Light Yet Grounded
Siddhananda: (showing a nice round, pink stone) These pink ones are getting a little grounded feeling, you know?
G: Yeah, well, it's nice to have a nice grounded kind of love energy. Just because something is light, it doesn't mean that it can't be grounded.
Siddhananda: Of course.
G: It doesn't have to be airy fairy and really ungrounded.
Siddhananda: Of course ... like I see the mother energy (spirit) back there.. She was stout! The one from yesterday, yet she was pure unconditional love...
G: It can be very grounded. It's the same thing if you're heading a path, you've got to be very grounded. That energy has got to be grounded to keep everybody from being out into the ozones (laughing).
Siddhananda: You do that very well ... thank you (chuckling deeply). I know ... she's helped me with that kind of thing. Just a little ... just a few times (smiling).
G: (chuckling with a big smile)
Siddhananda: So, anyway, here we go with this grounded pink energy. I like that combo... (closing her eyes).. I do see, as we're speaking ... I see the pink, and then I see some earth there (gesturing as if she has a big chunk of earth clasped in her hand).
G: Yeah, it can be very grounded. It comes from the earth ... they say Mother Earth ... well, Mother Earth is very grounded (laughing heartily).
Siddhananda: Very much so ... and all this beautiful growth ... pink (manifestations)... cherry blossoms ... all that rises from this substance (gesturing passionately of verdant growth).
G: Exactly ... from the ground of being. Yeah, and it can be very rich, very fertile. So, there's a lot more to it when one looks at it. They can think that some of these things can be very airy fairy, but it's not really, in the end. It can be very, very, very strong and very grounded.
Siddhananda: No doubt.
G: ...same thing... to be a mother ... when you look at Mary. She's got to be a very grounded energy. She went through some real trials and tribulations with watching what happened with her son ... with Yeshua Ben Joseph ... and his journey. So, she had to be a very grounded person to go through what she went through.
Siddhananda: ... and, yet she is just pure love...
G: Absolute love, yeah.
Siddhananda: ... which is soft, pure, gentle love, but, yet has some umph!.. to it.
So, anyway, back to this pink... I see the earth, and then I see this pink, and it's like a pink sunset. (long pause). Okay, let's see if there's anything else, or maybe that's all that they're bringing is this grounded lightness.
Okay, I see someone emerging. It does look Mary-like. It looks ethereal. They have in their arms, white roses. They are all in white and they are connected to this earth energy as well. Yet, they are just like a Goddess, an angel ...(pulling her hand strongly into the heart center as an expression of the pure beauty of it) I think that's exactly what we've been saying here. All it does is speak love... pure and unsoiled. I feel that's more the message here.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: This stone, when it came (we felt this grounded lightness to it), and then we got the image (of that), just beautiful.
G: So, just enjoy the beauty of that and know that one can be in touch with that, but it
doesn't mean one's a pushover, and it doesn't mean, again, that one has to be airy fairy. Love, and that path can be very grounded, indeed.
Siddhananda: Yeah, I like this is a very nice stone, and it does have some solidness to it when you hold it. Doesn't it?
G: Oh, it does. It's got a really nice substance to it (holding the stone in her hand).
Siddhananda: It does.. right away, you can feel it....She looks like this (pointing to one of the Mary statues behind them), so she wants to go over to that place. She looks like that.
G: Let her go into ... she looks kind of like that Mary (laughing).
Siddhananda: That's exactly what she look like.
G: Yeah, she can go into that statue there.
Siddhananda: So, we'll put her there.
G: We'll put her over by there, and she can just go into that statue and just be here. That's a good thing to do.
Siddhananda: I see some light coming from the statue (gesturing a great light emanation). It really is so lovely.
G: Yeah, so she's right there.
Siddhananda: Oh, make this place softer... I feel it....all of a sudden I felt ... aaaww ... (gesturing with her hands of an effulgence emanating from the heat center) ... this angelic woonderrfull feeling ... ethereal, yet heart centered.
G: Yeah, she's there. Well, that's exactly what the statue is we have behind us. We have Mary with the heart that has the sword through the heart. So, it's that type of energy ... very grounded and light, and the beauty of that, yeah.
Siddhananda: She came, floating from above, and that's exactly what she looks like (studying the statue and looking at it in wonder).
G: hmm hmm
Siddhananda: Nice! Oh, got a little lightness here ... coming. Alright! Can't beat it.
G: (laughing) We could use that.
Siddhananda: Yeeess ... ooohhh.
Diamond Transformation
Siddhananda: (showing a rock) Okay, so we've got another little selenium piece, and it is a square piece (almost), but we don't know. Squares aren't always square (closing here eyes).
G: (chuckling)
Siddhananda: I'm still getting some imagery of her (Mother Mary). She's pretty vibratory there, but I'll just [see] if we can work with [that] now. She's got a presence there (pointing to the Mary statue). Okay, so now we're focused on this stone. I'm not sure if she's helping with (this spirit) already. I'm feeling a connection with her that [makes it] a little hard for me to focus here, but it's okay. Let's see what happens (closing her eyes).
G: She's here to do some work, so that's good.
Siddhananda: Yeah, she's doing it, because I can feel her there, but it's going to shift what's happening here. So, this boxy little stone is there. It does have a bit of darkness around it. I do feel her putting light into it already. Okay, it's getting clearer, and now I see (a vision) of a diamond coming from it. There's a diamond, and then above that diamond, it is kind of shadowy. It's got a bit of blackness there ... (pausing). It's really growing quite a diamond (all of the sudden)! (chuckling with amazement). Thank you for your help (laughing in wonder)!
G: Yeah, sounds like she's really working to burn away the dross, and the shadow.
Siddhananda: Wow ... she's no joke!
G: Whatever needs to go, she's helping with that... to get rid of that.
Siddhananda: She's burning up anything here ... I'm kind of all ... (rolling her eyes up, sticking her tongue out one side of her mouth).
G: (smiling)
Siddhananda: Okay, there's nothing but a diamond there. I don't know what else to say.
G: Yeah. So, it's transformed as we sat here.
Siddhananda: Done deal!
G: So, yeah. It's ready to go on its journey. Thank you for that (placing her hand on her heart). She just transformed it really rapidly.
Siddhananda: She's no joke. I just have to settle with it, because I am feeling a little ... (gesturing to indicate some disequilibrium) ... with this new energy that she's transmitting over there.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: My heart gets a little pound-y, ... but she's good ... she's goood.
G: We'll never turn down that help, you know (laughing).
Siddhananda: No. No, not ... ever ... with that kind of thing!
G: Any of the masters, and Mary, and the other beings there that are there to aid humanity ... of course, we'd never turn away that help.
Siddhananda: No, no!
G: That's wonderful that they are there to aid, and we're lucky to be a part of this journey ... whatever little part we can do (chuckling).
Siddhananda: That's it, ...we are just a little instrument.
G: (laughing) Our little, minuscule ... (laughing) ... part in it.
Siddhananda: Oh, yeah, ... in the bigger cosmos, it's just a dot, if that. No, I'll get used to it. It's just a new feeling. She's there, and i am seeing her (vision) every time i shut my eyes.
Straightening What Was Crooked
Siddhananda: (showing a striated stone) This one has a little bit of black. It's got some purple, too, ... like a stripe down it. She (her grace) is there (laughing in a little burst).
