Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Lion and the Lamb

Siddhananda: (showing a small clear stone) Ok.. (pausing with closed eyes).. i'm seeing the image of a lion

G: aha

Siddhananda: (pause) Something about Leo energy

G: Male energy?

Siddhananda: Leo, (spelling out L-E-O) Leo, the lion

G: Oh, leo, leo.. Leo energy, ok. Leeeo (smiling)

Siddhananda: Leoooo (smiling), Leo energy, the lion (teasing)

G: Yes.. What do they want to say about the lion energy? (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pause) Something about it being around lately.

G: Ok

Siddhananda: Ok, so what else.. (pause) it is shifting to the lion and the lamb..

G: Aha, right

Siddhananda: ..and Jesus there, and those two energies together, the power [and] the innocence, the majesty [and] the innocence..

G: Right, and that comes to the new age that's coming.. the lion and the lamb

Siddhananda: That's right, that's exactly it!

G: The final chapter (laughing), the final chapter of the earth song

Siddhananda: Yeah, yeah.. and i also see Jesus there holding a lamb, very sweet.

G: Aha.. yeah, gathering them up, the shepherd is looking for the lost sheep.

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's right!

G: Yeah

Siddhananda: Perfect, you've really added [well], that's great.

G: Yeah

Siddhananda: ..and i see the lion emerging again in my mind, it's a very potent powerful image of just that strength, that majesty,

G: Right

Siddhananda: There's a heart in the center of the lion. It is a thirsting kind of energy too, hungry for Truth, that kind of thirsting..

G: Ok

Siddhananda: ..and then there's a golden light or a white light around it and then that vanishes and just..

G: Gold and the white light?

Siddhananda: There was a gold and white light around that lion and that vanished and now there's just the white light of purity

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: So, that's nice! a nice imagery (putting the stone aside)

G: Yeah, thank you for that. yeah, there's a lot of changes coming in, this is like the last chapter.. Get it together people.

Siddhananda: Yeah. Well, it is [also] Leo [time], late August early September, so these energies are about now.

G: (nodding)