Siddhananda: Okay, a big dark one (showing a dark stone).
G: Yes, a nice big dark smokey quartz.
Siddhananda: It got a lot of different layers to it, it's really nice in the light.
G: Yeah. In the light, it's very nice. It's interesting to see what energies choose what stones.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: They're specific to what they choose, i think. It's what's comfortable for that one.
Siddhananda: Sure.
G: It's either something that they need to develop or it's something that is comfortable for them at that moment.
Siddhananda: Yeah. At times, if it is a darker stone, they have a more shadowy energy.
G: Sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes they do.
Siddhananda: You can never say.
G: Once in a while, no, but sometimes, yes.
Siddhananda: Yeah. Let's see what this one has going on. (pause). i see the stone, it is pretty black-looking in my mind with some black aura streaming from it.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: Okay, they are saying "i have a twisted mind, i have a dark mind."
G: hmm. Okay, why did they go off and when did that begin that you started to have a twisted [mind], because nobody comes in like that. That develops. So, what caused it to develop?
Spirit: i've been involved in some wrong things.
G: Right.
Spirit: Playing around with fire.
G: Okay, playing around with fire?
Siddhananda: Like arson, [maybe], i don't know.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: (pause) Yes, they like to play with matches, with burning things. It could be symbolic of something else.
G: Was anyone hurt?
Siddhananda: i'm hearing "yes, some animals", maybe. i don't know, i'm just getting the feelings, and all i can do is convey the feeling of it is not good.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Maybe some innocent life.
G: was hurt?
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: Yeah, they can get very twisted. This is what happens with serial killers and stuff. They start out and they develop, they abuse animals and they get very abusive.
Siddhananda: That's never a good sign.
G: It's not a good sign. (addressing the spirit) So, what caused the beginning of that twisting away from light? Do you remember?
Spirit: Pain, wanting to hurt something else.
G: Yeah. So they were in pain and usually they want to then afflict it on others. So, what caused that pain for you?
Spirit: i was beaten and abused.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Maybe, they were young then, impressionable.
G: Exactly. Because nothing comes in originally like that, you just don't. They could have had a number of incarnations where they had that [abuse] and they just..
Siddhananda: Right.
G: Do you know that that can be changed? Do you know that that pain can be taken away?
Siddhananda: i'm seeing that he's holding that imagery of hurt things, innocent life, and..
G: You know you can seek forgiveness for that and come back in to right the scales, to work for those that you hurt.
Spirit: Can i?
G: Yes, you can.
Spirit: i just feel like a deamon, a deamon spirit.
G: We can have Christ come in right now and work with that. Christ can cast that out. Christ is very good at casting that out.
Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, Christ is there, very big in the scene, maybe even more. The rock is very small, it's nothing compared to that.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: It's like a big angelic image standing above this rock.
G: Yeah, if you ask for forgiveness and you ask for Light, Christ can come in and take that away. He can take that away.
Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, the rock is not so black looking in my mind, as Christ is working with penetrating light and presence.
G: Right. One can seek forgiveness, but, you have to be willing to turn your back on those things and go from that point into a new path. It's possible, one can be regenerated. They can be forgiven.
Siddhananda: i see this soul almost like laying down asleep, almost like they were in such a deep dream with this stuff.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: Like they were in this deep maya.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: You see them just asleep and some of that dream imagery coming up. They were just very thick in this.
G: Inundated with it, right. This consumed them.
Siddhananda: It's sad, you see them almost like an embryo in there. It's like it consumed their every cell.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: But, Christ is working and the light is penetrating that image, which was just saturated. i don't think they had any awakeness, at all.
G: No, when it becomes really really dark, really really dark, they can go into that almost sleep state and get reabsorbed into the Absolute, with absolutely no consciousness.
Siddhananda: Wow, that's interesting.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: It's feeling that way a little bit, because i don't usually see this heavy dreaming that they're in.
G: Right, they can become unconscious and be reabsorbed.
Siddhananda: Loose their chance.
G: Yeah. But, that's mercy in the end. In the end, it's Grace.