G: Sounds like she's come in to do a lot of work with some of the ones that are waiting today. Maybe, there were some there waiting that she could work with, and, so, she showed up to do that. Sometimes that will happen.
Siddhananda: No doubt. So, she's there. What I see, all of a sudden, when I shut my eyes [is] ... I see a box and a triangle.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: This is what i am seeing in my mind.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: I still feel her there.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: i am seeing a little bit of red and i am hearing ... ... "taking away deformities, or taking away that which wasn't straight, ... or was crooked, ... or that which didn't work." That's what she is doing.
G: So, she's doing the straightening, and bringing it back to center.
Siddhananda: ... like bones that are broken (gesturing to indicate putting bones back together).
G: Yeah, she's bringing it back to center, clarity, and some healing.
Siddhananda: Yeah! I see a broken bone, and all she does is (gesturing showing a broken bone that is now made straight) Boom! Light! Done!
G: Yeah, she's putting it back together again.
Siddhananda: Done deal!
G: Yeah!
Siddhananda: So, I see a skeleton, and she's just going through the whole system (indicating the energy rapidly going through and straightening everything). And now it is done! (shrugging).
G: Yeah, whatever they were holding and things, she just took care of it right away.
Siddhananda: She's a master!
G: When I see that square and the triangle, and all of those things, it's that foundation, and then that energy that's absolutely been funneled into a point, ... (bringing the hands from the outer corners of a triangle to meet at its apex) ... and taking care of those things.
Siddhananda: Yeah, she definitely did that.
G: Those are the symbols of the order ... the square, and the circle, the triangle, and the cross.
Siddhananda: Interesting. Well, it's bringing in a different type of feel to the work today.
Siddhananda: (showing a crystalline rock) Well, it's bringing in a different feel to the work today at this moment.
G: Very loving, very grounded...
Siddhananda: Yeah!
G: ...but no joke. We're just getting it done, and that's it.
Siddhananda: For sure. She's a healer ... big time! This energy ... it's Mary...Virgin Mary, energy. I don't know what else to say. She's no joke ... in just such good way (closing her eyes). So, there she is, again, ... I see the heart (her heart). I do see this [other] energy here. It's black. I see some white roses coming from it. Okay, again, just the same thing. This being is filled with impurities, and she's getting rid of it (shrugging her shoulders).
G: She's cleaning it up.
Siddhananda: That's it.
G: She's doing housecleaning ... serious housecleaning this morning!
Siddhananda: (laughing) Man! The way she does this ... you wouldn't believe it!
G: She just goes in and changes their heart ... just changes it, yeah (shaking head).
Siddhananda: It's in alignment with what needs to be in alignment...., with the cosmos..
G: Right, she can raise those vibrations and get that in alignment. The other can't be there. It's just gone ... it's gone. It'll be gone.
Siddhananda: That's the thing. There are some red roses, and they're changing to white and then red. She said, ... this being was filled with impurities, and... whoosh! She's done with it now (laughing in amazement). Okay, BOOM!
G: (laughing with Siddhananda) So, today is fast track.
Siddhananda: Oh, my Lord! I think she is the same Mary i saw with the lotuses (referring to a vision she had of Mary outside her door in which there was a path to her lined with lotuses).
G: We may not have a lot of stories going on today. It's just fast track healing, and that's fine, too.
Siddhananda: (laughing) Because, she just gets into the energy of the whole thing.
G: Exactly. So, if anybody really wants to be worked with on an energetic level, open yourself up to her. I'm sure she would be more than happy to help aid working on you in the heart center, and straightening out those energies.
Siddhananda: Yeah, I know she's come here and cleared a lot of that, and she still is. So, I feel very grateful for that.
Siddhananda: (showing a white, square shaped stone) Okay, selenium (closing her eyes). (Mother Mary) is saying, they are getting it in order. She is getting it in order for this soul ... lining it up right.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: So, I see some kind of DNA ... (gesturing to show how the energy is rapidly moving straight up).
G: Yeah, DNA healing. Like I said, there's a lot of planetary changes when this opened up. I mean, there's going to be some radical changes, that can take place. So, yeah, it's great. Even for healing up the DNA and everything.
Siddhananda: You see the spiral of that DNA, which is like the snake dance, too. You know, the way they spiral.
G: Yeah, right. It's like the kundalini. The kundalini works on the DNA. It does work on that as well.
Siddhananda: So, she's (Mother Mary) in there working on the DNA on a molecular level. There's a dance of light in there. She's right in there. She's going deep. Okay, this being had a lot caught in their cellular memory and their cellular energy. That's where she goes. (chuckling in amazement).
G: Yeah, you've got to clear out that cellular memory. I mean, it can be very deep ... for life times and life times ... eons of stuff. So, if they can go in and energetically clean that out, it's like wiping the slate clean. It just takes away so much stuff that you'd have to be processing, and processing, and processing ... endlessly.
Siddhananda: Ugh ... endless ... lifetimes!
G: Such grace! Grace just coming in and wiping that slate clean for those that would accept it. Of course, it can't be done against their free will, but if they're open to it, she can come in. She'd be happy to do that, and really just wipe the slate clean.
Siddhananda: I guess, she's figuring that if you're here, then you are open it ... you're ready. Why did you come? She's not even asking. If you're here, and if it's actually penetrating in there, it's done! Okay, bye (laughing).
G: (laughing) That's it. Yeah, it won't penetrate if you're not open to it.
Siddhananda: Yeah, that's it.
G: I don't care who it is ... Christ, Mary ... even the God energy directly, just that without any type of a face on it ... you have free will.
Siddhananda: That's the thing. It won't go in.
G: No, absolutely not. Nobody is constrained against their free will. You have to be open. Like I said, "on the altar of Truth I lay myself", and be open to it. If you're not open to it, and you're guarded with it, and you just say it ... some people just say it, but they're not fully committed to it ... if you're not fully committed to it, and you hold back one iota, it's not going to penetrate.
Siddhananda: That's the thing. So, either it's going to work and go in, or it won't. So, she doesn't even ask. She just does it.
G: Exactly, but like I said, when you lay yourself on that altar of Truth, you really have to 100% give yourself over, and totally let go. You can't hold one iota back, and then it has that space to pull one in immediately ... into that grace.
Siddhananda: When you're ripe, or maybe, you just have one little thread, or whatever is there.
G: Moving along very rapidly this morning (smiling).
Siddhananda: Yes, we are, indeed.
Siddhananda: Okay, so I see white lotuses on my hands, which I do see sometimes. Lotuses all over me again, okay! (both G and S smiling and laughing) Anyway, so we’ll go there… There is a lotus (image) on this stone and it is a very sparkly lotus with a diamond center… She's there, too… Mary energy ( or pure energy), is really all that I can say. I see a transmission ( of light) coming from her into that diamond and it's making it glow more. It’s making it clear. You can see how (the diamond) has all the little cuts in it...and now, I see a beam of light coming from it.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: It just brings tears to my eyes the way she, (her grace) is there (doing this amazing work). (tearing up) It's all good!
G: All good. So she's cleaning this soul up, making it into a beautiful diamond that was not so pure (in the beginning).
Siddhananda: That’s right.
G: Now it's a D flawless.
