Friday, July 29, 2016

There's hope

Siddhananda: Okay, a big dark one (showing a dark stone).

G: Yes, a nice big dark smokey quartz. 

Siddhananda: It got a lot of different layers to it, it's really nice in the light.

G: Yeah. In the light, it's very nice. It's interesting to see what energies choose what stones. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: They're specific to what they choose, i think. It's what's comfortable for that one.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: It's either something that they need to develop or it's something that is comfortable for them at that moment.

Siddhananda: Yeah. At times, if it is a darker stone, they have a more shadowy energy.

G: Sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes they do. 

Siddhananda: You can never say.

G: Once in a while, no, but sometimes, yes. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. Let's see what this one has going on. (pause). i see the stone, it is pretty black-looking in my mind with some black aura streaming from it.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: Okay, they are saying "i have a twisted mind, i have a dark mind."

G: hmm. Okay, why did they go off and when did that begin that you started to have a twisted [mind], because nobody comes in like that. That develops. So, what caused it to develop?

Spirit: i've been involved in some wrong things.

G: Right. 

Spirit: Playing around with fire.

G: Okay, playing around with fire?

Siddhananda: Like arson, [maybe], i don't know.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yes, they like to play with matches, with burning things. It could be symbolic of something else.

G: Was anyone hurt?

Siddhananda: i'm hearing "yes, some animals", maybe. i don't know, i'm just getting the feelings, and all i can do is convey the feeling of it is not good.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: Maybe some innocent life.

G: was hurt?

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah, they can get very twisted. This is what happens with serial killers and stuff. They start out and they develop, they abuse animals and they get very abusive.

Siddhananda: That's never a good sign.

G: It's not a good sign. (addressing the spirit) So, what caused the beginning of that twisting away from light? Do you remember?

Spirit: Pain, wanting to hurt something else.

G: Yeah. So they were in pain and usually they want to then afflict it on others. So, what caused that pain for you?

Spirit: i was beaten and abused.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: Maybe, they were young then, impressionable.

G: Exactly. Because nothing comes in originally like that, you just don't. They could have had a number of incarnations where they had that [abuse] and they just.. 

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Do you know that that can be changed? Do you know that that pain can be taken away?

Siddhananda: i'm seeing that he's holding that imagery of hurt things, innocent life, and..

G: You know you can seek forgiveness for that and come back in to right the scales, to work for those that you hurt. 

Spirit: Can i?

G: Yes, you can. 

Spirit: i just feel like a deamon, a deamon spirit.

G: We can have Christ come in right now and work with that. Christ can cast that out. Christ is very good at casting that out. 

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, Christ is there, very big in the scene, maybe even more. The rock is very small, it's nothing compared to that.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: It's like a big angelic image standing above this rock.

G: Yeah, if you ask for forgiveness and you ask for Light, Christ can come in and take that away. He can take that away. 

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, the rock is not so black looking in my mind, as Christ is working with penetrating light and presence.

G: Right. One can seek forgiveness, but, you have to be willing to turn your back on those things and go from that point into a new path. It's possible, one can be regenerated. They can be forgiven. 

Siddhananda: i see this soul almost like laying down asleep, almost like they were in such a deep dream with this stuff.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: Like they were in this deep maya.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: You see them just asleep and some of that dream imagery coming up. They were just very thick in this.

G: Inundated with it, right. This consumed them.

Siddhananda: It's sad, you see them almost like an embryo in there. It's like it consumed their every cell.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: But, Christ is working and the light is penetrating that image, which was just saturated. i don't think they had any awakeness, at all.

G: No, when it becomes really really dark, really really dark, they can go into that almost sleep state and get reabsorbed into the Absolute, with absolutely no consciousness. 

Siddhananda: Wow, that's interesting.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: It's feeling that way a little bit, because i don't usually see this heavy dreaming that they're in.

G: Right, they can become unconscious and be reabsorbed. 

Siddhananda: Loose their chance.

G: Yeah. But, that's mercy in the end. In the end, it's Grace. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, for them and for others.

G: For others, too. But, they do have a chance to turn around. If they have consciousness, they can be turned around and have life. 

Siddhananda: Well, this soul is very deep asleep. Although, i feel Christ there.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: That will probably need some work.

G: Yeah, that's going to need some time. So, we ask that Christ be there and we also ask that Kali be there. Kali sometimes works with that very dark energies and can again help to cut away. 

Siddhananda: Christ and Kali, nice combination. i like that blend (smiling).

G: Yeah, Christ and Kali. 

Siddhananda: (pause). It definitely comes in with a very different energy when Kali enters the scene.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: i see something that went in there, like wooosh.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: But, they're still thick in the dream.

G: Yeah. it's going to take some time. Again, they have to be consciousness enough to let go of it. It can't be taken away from you, against your will.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: No one, not Christ, not Kali, none of the guides, masters, even God themself, cannot take something away unless you are willing to let it go. You have to let it go. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, and as you are speaking, i see their eyes open a little, but they are red and rolly, they're just really thick in this dream of dead consciousness.

G: Right, the dead consciousness gets deeper and deeper until it just closes down entirely. So, you have an opportunity to move forward, but, you have to try with all your being to be conscious and give this over and ask for that help from Christ and Kali.

Siddhananda: That's it.

G: You have to be conscious, you have to stay awake and allow them to help you. 

Siddhananda: They are rolling over a little bit, they are moving. They are not just a dead weight. Their eyes are opening a little bit.

G: (Picking up the stone, holding in hand and closing eyes)

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, it's got a bit more quietness. i just see some different colors coming. They're still in their bed of dreams, lost there.

G: Yeah. Let's ask Christ is there help for this one. Is there anything else we can do?

Siddhananda: (pause). i do see that heart shining when you say that.

G: Yeah. That there is some hope for them. Is there something we can do to make it better for these types?

Siddhananda: "Sit them in stillness," i'm hearing, "sit them in Grace." Pretty much what we've been doing.

G: hmm hmm. So, we'll just do what we've been doing. We'll go ahead and put this one over by the healing center because it might take some time for this. The ones that are real heavy like that can take some time to breakthrough those dreams. 

Siddhananda: Oh, yeah.

G: The consciousness gets suppressed, it gets so dark, it's got no energy left. 

Siddhananda: That's it, it's dead energy. Nothing to circulate.

G: No. They think that when they are in that dark, they got more energy, they got more power. But, the further they go, they become dead. It just loses everything. 

Siddhananda: They didn't move, they were just dead weight. They were so deep asleep.

G: Right, one goes into unconscious realm of sleep, and those ones that are really unconscious will be absorbed back. It's like going into a black hole.

Siddhananda: Wow. i'm amazed that they even care.

G: If there's enough clarity to even come, then there's some hope. 

Siddhananda: That they made it here, there's hope. i do see in mind that there's that tiny seed.

G: Yeah. There's always that seed of light. If they can grab that seed of light, it can grow. But, they've got to tend it, nourish it and they've got to turn their back on that darkness. They have to be willing to turn their back and not engage it any longer. 

Siddhananda: There's some compassion for those ones that had to endure that, but, again you hear about these heinous acts and it's hard to even understand it.

G: Exactly. But, there has to come compassion because they're driven to do what they do. And they're driven in pain. They're in an absolute hell-realm doing what they're doing. 

Siddhananda: And they don't have any feelings anymore.

G: Right. They are so dead, they're trying to feel something. So, yeah, it's drawn all to the negative, unfortunately.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's sad, but all we can do is have them there by the healing center. Things have turned around here. We've had some dark ones but nothing to this degree, but, we'll wait.

G: We'll wait and see what happens with them.

Siddhananda: The heart is shining.

G: The heart shining means there's some hope. We can't give up hope on it. All we can do is pray for that one, pray for forgiveness and that they would open up to that Light. That's all. We can pray for that the best be done in this situation at hand. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Seeking Stillness

Siddhananda: i like this selenium [stone]. Look at how light it is (showing a selenium stone).

G: Yeah. It will be interesting to see what chooses to go in selenium. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: We've got a few different ones here that we haven't had before. We'll see what kind of energies choose those. 

Siddhananda: Interesting. (pause). Okay, they want to be still, like Guru, buddhas, saints, masters.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: They're not from the area, they just jumped in.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: Hitched a ride. (smiling).

G: Hitched a ride! (smiling).

