Friday, November 13, 2015

Just Pure Life

Siddhananda: (showing an oblong rock that has line running lengthwise with one side pink and the other white) So, this one is pretty. It's got some different [features].

G: Yeah, it is.

Siddhananda:  It's got a little line. See that line? It's kind of cool.

G: Hmm, interesting!

Siddhananda: It really shows up well there (bringing it up to camera), but not as much there (pulling it away from the lens) ... except in the light.

G: But, yeah, not as much there. No, you've gotta' look at it here to see that.

Siddhananda: But, it's amazing how it's got just a straight line. Separation.

G: Yeah, the separation really comes through on there (picking up the stone and looking at it closely).

Siddhananda: It's really different.

G: Yeah, you see that separation there more than you do here (holding the stone back up to the camera and then turning it around). 

Siddhananda: Yeah, right. Look at that. It's a trip.

G: Hmm ... okay, let's see what our rock of separation has to say.

Siddhananda: Hope it's not that (chuckling) .

G: It's now known as the rock of separation (laughing).

Siddhananada: (grimacing) Okay, you just never know what's in this little rock of separation (closing her eyes). It's saying, "I'm not a separation." No, just teasing.

G: (laughing) Don't call me that (playing as if the spirit is responding).

Siddhananda: "I'm not a separation. I'm one" (joking with G). Anyway, There's a little light coming from it, which is nice. It's a sweet, little light ... at least in this moment (laughing). You never know.

G:  At this second ... you neeever know!

Siddhananda: ... once you say sweet little light, and then it's, ... Whoa, wait a minute ... It wasn’t so sweet (laughing)!

G: Surprise!

Siddhananda:  Some things can look sweet on the outside, you know, but we'll see.

G: (laughing) Get past that exterior, and it’s another whole can of worms.

Siddhananda: That’s the thing (laughing). You can never say what these things will grow into (pausing).

There is a nice light, at least in this moment. I do see the way that rock looked with that line. It’s in my mind, too, which is kind of neat (closing her eyes). Okay, I am going more into this rock. I do see kind of a light energy that’s changing shapes.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: You just kind of zoom right inside the rock (long pause).

Spirit:  ... like clear waters … no name or face.

G: Okay.

Spirit: I move freely wherever, in all places, at all times.

G: They’ve gone beyond the specific persona. It sounds like more just spirit … pure spirit.

Siddhananda: That's what it feels like to me, yeah.

Spirit: I don’t take. I don’t take anything. That’s all gone.

G: We just enjoy it. There’s no need to possess anything any longer. No, spirit doesn’t need to posses anything.

Siddhananda: No, they're just here.

G: No, spirit doesn't possess anything.

Spirit: I don’t take anything at all. I don’t leave any footsteps or footprints of where I’ve been.

G: Pure awareness.

Spirit: I don’t project into where I’m going.

G:  Right.

Spirit: I don’t know … I don’t know … yet present.

G: Exactly, they just enjoy whatever experience it is on that level, but there's nothing to grasp or hold any longer.

Siddhananda: Let's see if they have a message or something (closing her eyes again).

Spirit: It’s life giving, this kind of thing. It’s just life affirming. It’s life giving. It's life. Know that you are in all.

G: Right. It’s pure spirit, whether it’s in corporeal form or not. It’s still spirit, and it’s still conscious … Pure Consciousness.

Siddhananda: It’s pure intelligence, or pure raw IS.

G: Right, without content … before content.

Siddhananda: Right, and you know, it’s a dancing, life energy. I want to say, living ... is my best word for it … living.

G: Yeah, just pure life. It doesn’t grasp or hold, or push away anything. It's just simply is that pure experience. Intellect without knowledge.

Siddhananda: Yeah, right, exactly.

G:  Intellect without  knowledge, without cluttered knowledge of this is or is not, or whatever.

Siddhananda: You know, the way it is felt is ... and you don’t want to put any word to add to it or take away from it ... but all you can do is say, in the best way that I know how, is it's that pure living. Pure life versus anything …

G: It’s nothing manufactured … nothing manufactured, just, you know, that purity of what it is, yeah.

Siddhananda: Clean, clear, beautiful IS is what it is. It’s just refreshing.

G: No judgment ...  just is with whatever comes, it IS.

Siddhananda:  So, let’s see if there’s anything else.

Spirit: Don’t have regrets or sorrows, or fears.

Siddhananda: They just want to say, "don’t weigh yourself down."

G: Yeah, there’s nothing to cling to if one is past that need of corporeal form. One becomes that spiritual and can go forward in that, and just be in pure experience. One doesn’t need to necessarily have a form for experience.

Siddhananda: Right, and there's a feeling that they’ll never be in form. They don't have any [desire].

G: Right, they’ve gone beyond, and there’s no need for it anymore. They’re not grasping at any externals. There’s nothing that they feel they're lacking that’s going to draw them back into a corporeal body to experience.

Siddhananda: No, it’s just pure presence.

G: Right!

Siddhananda: So, that’s within. It’s not that form, yet it’s all … it’s all (laughing softly with delight). So. that’s the feeling, that’s the beauty that this spirit is conveying of that concrete awareness that always is present.

G: What remains when all falls away, including the corporeal form and all of the identifications.

Siddhananda: Right. What I do see  is that they're offering both of us a white Mala. I can see it on my neck, and I can see it on yours. So, energetically, they did offer this white Mala.

Both G and Siddhananda thank the spirit and gesture namaste.


  1. Beautiful description of IS. Very thankful for it here. Good to hear that quiet a few of them were completed. Om shanti.

  2. Namaste, a great message that resonates deeply. Just pure IS. Thank you for bringing this forward. OM

  3. Namaste - ahh sounds so nice to just be pure spirit!

  4. Namaste,
    Nice. Nothing weighing down.

  5. Namaste. Pure freedom, nothing to hold on to, nothing to fear, just life itself as IS ... a beautiful message felt within the heart. So grateful for these exchanges with spirit. OM

  6. Namaste, sounds so appealing without the form and just pure existence

  7. Namaste/\ Nice to have Is painted so Is-ly :D hee. Reading this message, 3 words came to Heart- Sat Chit Ananda. Thank you/\

  8. Namaste and thank you for this exchange!

  9. Namaste, Thank you for the message.
