Friday, February 5, 2016

Kali - Time, and Timelessness

Siddhananda: Alright, so next (showing a clear stone tinged with a golden hue)! Okay (closing her eyes).

Spirit: Tell me about time. Time. What reality does time have?

G: It only has the reality that you give it. When you’re in a corporeal body, everything is condensed, and you feel as if there is time. When you’re in the etheric body, then there is no time, and it’s timeless.

Siddhananda: I’m just going to throw out what I’m hearing. I’m hearing, “So, you don’t exist there?”

G: Well, there is existence. Absolutely, there is existence, 100%. Being in the corporeal body is like being in a dream state, a dream state of time, but when one wakes up, it’s more of that timelessness.

Siddhananda: Time. I just keep hearing, “time.” “Man-made?” they’re asking.

G: (nodding) Man-made, yes.

Spirit: Time is man-made. Time is man-made. Okay.

Siddhananda: They just wanted to let that resonate (pausing).

G: In the time of God, a thousand years is just one day. A thousand years earth time is just one day there.

Spirit: Timelessness is spirit, then?

G: Right. Right (nodding).

Siddhananda: (nodding) I think that’s really all that they needed.

G: Mm hmm. Yeah, they can check more with Kali. Kali is time.

Siddhananda: Yeah!

G: She is that presence of time, and the timeless.

Spirit: In one, huh?

G: Mm hmm, yeah.

Siddhananda: I guess, I’m kind of hearing, “So, that has to do with like a process, time?”

G: Process, you could say it’s a process if one holds to that, but as one starts doing practices, etc., one’s sense of time shifts. So, it all has to do based on the consciousness.

Siddhananda: I did see just a burst of light all of a sudden. Just a burst (clenching her fists, and shaking them slightly)! I mean, I could feel it in my heart, too.

G: Yeah (speaking softly).

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Yeah, so that was …

G: Quick! Quick, quick in a knowing … a quick, quick, Aha!

Siddhananda: Uh huh, exactly (laughing)!

G: Like … shew! … (gesturing with her hands to indicate a flash)!

Siddhananda: Yeah, man, that shot out quick! But, that’s what those aha’s are like … just boom!

G: Just a sudden shift, and just like … Oh! … (flashing her eyes wide open) … why didn’t I see that before? Oh, yes!

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. There’s some cracking of something (gesturing as if breaking something in two).

G: Yeah, it’s breaking that open.

Siddhananda: Yeah!

G: They were in a pretty hard shell of that … (grimacing with eyes wide open and shaking the hands slightly near her head) …

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly … constriction (nodding).

G: Yeah, constriction. Mm hmm.

Siddhananda: So, that’s good. So, would you say for them to kind of contemplate Kali more? Is that what you were asking, Guruji?

G: Yeah! They can look into and speak more with Kali, and resonate with that energy, because Kali is time, and timeless, … the void. So, they can pull that energy in and explore that.

Siddhananda: (pausing for a time with closed eyes) Okay, that sounds [right]. So, yeah, they had quite a revelation there.

G: Okay, so, we will leave that...

Siddhananda: They’re opening. So, that’s good!

G: So, that’s good, and we will leave them with that (gesturing namaste). They can always come back if they have other questions at another time.

Siddhananda: Sure, if they need us again, but, fortunately, there is more help behind us on the other side, too.

G: Yes! There is much more help, and even more coming to the forefront.

Siddhananda: Coming .. which will be just awesome! So, that we’re looking forward to.


  1. Namaste an interesting one on time and Kali!

  2. Namaste. Great, great exchange. So much wisdom comes through in these session with spirit. Thank you for letting me work on this project. om shanti

  3. Namaste, interesting how the perception of time shifts with practices. Thank you for this. Ommmmm

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Namaste, time and timelessness. Nice info. Seams like this one moved forward fast. Omm.

  6. Namaste- Nice to see a opening for this Soul..Om