Siddhananda: (pause) They feel some clearing since they've been here for a week or so with you.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: The time with you has been good and also sitting with the other spirits, sometimes good and sometimes a little unsettled.

G: Yeah, we have a whole mix in there. i'm sure we might have some with messages, some that really need some help; we get a whole mix. 

Siddhananda: Right. So, i am seeing some flowers. Maybe that's what they've done before, more devotion, praying, kneeling and honoring.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They would like some practices.

G: Yeah, we'll go ahead and do the "Om That I Am", the "I Am That I Am" and the COS. We'll begin with those. And then, once they have assimilated that, they're always welcome to come back at any time.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. And they took those in a bag, they have a little bag! (smiling). They collected up those practices, they're holding it close (gesturing with hands close to heart). i don't know what else is in that bag.

G: Their little bag of whatever! (smiling)

Siddhananda: Bag of goodies!

G: Yeah, enjoy the bag of goodies, take them out and use them well (smiling).

Siddhananda: Namaste (hand on heart).

G: Thank you. Namaste (hand on heart). Thank you for coming. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Freed up

Siddhananda: This is another one that was there (showing a small white stone).

G: Okay. It's the last one we're checking in with before we begin on some new ones. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause). Okay, they're more quiet. They're feeling freed up.

G: hmm hmm. Okay. (nodding).

Siddhananda: (pause). They want to send their love to both of us...

G: Thank you.

Siddhananda: ...and request your blessing to move forward.

G: Please move forward and thank you so much for that. (hand on heart).

Siddhananda: (Hand on heart).

G: It means a lot to us when they come and acknowledge and say thank you. (smiling). So, we wish you well on your journey. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Out of hell-realm

Siddhananda: Okay, here's another little one (showing a small red stone). Tiny!

G: Yes. We'll see how they're doing.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they feel more like themselves.

G: Okay, good. 

Siddhananda: They feel fresh. They feel ready to go forward.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They're ready to move on. (hand on heart).

G: Ready to go learn some life lessons?

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: This was one of the Mayan priests that did the sacrifices. This is the one that was burning. 

Siddhananda: Is that right?

G: He was in hell realm. He was the one that was burning in the hell realm fires. 

Siddhananda: Okay. Wow!

G: Yeah, this is the one that was absolutely burning in the hell realm fires. He had the sacrifices.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: Can we ask him which place he was at? Was he at Chi Cha Nitsa or Tulum or..

Siddhananda: (pause). Out of those two that you mentioned, i'm hearing Tulum.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: (pause). Would that make sense?

G: He was at Tulum?

Siddhananda: That's what I heard out of those two. First, i heard he was at the Mayan ruins.

G: Or he could have come from a different Mayan ruins. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's really more what i heard in a general way. Who knows, exactly.

G: There are so many Mayan ruins around and he could have come from any of them. There's Chi Cha Nitsa, there's Aztec. The Aztec ones were even more violent. There's just so many ruins, and even ruins that they haven't uncovered that are in jungles. So, they could have come from anywhere. 

Siddhananda: Wow.

G: But, seriously this one was burning in hell fires when they came. 

Siddhananda: So, what a turn around!

G: They're ready to go on to new life lessons. Hopefully, they're ready for rebirth because it's been a long time. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: They've really been out of body for a very, very long time. So hopefully, they're getting ready to come back to corporeal form and right some wrongs.

Siddhananda: Yeah. And, that's a totally different energy now. Wasn't that the one with two kalis there?

G: Yeah, this was the one that had the two kalis and there was another that was working with them. 

Siddhananda: They burned that to ash, because that energy is different [now].

G: Yeah, totally turned around and he's no longer in the hell realm. When they come, there can be in a hell realm, but there is a possibility to get out of that hell realm. It doesn't mean that you have to be there eternally, but, you need to have the cognition to turn around and seek the help. 

Siddhananda: Right. And when we check in, i don't even recognize them to be the same energy anymore.

G: Right. i just happened to remember that one because there's an unusual shape to the stone. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So, that's fabulous to see them come out of the hell realm and the burning and the fear. A lot of the ones there, they haven't been in touch with the Light. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: When they're that far back in antiquity, and that's all they knew, it was a very (taking a deep breath), it was a very tough way to go. There was only one way to go. They didn't have options. And when that Light comes in, it's unfamiliar and it can be quite terrifying at first. So, we give them the opportunity to find Light and to change that path, to do something much more beneficial.

Siddhananda: Yeah, absolutely.

G: So, we're really happy to see him come out of the hell fires and to be able to go forward and go back into corporeal form and right some wrongs. 

Siddhananda: For sure. i do get a little flash of that ashes, so, it seems like a lot of that has burnt up. i think it's because of that intense energy that was brought into that setting and being here and having that time.

G: So, we wish you quite well on your journey and hope you'll be able to make some better choices this next time around (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah. i'm sure. They don't need any more of the same. i don't know if they even recognize what they were before at that point.

G: Yeah, the consciousness changes. It's like the same thing when realization takes place, the rest of it was like a dream, there's no reality to it. It's like what was that! It's a totally different cognition and one becomes instantly a different... 

Siddhananda: That's the thing. And, it's just a present thing. You answer a question, it's just in the present. You don't get the other.

G: You don't ruminate on the past, that's absolutely gone. It has nothing to do with where you're at. 

Siddhananda: It is amazing. That is how it is. It is not even there anymore.

G: No.

Siddhananda: It's quite a thing, but, it's a thing to know that all that energy can be done as we can read it in this moment.

G: Exactly! That's all we do, we read the energy. That's what this practice is about, that's what this path is about - the energies and changing your energetic signature and releasing all the baggage. 

Siddhananda: And then really you are a whole different energy, in the moment.

G: Exactly. A whole different persona, a whole different energy. Everything changes. 

Siddhananda: Absolutely.

G: Your outlook changes. The way you live life changes. Everything changes. 

Siddhananda: Right. Where your focus is, in terms of whether or not there needs to be one at that point, but, it's not focused on all of that.

G: Exactly. 

Siddhananda: Anyway, that's great.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Ready to move on

Siddhananda: (Checking in with a spirit). This one (showing a transparent stone).

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: (pause) They are just saying they're feeling more settled. i don't really know what their whole story was.

G: Yeah, we don't need to go back into their story, but, we'll just check in and see where they're at now. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Past story doesn't matter.

Siddhananda: (pause) i think they're okay moving on.

G: hmm hmm. You're ready to move on?

Spirit: Yes.

G: So, thank you for coming, and we wish you well on your journey. 

Blessed to be here

Siddhananda: (Checking in with a spirit). Next one (showing a small brown stone). (pause). Okay, this one is saying "i'm blessed to be here. i feel quieter, i feel more present."

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: (pause).

G: So, we'll ask, would you like to stay a little longer, or, are you ready to move forward?

Siddhananda: (pause). They're okay with either the healing center or the crystal cave.

G: Yeah, go ahead and go in the crystal cave. 

Siddhananda: (placing the stone in the crystal cave).

G: And, thank you for that. You can stay as long as you wish. When you're ready to go, you just... (laughing), just take off!

Siddhananda: Take off, like you can do (smiling).

G: Take off! They can be anywhere in the universe they want to be. All they have to do is think it and they're there immediately. They've got the quick way to go! We have to take airplanes and stuff, but, they just go and in a shot, they're there! (laughing).

Siddhananda: No doubt.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Absorbed into That

Siddhananda: We've got some other little guys here.

G: Yes, we'll check in with them and see where they're at. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. Here's one. (pause). i don't know, at least i'm getting some imagery, things shift around a little, but, what i'm getting is that this may be the one that was trying to jump off the cliff.

G: Oh, right, right. That wanted to end their life in not a beneficial way. 

Siddhananda: Right. So, they're still at that altar with Christ there.

G: Good. 

Siddhananda: They are looking very.. they have such a sweet, gentle presence and there is Christ there above, with the Cross.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: He's there, more in Light, and she's there with her head down on the altar with candles. So, it's continuing that way. Definitely better than the other.

G: Oh yeah, definitely better. So, we'll ask her, (addressing the spirit) you've seen that this is not the way to end life. If you want to go forward, if you know God directly, fully [then] you can fully absorb into that. That's a beneficial way to go. 

