Monday, November 16, 2015

Weak Links

Siddhananda: (showing a clear, crystalline rock) We have a little, clear rock sitting here, sparkling away, and ready to go. Ugh, I wish I'd quit seeing my image! Maybe they like the shirt, and they just want to keep reflecting the shirt. Jeez! Got to shoo that away.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: Weak spokes ... weak ... like on a wheel. A weak link, or weaker link.

G: What about the weak link?

Spirit: It's not good to have a weak link.

G: No, it's not good to have a weak link.

Siddhananda: (laughing) ... or weak spokes if you're trying to get somewhere. We know the results of that.

G: No, that would not be good. Yeah, potential problems in the mix (laughing)!

Siddhananda: So, weak link, what is that about? I'm asking if they're the weak link, but I'm not getting an answer. They're just saying it's not good. (closing her eyes again) What's the meaning behind this? They're just transmitting that kind of thing where when there's that weakness, the thing can break.

G: Yeah, so, you just need to be vigilant if there's something there that needs to be repaired, then repair it.

Spirit: Rust no good ... rust squeaks wheels.

Siddhananada: (chuckling) Oh, boy!

G: One has to keep on repairs, or else you're going to get into a very bad situation. You could be out somewhere, and you haven't repaired it. I just see weak link, weak spoke, ... it just hits me like when they used to travel with the wagon trains and stuff.

Siddhananda: Oh, my God, you read my mind! Are you a mind reader?

G: (shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head)

Siddhananda: I was just going to say, it was the horse and buggy.

G: It's ike in Calistoga and that sort of thing, because you get out there, there were no gas stations. So, if you didn't handle it, you could be in serious problems. You could be in really serious problems. So, with the weak link, you need to be vigilant in your life to take care of things. If there is something that needs to be repaired, something you need to take care of, not just physically, or whatever  ... whether it's physically, mentally, or whatever it is ...  and you see there's a weak link, get it repaired.

Siddhananda: That's exactly it. Keep up that maintenance. You have to look at things.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: You have to not just forget about it, like ... Oh, it's just gonna work ...

G:  ... Oh, and maybe I'll take care of it later. You can't keep vacillating about it, because you could be in a situation that could become really not good. So, if you have a weak link, take care of things. That's all.

Siddhananda: Yeah, right. You know, just in spirit, in body, your vehicle ... just all of it. It has to do with maintenance and repair, as Guruji said. Even in the horse and buggy days, these things are the same always.

G: (nodding emphatically) Oh, yeah, that was really important then, because you're going out across the thing ...

Siddhananda: For sure ... out across the prairies ...

G:  ... and if you have a wheel that goes out, you're not going anywhere. Then at that point, they really have to take the time to repair it, and that could be really detrimental. They only have so much water, so much provisions, that they can take along the way. So, they really had to be vigilant at that time with those types of things.

Siddhananda:  And it's a good point. That's why I think that imagery was [shown], because, at that time, they could not afford not to be vigilant. Whereas now, I think people have gotten casual and lazy, you know, [thinking] ... Oh, I can do this later.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: You need to stay aware in your life like that (placing her hand on her heart). I do see a little buggy moving along now (laughing).

G: So, they keep ... (motioning with hands like wheels rolling along and whistling).

Siddhananda: (making the same motions as G but making a squeaking wheel sound) It's not squeaky (grinning). They've taken care of that.

G: (singing the theme song to a well known Western TV show)

Siddhananda: It feels like we’ve just gone back to the Little House on the Prairie days (joking around).  I love that show, by the way, and I love those books, if you ever want to read those books.

G: Oh, yes!

Siddhananda: The nature imagery in that ... sooo fine!

G: (laughing) Meanwhile, back at the Calastoga wagons ...

Siddhananda: (laughing with G)


  1. Namaste, this was a really good message, don't procrastinate, if something needs to be taken care of, do it. Thank you for posting this

  2. Definitely a great message to read. Point taken and appreciated. Omm.

  3. Namaste Great reminder on being vigilant and never letting up on the practices!

  4. Namaste. Really important message. I tend procrastinate on certain things. Very useful pointing to step out of the ruminating mind and taking action to take care of what needs to be done. Thank you. om shanti

  5. Namaste- Real enjoyable read with great imagery and message..aom

  6. Namaste,
    "not afford not to be vigilant", good message!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Namaste, Yes indeed *taking care of things* although what comes to mind is: *sometimes easier said than done!* Loll ;-0
