Saturday, April 16, 2016

Born Seeking Truth

Siddhananda: (Picking up a stone) Okay, got a little heart. (pausing with eyes closed) Something about being born seeking truth.

G: Hmm hmm

Siddhananda: "Many lifetimes walking towards truth."

G: Okay. Good. So they have done some preliminary work. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. I see someone walking with a staff, through these many scenes. They are saying "shadows rising no more." They want that to go.

G: Hmm hmm

Siddhananda: They just always felt like they have been a seeker of the way, of the light. It's pretty much what I am getting there.

G: Yeah. What type of practice have they done? And what context? 

Siddhananda: I am hearing "many traditions."

G: Many traditions. So they are open.

Siddhananda: Feeling very open. Yeah.

G: They are feeling very open. So, I would say for this one, the OM THAT I AM, and the I AM THAT I AM. And the COS. 

Siddhananda: Nice! Got the whole package.

G: Yeah. Most of it. 

Siddhananda: Most of it. Not the mantras, but, it’s a good package though. They are saying this will be great on their journey. Thank you so much. (gesturing namaste)

G: Thank you so much (gesturing namaste)


  1. Sometimes it's that simple. Omm.

  2. Nice to see this soul getting the aid needed to keep moving forward on their path...Om
