Monday, November 2, 2015

True knower of Brahman

Siddhananda: Starts laughing, oh he is laughing like jolly ha ha ha like ho ho ho you're so funny, dogs so cute, look at, look at....

(G and Siddhananda are laughing)

Siddhananda: Oh no, i am hearing brahman again, but he seems lighter than the other one. He is thinner, he is lighter... not so stout as the  other.  I can see the cord.

G: Yes, he is lighter. Brahman from what period of time? Was he a brahman from time of birth or family?

Siddhananda: Family.

G: A little more recent than further back when it was not from birth. It used to be that you were a brahman because you were a knower of brahman, then it became a birthright.

S: This is understood. I have heard you speak about this. I am still wearing the cord, is this okay?

G: It's okay, as long as you remember what the cord is for.

S: Kundalini, you said. Could you explain that more?

G: Kundalini is that energy that awakes and draws one thru consciousness to experience all the layers and levels of consciousness and all the realms of whatever one needs to experience.... and it draws one to that heart of God or to that infinite IS, that absolute brahman, so that one can experience brahman directly..... and they have the experience of Nirvana or being blown out and that blown out is when the ego then (at that point) collapses and what remains then is that brahman or only brahman.

S: Is the cord, though, a symbol of a connection?

G: It is just a symbol, yes.  It is like that threefold and there are three pieces to the cord and the kundalini has three channels. There are three channels.

S: Okay, thank you. That is what i wanted to know. So the cord is okay to wear if i wear it for the right reason?

G: It is okay to wear it if you wear it for the right reason, yes... but, take the scriptures and things because most of the brahmans have learned all these scriptures and they have learned them by rote, and they are the priests, they are doing  the ceremonies for the families etc., but what has gotten lost is where these come from and the awareness within them.

S: This is understood,  that they have really gotten turned around and twisted and darkened and kind of lost what they really meant.

G: Exactly, so what you need to do is go into those to find the true meaning of them... and that is the best you can do. Open your heart to that and be willing to go into those and find the true meaning of them.

S: Yes and so i would like to wear those symbols. I do wear the rudraksha beads as well and the brahman cord and ashes on my forehead.

G: That's quite fine. Just be willing to open up to learn what the truth of brahman is. Rather than proclaiming I am a brahman, be willing to go forward and be a true brahman, a knower of brahman.

S: Then i won't need these things.

G: Exactly, then you won't need them. They are only outward symbols of a mind set, to keep a point of attention, a point of focus. They are not the things themselves.

S: It would be such a disappointment if it was just those things because it's about the inner journey.

G: Exactly, so just be willing to open to that inward and to going further in your journey and to be a true knower of brahman.

S: Yes, and so in terms of my practice, can you offer something?

G: I can, yes. Have you heard of the COS?

S: It's floating around up here (laughing). I know it is floating around, it is  up here. I haven't gravitated to it. I just wasn't sure, i guess, if I could do that practice.

G:  No, you're allowed to use that and if you would hang around for awhile, when we are done with this, I will give you a mantra.

S: This would be so, so appreciated. I am so grateful. I want to say that i would not ever soil that or do something that is not good with it. I want to use it to go forward.

G:  That is what we hope. We need more people that are willing to go forward to the light and become actual brahmans. The world needs more genuine brahmans.

S: How sad it is that this is not pure in India, but this is a long story and we don't need to go there and i feel like i don't need to go there.

G: Yes, that is a long story.

S: I am wearing these things because i want to have them dissolve into light.

G: Right. You want to imbibe in the genuineness of it.

S: Oh, you put it just right. Yes you did. Okay, then i will wait now? (for the mantra)

G: Yes.

S: Thank you.


  1. Namaste Reading this blog is refreshing. It is always interesting to hear of the value and purpose of Kundalini. Furthermore, Guruji's comments on the value of having more genuine Brahmans in the world. This serves as an inspiration to continue forward on the journey Ronald

  2. Namaste, another nice message about focusing on the true deeper meaning and not the external symbols. hope this reaches far. OM.

  3. Namaste, nice pointing to go beyond externals and good to see this spirit is open to receive Guruji's admonitions and the mantra.

  4. Namaste - great piece to expand the understanding of Brahmans. What grace for this spirit to get COS and mantra from Guru G!

  5. Nice exchange. Very greatful to be able to read it and hear it from video. Om shanti.

  6. Namaste- Nice message to point inwards and to get stuck with the externals..Om

  7. Namaste & OM to all seekers of Light!

  8. Namaste, COS is a great gift. Thank you for the post.
