Saturday, October 31, 2015

Seeking the Steady Mountain

Siddhananda: Mountain … (laughing) sorry, I just get imagery ...

G: That’s ok.

Siddhananda: Mountain, like a steady mountain that’s rooted to the Earth … Shiva … bringing wisdom and leela, and flow … flow in consciousness.

I’m going to ask what are you here for?

Spirit: Guidance… guidance to the one heart of all, the fountain, the knowledge.

Siddhananda: I’m asking what questions you have. How can we help you? I'm trying to find out a little more about the energy here.

I’m seeing some Sufi imagery. It could be Sufi, it could be Muslim, that kind of blend ... that kind of energy. He’s walked in that kind of tradition for a long time. He does want to say that it is such an incredible blend of all the religious energies. Not to say it is the only one.

There’s still something that is blocking him a bit, a little bit of darkness or something ... not in a bad way, but a little blockage that he has, that he feels like he hasn’t been able to break through. He’s still in his white hat (waving her hands over head to indicate a long hat). He’s still wearing that. It sounds like he still has that in his heart, but, for him, he’s saying that he wants those coverings to go now … whatever identifications come from that to dissolve, so that that unifying force is in him.

Spirit: And so, how do I proceed?

Siddhananda: I see that he’s still attached or identified with that male form in those coverings. How does he dissolve that and get to the mountain of knowledge? What should he do from here?

G: Maybe, just do the COS mantra, not the whole COS contemplation but just the mantra.

S: He said that sounds right to him. He feels a blend of things within that as well, and that sounds right to him. Again, he’s showing the mountains and saying thank you.

G: Thank you, Namaste.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Pool of Consciousness

Siddhananda: So, let's see what this next little tidbit has to say (holding up a small square stone with rounded edges) ... tidbit of energeee (saying this in a sing song voice).

G:  It's the one that looks like the little candy (smiling).

Siddhananda: I know that! I knew... see, I was thinking that! (laughing)

G:  It's like a little caramel (laughing).

Siddhananda:  ... a little caramel ... I know, it's cute! (smiling) Okay, I just hear, "Mental waves are dying. Freedom awaits."

G: Mental waves are dying ... okay, that's good!

Siddhananda:  Freedom awaits.

G:  Right, that's good. Yeah, the more those mental waves die down, the more one is free of the thoughts.  Then, of course, the freedom is going to come from that ... for sure.

Siddhananda:  Simple but true.

G:  Absolutely.

Siddhananda:  So, they are feeling those mental waves are dying for them ... vanishing ... as well as for many of humanity. That kind of thing is beginning to stir up as well as vanish. They are reaching in this small pool of what's happening with them, but also in this larger pool.

G:  It's on the cosmic level as well ... on the macro- and microcosm, yes.

Siddhananda:  Yes, ... in the larger pool of consciousness. I see a small pool that a lot of people live in. They live there. They play there. So, they're kind of there, and they're crowed in there, too, with some other souls in that swimming pool of mind, or consciousness. I'm seeing that the cement of that pool needs to be broken apart.

G:  Right, that's why we're putting the COS out there.

Siddhananda:  For sure ... OH! (smiling wide and nodding with vigor)

G:  They're all swimming in the same pool of consciousness ... let's put it that way!

Siddhananda:  That's right. Perfect. That's it exactly! And, so, that cement needs be broken up with something like a sledgehammer, or something.

G:  Yes, exactly.

Siddhananda:  It's so that it can run out into the greater good  ... out into the greater, universal consciousness ... because people are so preoccupied with their entertainment, their life, all their things, and all of these kinds of things. So, this spirit is just showing that this is the kind of pool where they're just out there having fun  ... but, there's work to be done, people! This is what they want to say.

G:  Yeah, if you want to progress, you've got to put the work in. You have to see that there's something of more value than the external stuff. So many people don't even see that. They're just caught up in the externals and stuff ... and try to cover over, and not look.

Siddhananda:  And, that's the thing with how it is so much in a lot of cases. I think that was just about all. The message is just to break through that, start listening, open up.