Siddhananda: That’s it. Exactly. (laughing)
G: She's taking one that was like salt.
Siddhananda: Yeah, that’s it.
G: That's worth nothing and turned it into an absolutely beautiful D flawless without any impurities whatsoever. Just totally beautiful. And if one has seen the difference between a diamond that is very cloudy with all the impurities in it, and one that's just absolutely clear, sparkling, (hands gesturing outwards from closed to open)...At that point, all the beautiful rainbows and things can come from it. It just reflects so beautifully.
Siddhananda: And it's so nice when you were going like this. (mimicking G’s hand movements) I saw some diamonds coming from your hands. (laughing)
G: (laughing) I like that. Diamonds coming from your hands. (hand gesturing with hands going outward again) Diamonds for everyone! (sending them out to the viewers)
Siddhananda: That was nice. And when your hands were held out, there is a big diamond in each hand.
G: All these big diamonds.
Siddhananda: Yeah. You have the wonderful diamonds coming from your hands, it’s so nice. And I have lotus blossoms on mine.
G: You get lotuses and I get diamonds. We’ll take those.
Siddhananda: Yeah, you got the diamond pointings there you know.
G: The diamond pointings, right, and all of them reflect in that beautiful light.
Siddhananda: Yeah! Exactly.
G: That's what we do. They touch you like a diamond faceted, all the different facets of life, reflecting one to the other and the beauty of it. But, still one has to be clear and have the clarity so that everything just goes through and doesn't get stuck there.
Siddhananda: Exactly.
G: So that it reflects in that beauty.
Siddhananda: Facets, that’s the word.
G: Facets of life.
Siddhananda: That's what's there. Alright! Back to this quick transformation process.
Siddhananda: (closing eyes) Okay, there’s a lotus in my heart. She (Mother Mary) is there, that little rock’s there. Same kind of thing. Okay, this being needs cleaning out of something, I’m hearing. She’s telling what they need and that’s the end of it.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Needs cleaning out of… (closing eyes) What is that? (cascading her fingers up and down her body) Nads. The nads?
G: (nodding) The nadi system. Yeah.
Siddhananda: I’m seeing the nadi system in my mind.
G: Yeah, the nadi system. That’s all the electrical system and the nadis and all the points go there. Yeah, it’s a huge, vast system.
Siddhananda: So, what she’s doing is connecting them right in a way...making those links…
G: Yeah, sometimes they can be broken. The links and everything are not flowing smoothly. It’s like wires have been cut.
Siddhananda: Right.
G: And things are not connected.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: So, she’s connecting and cleaning out the nadi system.
Siddhananda: Exactly, I see that nadi system (in my mind) with her (grace) there. This time, I’m seeing her hands move rapidly (moving her fingers around quickly).
G: Connecting the nadi system.
Siddhananda: And she's just connecting the dots correctly.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: What can I say? So that they are in alignment. Like everything, like when the stars are in the right alignment, or the cosmos.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: You get the right energy flow.
G: Right, right. You can’t have an energy flow if the lines are disconnected or crossed or something, you get shorting out.
Siddhananda: Exactly!
G: So, the whole nadi system has to be cleaned up and everything needs to be in alignment.
Siddhananda: The right connections.
G: Connections. Right.
Siddhananda: With this being, too, what I notice is the Third Eye and she’s cleaning the Third Eye. (putting her fingers between her eyes in rapid sweeping motions)
G: Right, this is why we don’t do the Third Eye meditations.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: Because you just get so much garbage and things (collected) there that is unneeded.
Siddhananda: Right.
G: So, that’s good she’s able to clean that and take care of that. And bring (this soul) back to heart center. Yeah.
Siddhananda: Right. She (Mother Mary) is now touching her (own) heart.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: And she’s feeling like this soul now has more substance. It’s more connected with the earth and where it needs to be connected. It was off somewhere else.
G: Yeah. Give them some grounding. Bring them back to reality. Bring them back to a viable center where they can expand from in a genuine way.
Siddhananda: Right. You have to be kind of plugged in a certain way.
G: Right otherwise no matter what comes to you, it’s not going to get in there.
Siddhananda: It won’t work.
G: Right, it won’t work. You can’t generate. You can’t do that if the (soul) is not prepared. Just like, you can’t awaken kundalini if somebody’s not prepared.
Siddhananda: Sure.
G: …in a certain way. If things are disconnected in a form, then it’s difficult for that.
Siddhananda: Sure. Exactly. The right conditions.
G: The right conditions have to be in place for that. And again, once kundalini is opened, it’s opened and it’s a Roto Rooter service. So, again, it’s not something one wants to play with unless they are ready to go forward and have all those things expunged and everything brought to the surface to be reviewed and let go of. (Because) once that opens, it can’t be closed. There is no closing (it).
Siddhananda: Exactly.
G: Unless she knows something that I don’t know on how to close it. We could ask her if there is a way to close that for people that have errantly opened it.
Siddhananda: Okay (pausing)..She (Mary) is like this (putting her index finger to her lips).
Siddhananda: I’m seeing something come together… (closing eyes) Some energies are coming together (bringing both hands out and then together).
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Alignment, I’m hearing. I do see a door open, then close. But, I can’t quite put the whole thing together yet.
G: We’ll have to sit with that for a little bit.
Siddhananda: It feels as if once it’s opened, it’s opened (for good).
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: I’m seeing the door stay open.
G: Yeah, it’s a secret thing (referring to the gesture of the index finger to the lips)..... that once it’s opened, it’s opened.
Siddhananda: I’m so glad you are able to connect the dots.
G: It’s a secret of the mysteries and, yeah, it’s very potent. Once it’s open, that door is opened. Those mysteries are opened.
Siddhananda: Now I’m seeing better, (her presence) is there. She looks like this (closing her eyes with index finger to her lips). And beside her is a door that’s open and (she, Mother Mary, is gesturing with her other hand towards the open door) and (through that open door) i see the moon and the stars. And that door is open, and it’s staying open.
G: Yeah, so you can’t close it. Once that’s open, it’s open. It’s part of the mysteries. And that’s why you don’t play around with that and unfortunately things have been given out that shouldn’t have been given out so easily. But, yeah, it’s part of the mysteries and once that mystery is opened, it (remains) opened.
Siddhananda: That’s pretty much the feeling. That door is staying open into the cosmos.
G: Yeah, and this is why it's the mysteries. It's not given to all at one time. It's (gesturing with finger on lips).
Siddhananda: Yeah, she's (gesturing with finger on lips).
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: That's what she's doing.
G: That's why still at this point, i'm sitting with if the cos should be given out online or not, because it can open that door. Maybe, it's the time for that door to be open, maybe it's not. If she is still doing this (finger on lips), then maybe it's still not time for the mysteries to be open for all.
Siddhananda: Yeah, she is doing that.
G: So, maybe it's not to be given to all. There's my answer.
Siddhananda: Caution.
G: Caution. Yeah, it has to be given in the right way. They have to be prepared and understand what they're getting.
Siddhananda: Sure, like what if you don't know and you're doing it in your regular life just to feel better, and that opens and ooh...
G: And that's not what it's for. It's there to open to the mysteries. It's there to open to that Universe. It's there to open that door to walk through to those mysteries. If one is just playing, then they're not ready for it.
