Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pure Spirit of Heart

Siddhananda: (showing a little caramel colored rock with swirling patterns) I'm seeing this little rock and it's there.. so sweet. It's got some nice sparkly lights coming from it. It's really nice. We're doing pretty good so far today (smiling). They're saying, "I am a pure spirit of heart. I came to give myself to others." Nice.

G:  There's a few there that could use it.

Siddhananda:  (smiling with a little chortle)

G:  Seriously. If they came there for that, there's a few (spirits) there that are waiting, that are there processing, that could really use that right now.

Siddhananda:  So, they're flowing out as this wonderful, pure, graceful presence.

Spirit:  "I came to say that life is undivided and not at all what those in mind feel it to be. It's whole, complete, and lives eternal."

G: (nodding in full agreement) Right, exactly! There's only one heart of being. It's the same within all. It's undivided ... it's never actually divided. It just has the appearance of division. Just like when you have one light bulb, and a lampshade with many holes that has the appearance of having many lights but there's really, in the end, only one. It comes from that singular.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, that's the exact same message that's being put forward.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: (long pause with eyes closed) I'm sorry. I'm just kind of basking in this energy. It's so nice (laughing).

G: Oh, no, that's fine ... it's okay (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Hey, I have some perks! Let me take some of them that I get. I get a few here and there because who knows what the next one is gonna be. (smiling)

G: (chuckling with a big smile)

Siddhananda: Yeeah (sighing) They're okay with staying if you feel like you need this one to help.

G:  Yes, tell them, especially those Mayan ones that are  going through such hell right now. The victim and the perpetrator could both really use some light. They both really, really need some light right now.

Siddhananda: They're really throwing light on that imagery.

G:  Yeah, they need as much as they can get.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's really hell. What I saw was all that happening there, and then this light came in ... and the light just broadened like this (indicating with her hands how the light opens from a smaller point, increasingly expanding up and out until completely open).

G:  Right, because that's coming from the internal of the being ... not coming from without. It's coming from within. So, if they can really spark that from within, they won't have to go through all of those layers and stuff. They're not trying to penetrate it from outwards in, it's from inwards out so they would have much better success.

Siddhananda:  I hear what you're saying. It makes sense. It's just much more expansive with that imagery (gesturing, again, how expanded the light is). That's all I can say.

G:  Yeah, because that comes from within. They have to feel that from within, and if they can connect within to that single heart, it can expand through (motioning with hands to indicate the circulation of expanding energy moving up and out) in order to break through those illusions.

Siddhananda:  Right ... rather than struggling with this is dark and this is light (gesturing to indicate a back-and-forth tug of war)... but coming from inside, all of a sudden it's a different thing (clasping hands over the heart and gesturing to indicate great relief with a big sigh as if a weight has been lifted).

G:  Exactly. When they get that heart, they get that wisdom within, and then they can start letting go of the rest of it and not resist it.

Siddhananda:  This energy is pretty potent in the way that I can feel it in my heart, too. It can really connect in quickly. So, I'm seeing a beautiful, white lotus ... beautiful.. aahhh!. It brings tears to my eyes almost ... it's so pristine! They want to stay! So, I'm going to put them over here by these white birds.

G:  Put them in the healing area with the rest of our healers, absolutely!

Siddhananda:  Absolutely!

G:  If you can cognize that one heart of being within yourself, it starts releasing all the rest of the illusion. For sure.

Siddhananda:  That white lotus ... I can feel the stem up my body (holding her arms and hands together in front of her torso), and then the flower of it is right here in my mind(opening the tips of her fingers and hands outward like a flower opening within the upper portion of the head). It's so nice ... woo! Okay, moving on ...

G:  (smiling) Right ... it goes through the whole channel of the kundalini and the whole system ... all the nadis (gesturing with the hands of a flower opening in the mind). It's like how it's sometimes shown with the kundalini when it comes up, it blooms in the sahasrara ... it blooms throughout all the nadi systems. That's a very typical symbol they use ... that lotus comes up and it flowers. It goes through that system and begins to flower.

Siddhananda: (smiling and nodding, yes) Oh, beautiful! That's exactly what it was.

G:  So, it's perfect!

Siddhananda:  Really nice. Thank you for adding more clarity to that. Alright, hey, so far so good (saying in a sing-song way)!

G:  So far, it's really what's been needed. We really especially needed that. If they can reach that heart center much more easily, it's a big, big help.

Siddhananda:  For sure, absolutely ... instead of that light-dark, good-bad struggle ...

G:  Exactly. That lets go of all of the resistance. Once you can feel that, it starts to melt the heart and one lets go of the rest of those fears and all of the other stuff around it.

Siddhananda:  Right, and surrender ... surrender comes forward more.

G:  Right!


  1. Namaste. wonderful to see these healing energies coming in to help with the work. Have noticed that coming more into the heart definitely helps release fears and stuff. So, pretty nice for the Mayan spirits to have such a potent healing energy, plus Guruji and Siddhananda on top of it. Hope they're doing good now.

  2. Namaste - love this transcription of the session with this spirit. Wow how it must have been to feel that lotus going through you!

  3. Namaste, referencing the mechanics of the unfoldment of expanded states is always interesting. Pointing out the help available from enlightened ones also interesting, and the effects of living in the heart center is nice to hear- am familiar with that to a degree. Thank you for posting this transcript

  4. Namaste, aaahhhh! !! Breath out as reading. Surrender is felt as reading. Very greatful. Sweet nectar in this message. Thank you. Omm

  5. Namaste- Nice message which helps with letting go into the heart of being..Om

  6. Namaste, Thank you for this post. Nice imagery about Kundalini.