Siddhananda: Yeah, for them and for others.
G: For others, too. But, they do have a chance to turn around. If they have consciousness, they can be turned around and have life.
Siddhananda: Well, this soul is very deep asleep. Although, i feel Christ there.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: That will probably need some work.
G: Yeah, that's going to need some time. So, we ask that Christ be there and we also ask that Kali be there. Kali sometimes works with that very dark energies and can again help to cut away.
Siddhananda: Christ and Kali, nice combination. i like that blend (smiling).
G: Yeah, Christ and Kali.
Siddhananda: (pause). It definitely comes in with a very different energy when Kali enters the scene.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: i see something that went in there, like wooosh.
G: hmm hmm.
Siddhananda: But, they're still thick in the dream.
G: Yeah. it's going to take some time. Again, they have to be consciousness enough to let go of it. It can't be taken away from you, against your will.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: No one, not Christ, not Kali, none of the guides, masters, even God themself, cannot take something away unless you are willing to let it go. You have to let it go.
Siddhananda: Yeah, and as you are speaking, i see their eyes open a little, but they are red and rolly, they're just really thick in this dream of dead consciousness.
G: Right, the dead consciousness gets deeper and deeper until it just closes down entirely. So, you have an opportunity to move forward, but, you have to try with all your being to be conscious and give this over and ask for that help from Christ and Kali.
Siddhananda: That's it.
G: You have to be conscious, you have to stay awake and allow them to help you.
Siddhananda: They are rolling over a little bit, they are moving. They are not just a dead weight. Their eyes are opening a little bit.
G: (Picking up the stone, holding in hand and closing eyes)
Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, it's got a bit more quietness. i just see some different colors coming. They're still in their bed of dreams, lost there.
G: Yeah. Let's ask Christ is there help for this one. Is there anything else we can do?
Siddhananda: (pause). i do see that heart shining when you say that.
G: Yeah. That there is some hope for them. Is there something we can do to make it better for these types?
Siddhananda: "Sit them in stillness," i'm hearing, "sit them in Grace." Pretty much what we've been doing.
G: hmm hmm. So, we'll just do what we've been doing. We'll go ahead and put this one over by the healing center because it might take some time for this. The ones that are real heavy like that can take some time to breakthrough those dreams.
Siddhananda: Oh, yeah.
G: The consciousness gets suppressed, it gets so dark, it's got no energy left.
Siddhananda: That's it, it's dead energy. Nothing to circulate.
G: No. They think that when they are in that dark, they got more energy, they got more power. But, the further they go, they become dead. It just loses everything.
Siddhananda: They didn't move, they were just dead weight. They were so deep asleep.
G: Right, one goes into unconscious realm of sleep, and those ones that are really unconscious will be absorbed back. It's like going into a black hole.
Siddhananda: Wow. i'm amazed that they even care.
G: If there's enough clarity to even come, then there's some hope.
Siddhananda: That they made it here, there's hope. i do see in mind that there's that tiny seed.
G: Yeah. There's always that seed of light. If they can grab that seed of light, it can grow. But, they've got to tend it, nourish it and they've got to turn their back on that darkness. They have to be willing to turn their back and not engage it any longer.
Siddhananda: There's some compassion for those ones that had to endure that, but, again you hear about these heinous acts and it's hard to even understand it.
G: Exactly. But, there has to come compassion because they're driven to do what they do. And they're driven in pain. They're in an absolute hell-realm doing what they're doing.
Siddhananda: And they don't have any feelings anymore.
G: Right. They are so dead, they're trying to feel something. So, yeah, it's drawn all to the negative, unfortunately.
Siddhananda: Yeah, it's sad, but all we can do is have them there by the healing center. Things have turned around here. We've had some dark ones but nothing to this degree, but, we'll wait.
G: We'll wait and see what happens with them.
Siddhananda: The heart is shining.
G: The heart shining means there's some hope. We can't give up hope on it. All we can do is pray for that one, pray for forgiveness and that they would open up to that Light. That's all. We can pray for that the best be done in this situation at hand.