Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Soft Stone

Siddhananda: Another nice pretty stone. Let's see (closing her eyes).

Spirit: When I came the energy is very lovely here, thank you. I'm hoping to get to the non-dual state and be free. I chose the soft stone because I feel, maybe, I have some calcification in there (laughing).

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: They hope to break that down. I see some hard substance.

G: Yeah, some rigid things that need to be addressed.

Spirit: Right, but I chose the soft stone because I feel that I am wanting to soften that and break through that. It's an energy from past things, past actions.

G: Right, and so what can we help you with?
Spirit: This energy is good and soaking it in is beneficial in itself, but ... I don't know about my past life, and all my choices, I just have a feeling that maybe I did something not right. I don't know if it has to do with you (G and Siddhananda), or more the energy of that ... Kali, or maybe, I'm running away from that.

G: Right, right ... and that's okay. You don't have to know exactly what it is that you had done, but just resolve to move forward.

Spirit: Okay.

G: ... and just pray, ask for guidance, and that the Universe would put you in a form that will allow you to rectify that ... to go beyond it, and to learn the lessons you need to resolve what that was. 
Spirit: Okay. That sounds so simple compared to going back ... I mean, how far back do I have to go back to ask for forgiveness?

G: You don't. Just open your heart and ask sincerely for forgiveness. Yeah, that's all.

Spirit: ... and then what comes, comes from there.

G: Right. 
Spirit: Because, I don't really know what it is. It's a feeling, an energy, but I am open.

Siddhananda: I just got a flash of a male, but ... (shaking her head) ... it's been stuck in kind of an ego, toughness, or something ... masks, a lot of masks ... a lot of illusion. Maybe, he, in some ways nurtured that, or something. I don't know.

G: Right. So, just ask the Universe to provide the form that would best serve to break through that. 

Spirit: Okay. Thank you so much. Nothing else is coming now. I really have a feeling just through the energy connection, it's going to really begin to break down whatever is in there, and I am open to that now. I'm sooo happy to be here. I feel the combination of souls that are here, and all this, that have reached spiritual ripeness on what all levels that are open are going to make good for humanity, and the planet, and all ... all that are here. Thank you.
G: So, just be sincere in your search, and go forward, that's all ... and, a wise choice to pick a soft stone (laughing).

Spirit: (laughing) Thank you, namaste.

G: Namaste. I'm sure it's not the most comfortable for that energy (laughing).
Spirit: No, no, but it's ... I am squirming in here a bit (smiling).

G: I'm sure! (laughing)

Spirit: But, I was ready for the challenge. Namaste.

G: Good, good. Namaste. You're welcome and many blessings on your journey.

Siddhananda: Namaste.

Spirit: Thank you!


  1. Namaste - great piece on forgiveness and not needing to know what the past issues were - just move forward for this one!

  2. Namaste, I agree, forgiveness of the passed things can happen at any moment and there is no need to be analyzing it and holding on to it in order to understand it....Just move on. Thank you for that. Very appreciated here. Om shanti.

  3. Namaste, sounds good to hear this message, hits home yet again, no need to revisit past issues, just move forward- thank you for posting this message

  4. Namaste- Very good pointings in this one for sure..Om

  5. Namaste,
    Sincerity and just move forward. Nice.

  6. Namaste, Thank you for the pointing.