Siddhananda: That's the thing. It is being spread more now even with the spirits, but, it is a tough choice to make.
G: Well, it is hard, because it can help much of humanity, those that are on a spiritual path, it can help and aid them. But, again, it can awaken kundalini and one has to understand the importance of that and what that's there to do.
Siddhananda: And that's such a major thing if that truly opens.
G: So, we can ask her, if they come to this Path and they have that openness, would she be willing to work with that, work with those energies to clear them up and keep everything in alignment, work with the nadi systems and those things to make it easier for them.
Siddhananda: Okay.
G: If kundalini is awakened with them, she can obviously work the nadi system and the dna system, would she work with them while they are in corporeal form, to make those connections and aid, or something that we can do to make those connections and make that much more easier journey for people.
Siddhananda: Good question. So far, she seems open to answering the questions.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: (pause) i see her with the hands up (gesturing Mary posture with her hands up and arms open), i see her heart beaming.
G: Yeah. To me that tells yes, that it is open for that blessings to be received.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: That tells me that if one is in the sanctity of that, then that can be worked with.
Siddhananda: i think also that if one is open, if they are sincere in their heart..
G: Right, if they are in their heart center and they are asking for that aid, if they are in that sanctity, then that can come in and be worked with.
Siddhananda: Absolutely. i see some white roses coming into her heart and the light is there.
G: hmm hmm. So, even if you are in corporeal form, still that can be worked with. If one is open to that and asks for that aid, and is really sincerely asking and is ready to give up the control of that, then that can be offered, that can be given.
Siddhananda: Oh yeah, i'm sure. It's not just an out-of-body thing.
G: It's not an out of body thing. It's easier for her to work with them because they are more on an energetic level, they are not so clinging to things as people are with the fears they have and the other things that are going on.
Siddhananda: Right. Pure energy, boom.
G: Yeah, pure energy, it's easier than if one is in that transient mind and focused on so many other things that's going on here in the transient Universe.
Siddhananda: All i can say is i have seen her image with all the lotuses and these things are shifting here, i'm sure, in terms of openings and things.
G: Oh yeah, things are definitely shifting. For sure, things are going to become more and more open as time goes by. This is the beginning of some really big shifts for people that are on a path of seeking. There can be much more help readily available than there has been.
Siddhananda: And quicker cleansing.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And one thing, and this is me speaking, [about] the dead energy. Get moving, guys! (smiling). We have so much time in this body and really just open up! Believe. Come. It's here.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: i want to just put that out there really strongly. Connect with nature. Connect with your heart. Connect with spirit.
G: (nodding).
Siddhananda: You don't have to commune with words and those things, but, just with your heart. These things will start flowing. It's just what's here. Please.
G: Exactly!
Heart to Heart
Siddhananda: Okay, so there she is (referring to Mother Mary). i see the rock there. (long pause). Mary is saying, this being is not sensitive at all.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: So, she is beaming her light in to this stone.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: Imparting some knowledge.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Lucky thing!
G: It's getting grace, lot of grace today.
Siddhananda: Imparting knowledge of compassion.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: Compassion and how that is a key to opening.
G: Compassion is a key to opening, yeah. Especially, if you have been a victim of trauma, you have to develop compassion for the ones that have harmed you. If you can develop compassion, then you have absolutely an open door for healing for yourself.
Siddhananda: hmm hmm.
G: But, compassion is the key.
Siddhananda: Compassion for others, it then comes and opens your own heart.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: The light that comes from her (Mary) are like moon beams, really, and they just go right in like lasers.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: And she's got her hand to her heart as she does this work. (gesturing)
G: Yeah. She's heart to heart.
Siddhananda: Yeah. There is some flowering in there. There's a little darkness on that flower, she is working to clean the petals. She is just cleaning those petals.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And i see them growing brighter and brighter, by the second, literally!
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And under the petals i see some (mudra) hands (like a flowering), like an open heart (gesturing heart opening)
G: Yeah, open the heart.
Siddhananda: That's what she is doing for this soul. (pause). It has been transformed to a gold flower now. (hand on heart)
G: So, they're ready to go on their way and continue their journey. (gesturing namaste)
Siddhananda: From coal to diamond! (smiling)
G: Such grace, such grace, such grace today.
Siddhananda: Really! And who would have ever thought it, we don't know.
G: We never know.
Siddhananda: Did we know!
G: No, we never know when it's coming.
Half Pure
Siddhananda: Okay, so she's there (referring to Mother Mary). She has some darkness around her, portraying that there is darkness on half of this soul and the other half is white.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: She's showing half where there was a nun and half that has not lived right (gesturing with hands).
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Again, she reads it like a book, their life.
G: Right, she does the soul revealing. It's like the Akashic records. It's like a book of all your journey, all your lifetimes, and she can read that immediately, what it is and what it's not.
Siddhananda: Yeah! So, you can't hide from the Universe, bottom line.
G: You can't hide from that, it's an open record for them.
Siddhananda: You may outwardly say you're all this, but inside..
G: But, if you haven't lived it right, like i said, what God judges is the hearts and minds, doesn't matter what your actions were. If you did an action that looked like it was pious but if your heart and mind was dark, then i don't care how pious the outside action looked, you're not fooling anyone.
Siddhananda: That's exactly it. So, what she reads is the heart (gesturing with hands on heart).
G: Right, it is the heart.
Siddhananda: But the outer is another thing.
G: You could have killed somebody, but if it wasn't in your heart and mind to do it out of anger, out of that, then it is a much less karmic problem than if you had done it out of anger. If you had done it out of protection or something else, that's what is read, is the heart and the mind behind whatever the action is.
Siddhananda: That's right. That's just showing the whole thing in one quick image, [half] nun and [half] darkness. They're two disconnected things, they're not in alignment with the purity.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: She is showing that with her own self, which is striking, although she is present in the same purity.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, she's taking it on (or reflecting that on her own self).
G: She's taking it on and going to (gesturing clearing) at that point. That's what happens sometimes when you're working with someone, something gets taken on and it gets transmuted.
Siddhananda: Totally! So, what i see is she's taking it, and she has a knife and went (gesturing cutting motion), and she took the nun part (that purity), and then she's working with her hands on that part (gesturing working with hands).
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: It's really striking. She is purifying that and making that whole (gesturing purifying and building motion), and that darkness is [gone to the side].
G: Right. To get rid of that darkness and just keep that one part and expand that to the whole.
Siddhananda: Yeah. And now i'm seeing a full nun.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Not that this person has to be a nun, but that represents purity, it represents strength, it represents character, and being able to go through the hardships and staying in alignment with that is what the nun represents.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: She is working with her hands (gesturing working motion with hands) and she is giving back a whole nun, a whole being.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: And that's done. (hand on heart).
G: Thank you for that. (gesturing namaste).
Siddhananda: Geez, huh? We're looking at a master here. (laughing)
G: Getting rid of the dross in one fell swoop, boom.
Siddhananda: Makes our work look like a slug, right? (laughing)
G: (laughing)
Siddhananda: No, not totally (laughing), but, it's on a another level, let's face it.
G: Oh, one could say that, yes (laughing).
Siddhananda: Entirely different level. We bumped this up, people!
G: There are levels and then there are LEVELS! (laughing)
Siddhananda: This is, i would say, the highest level (laughing).