Siddhananda: She's acknowledging what you're saying.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: i'm not hearing too many words from her, but, she just has her head down like "yeah."

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, this is where she'd like to be right now.

G: So, we'll leave her here. We can leave them at the healing center for a while and check in. When they're done they can go ahead and go beyond their way.

Siddhananda: Yeah, whenever they're done.

G: We'll just leave them by the healing center and they can continue to process.

Siddhananda: Okay.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

True Rishi

Siddhananda: Okay, our first one that we're going to check in [with] has been on the second shelf.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: And i believe this was the Sadhu that was helping, or the one that came in the linga, i don't know. we'll find out.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, i'm hearing "clearing, clearing".

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: "Getting help, thank you for the help."

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Wasn't that the one that Baba Light was helping too?

G: i think this is the one, but, maybe we'll have to ask. (Addressing the spirit) was Baba Light helping you? the one that came with the fire?

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, i'm seeing that fire. So, that's a way to confirm that.

G: Yeah. That was the one that came in, the one that knew everything.

Siddhananda: That's it. And that's exactly what i'm feeling.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing). i don't know what they know now. But, we'll find out.

G: We'll find out what they know now, compared to what they thought they knew when they came in, that they were going to let me know how intelligent and how all-knowing they were. (laughing).

Siddhananda: That's what that was. (smiling).

G: So, we'll check in now. 

Siddhananda: (pause) So, [i'm hearing] "clearing, clearing".

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: "hard clearing", they're saying.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: So, let's see what else they have to say today. (chuckling).

G: Yeah, how is your knowledge compared to what it was?

Siddhananda: (pause). "i go through hard things now, this is hard!". Oh, they were the rishi, rishi-sadhu, great seer.

G: Yeah, that's exactly [right]. They were the great seer, rishi, sadhu.

Siddhananda: That's right. [They were saying] "i make light".

G: ..and i make light. This is the rishi sadhu that came in and was going to let me know how much he knows. Typical Rishikesh [sadhu].

Siddhananda: That's what this one was. Oh, and the baksheesh, you were mentioning.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: "No more baksheesh", they're saying. (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: "No more putting my hand out for baksheesh. Not good."

G: Right, that's not good. 

Siddhananda: Let's see if there's anything else.

G: So, what have you learned about the dhuni and the ashes?

Siddhananda: What i'm hearing is that, this is just their feeling, that this is the beginning of their Path versus..

G: ..versus when they thought they were at the end. Whereas now they have just really begun to do their journey. So, now that Big Baba light can help to open kundalini so that they can actually become the dhuni and they can do the path they should have been doing. Yes, absolutely.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they're saying this cuts away that darkness, that feeling that you know or you have some knowledge of anything, really. And that this is just hard, this is a hard cutting, burning, like the dhuni. i do see that dhuni and they are bowing to it. It's big, it's bright, like the Baba Light, and they're bowing to it like an honoring of it.

G: Right. And this dhuni that's burning is representative of what needs to take place inside of you. You must become that dhuni, and those ashes that you cover yourself with are what the ego burns down to. So, then you become Shiva. You become That which you are honoring now. You must become That.

Siddhananda: (pause). They're getting quieter with your pointings. So, i'm not sure where you want this one to..

G: i think we're going to just keep him. He's going to be doing his path for a while. We can go ahead and leave him up there and check in a while. He's going to be doing this for awhile.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Let's ask if he knows if he'll be coming back into form anytime soon.

Siddhananda: (pause). He says he doesn't know.

G: Yeah, he may, he may not. It's not necessary that they come back. [It's] quicker, if you can, but, it's also much more intense, much more difficult. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: So, at that, Namaste, thank you for coming.

Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste).

G: We just wish you to continue well on your journey. So, we'll put you over there so that you can continue to do your practices. 

Siddhananda: (placing them on the shelf).

G: Yeah, i just want to see these ones actually making some progress. They think that they have gathered all these knowledge about something, it's the same thing as you read lot of books and you think you have knowledge, but you really don't have anything until you begin to find it within. 

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: And that's what they have to find. It's not external thing of i can do this ceremony and that ceremony. They'll have to find out that the ceremony is themselves. So, we want to see them actually begin the journey. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. It sounds like that's happened for that one.

G: Yeah, he's starting the journey now. He's got some good background foundation, but, if he can understand now that that is what you become, that's not external to you but it is what you are internally at the end point.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. Totally different focal point.

G: Totally different focal point from where he was at, yes. But, like i said, this is what you find in Rishikesh. This is why i had such a difficult time while i was there. You find lot of the babas that think they know something, and, they're very patriarchal. They don't want to hear anything from a woman. They think they know it all. But, most of them haven't even really begun their journey in earnest. 

Siddhananda: Sure. That's an issue, especially when they're doing things that are dishonoring of the robes they're wearing.

G: Well, exactly! This is why i would be so angry and i'd take the danda (stick) and i'd chase them! i'd literally chase them! Because the people that come to India are thinking these are all holy men. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And they're really abusing it. They're not doing the practices like they should be and they're playing a game with themselves and with the tourists, and taking the tourists for a ride because they don't know. 

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: They don't know really what it takes to do the internal path. They're just see these externals, what these guys are wearing. They tell a good story, they live outside. Yes, it's a tough life. But, you have to really do the journey. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: Like i said, while i was there, i did see a few that were really honest-to-goodness sadhus. And when i saw them i did honor them by leaving some money for them. You do leave some baksheesh, but, it's not when they're coming over and saying "baksheesh, baksheesh." You tell them you're a beggar, you're not a sadhu, get away from me.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Go become a beggar and take off the sadhu clothes, don't disgrace them. Either that or do the practices like they're supposed to be done.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Because while i was there, i would do practices. i'd sit by the banks of the Ganges, in Haridwar, and people would see me that i was genuinely in practices and they would leave little offerings of some little fruit or couple of rupees here and there. But, they could see that you are really doing the journey and they would honor that.

Siddhananda: Makes sense.

G: Yeah, absolutely.

Siddhananda: That's good that that's coming forward out of this and it's turning around there.

G: Yeah, i want to see it again become another place of the rishis, those that are the knowers. But, right now, it's not that and it needs to turn around. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, true rishis.

G: True rishis. True knowers. That they have a good foundation. This is not to say that they're not doing it sincerely. I'm sure a lot of them think they are doing it sincerely. And they think they do have something. But, they don't know the difference. That's the problem. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. i think that is, in a lot of ways, especially when it's the general climate of things, all have that mindset.

G: They're caught up in the externals and think the externals are it. And they put so much attention on the externals, knowing the stories, doing the 'bam bam bole nath..'.. But, they've got to find the internal of that and surrender to that. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Foundation for Life

Siddhananda: The other one (showing a small crystal clear stone) (long pause). Okay, they want to know how to live in a holy way in their daily life, [how to] live in a pure way, what basic precept or basic actions [to follow]. How can they do that. How can they just start that way with getting their character more in line with this path or a path of light.

G: Right. To live with honesty, integrity and transparency.

Siddhananda: (pause) They are saying is that more like the foundation for anyone, even if they're not on the path?

G: Yeah, it's a foundation for anyone for life, really.

Siddhananda: Aha. (pause) Okay, they say they have been trying at that kind of thing.

G: What? Why is it trying? Why are you not doing it? (laughing)

Siddhananda: Yeah, they say they have fallen short, they have fallen short of that.

G: Aha. Again, that is a personal choice. If you're fallen short then that's a personal choice. How much do you really want to walk it? There's no reason for falling short of honesty, integrity and transparency.

Siddhananda: Aha. And he said, "well, i'm just a regular human being, i make mistakes," that's what's he's saying.

G: And?

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause) "I'm not perfect, but, i try again," is what he's saying.

G: Aha. (pause) Yeah. You're the one that chooses your actions, but, you can't choose an action and then use that [excuse] "well i'm not perfect," type of a thing. It's got nothing to do with perfection, it's just basically living with honesty, integrity and transparency.

Siddhananda: (long pause) I think it sounds like he's hearing it, but, he wants to hang on to this justification that i'm not perfect.

G: Yeah, well, i'm sorry i can't help you, goodbye.

Siddhananda: Okay. Nothing is going to penetrate that kind of a thing.