G:  That's the admonition for people to just start waking up.

Siddhananda: Yeah! So, it's really kind of nice. Thank you.

Surrender into the Heart

Siddhananda:  So, I can see this rock in my mind's eye sitting here. Let's see what comes from that. Okay, they have a message to not cling ... do not cling.

G:  Don’t cling to it… okay.

Siddhananda:  They are showing a fist… and there’s this rising of energy ... and they're showing this fist trying to grab it, but it's just not going to happen. If you’re trying to grab at that energy, you’re not going to get it by trying to grab it.  It’s not going to work that way.

G: Yeah, it doesn’t work that way.

Siddhananda:  They’re saying, "no."  

G:  No, you have to surrender into things. You can’t grasp it like, you know, ego or power wanting to grab it.

Siddhananda:  Right, ... and take it to yourself. They’re showing a heart to say, it’s not about the body, or anything that is of that ... not anything that comes to you in that way ... or surrounds you that way. It's the heart…it’s the source ...  the consciousness. It's not what you can grab, what you can taste, what you can feel. It’s beyond that into the source.

G:  Right, it’s not something that is external to you that you are going to grab, collect and hold onto.

Siddhananda:  Yes, exactly.  It’s not a physical object like that.

G:  What you seek is within you. It's not external to you.

Siddhananda:  That’s right.  Exactly.  They’re showing a light going into that heart to show that’s the way ... that's the way ... that’s the path.  You know, that light going into the heart…go that way.  Don’t be out there, just like what you were saying, in more of the objective realm of what you can gather there. That’s not it.

G: Right (nodding in acknowledgment).

Siddhananda:  So, they are showing a nice flow of white ... very lovely energy, and they’d like to stay here, too.

G:  They are more than welcome to stay here (smiling and laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) Gosh ... my goodness! We are going to need some more rocks.  That'll get our line-up lowered.

G: Yeah, as soon as I get back, we're going to have to buy a few more, I think. Absolutely (laughing).

The Lingum and the Yoni

Siddhananda: I got a lingam (showing the lingam rock)… Watch out!

G: The lingam is always like the wild card (laughing).

Siddhananda: They are… you pick them up and you just don’t know... you have no idea. They have the most motion, too... they just do things you wouldn’t think they would do. Let’s see what’s happening with this lingam… Oddly, I see my own image when I shut my eyes, sometimes that happens… I do see a flower in the center of this lingam.

G: That’s a good start.

Siddhananda: Whew, okay, yay (laughing) maybe we can see what’s in there now. You know it’s funny, there's a flower, but there's kind of a person in there, too… It’s strange.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Maybe they have gotten stuck in that energy of those rituals. I don’t know…

G: It could be.

Siddhananda: Because I see someone lying almost like a coffin in there. There is flower there though. So let’s see, let me just feel more what this is about.

G: Yes, let’s feel a little bit more of what that is about. It could be about a couple of things.

Siddhananda: It could be, that’s right, it could be. I see that kind of body changing a little bit. It looks like a corpse, but it’s changing like into a female… at first it felt male. It’s lying in there with a flower, like they are lying in a coffin with the open casket. But they are saying this is unborn… the lingam is unborn.

G: Right, the lingam is unborn… It could be like Shiva, too, lying there like Shiva. Ask the spirit if they are representing more of a Shiva… Shiva is unborn. It’s lying there… lying there unmanifest.

Siddhananda: You know it doesn't feel that way. It literally felt like a man then a woman, which is odd. But let’s see what more it has to say… He’s saying the corpse gets absorbed.

G: Yes, the form gets absorbed, right.

Siddhananda: Yes, that’s what he's trying to convey with this. The flower comes after… They are kind of saying after the corpse, the body dies. I am hearing corpse, but I think it’s more of that identification… that’s when the flower comes.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So that’s kind of what I'm hearing with that, but I see these things in this lingam. I'm seeing that now the body is gone but there is a change in energy with it.

G: Okay, right.

Siddhananda: So, they are conveying that it was the identification with the body that they were talking about.

