego that's being stepped on, like with Shiva Nataraja, where he's stepping on that little ego, and then there's that life cycle (gesturing to indicate the ring that encircles the form of Nataraja). So, I'm seeing that image and I think it's being reflected back [to say] that that's really like that. The ego is really a nuisance for them. Ego is a nuisance, but it's really a rambling thing for this particular energy. It's that way for a lot of people, actually.

G:  Yeah.

Siddhananda:  They would like that to be suppressed, or [go] in the background, or to be dissolved, however that works.

G:  It's not about suppressing it. It's about seeing through it and dissolving it ... seeing the fallacy of it.

Siddhananda:  When you say that, he is seeing that when [he] holds it back it gets worse.

G:  Yeah (nodding), right.

Siddhananda:  If he goes like this ... (gesturing as if pushing something away), then it [rises] up more, and that's very exhausting with this suppression, though.

G:  Right. Suppression doesn't work. You can't suppress because [then] you're giving it more energy.

Siddhananda:  Yes, that's exactly what he's experiencing.

G:  Yeah, then you're feeding it, giving it too much substance.

Siddhananda:  Right, giving it more energy (nodding). So, he's saying, "Okay, there's suppression. Is the other way looking with awareness, with pure awareness?"

G:  You're aware of it, and then you see the fallacy of it, yeah (nodding). You see that it's not a solid thing. It's only as solid as you make it.

Siddhananda:  I can see some light shine on this energy. It's definitely got some sunlight coming into it.

G:  Mm hmm, yeah.

Siddhananda:  I think it's been an exhausting battle.

G:  Yeah, yeah, yeah, and it's a battle you won't win by trying to battle it that way (laughing). So, one has to [watch it] more. By watching the ego, all its drama and its stories, you see the fallacy of them. You see how much [of it] you've taken to heart. Eventually, you see it as nothing more than a movie playing on a screen.

Siddhananda:  (pausing with eyes closed)

G:  It's just another dream state ... not solid in nature.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, there's a lighter energy. There's not that struggle so much. So, that's great. Maybe, the COS, is that okay?

G:  Yeah, he can also do the COS. That would benefit him.

Siddhananda:  He's very grateful, very grateful, to have something else, another energy, to help with this.

G:  He just needs to shift that energy and stop fighting it, stop suppressing it, but to see into it and question it on the deepest level. Then, that will dissipate. That will clear up the erroneous assumptions about it.

Siddhananda:  It's a different way.

G:  (nodding) A different way to do it, yes (chuckling).

Siddhananda:  One is beneficial, helps flush it out, and the other makes it stronger.

G:  ... just makes it stronger, yeah.


  1. very nice, open the heart, let go, surrender... so very different than struggling, fighting and resisting ... the messages have been coming very clear and flow well... thank you for the work... shanti om

  2. Namaste - a helpful session thank you!

  3. Namaste, very helpful session no doubt. Thank you. Greatful for it. A nice image to go with it as well. Omm.