G: We're down here at the peon level and she's at the pinnacle (laughing).
Siddhananda: We're trying to count (the rocks) and we would do this and that and she's like wooosh, done! Oh, what was i just doing, it didn't even matter!
G: (laughing)
Siddhananda: i barely said a word and it was done.
G: Exactly!
Dark shadow energy
Siddhananda: There she is, there's this rock. It doesn't look good in this stone, it looks a little bit like it had some darker devilish energy.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: She is just taking that thing by the horn. She is not even bothered by it (smiling).
G: Yeah. No, for why? It's a shadow, it has no substance.
Siddhananda: Not even bothered by it. She has it by the horns and she's just (gesturing a cleansing motion).
G: Just shows it. It has nothing, it's nothing.
Siddhananda: She's not changed, not bothered, not affected.
G: Of course not! It has no power against that Light, one hundred percent not. It has absolutely no power against that Light that she is.
Siddhananda: It keeps wanting to re-form, but, she's just taking it back and continuing to work with it, flushing it out.
G: Yeah. Flush it. They want to take that back because for them it's what they know. She keeps throwing it away and it's known.
Siddhananda: Yeah. And i keep hearing "no ego", "no ego". i'm hearing that.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And again it's showing that devil ego, but, i think it's that shadow.
G: It's a shadow.
Siddhananda: And, with her hands that are just made of light, there is this stream now (gesturing flowing motion)'s not so solid looking (anymore), it's streaming and it's in that water just becoming a reflection of this devily-looking thing.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: It's flushing. Just continues to work.
G: Yeah, because she's not confused by what it is and what it's not. Absolutely not! She knows that the heart, at the center, is that purity.
Siddhananda: Right.
G: One has to dig to find that Light. It's there somewhere (smiling). Just get rid of the rest of it that's [covering] (gesturing a cleansing with hands).
Siddhananda: Right. Even in the worst conditions, it is there.
G: Exactly. It is still there.
Siddhananda: And she is barely [touched by it].. it is so interesting to see her just there as the same (purity), just working (unflustered). I do see her hands, just quick quick quick (gesturing clearing with hands), no ego, flushing out, done. (smiling).
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: So, it's clear, it's clear, it's clear. there are some flowers, some lotuses (emerging)...i see the lotuses coming and this other (darker energy) is way down the line, going into the dirt, being absorbed.
G: Such grace, such grace! Now, they have the opportunity to go forward and stay in that grace. If they take it back again, then that's on them. Once they have what they call the blaspheming the Holy Spirit, then there is no reprieve from that. If, at that point, they chose darkness, there is no reprieve for them.
Siddhananda: Sure, because that's their choice. This is a good chance for this soul.
G: This is an absolute chance of grace, because they have been brought back to wholeness and purity and they have that chance to go forward in that Light. If they chose, at that point, to back into darkness, there would be nothing that could be done for that soul.
Siddhananda: Yeah. One fell swoop, let's face it.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: So, there's just a nice running stream there. There's still some gurgling in the sewer over there, and then they've got the lotus flowers with the clear running [stream]. It's gonna go quick. So, they're good. (hand on heart).
G: Yes. (smiling). Namaste.
Siddhananda: The master at work! The Goddess!
G: So, we can ask her if that's true, that you can blaspheme against things, but if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and the Holy workings, then there is no reprieve from that.
Siddhananda: She did nod. She did nod.
G: Yeah. You can't call that which is holy, evil. If you do that, you have totally gone within that, then there is nothing that can be done for that one at that point.
Siddhananda: Oh yeah, because you have a choice.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: With all this, i see a block, like a black stone, you've moved in that by your own hand, consciously.
G: If it's done consciously, knowingly, that one blasphemes that, then again there is nothing that can be done for that one at that point.
Siddhananda: She gave a nod.
G: So, this is Grace. Even though they have so much darkness surrounding them at that point, they have not broached that. So, there is that forgiveness, there is that ability to be totally cleansed of that. We hope that they go forward and choose the Light.
Siddhananda: Right. They had a chance here. Let's hope that they remain, because they've got clear water, lotuses, can't beat it, come on!
G: Get the beauty now (smiling).
Go to the root
Siddhananda: So, there she is. The stone is there. Rising up from it, there is a tree. From that tree, some of the branches are blossoming that are not good, it's not healthy, some of it.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: I am hearing something about get to the *cause* (of the poor health of the tree)...she is going to the root of it versus the branches. She says no, you don't just knock off the branches, you go to the root.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Her light is going to the root of this tree. I see light around the root, where there was some [thing] like how it gets clogged up when someone waters it too much.
G: Right, it's water-logged and stuff, yeah.
Siddhananda: And then molds and all sorts of things happening at the root, which is creating this. So, she is there....working, tending the soil underneath it.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: i see her working her hands in the soil. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty (smiling).
G: Not afraid to get dirty (smiling). Will get down and dirty if you have to (smiling).
Siddhananda: Here she is, no problem. So, she is working with the roots, bringing some fresh air in there and some light to the root of it.
G: Yeah, you get to the heart, the center of whatever it is and deal with it there. You can't just take care of the little outside things, that's not going to do it. You have to really get to the heart of the matter, whatever it is, and work from there, straighten it out, for sure.
Siddhananda: Right. And i do see a picture in my mind of those should get to the root of that thing with *me and mine*, the i (or ego)...just get in there, dislodge that and clear it out.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, that's what she's doing and this light is coming upward from the root and it's coming up into the trunk and into the branches, and then i'm seeing more light, it's like a blood flow of life.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: There's birds in the tree, there's blossoming. There's cherry blossoms, thank you! (smiling). i love her! (hand on heart). i love her and she loves me (smiling). All love, be all love.
G: (smiling).
Siddhananda: So, there's some blossoms, there's bees buzzing around, there's butterflies.
G: So, it has become healthy again.
Siddhananda: It's healthy and vibrant, compared to what it was.
G: It's gone from dying on the vine to giving life and then replenishing and giving back.
Siddhananda: Beautiful thing, we got the sun there, we got the birds, we got health. (hand on heart).
G: Yeah. (hand on heart).
Siddhananda: Can't beat that.
G: Yeah, once you get to a healthy state, you give back. At that point, you give back to the Universe.
Siddhananda: All the animals are there and they get their food, the birds are there. Perfect.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: Perfect way to put it. i love the way you put it, just broadens out these images.
G: So, that's what happens. It's not just about getting healthy yourself. Once you are healthy, then you start giving back to the Universe. You become a blessing to the Universe as well.
Siddhananda: That's a perfect way to put it. What a great way to end this, really.
G: So, we're going to ask just before we close off, if she has any other messages, any other things that would aid us to give to others. If there is anything that she'd like to say that would be beneficial to us or others.
Siddhananda: (closing eyes). So, i see her, she is like this (finger on mouth, as if shushing), and the door is open to the cosmos... there are a few stairs there.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: i do see the door and then it is shut. That's what i'm seeing. i'm trying to get a feel of what's happening with the door open and then shut.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: In terms of aid to others, i see some blood red, life force.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: You have to be in that life force.
G: And it opens and it closes, the door, that's it.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: The door can open and it can close.
Siddhananda: It is about ripeness. If they have not tilled that soil.. you have to do that work.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Otherwise, you can only give for the level they're at.