G: No, if you're going to keep the doorway open..  well i'll try and i want to be perfect, i want to be holy, but, i'm not willing to do it, really, then you don't want it. You don't want it. Same thing, you have to want something, nobody can force it, and just because you said i want it, like it's going to be a magic wand.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: There's no magic wand, it's your choice in your life, in your lifestyle and, if you're not willing to put in the effort to do it then forget it.

Siddhananda: Yeah, [like] what i'm trying is really a cop out in a lot of ways, sometimes.

G: It is a cop-out. It's hundred percent a cop-out.

Siddhananda: You either live it [or not].

G: You already closed the door.

Siddhananda: Yeah, the justification.

G: Yeah, you closed the door. But, this idea i will try, means you have already decided you're not going to do it.

Siddhananda: Right, because if you are trying, it means there's another part of you that is resisting, and there's that (gesturing with hands moving in opposite directions).

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Yeah, already decided that you're not going to do it.

G: That's right.

Siddhananda: Because you either live it or you don't and you you can't be honest sometimes and dishonest at other [times] and saying you're trying.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Because the dishonest part is not going to sync up with... it's right.

G: Right, it's already self justifying that you're not going to do it. So, if you're not going to do it, don't come and ask, because you're not ready. You don't want it. You have no intention of it.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: When it's "i'll try" then you have no intention of doing it at all.

Siddhananda: Yeah. It means you're struggling against it, instead of struggling with it, both things.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Right. So, that took care of that. I mean, why ask that question and then just put that out there, go on your way then.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Understood, good, okay.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Desire to know God

Siddhananda: So, (showing a small crystal clear stone), there we go.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, i just see this rock with a little aura. (long pause). Okay, they just want to know God. i'm hearing some different things, like, "what is my true face", "what is my true name."

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: So, they desire to know God. (pause) Okay, they just try to be aware in their daily living practices. That's what they have done [so far].

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: i am feeling a little bit of a Buddhist, more like Thich Nhat Hanh...

G: Right.

Siddhananda: ..where, to just be aware is a lot of that practice and [being] mindful.

G: (nodding in acknowledgement).

Siddhananda: Mindfulness.

G: Right, be mindful.

Siddhananda: (pause) They would just like some other practices to help them continue forward.

G: Yeah, the “Om that I Am” and “I Am that I Am” and the COS.

Siddhananda: Okay, off they go. (putting the stone on the shelf).

Monday, July 18, 2016

Burnt Away

Siddhananda: Okay. So, big Baba light (checking in with a spirit that was previous worked with)

G: Baba light.

Siddhananda: (pause). It's feeling like things have settled down a little bit.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: (pause) I'm not hearing much and it's just settled down.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: We might need to just let him simmer a while because i think he's pretty quiet. It's like those embers are burning because that big fire roared and burned it down.

G: Yep. Burned it down, yeah. Is big baba light there? Does he have anything to say about what's happening with that? If our other one is not speaking at the moment (laughing).

Siddhananda: He said he helped to burn away the impurities. I don't see [the huge fire], big Baba light doesn't have that huge fire anymore right now.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Because he did that burning, so.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: He said he's just settling now, so.

G: Okay. So, we'll [leave him for a while].

Siddhananda: Yeah, leave him a while?

G: Yeah, we'll check in with him again another time, day after tomorrow.

Siddhananda: He' just quiet. At that point, it's like all burnt up and settling down and i'm sure there's going to be a whole different energy that comes out of that.

G: Oh, i would think so, yes.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Purifying Fire

G: Okay, this was the last one that i had. (Showing a brown stone).

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). Okay, this one's saying "i'm trying to be quiet."

G: hmm hmm. This was the one that was burning in hell-fire. 

Siddhananda: Is that right? Okay.

G: Yeah, this is the one that was burning, burning, burning.

Siddhananda: Oh God! (pause). When you say that, i see some of that still happening. (pause). He says, though, he feels that they are pure fires, they are cleaner fires.

G: hmm hmm. Not that burning, torture fire.

Siddhananda: Christ was there, right?

G: Right. (nodding). i think we had Christ come in and then some of the other Mayan priests and things that had been before come in to talk with him, they were sending love and stuff to him.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's a calmer, more settled setting. There's a smaller fire, it feels calmer. It almost feels like that fire wants to make itself into a lotus or something. It's a purer situation.

G: Yeah. i get a feeling it's trying to be like the kundalini fire. See if that's right or wrong. Like it's more of a balancing [thing], because i get this energy going one way and then it's going the other way.

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause). hmm. boy, i'm not sure. i'm asking, but, i'm hearing more purification.

G: Purification, right.

Siddhananda: Shifting a little, it's changing, changing. It feels better, not like some big exorcism, i don't know if that was the exorcism one.

G: Yeah, this was the one that was really, really burning, burning in hell fires. It was really in hell fires. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. Well, it's definitely a calmer setting and they are trying to be quiet. Christ is there, the fires are working it, burning away all the dross. Should we just leave them there?

G: Yeah, we'll leave him for a while. He's going to be worked with some more. It was just feeling to me [that] it was like the kundalini fires now instead of a hell fire. 

Siddhananda: Right. It's not a hell fire anymore. Right.

G: It's not a hell fire anymore. i felt more like the internal fire because when it was feeling like the energy was going this way and then the other way (gesturing with rotating finger), like a balancing thing. 

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: Anyway, we'll leave them for a little more.

Siddhananda: Well, it's definitely not the hell fire anymore. That part's good.

G: It's more of the purification.

Siddhananda: Yeah. That's kundalini. i'm just not seeing a spiral like that, but, that's not to say that that's not the fires of purification.

G: Yes. It's just the way it felt to me like it was more balancing than like a hell fire. 

Siddhananda: For Sure. It's definitely changed to working towards the good and balancing rather than the burning in hell fires.

G: Yeah. Because when i hold this, it's going this way (gesturing with finger rotating clockwise and then anticlockwise), it spins back the other way real quick and then turns and spins the other way. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: For me, that means it's like the balancing energy, it's going to wind and unwind, wind and unwind, wind and unwind and keep bringing all these things to the surface to let go of. Kind of like the kundalini roto-rooter type of a thing. It's going to keep purifying.

Siddhananda: Sure. And that's more than likely what's going to come forward more and more from this. So, that makes sense.

G: Yeah. So, we'll leave him to continue to process. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Just IS

Siddhananda: Last one! (showing a small white stone).

G: Last one? Ooh. Which one was our Mayan one? (referring to a Mayan spirit that was worked on previously).

Siddhananda: Yeah, i'm not sure, maybe it was just quiet as could be and we couldn't [tell]. i couldn't differentiate when there was lot of stillness and quietude.

G: Well, i was having half the presence here, we'll have to bring it up and see which one it was (laughing). 

Siddhananda: Maybe, it was probably just quiet and feeling just as good as ever, and that was the end of it.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: That was more than likely what happened, because i didn't ask all these a lot of specifics.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: (long pause). Okay, [i'm hearing] "i cannot speak of this love, it just IS." So, that's nice.

G: Okay. (nodding). Good.

Siddhananda: Nice. Thank you (hand on heart).

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Siddhananda: (Showing a small white heart stone). (pause). [i'm hearing] "I liked sitting."

G: Okay (nodding). 

Spirit: "I liked to sit. I liked sitting."

G: (nodding).

Spirit: "I liked the full moon."

G: hmm hmm.

Spirit: "It came to me, it came."

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: i can see a mountain with the big moon, nice moon behind it. They're saying "it came to me and gave such grace!"

G: Nice.

Siddhananda: Thank you.

G: Namaste. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Fresh Rains

Siddhananda: Let's see this one. (showing a small clear stone). (pause). Feeling like some fresh rains came over them and they really soaked that in.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: i don't know if they were feeling cloudy before and now it's fresher, it's washed away lot of the impurities for them.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: i can feel a nice fresh rain with this energy (gesturing falling rain).

G: Nice.

Siddhananda: It's very nice and cleansing.

G: Good. Namaste. (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: Yeah.

Sweet little treat!

Siddhananda: This one (showing a little white stone).

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they feel like a sweet little treat! (smiling).

G: hmm! (smiling).

Siddhananda: Fresh and sweet.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: And they are ready to move forward with that.

G: Very good, thank you.

Siddhananda: Sweet! [We] don't hear one negative thing yet, with any of these (referring to the spirits being worked with).

