Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Theatre of the Heart

Siddhananda:  (showing a smoky colored rock) So, they're acting like it's a movie that’s featuring the heart (giggling lightly).

G:  Okay. Featuring THE  HEART (speaking like an announcer)! The main player in this movie is THE HEART.

Siddhananda:  Exactly (throwing the head back in laughter)! They have a screen and curtains. They're saying that the main feature is the heart in this play, in this play of life. The others are way down on the list, so go to the main feature.

G:  (laughing as Siddhananda speaks) Go to the main one. Yeah, we are not looking to the previews. We are going to the main attraction.

Siddhananda:  The previews are you, all your life times and all your drama. The main attraction is that heart.

G:  We need to get to the main attraction, right (laughing).

Spirit:  Featuring the heart in this show of life. When you go to this particular main feature what you will find is SatChitAananda.

G: Very good.

Siddhananda:  There you go!

Spirit:  You will find stillness and you will find grace there. All of these is in the heart (forming a heart shape with her hands). You will find timelessness.

Siddhananda:  They want to go on with all these wondrous things.

G:  These are all the properties you can get if you really get to the main attraction of the heart, and if you really take up residence there. So, sit there and watch the show from the heart. Exactly.

Siddhananda:  More as a witness in wonder and awe versus getting caught up in all the other drama, or like you say, the previews, or the shows across the street. This is the main feature (forming another heart with her hands), you know. They want to put this outside on the cinema marquee where it will say, "heart," and they want all those lights around the marquee.  They want you to go there to that show.

G:  Exactly. Enter the theater of heart.

Siddhananda:  Right, because I'm seeing the other becoming a little darker. When you go into that other show, I'm seeing sorrow, and attachment. There's some heavy darkness in there. I do see some shadow, and can’t see it clearly, but when you go to the heart one, it’s so light. You can see clearly. There is clarity.

G:  So, that's a good message. Another reason to stay in the heart.

Siddhananda:  They have a roll of tickets that they want to give to people for that show (gesturing to show tickets being given out). There's your tickets to that one. Go there! Free tickets.

G:  Don’t go to the 3rd eye because all you are going to get are the previews and coming attractions (laughing).

Siddhananda:  (laughing) That one ... no, no ... and the tickets are free to the heart show! You know?

G:  Exactly. The tickets are free and it's always open 24/7.

Siddhananda:  Everyone's welcome there, and it never gets too crowded there.

G:  Never gets too crowded (giggling).

Siddhananda:  I don’t know, they seem wacky, but they have some meaning, you know.

G:  Well, this has been an interesting one today. We are having all sorts of messages today. Some being ushered right through, and some with very fun messages.

Siddhananda:  It’s good to have some fun in there.

G:  It is good. It’s nice when they make it light as well.

Siddhananda:  Exactly, because really it is. I think people do take it too seriously, yet you do need to be serious, too.

G:  Exactly, but serious in a lighthearted way.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, exactly. Levity.


  1. namaste, what a great message and picture to go with it ... shanti om

  2. This is one of the best of the best messages, for which I read it while living in the heart. The image is hysterical, no curtains though.

  3. Namaste - I love how the spirits tie in modern times to their messages. I will not watch another movie at the theater the same again!

  4. Namaste, thank you. Great message! Take it seriously but lightheartedly as well. Good point. This theatre is open 24/7 :-) All good pointings. Om shanti

  5. Namaste/\ A fun mesage with clarity. And there's no need to check when the show plays! 24/7, always at hand. So nice to have the lightheartedness in this message- It seems to be the way of the Heart : ) /\

  6. Namaste,
    The main attraction!

  7. Namaste. The only show worth going to. Nice how the humorous delivery so readily opens the heart to receive the message. om shanti

  8. Namaste- Very nice message and imagery..Om

  9. Namaste,
    Great reminders to stay Heart centered!

  10. Namaste, Thank you for the reminder.