G: Exactly. You cannot give for everyone. They have to be at a certain ripeness to be able to get things.
Siddhananda: i see the soil, i see the blood red of the life force, also some bleeding that comes with the suffering and compassion, and then some roses and lotuses floating on top of that, which is odd but it's not, it's that suffering.
G: Right. It comes through that. Every one has to, in one sense, carry their own cross and do their own path and surrendering and doing what's needed to go forward, absolutely.
Siddhananda: And to not be afraid of that suffering. Just open to whatever and let it take it's own flowering and time.
G: Yeah. Compassion develops from that, too.
Siddhananda: Yeah, absolutely.
G: When one has suffered and gone through that, then that heart of compassion opens for humanity, for sure.
Siddhananda: And i did see a quick flash as you were speaking, she is holding her son like that (gesturing Mary holding Jesus in arms). It's not a pretty picture of him, but, she is there, holding him.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: She has flowered from that, people!
G: Right. It comes out of that pain. It's like the pearl of great price. That's what the pearl of great price is. The pearls are never created, it's an irritant that's put in the shell, a piece of sand, and that oyster's crying. It's not an easy thing that's building up this pearl, it's years of suffering that made that pearl. So, you have to face that within your self to get that pearl of great price. Understand what that is. (smiling).
Siddhananda: i think it has to do with your own journey (hand on heart).
G: Right. It's your own journey. It's the sand and the irritants that come within your own journey that create that pearl, and it takes time to create it.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: So, that's quite a note to end on, for now.
G: We will leave it at that, absolutely. Namaste (gesturing namaste).
Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste).
A Blank Slate
Siddhananda: (showing a small green stone) Here's a nice green one. Okay, they have a book open, and I see words on that book. I do see a misty feel of Mother Mary there still. Her grace, her presence, is there. Let's see what happens. I can engage her, or not, I suppose. Does it matter to you (asking G)?
G: No.
Siddhananda: So, she's got some lasers going into that book. She's reading it... the book of their (the spirit's) soul, ...of whatever deeds, misdeeds, and everything in between is in that book. What she's doing is putting lotus blossoms on each page and erasing that writing. There's a blank slate to begin fresh. So, that's happening, and now I see some light. It was pretty gentle and pretty quick (placing her hand on her heart).
G: Namaste, thank you (bringing her hands together in the namaste gesture).
Black Magic
Siddhananda: I’m going to bring out this one just in curiosity. (holding up a rock) He was a little funny over there, so I’m not sure about him. First I heard black magic, but then I held him in my hand and I felt ashes. And he said, “No, no, no! I surrender.” So, we’ll see what happens, if he’s actually open or not. (closing eyes) Okay, so there is some black darkness coming from this stone. And Mother Mary is there. There’s some light happening. Okay, I’m hearing, “I surrender! I surrender!” in there. So he’s feeling it. He’s feeling it.
G: That’s the best thing he can do is surrender. Give all of that up and let go of all of it.
Siddhananda: Yeah, he’s down on his knees and that light (from Mother Mary) is coming into that shell that he thinks he has protected himself in this lingam, which is not the case.
G: He tried to hide but it doesn’t work.
Siddhananda: Yeah. So it’s coming down on him and he’s down (cowering). She (Mother Mary) is a little gentler today, so far anyway. It’s not as “Arrr!” (laughing) But we’ll see what happens. So, she (Mother Mary) has her hands like this (crossing hands over heart) in kind of a soft way, but the energy is still really getting in. Her light is like the sun. Sun rays! So, it’s changing now, and that image of him down there. Just, “No, no, no. I surrender!” is shifting to more of a… I’m trying to see... (closing eyes) It looks like a lotus and then just light. Just pure light. That was a pretty quick transformation, okay! I think he’s okay at this point. I actually I see written in my head is COS. Is that okay for him?
G: Yeah. It’s a much better practice than what he has been doing.
Siddhananda: Yeah, with the other, with whatever. Yeah.
G: Right. Right. He’s been misusing and abusing for personal power, so he needs to let go of that and do Cos.
Siddhananda: The black magic and stuff. Right. That’s not the way to do it.
G: No.
Seek the Protection of Grace
Siddhananda: Okay, here is this one. (showing a rock) The little black lines are pretty, huh? What’s the name of this? (showing G) You said you knew? It’s a little marbley with the lines.
G: It looks like maybe it’s a jasper of some sort.
Siddhananda: Ooh! You look closer at all the details of these rocks. There is even a tiny bit of red in there.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: Really kind of cool. (long pause, closing eyes) Okay, they are afraid to go inward.
G: Why?
Siddhananda: They might encounter something they don’t like. Well, yeah, that does happen!
G: Yeah. You are going to encounter yourself.
Siddhananda: And it’s not always pretty. And sometimes it’s not what you think, too… as it opens up, and unfolds.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, I see an image in my mind, of opening the heart and the hands on the heart. (closing eyes). She (Mother Mary) is communicating more with her heart and saying there is nothing to be afraid of. Just what you say as well. Have no fear and seek the protection of grace.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: Seek grace and that’s what will carry you to that lotus, to that beauty. So, they are requesting some practices as well.
G: They can do the “Om That I Am,” the “I Am That I Am” and the COS.
Siddhananda: Okay, always a nice mixture. Okay, here you go. (passing rock to G) It’s nice to have a little help from Mary over there, huh?
G: Yeah.
Healing an Edge of Darkness
Siddhananda: She (Mother Mary) is not as potent feeling today, but certainly still getting in. So, everyday is different. You never know. (showing rock) There is some yellow in this one.
G: She’s in a softer mode today.
Siddhananda: A little bit. Still penetrating, it’s not any different. I think there is not as much of a hard casing on some of these, too.
G: Could be.
Siddhananda: No one can say. It’s just here and we’re going to enjoy it while it’s here. (closing eyes) Okay, I did see her image fading a bit. I’m going into this energy and see what they need. She’s appearing again, more in just her upper face and shoulders.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: We will just see.
G: Maybe she’s doing work in other places.
Siddhananda: She comes in a lot of different forms sometimes. So, I see this rock in my mind with that bit of yellow or gold in it and the gold all of the sudden becomes like a gold light. There is light coming from the gold aspect of it.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: The light cuts part of the stone in half. It’s cutting with that gold light. It’s sharp. It’s severing that stone. So there is one part of the stone that has been cut and you see that falling over and it leaves another part of the stone. So, let’s see what’s in the different parts of the stone.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: Because they are cut away. One end was just really dark and it has been cut away.
G: So, yeah. They are releasing, letting go of a bunch of stuff. That’s good.
Siddhananda: For sure. They are lucky to have it done that way. And the other, I do see light, but it isn’t a whole stone. So, what I see the light doing is making it whole.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: And complete. And that shadow, the darker part, is just there. I’m seeing it becoming more of a lump.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: (The light is) absorbing that (darker) part of the stone. I feel like she is still there doing her work, even though I don’t see her so much. It’s just that type of work, of that healing, knitting together and making something complete.
G: Right. Continue to work with those energies.
Siddhananda: Yeah, with the light in that way. So, we’ve got a whole stone here and then we’ve got that little lump of darkness. I don’t think it’s going to last too long. So, I just think it’s quite fine now.