Saturday, July 9, 2016

God is Everywhere

Siddhananda: All right. So, I got them all lined up here in little lines, almost a square. A lot of them! (referring to the rocks) So, let’s go ahead and start with this little fellow, little green fellow (showing a green rock).

G: Oh, wow, okay.

Siddhananda: Okay, they live more like a hermit. They stay in themself alone inside their self, but also not just inside, but it sounds like secluding themselves. So they just, I guess, kind of shunned, kept all that away from them as a way to know God. I kind of see a bit of a bubble around them.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Right, I got the picture.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I’m sure. I’m sure. Okay, there’s like a candle in the bubble. They are working at this. Is this the right way? Is this the right way?

G: No. (laughing) No.

Siddhananda: I knew you would say that! I knew you would say that.

G: Exactly… [inaudible] No, God is everywhere. Why do you need to insulate yourself, pull yourself away in some bubble and try to manufacture something? You have to learn to find God wherever you are at. The only place you can hide yourself away is in your heart. You carry the heart with you everywhere, but you don’t have to isolate in some place like a cave or whatever. It’s better if you find it in whatever the situation is.

Siddhananda: Okay, so that’s letting that sink in.

G: Yup. God is in all things, in all places.

Siddhananda: Yeah. It sounds like it’s that same thing. They are worried they are going to lose whatever progress they have made if they start mixing with society and humanity.

G: Right. But then you don’t have it. If you are going to lose it, you don’t have it to begin with.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: But then you really don’t have it. You can’t lose what you don’t have.

Siddhananda: Okay, they are hearing that. They would like to open up more. They are open to whatever you want to give to them that might help.

G: Yeah, I would say the COS and really go into it. You will find that the COS addresses all places.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it does. Okay, there it goes! (putting the rock down)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Cutting Sword of Kali

Siddhananda: On to this next one, ding (showing a small brown stone). Let's see what it has to bring today. (pause) A lot of nice, nice light is coming from it. (pause) Okay, they are saying they're burning from the heat.

G: Oh, another one. Okay, (grimacing).

Siddhananda: I do see some burning. It's light, but, there's flames too.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, there's some flames.

G: They're near the end.

Siddhananda: Yeah. So, where, what's going on? (pause) Okay. They are saying they feel like a dark spirit . And they feel like they need to be in this kind of a situation, because that's what they are, they're dark. Let's see why [they think so].

G: Because they're dark, they need to be there?

Siddhananda: Yeah, they need to be in this type of fire, surrounding them, [because] they're dark and they're scary. (light laughter).

G: Okay. So, what we'll do with this, i'll tell you how to fix that - with Kali.

Siddhananda: Okay, bring Kali?

G: Just call Kali in.

Siddhananda: Bring Kali to the scene.

G: Bring Kali.

Siddhananda: White Kali..

G: Absolutely, bring Kali.

Siddhananda: Okay, i'm seeing white Kali and a black Kali. Which one?

G: With both.

Siddhananda: Both! Okay. (making a hissing sound).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (pause) It's amazing how they came in. They came in and like descended down (gesturing with hands going out and being drawn down to the ground).

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: this slow way and there they are.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: That was cool. All of a sudden that area turned a lot lighter, man! wooow!

G: (nodding) Yeah, Kali will come in, will cut the head, that demon ideology. That's exactly what she does. She's the condensation of Durga and all of the mantras. They cut that, they cut it, cut it, cut it.

Siddhananda: It's just a circle of light now, and you have the two Kali's.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, that is all that i'm seeing right now. They were contained in that fire, [which] in some way was good, just to contain it.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: But, now it's light. It's got like sun looking, immediately, the way they descended down. Let me see if i could speak to that energy. (pause). They're just saying "much better, much better."

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing). I don't know if they were Indian, i just keep hearing "much better, much better." (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: I don't think they were really evil. I think they did that to themselves.

G: Like i said, that's what Kali does. She comes and cuts the heads and that's liberation for that one, when one of those demon heads are hanging there and then it becomes liberated.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: That mentality.

Siddhananda: That's it.

G: That mentality gets cut. Then, it's that liberation that remains.

Siddhananda: Yeah, i don't think they were evil and scary. They felt kind of little and small when they were saying that. I think they just had themselves in fear.

G: Kali comes and cuts that immediately and they can move forward.

Siddhananda: Yeah, whatever it was, it's immediately been [cut]. They're relieved, they're much better. (pause). They're saying "can you leave me here for a while with this energy."

G: Oh, absolutely. They can stay with Kali for a while. (laughing).

Siddhananda: I'll put them back by this healing center, maybe, for now.

G: We'll put them by the healing center and they'll continue to work with it, absolutely.

Siddhananda: No, they were immediately relieved of that heat, of that fires they were in. It was a different feeling of whatever came in was much better.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, they have that blessing. Wow, lucky, lucky, lucky them!

G: That was quick.

Siddhananda: That was quick. Sometimes, you never know, but, it could be like you said, it was just hanging there, ready to be [cut].

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: ..just kind of ready to go, ready to go and that was that.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Turtle Doves

Siddhananda: And this one (showing a clear yellow stone).

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: (pause). i don't know, [i'm hearing] "turtle doves." What are turtle doves? (light laughter).

G: Turtle doves? There are the morning doves and there are the turtle doves, which are more like the kissing ones. (gesturing two doves together).

Siddhananda: Ah, those cute ones. i think i've seen them. What kind of doves do we have here? i don't know the type of doves we have here. Anyway, they're just transmitting that on a tree, like it's just sweet, there's a sweetness to them.

G: hmm hmm. Yeah, the turtle dove is like, as they say, a little more loving or something. They usually say "love each other like turtle doves."

Siddhananda: Okay. They are reflecting turtle doves on a tree and the little turtle doves do look like they're lovers or something, which is cute. (smiling).

G: Yeah. A little sweet love presence. 

Siddhananda: They are glowing with that, when you said that. They are just a little glow like that.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: They want to keep 'glowing' forward (smiling).

G: Good. (nodding).

Siddhananda: Glow... (putting the rock aside). It's very cute.

G: Glow! (smiling). 

Siddhananda: There goes our little glower. (smiling).

G: Taking their turtle dove love wherever they go. 

Siddhananda: It's cute! (smiling).

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Left my heart in San Francisco

Siddhananda: Okay. So, this little guy (showing a crystal clear stone). (long pause with closed eyes). This is so silly, i'm just going to say it. i'm just hearing, "left my heart in San Francisco." (light laughter).

G: I left my heart in San Francisco (singing), okay! (laughing) And where's the rest of it? (laughing)

Siddhananda: Who sings that, anyway?

G: Frank Sinatra.

Siddhananda: I thought so (laughing).

G: Is Frank sinatra coming through? (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) Let's see what this is about. They died in San Francisco, i don't know.

G: (shaking head).

Siddhananda: They did come from there. That's what they're saying.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Right. So, let's see.

G: They're little attached to San Francisco, got that.

Siddhananda: (laughing) Ohh, they loved San Francisco, they love it.

G: It's a great place, it's a great place.

Siddhananda: I'm seeing some of the bars, some of the coffee places.

G: (nodding in acknowledgement).

Siddhananda: And the roads and the trolleys and the hills, but, ahh, San Francisco (has hand on heart).

G: (smiling).

Siddhananda: So, ooh, i can smell the coffee, i can smell that!

G: Oh, yeah.

Siddhananda: And the food!

G: Cafe Trieste is wonderful. (smiling).

Siddhananda: That cafe Trieste.

G: They must have not passed over too long ago.

Siddhananda: That's the feeling. I did hear cafe triest?, cafe trieste.

G: Oh, they're a cafe trieste person? Oh, (smiling).

Siddhananda: And, i smell the coffee.

G: Yeah, it's the first espresso place in the US.

Siddhananda: Okay. i can feel [the place], i'm in there.

G: Yeah, the very first one was [there], it's fabulous. It's the best, best latte.

Siddhananda: Oh, i'm in that little coffee house, looking out the window at the street, ahh, how lucky am i right now. There's a nice cup of coffee set before me. This person just wants to set me up before they begin. (laughing).

G: (smiling).

Siddhananda: Or share it with everybody. Ahh

G: I spent many a hour there. That's where my first opening came, was with having coffee at cafe trieste.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: My first step into oneness was there, having coffee (laughing).

