Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ripe and Ready

Siddhananda: (Showing a dark stone, pausing with closed eyes) Okay, they are saying they are sitting in Oneness.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: So, they’re present, they’re feeling. It looks a little bit like a tree that’s about to [fall over].

G: Mmm, hmm. (nodding).

Siddhananda: ..like when you’re about to chop a tree and it’s about ready to fall over.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: It’s the image I got, so they are in that state.

G: Pretty ripe.

Siddhananda: Yeah. That’s the bottom line. Pretty ripe! A little wind comes up and boom. So (closing eyes) I think they just want to be here and let that happen.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Whatever time it takes. So, do you have any pointings for them right now?

G: I would say if they would like they could do the Kali Mantras and On The Altar of Truth I lay myself and just totally surrender. Totally let go and let God.

(Siddhananda and G close their eyes)

Siddhananda: Okay, so they’re taking it in and again, the image is more one of this (motioning with hand, palm down, slicing through the air outward). So, it’s kind of just [ready].

G: Right. Ready to just go. 

Siddhananda: Yeah (nodding), yeah, so cut it.

G: So we’ll put them on the middle shelf or the top shelf over there (referring to the shelves where other spirits are in quietude).

Siddhananda: Okay. (placing the stone on a shelf)

G: One or the other, and we’ll check with them and see.


  1. Namaste - lucky spirit to be on the edge of falling, and having Guru and the healing center push it over to total surrender.

  2. Namaste, have heard that one's who are the most ripe only have to hear about it and that's the end- with these spirit sessions, we got to witness this- could be the situation for the one in this posting- thank you for posting
