Saturday, November 28, 2015

Holy of Holies

Siddhananda: (showing a small, dark stone) Okay, so here's our last one [for today].

G: Whoo! The grand finale.

Siddhananda: The grand finale (smiling). A little dark one (closing her eyes).

G: A little dark one (smiling and raising her eyebrows momentarily).

Siddhananada: I do see some Mary imagery rising here with a beautiful crystal together. That is what rose out of the stone, initially. That's kind of fading. Some growth, greenery is rising. I see below a bit of blue wanting to come up. This is a message from spirit about the holy of holies, light of lights. They are just saying...

Darkness is gone
It doesn’t have any power
That darkness is not real
That darkness is gone
That darkness has no power

G: Yeah, it has no power.

Siddhananda: Mary is very beautiful above it… kind of fading, again.

Make your life wondrous
Make your life one of beauty,
and love and light.

G: That’s a good one. So, again,

    Anyone can enter the holy of holies.
    It’s not reserved for anyone special.
    It's for all of mankind to go into the holy of holies and surrender into that.
    The darkness is an illusion.
    You are the one who is giving it power by feeding it or fearing it.
    You don’t open yourself to it.
    You don’t feed it.
    You don’t fear it.
     It's just a shadow.
     It has no substance, really.

Siddhananda: That’s right. It's a good ending.

G: It’s a good ending. It’s a good message to end on. Namaste.


  1. Namaste, Thank you for this good message. Very appreciated. Holy of Holys in the heart. Om shanti.

  2. Namaste - a great message how everyone can enter the holy of holies!

  3. Namaste, thank you for this message. OM

  4. Namaste. Grateful for this message. I never grow tired of hearing this kind of message. om shanti

  5. Namaste/\ Such a great message to humanity. Thank you. There is no one religion that takes credit for aiding one to enter the Heart of Hearts- the heart of God. There is no one religion that is mightier or closer to God. All religions benefit. Just as God loves unconditionally and does not discriminate, so too is that Energy, that Spirit that has awakened in many and will awaken in many more to come. The way is being prepared...may ears hear and eyes see the Grace of God at hand /\

  6. The holy or holy is available to all- thank you for this message

  7. Namaste- A nice message for humanity where ever they are in life..Om

  8. Namaste and thank you for this Great Wisdom! OM!!

  9. Namaste, thank you for the invaluable message.