G: It’s on its way processing.
Siddhananda: Processing for sure.
Butterfly Healing
Siddhananda: Okay, (showing a blue candy-like stone), i always think of spearmint or something, with that. Don't you?
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: (pause) Gosh, i just have to say what i'm hearing.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: i heard, "rectal bleeding, hemorrhoid!" (quizzical look).
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: That's what they have.
G: Okay. What else do they have to say?
Siddhananda: They have it and they're uncomfortable.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: Okay, there's her energy. This one has been standing for a long time, and they're tired, quite frankly.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: They just want to be free of their wounds.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: They're saying, "cleanse me, please! Cleanse me of this open wound."
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: I see their body and their lower body is more dark. For some reason, the energy is caught there.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: (pause) So, here comes Mary, and there is a butterfly kind of energy being transmitted from her that is white. It is coming into this being, fluttering around. It's white, it's translucent, and it's fluttering around.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And (as i said) the darkness is more in the lower half of this being.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, it's working to strip away whatever is there that's holding that wound (in place).
G: Right, holding onto the identity of having a wound.
Siddhananda: Right. Also, they can't really rest.
G: Right, they just stayed stuck in that. There's no reason to have it, they're out of form. There's no corporeal form, they don't have to hang on to that. That can be energetically repaired very quickly.
Siddhananda: Right, and the way that is held is energetically, in terms of continuing to identify with that, "i need to stand all the time" mentality.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: And that butterfly (energy) is there, and i see it moving. There's more butterflies fluttering all through out the form.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: It's making everything right with this fluttering translucent energy. And the darkness is getting more grey looking.
G: Sounds like it's going in there and breaking up the energy as it goes.
Siddhananda: Exactly, because i'm seeing these dots versus a more solid looking energy.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: It's fluttering, flutter flutter flutter (smiling). I'll let you feel it, too, if you want to feel it in your body. Here it goes, flutter flutter flutter (gesturing with hands). So, anyway, it is breaking up (the darkness) and i'm seeing it go to the ground.
G: That's good.
Siddhananda: So, what i'm seeing for this being is all of a sudden they can sit. They're sitting.
G: Nice, relaxed, finally.
Siddhananda: Yeah, they can actually be with whatever is here, rather than.. they've just been feeling like they couldn't.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: It was a mental thing, in many ways. They just are so grateful they can relax finally (hand on heart).
G: (hand on heart). Glad to hear they've been healed and they're able to go forward into something a little better.
Siddhananda: Yeah, really, what a long hard thing. I think that would be true of anything that you hold for a long time, a wound or an ache or a pain, it's just symbolic of anything we can carry energetically, that we get stuck in. Energetic patterns, is what it is.
G: Right.
No Shadow
Siddhananda: (holding up a heart-shaped rock) So, we’ve got a nice sweet little heart.
G: Rose quartz.
Siddhananda: That’s what I figured. It’s got that feeling of rose quartz. The names I’m just not good at. So, I’m glad Guruji is here for that. But, it is a very pretty heart. So, right away I see a lovely heart. I’m looking at her (Mother Mary's) heart because I see the light from her heart going into this (spirit's) heart. Now, she, (Mother Mary) is in there. Actually, she’s right inside that heart with this (spirit's) heart. It’s translucent, it’s clear. I can see her there and she is emanating a gold energy of love and light. “No shadow,” she’s saying. She’s just ensuring no shadow.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Now I am seeing clear waters. I’m just going to engage with her and see what the issue was (pause). They had some shadow energy. I am hearing from a time when they went wrong or on the wrong course without awareness. Living without being aware truly of whatever their actions were, whatever their words were.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Not aware of how that creates a ripple effect.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: …through whatever people they were associated with, the animals, the plants, it’s a ripple effect. They had no awareness. “I can say whatever I want. It’s all about me.” Which a lot of ego is that way. So, she’s in there and I do see some darkness being pushed out. The image is one of her presence being pure light, and there’s some darkness around her beautiful image. And (the darkness) is just continuing to move outward, so let me ask her if the spirit needs anything else.
G: Or if it can just continue.
Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. (pause) They are okay now. They are going to continue to process.
Snake Tamer

Siddhananda: (holding up a rock) Selenium. I’ve got a big piece of selenium at home and I really like it. I like looking at it. It’s just fresh and clean. There’s something about it. It reminds me of detergent. It has a freshness to it like soap to me... Dove… back to the old Dove advertisement. Anyway, so… (closing eyes) Okay, so here is this little piece of selenium and Mary’s appearing in a different form, more like what that (statue in the healing center) looks like with the white and the blue gown, and so that’s a little different feeling of a sweetness...almost girl-like image. It’s really cute actually. It’s very sweet. Same energy though, so watch out! And here is this selenium piece and all of the sudden I see my face reflected, but I will just wave it away. “Whoo!” (waving her hands like dissolving the image) Okay, back to her, her grace. I just see her stepping on that snake. I think it’s such an interesting image. I like that… the serpent, just keeping it tame. It’s interesting. Yeah, she’s got it tamed. But anyway, interestingly, I do see a snake coming out of this stone. It’s green and black. It’s got its tongue out. And now she is showing a close up of her stepping on that snake or the serpent energy and her feet are emanating light to this soul. I’m asking her if this soul’s kundalini is out of balance. I am hearing, "It’s not moving through the right channels".
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, her feet are emanating this light and it’s translucent. There’s a lot of Shakti in the feet.
Siddhananda: So the light is coming through and this snake is just...(making a sound like its relaxing its form). Like when you see a snake tamer, it is working to relax it. So, it’s relaxed in a way that’s more in balance. It was awake and it is more in a state of balance now so that it’s not going to create havoc on the being so much. So, I am seeing all that light coming from her feet. Now i see her feet disappear and there is only light flowing into this soul. And this snake is just there really… How do I put it? More in alignment with grace and just moving with it versus having its own movement. It has got that connection now. It’s very nice!
Mother Love
Siddhananda: This one is an interesting little shape. (holding up a rock) It’s very clear as you can see. I’ll put it up, (holding it closer to the camera) where you can probably see things through it even. So that part’s nice. (closing eyes) I just keep seeing my image and I’m just like batting it away. (swatting it away from her mind) Nosey image!
G: It’s like looking in a mirror.
Siddhananda: It is! It’s just not helping the situation, okay! (laughing) Keep myself out of the way. Anyway! So, okay, I see this stone and in it, you can see some reflections, like through it. And she (Mother Mary) is there. I still see my image there which is a bit distracting. I just have to try to let that be right now. Yeah, she’s just putting light on that reflection, which I will take. I’m feeling it come in, too. Thank you! I will take that. So, anyways. So, there it is. I’m seeing some different imagery, similar to what’s around here (in the healing center), which is interesting. So (now), i am seeing a clear pool. Again, my face is there. I’m just waiting for her to put light into that and I feel it flowing through me. So, it’s some kind of connection that’s coming through that.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And that’s fine. I just got to get used to all of these changes!
G: It just works the way it works.
Siddhananda: It works the way it works, making connections or whatever.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: So, anyway. This clear rock, I do see an image and I’m trying to see... There’s different imagery. It’s a little bit dark. It’s a blue feeling. (pause) Okay, she’s helping making it more clear, because I just can’t see it real well. (pause) It is a house. I thought it was some kind of house.