Siddhananda: Awesome, awesome, it's wonderful. I can feel the people in there, and they got a little stool. You can look out the window and (taking a deep breath and exhaling). I want one of those yummy breads there. I'll just have my treat and coffee in there.

G: Oh, that's a good deal. They do have some wonderful treats there.

Siddhananda: Unfortunately we have to move on from this. I could sit here all day.

G: We do, we have to move on from cafe trieste, as unfortunate as that is. (laughing).

Siddhananda: Ahh, it's just awesome, awesome shift. Okay. So, let's see. "I have to move on, too", they're saying, (laughing). (pause) Okay. So, they are saying they're gay.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Not surprising.

Siddhananda: And, i can feel lot of the bars they went to, and things there.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: ..what they engaged in, yeah.

G: There was a gay area in San Francisco i'm sure when they were around [called] Poach street.

Siddhananda: I can feel that male gay energy there, boy, wooow, there it is.

G: It can be very strong, yeah.

Siddhananda: Wooh.

G: So, what is his question for us? What can we help him with?

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause) Okay, they had a lover there, well, probably more than one.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: But, they were saying they're still attached to that lover. I can see him. He's cute. (pause). Okay. So, let me just see where they are in their spiritual [journey].

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Okay, they said they want to be undressed of any attachment to this gender thing, but, they're still attached to this lover in San Francisco, as they left their heart there. That's what they're saying.

G: Yeah, they have to understand that they will continue to progress, and just because there were gay in that life doesn't mean they will be gay in the next one. (pause) They just have to be willing to take rebirth and go forward. For whatever reason, something didn’t switch when they were born.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: They got a disconnect on the body [when they were born], but, that doesn't mean that will continue to happen, that's not their ultimate identity at all, by any means.

Siddhananda: Yeah, good.

G: They are neither male nor female, in the end.

Siddhananda: Okay, i'm trying to tell him that he needs to let go of this attachment.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: ..if he wants to be open to whatever gender.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Then he needs whatever attraction to whatever sex. He needs to let go of that attachment. i can see him pulling on this guy's shirt, i mean, he wants to still be there.

G: It doesn't mean he wouldn't meet this person again in time, you do have a tendency to reincarnate with the same people etc., but, in different roles, in many, many different roles. Many, many different learning experiences. So, he's got to be willing to let go of that and move forward, to have that growth for his soul.

Siddhananda: Okay, he is absorbing it. I am feeling some detachment. i felt all that bar energy and the guy energy and all of it, and i'm seeing that being less of a pull there (gesturing with hands moving out).

G: Yeah, because he has to let go of that so he can move forward into new experiences, and each experience will be good for his growth. That [one experience] is not the ultimate experience. That was one, only one in millions of experiences, life times and things to go.

Siddhananda: Yeah. He is requesting the COS. Is that Ok the COS for him?

G: Yeah, he can have the COS, absolutely.

Siddhananda: Okay, good.

G: And we wish him well on his journey.

Siddhananda: Yeah, for sure. (hand on heart center).

G: And the sooner he can let go of that, the sooner he can be reborn into another form so he can experience that. So, he's got to let go of this other, first.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So he can move forward.

Siddhananda: And they are showing a heart. They have San Francisco, a little bit, inside the heart.

G: (smiling).

Siddhananda: So, they can't stop loving that place. (laughing). Hey, we love it too.

G: Yeah, no, it's a great place. We love it too.

Siddhananda: You never know what you're going to encounter.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: It's all the same.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Cool Refreshment

Siddhananda: So, here's one that's in quietude. We've got (counting) six [of them]. There's the first one. (Showing the first rock).

G: (nodding). Wonder if Max doesn't grab one. (laughing). (referring to pet Max that is sitting with Siddhananda).

Siddhananda: No, we're going to do our magic thinking (holding Max close and pretending to be thinking together).

G: (laughing). Oh, loving! Oh.. look at that face. 

Siddhananda: He's helping me with the work!

G: Yeah. It's good for you, Maxie.

Siddhananda: Yeah, this one feels nice and quiet. Does he feel quiet? (asking Maxie).

G: (laughing). That face!

Siddhananda: (laughing). He's like "I don't know." Just doing his smooching.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: So, let's see. (pause). They're saying "quiet cool refreshment." It's nice to be with the other souls that are also in the same state, that that helped a lot.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: They're ready to move forward. They want to say thank you for this stopping place, that it's going to alter the whole course of things for them.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: (hand on heart).

G: So, any of them that were there and want to continue, they can come back and visit the cave anytime. Feel free to just come in and hang by the cave and meditate there or whatever.

Siddhananda: Right. Any of them can come go or stay or whatever. That's good to know.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Let life in

Siddhananda: (Showing a clear stone). This is actually the last one in the absolute (referring to the spirits that were in the void).

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they're feeling still, feeling quiet.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: i'm asking "any knowledge you'd like to impart?"

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: (pause). Something about people should let down their guard.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: They keep it up too much.

G: (nodding). 

Siddhananda: More like let life in, these kinds of things.

G: Yeah, let life in. If you want to reach the Absolute, you got to surrender totally, one hundred percent. You can't hold one iota, one hair back, absolutely nothing.

Siddhananda: That's what they're showing, not even a fine hair.

G: hmm hmm (gesturing in agreement).

Siddhananda: Not even a fine hair, and there's nothing to fear.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: So, i asked them "how is it now then for you" and they were saying "just no words, no words, beyond words."

G: Yeah, words are all duality. You can't say anything from there that would give any estimation of what it is, no. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause). They're very nice. i asked them if they want to stay by the healing center, but, they did say they want to move on and aid others, which is good.

G: Okay. Wherever they're willing to aid others, it will be perfect. So, thank you for that. 

Siddhananda: Absolutely.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: That really felt good to do, i could feel the stillness in the majority of these stones.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Birds, birds, birds!

Siddhananda: I’m seeing some birds coming from it, but more like big birds… I don’t know.

G: Big bird? (laughing)

Siddhananda: Not Big Bird (laughing), but big birds like flamingos and different birds that run on the ground more.

G: Well thank God! (laughing)

Siddhananda: Not Big Bird! (laughing) I hope he doesn’t visit. That would be a little too much.

G: You never know. Big Bird could come through. You never know.

Siddhananda: Big Bird and Bert and Ernie and all that. They can stay in there.

G: Bert and Ernie. Yeah, exactly.

Siddhananda: There’s a message in all things, you never know. Miss Piggy… (laughing)

G: Exactly. It’s like [the spirit that came] through with the mathematical thing.

Siddhananda: That’s the thing. They’ve got a lot of lessons they are trying to teach on that Sesame Street. (laughing) But anyway, simple lessons, which are good lessons. We are getting off on something else. So, I saw big birds. I’m seeing flamingos. I’m seeing big white birds, all sorts of running birds that like to run, ostrich even. Anyway, let’s see what the thing is with these birds. Gosh, do people ever ride ostriches do you think?

G: They do.

Siddhananda: Okay, because that’s what I saw. Someone was on an ostrich’s back and I don’t know what that’s about. Do they get on ostriches and run? They are the fastest birds, I think. They are one of the fastest animals.

G: Yeah, they have races.

 Siddhananda: They have races?

G: Yeah. I heard that before. They have kids that ride ostriches.

Siddhananda: I believe it because I’m seeing someone riding an ostrich. I don’t know how that relates to anything.

G: It remains to be found out. I don’t know how this can come in.

Siddhananda: I don’t know either. I have no clue how this one will tie in. God! So let’s see. There’s still a lot of birds. Birds, birds, birds! Okay, they are not worried about birds.

G: Well that’s good.

Siddhananda: Okay, why are birds coming? I don’t know yet. I’m seeing some birds flying down like a dark hole, flying there. Okay, I’m not gripping onto this thing yet.

G: No, I’m not getting it either. That’s a strange symbology, birds flying down a hole. Ask if they can bring in a little more clarity to that.

Siddhananda: I’m going to bring a light burst their way, like light please! Light, light! (making a sound of a burst) Now it will be all clear, right? (laughing) I’m asking for clarity and sending clarity signals and questions marks. (making sound effects)

G: I know they have a message in there somewhere.

Siddhananda: They are saying something about they feel like they are a bird.

G: Oh, okay.

