Sunday, February 14, 2016

Melt into Openness and Harmony

Siddhananda:  Here we go (showing a clear, heart shaped stone).

G:  The last [one] for today!

Siddhananda:  The last one. Another little heart. That'll be nice (closing her eyes). I am getting a picture of snow, and things. We'll see where that goes (pausing with eyes closed).

G:  Mm hmm, okay.

Siddhananda:  Iciness ... not in a bad way. It's a pleasant scene. So, there is some iciness in them ... like a block of ice.

G:  Oh, yeah ... frozen.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, frozen in time, or frozen in the heart.

G:  In the heart, yeah. So, what is frozen? What is that? What is it that's frozen?

Spirit:  Frozen memories ... frozen seeing.

Siddhananda:  (pausing for a time) "Frozen heart," I hear. So, I'm seeing an ice pick. [They're saying], "You're going to need an ice pick," (gesturing as if holding an ice pick poised to begin chipping away).

G:  They've got themselves so blocked up, so blocked up. They need to ...

Siddhananda:  They need some sun (opening her eyes wide and chuckling).

G:  Ask if they would allow for the sun (closing her eyes), for that light, to melt that icy heart.

Siddhananda: (closing her eyes) I can feel that being brought in ... the light. There are a lot of souls over there that are working towards good things, and I can feel that energy there as well. I think they've been trying to be there for this soul. They've been encouraging them, too, to come here and get this going.

G: Right, right ...

Siddhananda:  Again, to get that frozen up, it's been a long time, and you can see that wind, a storm.

G:  It's been a long time, right. There's nothing pleasant in it. (closing her eyes) They need to open to that light, let the sun [in], and let that thawing take place. Let the springtime come. Let that regeneration take place.

Siddhananda:  What I'm seeing is that block of ice and then I see all the beauty growing around it, but that block of ice is not [affected].

G:  But, it [is] not allowing anything in.

Siddhananda:  That's exactly right!

G:  It's not allowing anything in (closing her eyes).

Siddhananda:  [Not allowing] that transformation.

G:  Exactly. They have to let that to melt. The springtime is here. They've had themselves in that frozen vacuum for a long time. Whatever that hurt and pain is, it's time to release it. It's not benefiting them (opening her eyes). There's no reason to have that there, to have the heart so closed in that ice.

G and Siddhananda:  (sitting for a time with closed eyes)

Siddhananda:  I am seeing the sun touching it, at least. Before, it wasn't really that way. [There's] at least some contact with it to begin to ...

G:  ... melt that ... to begin to melt that ... mm hmm (nodding).

Siddhananda:  Yeah.

G and Siddhananda:  (Both sitting in silence with close eyes for a time)

G:  I ask that Mary, mother of Christ, come in and be with that individual, because she faced a lot of pain in watching her son being crucified. So, whatever that pain is that they're ...

Siddhananda:  ... so maybe they can have some empathy from that.

G:  Yeah, right. So, maybe she can get [through to them].

Siddhananda:  That's a good start. Okay (closing here eyes). She does have that heart that got that ... that ... dagger (turning toward G)?

G:  Right, [it's] that pierced heart, and the burning heart, yeah (nodding).

Siddhananda:  He's feeling that. He wants to cry. He, She ... I feel it's more like a He, for some reason. Anyway, they're reflecting that pierced heart, that aching, within the ice.

G:  (closing her eyes, again) We also ask that Christ would come to him and show him that there is resurrection. [Show him] that it doesn't matter what pain one has gone through, what one has suffered through, that there is a possibility for resurrection and absolutely life ... that there's nothing one needs to protect themselves from.

Siddhananda:  Mm hmm, that's what he's done. It's a box.

G:  Yeah, it's a box.

Siddhananda:  It's an icy box.

G:  He's got himself locked in so that he doesn't get hurt any longer.

Siddhananda:  He's in there ... (mimicking someone trapped under sheets of ice]. Like I say, it's not like he's a mean person, or anything like that.

G:  No, it's something from sorrow.

Siddhananda:  Exactly.

G:  It's something that he had that was just so difficult to bear that he's closed himself off.

Siddhananda:  That's exactly right. I'm feeling both Mary and Christ there. Christ is there with the open arms, and Mary with the ... (crossing both hand over her heart).

G:  Let that light start to burn in the heart. Let that heart be lit so that the burning heart can begin to dissolve and melt the ice that's been around there.

Siddhananda:  Mm hmm.

G:  Yeah, he needs to allow that heart to live again and awaken. He's closed it down so hard that it's become ice.

Siddhananda:  That's right.

G:  So, he needs to allow that light, life and love to come back into his heart.

Siddhananda:  That warmth.