G: Oh.
Siddhananda: It looks like a Dutch setting. It’s got those kind of windows, very cute. I see little clogs.. clogs! so cute. And a child is there. A mother is there as well. The child is playing in the clogs like children play with grown up shoes, trying to walk in them. The mother has her hand on the child’s head and she’s just playing. Okay, now let’s see what the question is today. (pause). They just want to send the mother love.
G: Send the mother love…
Siddhananda: Send mother love…
G: …or receive mother love?
Siddhananda: It feels like through the whole business, it’s coming here. (moving her fingers down her own face and body) they are just projecting mother love…
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: …which, hey, you can’t beat that! It’s the sweetest, mother love, you can get.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, all good!
G: Thank you!
Siddhananda: Feminine love! (singing) Never a bad thing.
G: Yeah, exactly.
Siddhananda: Okay, another one I don’t think I have seen before. Kind of cute, isn’t it? (showing G a rock)
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: (showing the rock to the camera) There’s that one. There is a little shadowy aspect to this rock.
G: Yup.
Siddhananda: Okay, we’ve got a couple of nun-like, Mother Mary energies there, too. And there I am!
G: And there you are!
Siddhananda: Yeah, I do see you though in there, too. We’re all in one.
G: We’re all in there today. (laughing)
Siddhananda: Circle, circle of light. That is what it feels like. It’s making those connections for this spirit and this spirit is in the center of that. We are connecting the energies. So with this particular rock, I do see some of it becoming more light. Part of it is stripey black.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Let’s see what the issue is. Okay, they were working too hard at being pure, I heard.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: They were struggling.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Trying to present a certain way, but inside they were just really, really struggling with depression and all sorts of things.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: So that’s being circulated and cleared. (moving her hands like a funnel).
So it is funneling up. I’m just doing this because that’s what’s happening now. (making circular gestures upward). And then a nice lotus is blossoming. (showing a flower blossoming with hands)
G: Nice! Okay.
Siddhananda: Isn’t that nice how that works?
G: Yes, let’s just let that process.
Siddhananda: Right! That’s all we need to do really with that. It’s just more on an energetic level. We’re not hearing many stories.
G: Not too many stories today...
Siddhananda: ..the last while, the last couple days even.
G: …a cleaning out. What needs to be cleaned. Sometimes it’s not always that the story is so important. It’s just what…
Siddhananda: What’s knotted up.
G: Yeah, just whatever is there just needs to be cleared out, but it doesn’t need to have the story attached. It doesn’t make a difference one way or another.
Siddhananda: Exactly! And it really in the long run doesn’t, because it’s an energy, yeah.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Exactly!
Siddhananda: (showing a rock) Okay, I am hearing, with this soul, medical condition. I do see some IVs, a gurney and a hospital bed.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: Okay, this soul had a picture near them when they were passing or during their transition.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: This soul has some connection with the female in that picture.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: (pause) I want to say teacher. It seems like some teacher.
G: Somebody that was close to them.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: …they were connected with in some way.
Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. So, I’m still seeing the IVs and the gurneys. There are these beautiful nuns there and this soul has all of these ailments. What these nuns are doing is placing this soul in a nuns habit and laying roses on their form just to absorb that purity.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: So, they (the spirit) are holding roses. They’ve got a rosary. They have a habit.
G: And they are just infusing it.
Siddhananda: Yeah. That purity. I mean those are just symbols of purity.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: So they can see those and just connect with it a little easier.
Siddhananda: Yeah...and since they are resting, they are out of it, so just letting that sink in.
G: So they can wear it. They can wear it and become that.
Siddhananda: Right. That is the kind of the healing that is taking place.
G: That’s the covering to take on. If they are going to take on a covering. Take on that covering.
Siddhananda: There you go! Until that is just light!
G: Right.
Siddhananda: And all that comes with that when you are really in alignment with grace...and so, lucky for them.... I see Mary resting there (on the spirit's form) and then you see a beam of light underlying (so the spirit can absorb that light). It’s almost ghost-like appearing (this spirit), just out of it with the IVs and all. (The spirit) is resting there with the roses, just resting, allowing that energy to flow to all parts where the illness was, soul and body. I do see that IV. And what I see… I’m just seeing it and it looks like what they are changing that IV to, rather than the medicines, is pure water.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: Clear, clarity.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And they are letting that infuse.
G: Wash it, wash it out. Wash out the rest of the stuff that was still there.
Siddhananda: Perfect. Wash out the toxins.
G: The toxins and things from that.
Siddhananda: So, light, pure water, clear, clear, clear healing waters are flowing.
G: Yeah. Living waters.
Siddhananda: Living waters are flowing into this soul through their IV. How lucky is that, right? Wouldn’t you want that in your IV? (laughing) Give me some of that! Hook me up!
G: I want an infusion.
Siddhananda: (laughing) I know, exactly! We’ll walk around with it.
G: Where is that gurney? Drag me one in. (laughing)
Siddhananda: I know. I’ll keep that hooked up and walk around with that. Not a problem! So anyway, you see this spirit becoming more light. It did look a little ghostlike, very pale.
G: They look like I feel. (laughing)
Siddhananda: I know! Can we hook her up? Can we hook her up? (frowning) Why is she not getting these treats? So, there is some light going into you. I don’t know if you feel it, but it’s here. But, anyway, so that’s this being and let me ask if there’s anything else we could do. I think she just needs to rest now and let this absorb. It’s okay to just let it process and let that absorb. And certainly when she comes out of it, she is going to be moving on a different path entirely.
G: Right! Putting her on another direction.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: Getting her ready for the next leg of the journey.
Siddhananda: Yeah!
Siddhananda: Here's a selenium piece (showing a selenium rock) (pause) Right away, there's a beautiful diamond that's just alive!
G: Nice.
Siddhananda: Just alive is all i can say, with the light bouncing off the different cuts of it, and some light coming up from it.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: Just hearing, "bask in this glow."
G: Nice. Yeah, the diamond purity.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: That diamond is very hard, so it's not going to easily break or fracture. There's a lot of strength in it.
Siddhananda: hmm hmm.
G: Yeah, with the diamond light, and the diamonds when they are absolutely cut perfectly, and are absolutely clear, just radiate the most beautiful flashes of all different type of lights.
Siddhananda: Exactly, some reflections, some bouncing off with the light.
G: Yeah, beautiful.
Siddhananda: It's like the clearest pool of water imaginable.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: And maybe even beyond it, wow!
G: Crystal clarity. Absolute crystal clarity (smiling).
Siddhananda: Crystal clarity. (smiling).
New Dawn
Siddhananda: i am hearing "the new dawn", and then i am seeing the sun coming up over the mountains. The new dawn.
G: The new dawn.
Siddhananda: That's nice, huh!
G: That's nice.
Siddhananda: There's some doves flying through that. Come on, that's a nice image! (smiling)
G: That sounds like a nice image. (smiling)
Siddhananda: "New dawn on the horizon", they're saying.
G: Oh, new dawn on the horizon.
Siddhananda: i just heard "on the horizon" now.
G: Yeah, so it's coming. It's on its way. It's again going through another change, another growing, just growing.
Siddhananda: i think it's just going to continue that way.
G: Yeah.