Monday, November 23, 2015

The Path and the Practices

Siddhananda: [I'm hearing] perfection ... reality ... [they're saying] "Namaste"

G: Namaste (gesturing Namaste).

Siddhananda: (pause) I'm kind of feeling that they've journeyed along this path with us a little bit. They haven't [been with us in body]. We don't know them in body, but they've come along for the ride.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: The path that you've created is so unprecedented and they're asking, is it okay that they've kind of sat and listened, and tried to walk it.

G: Yeah.. absolutely (smiling).

Siddhananda: Okay (laughing). Is that okay?

G: (laughing) No teacher is ever going to turn a student away that comes in sincerity ... absolutely.

Siddhananda: They're saying, "Thank you, G. Thank you, Siddhananda." They've done that. They've seen you come forward as a light, and how you carved this path out, and your difficulties there. They just wanted to be a part of it and enjoy the practices that you've given. Is it okay for me to say some of the practices they do, or no?

G: Yeah, what practices?

Spirit: "Om That I Am." I do, "I Am That I Am”

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They like that breaking down of barriers and things, and they've been using that. They wanted to make sure that [it was okay]. They felt like you wouldn't mind.

G: No, the “Om That I Am” and “I Am That I Am” are given to anybody, you know, anyone can use that.

Siddhananda: They said they didn't want to be sneaky.

G: Yeah.. I'm glad you came forward (smiling).

Siddhananda: (chuckling) But, they ... something about ... i feel like some kundalini may have awoke through being on this path.

G: hmm hmm (nodding), okay.

Siddhananda: ... and, I'm feeling that's in the energetic form of the spirit of this person. I don't know, I'm kind of hearing, kriyas and other things.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Anyway ... or that is to come, i don't know ... but now they're hearing the mantras. Is that okay for them?

G: Yeah. I would start with the COS, and then, as you progress, - later when you get ready to really cut through things - then we move on to [what are] called the Morning Mantras, the Kali mantras. But, start with the COS and do the expansion. Once we get to that point, then we do the cutting.

Siddhananda: This one is saying that they certainly know of those things that are out there. They've done their best not to let that penetrate, but, being on the path, those energies have penetrated. Is that okay?

G: That's fine. That's fine ... (smiling) ... absolutely.

Siddhananda: They didn't take it and do it, but they're feeling they're connected with these [mantras]. They do feel the vibration of it.

G: Right, and it's quite fine.

Siddhananda: They do want to say that [with] that connection there is a transmission. If you're on this Path, and whatever practices you're doing, you feel the energy ... all of the transmission of it.

G: Right (nodding)

Siddhananda: They feel that. They feel how potent that is, and it's balanced ... it's balanced ... but, they're so grateful. They just came right to this path when it opened up.

G: hmm hmm ... well, thank you for coming (gesturing namaste). Namaste.

Spirit: Thank you so much. Namaste.


  1. namaste, always happy to see Guruji's dedicated efforts that created this path honored as well as the practices.... and of course, always happy to see a sincere student on this side or the other.... thank you for the message..shanti om

  2. Namaste, great message of appreciation of Guru Gs path. And great to see sencerety on the other side as well. Thank you for sharing. The path of light. Om shanti

  3. Namaste - so wonderful that spirit recognizes all the work and dedication to building this path. What a blessing to have these practices for those in and out of body!

  4. Namaste- Nice to GuruJi's works been apprectiated on the other-side, very nice...Om

  5. Namaste,
    Awww, they seem sweet! All the best on their path.

  6. Namaste, Interesting to know that even some spirits are walking the Path! Thank you to Guruji!