G:  Whatever it is that he lost, it's not lost. It's there, and it's still alive on the other side. So, I ask (closing her eyes), at this point, that whoever it is, whatever it is, that he lost to come to him now so that he can see that there is still life ... that nothing has been lost ... that they haven't died, and that they are still there. They are very much alive, and always have been.

Siddhananda:  I am seeing a woman and child. They're made of light, and they're really quite a nice presence there. [It's] a young child and a woman. They're by him. The woman touched the ice with her hand.

G:  Mm hmm, right (closing her eyes). So, let that heart open to that love that you felt for them while in life. Let that love spring forward again and reignite the heart so that it burns this ice away.  There's no reason to have that.

Siddhananda:  There is some dripping on the ice. I don't know if that's tears, but, also, it is melting. I'm feeling some of that force there of Christ, and also their loved ones and the child.

G:  Mm hmm.

Siddhananda:  It looks like the woman and child are quite fine.

G:  Yeah, they're quite fine (nodding decisively).

Siddhananda:  They're made of light. They're quite fine. The love is there. The connection is there.

G:  That's never been gone, but because their physical body left, he was mourning so much that he closed off and lost the ability to feel that they were still around him.

Siddhananda:  That's it, exactly. Yeah, and they're right there with her hand [touching the ice]. She's wanting to say to him, "I'm fine and you're fine, too."

G:  So, may his ears be opened, and his eyes be opened so that he may see them for what they are. May he allow that light, that love, to come forward into his heart again so that [it] would melt [the ice] from the inside out. That that would allow the ice to be broken because it doesn't need to be there.

Siddhananda:  There's a lot of beautiful loving energy around there. There is some melting, and de-frosting (chuckling softly).

G:  It's going to continue to defrost.

Siddhananda:  It's good, and you can really feel it there. His sorrow and his emotions are starting to drip down.

G:  Right, yeah (nodding).

Siddhananda:  I guess they are thawing. This icy [mass] is thawing.

G:  It's going to take a few minutes for him to see that they really are there. Once he sees that, cognizes that really they are there ... because it hasn't really entered his consciousness fully yet. Once he sees that, it should break that apart right away.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, exactly. It is mostly thawing. Certainly, that ice is there, and he can't feel that hand there yet, but it is there on the ice. The ice isn't him, though, but it is taking place. It's taking place, yeah.

G and Siddhananda:  (both sitting in silence with eyes closed for a time)

G:  I just want to say, if he can hear my voice, to have the courage to look up [to see] that they are there waiting right in front of him.

Siddhananda:  As you said that, I do see some of that happening. His form is [emerging]. He's still got some ice around him, but I can feel him looking there more.

G:  Yeah, wake up to the presence of them there.

Siddhananda:  I don't see them now as much as individuals, but more of a merging of energies there.

G:  Right, right ... good.

Siddhananda:  It's not like I see a mother and a child. It's more of a merging of energies ... like it has  always been as one [energy].

G:  Right.

Siddhananda:  Very nice.

G:  So, thank you for coming (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste) Thank you.

G:  We will leave them to continue to merge and surround that (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Yeah, to merge and defrost. (laughing)

G:  Yeah, merge and defrost (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Feel the warmth of the love (smiling)!

G:  Once he sees that they're actually there, that will break forward. He just needs to come back up to a conscious point to where he can see it, rather than [focusing] on that sorrow.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, I know, and it's coming around. Again, he's in very good hands there. It sounds like those ones that are there, those energies, will stay very present there.

G:  Exactly. They will stay until he's actually out of that.

Siddhananda:  Again, I think the main theme is to just open up ... open up ... allow.

G:  That's the thing. One has to be willing to be open rather than so focused on whatever it is, sorrow, or whatever drama you have going on.  The more you focus on that, the more you close yourself off ... the more you are [held] in that rigid pattern ... and the more it congeals, making something more difficult to come out of.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, that's the main message. As soon as that opening takes place, a different energy flows in. That's beneficial for you and everyone else, too, really. So, it's all good.

G:  Exactly. So, this appears to be the lesson of the day (laughing). Don't close off. Be willing to be open and allow things to come into harmony.

Siddhananda:  It seems simple, but, my gosh, it can make a huge shift for someone.

G: Yeah, let go of the drama (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Haven't heard that one before, right? (smiling coyly and laughing)

G:  No, never (laughing)! So, that's it for today. Namaste and thank you.

Siddhananda:  Thank you.


  1. Beautiful exchange. Love the thawing feeling and a heart opening. Such beauty in a sorrow if one allows the heart to open. Glad to hear that his loved once are fine. Omm.

  2. The image is also resonates perfectly with the exchange. Thank you

  3. thank you for this message... om shanti

  4. Namaste - love this one. The paintings in this can help so many who are holding on to grief and the loss of loved ones. Love the image posted as well!

  5. Namaste. Thank you for this message. May all open. om shanti

  6. Namaste-Very much enjoyed, thank you...OM