 Siddhananda: Thank God! (laughing)

G: It’s kind of like you need to take flight and go in and maybe that’s what they are trying to convey. You kind of need to take flight and be willing to go where you need to go.

Siddhananda: As we are talking, there is a bird and it’s got these long white wings. So I think that they are saying that that kind of release is what they are looking for. 

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: They want to manifest as a bird.

G: Oh, okay. (laughing)

Siddhananda: They want to be a bird. They want to manifest as a bird. Anything bird is good for them.

G: They like the bird. Well, I’m sure that they can put that out in the universe and, who knows, they may be able to move forward to be a bird. I don’t know why not. I don’t see why they couldn’t go into a bird manifestation if they want.

Siddhananda: I just want to know see why, what kind of thing they are going on here, just curious.

G: Yeah.

 Siddhananda: They want to fly over the land.

G: They want the freedom of life, maybe.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they want to fly over the land, the mountains, the sea, the ocean. They want to fly through the clouds. They want to land on branches. They just want to go when they want to go. They want to go and even eat the little bits of food that people drop, then fly away again.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: They want to sit in bird baths. They want to fly over… they want to fly.

G: They just want that freedom they think that is going to come from that.

Siddhananda: That’s it.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: They do want to be like a bird, more like a little bit of a white bird. I think they are wanting something more of something of peace. If that brings any good energy, they would be happy to do that. But they still want to be a bird.

G: Well, they can go and they can be a bird. But, you are going to see you are going to learn a lot of the same lessons you will have here. (laughing)

 Siddhananda: Wow, you really just burst their little bird bubble.

G: Sometimes it’s not always what it seems to be cracked up to be.

Siddhananda: You’re mean! (laughing) No, I’m teasing.

G: I know, I’m terrible.

Siddhananda:  Aw, they were flying in the sunset.

G: [So I clipped their wings a little bit?]

Siddhananda: Yeah, a little bit. It brought them down to earth a little bit. Wow! They thought they would have it all good with that bird thing.

G: They are prey. You’ve got thunderstorms. You are out in the wind and the rain.

Siddhananda: Their feet are on the earth now. Let’s see if they are going to rethink this bird thing because they are kind of, “What? I thought I would just fly over the sunset, the mountains, the streams and the beauty. Be white and be ‘Whoo, here I am!’” (flapping her hands)

G: Exactly. Yeah, they’ve got a little bit of a false illusion.

Siddhananda: I think you burst their bird bubble.

G: You might want to check that out.

Siddhananda: Let’s see if you burst their bird bubble or what’s going to happen with them, if they still indeed want to be a bird. Let’s find out here. Let’s tune in and find out. (pause) They are not sure.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: They are not sure if they want to be a bird.

G: They should just ask for the best rebirth for them.

Siddhananda: There you go! (laughing) Can we give them the COS? Is that okay?

G: Yeah.

 Siddhananda: Okay.

G: They can fly with the COS.

Siddhananda: Whooo! (moving the rock like it’s flying away) You burst their bubble. Okay, so let’s go on.

G: I know! Well, people think it’s greener on the other side of the fence.

Siddhananda: I know. For sure!

G: They have all these delusions and fantasies about what’s it’s going to be like. The fantasy is not the same as the reality.

Siddhananda: Totally! I think it would be hard to be a bird. You are out in the cold, the ice, and the snow. And you’re trying to find food.

G: Exactly. It’s not this grand thing that they think it’s going to be. You’ve got birds of prey. You’ve got animals that prey on birds. Cats…

Siddhananda: I think wild animals have it really tough. Wild animals actually have it very tough.

G: They are driven to look for food.

Siddhananda: Yes. Protection. You sleep with one eye open. If you have babies… or even yourself, anything can come in anytime as a predator. It’s not a fun life.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: It’s not a fun life.

G: They need to rethink this. (laughing)

Siddhananda: He’s rethinking. I would, too.

G: Why don’t they come as a caged bird? You can come as a caged bird.

Siddhananda: That’s true.

G: He could be put in a zoo.

Siddhananda: A place that you could fly freely. But, I don’t think they want that. They want to go right into the sunsets. They want to go over the mountains. I don’t think that’s their thing either. So, anyway, all right, now here we go. But we do want to put out that energy for the birds.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: They do have a hard life. Okay, so we’ll go to this next one. You just bring the reality in there. But, you have to because it’s not going to be that way for them.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, might as well get in the good lessons now before you come in and have to live that way.

G: Exactly!

Siddhananda: Be careful what you ask for. Exactly!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hearts Come Together as One Heart

Siddhananda: (showing a rock) It’s a nice clear, pretty rock in a way. Let me put it up a little bit (bringing the rock closer to the camera). You can see it’s kind of clear.

G: Yeah, it’s a pretty one.

Siddhananda: It is pretty. It’s nice to look at. Okay! (pause) So, I’m hearing, “I let my heart be covered up with clouds.” I do see a heart with some clouds over it. Okay, so I’m hearing some kind of heartbreak, some kind of union that was there, some kind of relationship. I see a marriage of sorts. Let’s see. Okay, she left him, that kind of thing. And when it was reflected the two being joined in marriage, there was a lot of light. There was like a love. There was a heart being reflected. What he’s saying is that she left him. And then I see someone sitting there with his head in his hands just weeping.

G: Right. And she left him why?

Siddhananda: Okay, she wasn’t ill. It wasn’t something like that where she passed.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: She was angry at something.

G: Uh hmm.

Siddhananda: He was too closed in his way. He was too closed. He shut himself off and was getting involved in a lot of other things. She felt shut out. I see him in sort of a dark world. She’s there as light there.

G: He shut himself out.

Siddhananda: He shut himself out with whatever.

G: He shut the door.

Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: He shut the door. So now he’s going to bemoan it. He’s the one that shut the door.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: He’s the one that really walked away. He closed her out.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Does he not see that? Really he walked away first. (laughing)

Siddhananda: I think he’s feeling like he always loved her, like he didn’t quite understand in some ways why she would do that. But the image was one of him more in a darker space, her light. They were separate like that, like he wasn’t allowing that in. I think he’s thinking, “Well, I always loved her though.”

G: Well, no, that’s not love. If you don’t let somebody in, that’s not love.

Siddhananda: Right. Right.

G: What kind of love is that that shuts somebody out and then says, “But I loved her.” No. Maybe you wanted her, but that’s not love if you shut her out. You close the door on somebody, then you want her for your own ego gratification. But what are you giving back?

Siddhananda: Yeah, because I do see her made of light. It feels more like it was him that was doing this.

G: Exactly. He shut her out. He walked away. Of course, he wants to play the blame game. “But I loved her.” No, you didn’t make room for her.

Siddhananda: Exactly. There was no room in his world in whatever choices he made, his activities, that crowded her out of that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And let’s see what that’s about for him, why he crowded her out.

G: Yeah, find out what it is. But that’s what he’s got to see.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: She did not leave him. He left her at first. He locked up his heart. He’s the one who didn’t open to all of that.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So he can’t sit here and bemoan it and cry it now that she left, that she did this to me, and poor me. This is the time to learn a very valuable lesson.

Siddhananda: Yeah, perfect. So, we’ll let that sink in him for a little bit and we’ll see what happens. (long pause) He’s hearing it, but he’s aching. Like I say, his head is in his hands.

G: Well, yeah, but that can be breached, that can be mended immediately. But he’s got to open himself to it. He can’t continue to shut it out. He’s the one that’s continuing to shut out his heart. He’s feeling sorry for himself and he’s got himself shut up in his own cage, still!

Siddhananda: Exactly.

G: If he would have kept himself open to her, then she would have been there and if he would open himself up to her now, she would be there.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, I do see some more light coming in to him. I see some kind of arms there. It could be that woman or at least some kind of energy of that.

G: Yeah, absolutely, that can come back in there immediately, but he’s got to open his heart to it and he’s got to learn that you can’t shut it out and prioritize everything else first.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: And say, well, I love her. She’s just going to be there for me.

Siddhananda: Exactly, totally.

G: Of course, I have no time for her. It’s just enough that she’s around. No, no, no, no (shaking head).

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: You can’t do that.

Siddhananda: Yeah, that sounds like the story there. There is some light around him, someone with arms open.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: But he’s still a little block of darkness there and I don’t think he’s looking at it. He’s just not.

G: No, he’s got to look at it. If he wants that to come back, if he wants that union to come back, then he’s got to open and he’s got to let go of this nonsense. It can’t be from this ego perspective, “But I want it, therefore I am going to have it. It’s going to be my way.” Uh ah (shaking head). You’ve got to let go of that.

Siddhananda: (pause) More light is penetrating.

G: Yeah, I’m sure that she is there and that union is there, but again he’s got to really open that heart and allow that in and be honoring of it, not compartmentalizing it.

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly! The way it feels in some ways is like she never really left.

G: No.

Siddhananda: He just blocked her out.

G: Exactly. That’s why I said he shut the door on her. She didn’t leave him. He shut the door on her.

Siddhananda: That’s right.

G: That’s what he needs to see. When he can come to that and honor that and see that for the reality that it is then he can open that door.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: He can seek forgiveness and can re-open that door because I’m sure she would forgive him if he comes in sincerity.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he’s got, whether it’s her or the feeling of her, it looks more like kind of like an angelic figure there.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: The light is coming in to that block of darkness is all I can tell you right now. It just seems like she is a really sweet-hearted person.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: I can see why he did love her so much. She’s just one of those that was just that way, always.

G: Yeah, but you can’t sit there and say, well, because they’re so sweet and wonderful and I care for them that you can abuse it and abuse the relationship and shut them out and not give them any time.

Siddhananda: Yeah, because I see her a little bit looking surprised by it.

G: Right, exactly, because he’s starving out the relationship.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: She wants to give but he’s not leaving any time for her to give.

Siddhananda: That’s it and it was his choice. She’s there. She remained the same throughout, one of those kind of spirits.

G: But there’s only so much you can take. If you’re shut out, you’re shut out.

Siddhananda: Absolutely! There was no room for her.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: There is that light feeling of her and it is definitely going into that blocky darkness. We’ll see maybe a little more what he has to say. I’m asking him if he’s able to take responsibility for his part of this.

G: Right. Yeah, he has to. If he’s not willing to then there’s no way to move forward. But he’s got to learn from this experience and accept responsibility and then open to change. If he’s willing to do that then that door can open, one hundred percent.

Siddhananda: He is beginning to see and feel some of this of what you are saying. It is slowly coming into view a little, but it is not fully there or anything. But, he definitely has that angelic kind of light around him, which is another thing to say that these energies, this purity, is around and when it’s shut out, it’s shut out.

G: So, he can ask to feel what her feelings were with this. Ask to feel what she was feeling with this. I’m sure she went through a lot of pain and heartbreak, loved him immensely. But, if you’re shut out, you’re shut out. You want to give and you’re not allowed to give.

Siddhananda: Right. (pause) Okay, so what I’m seeing are some tears, tears of sadness that’s flowing into that darkness trying to help him feel.

G: Right, let him feel what she was feeling, what he put her through. That indeed, she loved him and always loved him, but he pushed her aside.

Siddhananda: Right, so those tears are flowing through. They are very light, I mean they are made of light in a way. They are still in love.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, they are kind of flowing there. He is sort of shaken by that for a minute.

G: Yeah, of course!

Siddhananda: I can feel him coming out like, “She was so hurt.”

G: Yeah, he’s got to see that. He’s got to see what he put her through and understand that and accept his part in it. She didn’t want to leave. If you love somebody, you don’t want to leave. You have the best, you want the best, but if you are shut out, you are shut out and they starve the relationship. You are not being fed and you are being starved. You can only live for so long and it kills it. It shuts the door. There’s no other option but to move on.

Siddhananda: So it does show those tears and then there is also a feeling of someone that is holding their heart, the love that was there.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: They feel so sad. It showed that beautiful union where they were initially married, where that bright heart was there.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And how it changed to that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And how it really hurt her.

G: And the loss of what it could have been. Exactly.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it was so fresh and white with that heart. (hands making a shape of a heart)

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda:  Then it turned to him and more of that dark block of him in his own world and then her still as light. She just didn’t know what else to do. It’s kind of like if you can’t penetrate, if you can’t get in there, what can you do?

G: Exactly. Exactly. There’s only so much you can take of being shut out.

Siddhananda: Totally.

G: It doesn’t matter how much you love somebody, if they are not going to give you the time of day and they don’t have time for you, then how important are you really in their world? So that’s what he needs to understand.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And when he can understand that then he can seek forgiveness for that and I’m sure she will be right back. But, he’s got to repent to that.
Siddhananda: For sure. So he is shaken up by that, by those feelings coming in, because they are kind of newer feelings where he’s been more, “Oh, she did this or she left me.”

G: Exactly. He’s been playing the blame game and pointing the finger.

Siddhananda: Yeah, so they are newer kind of feelings, quaking him a bit.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Like what in the world is this all about?

G: Exactly. He needs to be shaken up. He needs to feel what he put her through and understand it. And then ask for forgiveness.

Siddhananda: Right, and I do see some flowers coming from that. I think it’s just more kind of saying when this kind of opening occurs there is room for growth.

G: Exactly. There is.

Siddhananda: That’s coming from the light as a symbol, as a message of that.

G: Right, right. And he can. It can change around very, very rapidly. But, he’s got to accept what he did and seek forgiveness for that and move to open this.

Siddhananda: Okay, I do see that block of darkness being torn apart a bit. It’s being torn up.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: There’s that flower with the tears kind of raining in, with the flower coming. So, there’s a rip in that dark block.

G: Good. So we are making some progress there. So, once he let’s go of that blame game that he’s been so hurt and abused and so misused and misunderstood, etc., all that nonsense that he is telling himself, and comes to the reality of the situation, then he can open the door to that freshness again, what was there to begin with.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and I do see some arms coming from that kind of block and tears, kind of stretched out, so that part is feeling good and there is that flower there, that white flower. He is remembering now their wedding. He’s remembering how that was so beautiful. Everything was white and pure. He’s looking at her eyes and they are just in love. There is just this pure love.

G: Exactly. He needs to come back to that and open up his heart and then not put other priorities in front of that ever again.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it’s a beautiful scene.

G: And they can come together in spirit. You don’t have to be separate.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: You can come together in spirit even closer than you were in corporeal form.

Siddhananda: Sure. Absolutely.

G: But you got to open yourself to it and you got to do it the right way. You can’t shut them out.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he’s still got that image of them looking into each other’s eyes at the wedding and that’s nice. There are some birds flying, white birds flying. So, I think they are in good hands right now. What else did you want with this soul?

G: So we can leave him over there (the healing center) to just continue to work with this.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: We can check in with him again on Monday.
Siddhananda: Okay.

G: We can check in.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: He needs to know he can go back and have a union with this other person without a problem, but he needs to open himself again and go back to that and not shut them out any longer.

Siddhananda: I did briefly see an image of a man and woman embracing.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So I think he’s hearing you and he’s happy with that.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: There’s a glow of light there. So that’s great. I think we’ll just let him simmer over by the healing center.

G: Yeah, we’ll put him by the healing center because he needs some healing in this. I’m sure she needs some healing with it as well a little bit.

Siddhananda: Oh well for sure.

G: When he gets to that point he can call her and she will come, that spirit will come and they can continue to mend that.

Siddhananda: Yeah, because she is like I say, she’ll be quicker to come around than him.

G: Oh, absolutely, one hundred percent.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: She will be, if she hasn’t moved from that state, she will absolutely. But he’s got to come around and be honoring of it in a correct way.

Siddhananda: Of course. And it’s moving in that direction. So I’m going to put him back there by some of those white birds back there, too. Put them by that.

G: Yes, that’s a good place to be then.

Siddhananda: Maybe it will keep that sort of wedding feeling, that union going.

G: Right, exactly! It’s like they were showing those hearts come together as one heart and that vibration.

Siddhananda: Yeah. Right.

G: But that vibration has to be in sync. They can’t be off like that.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: One vibrating much more rapidly and the other slow and sluggish, then they can’t meld.

Siddhananda: Right, because it was there before and something changed within him.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: And he can get that back again. He can recover that.

G: He can get it back again, one hundred percent, yeah.

Siddhananda: Which is the best part in this whole thing, so anyway…

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: We would like to see that come together and that joy and stuff. Absolutely!

Siddhananda: Of course, it’s a beautiful thing!