G: Okay, so once that identification of the body drops, the flowering takes place.

Siddhananda: Yes and then the unborn is present.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, let’s see what else. There are clouds in this lingam. There is just the whole world… I see the universe flowing through this lingam with clouds and mountains.

G: Right, like you go from the manifest to the unmanifest and the unmanifest to the manifest.

Siddhananda: And I guess they are saying, too, that they are not separate.

G: Right. It’s like the yoni and the lingam. The lingam is the unmanifest and the yoni brings it out into manifestation. That’s the Shakti… the yoni is the Shakti, it takes it out into manifestation. Everything from the lingam, the unmanifest goes into manifestation. And then it dies and goes back in again, and you do the transformation.

Siddhananda: Right, and it’s lighting up as you’re speaking, yes, that’s it.

G: I don’t know why I get the feeling of Khajuraho.

Siddhananda: Huh…

G: So odd.

Siddhananda: Interesting… From there I see on the side of this lingam, I do see a sannyasi in the orange robes.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Standing beside it… let’s see, there is a path there.

G: It sounds like this one has contemplated a lot of that lingam and the yoni.

Siddhananda: For sure, for sure… and they are bowing to that. They are saying yes, they have really put a lot of their love and their whole being into this.

G: I think they really have experienced it through the heart and have gone through that feeling of that transformation in themselves, going through that whole process. They've contemplated that whole process.

Siddhananda: Yes, as you are speaking they are on their knees bowing very low, so they are honoring what you're saying and honoring that.

G: Yes, they have done the genuine practice.

Siddhananda: Yes, and you can feel it here, man, it’s got a lot of energy that’s been poured into this, in a very good way, a very sincere way, and you can see how it does.

G: They have really got a lot of the deeper messages of it. They haven’t just done the ritual and stayed there, they have really gone into the heart of what it is and what it is not.

Siddhananda: Right, and I do see a light burst as you are speaking, like yes, you are correct.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: It’s interesting, it’s very good. So let’s see. I kind of am seeing it all vanish into light now.

G: Yes, because it’s all just energy in the end.

Siddhananda: Right, it’s almost like it’s all been just wiped clean. And then there is just that light, the pure presence.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: The sun.

G: The light beyond lights.

Siddhananda: Yes, in terms of the sannyasi… all of that dedication goes. It just becomes, the heart, the pure presence.

G: Exactly, right.

Siddhananda: It’s really nice.

G: It vibrates so fast, it’s beyond the physical light, right.

Siddhananda: Gosh, I just can feel the whole universe in this lingam. I can see the clouds, the blue sky, the mountains, the rain, the sun, the oceans. I kind of want this one to stay a while (laughing)... let’s see. They are fine with sitting there a while cause the whole business is in there, it’s wonderful. Phew!

G: So I think more than likely he just wanted to share that experience, his experience.

Siddhananda: That’s exactly what it was.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: And he is okay with just sitting there a while.

G: I am sure he's contemplated the Shiva with Kali standing on him, the lingam and the yoni, and the whole thing… the interactions of that and what the deeper meaning of all of that is. So he's really entered it.

Siddhananda: He's still here! I have him back, he's fine with staying. I could bring him back if you want me to… he's right here.

G: Yes, ask if he has contemplated that as well. I’ve got a feeling he has contemplated the Shiva and Kali, that whole energy, besides just the lingam and the yoni. Yes, they are very interconnected.

Siddhananda: Oh yes, I do feel that and see that imagery there indicating that he has contemplated in terms of having that link as being the same.

G: Exactly, it’s the same.

Siddhananda: I do see a rose. It comes out the same… meaning, one rose for both.

G: Exactly. It’s the same meaning. They’ve contemplated that Kali is standing on the Shiva. They’ve contemplated the Shiva lingam. It’s the same.

Siddhananda: Yes, so he’s just handing out one rose to the whole thing. It’s not this separate, this and that.

G: It’s not two different things. I said that to the one (another spirit that came previously) who got so irate because I said Kali. If he would sit with that and see it’s exactly the same.

Siddhananda: Yes, that’s right, that’s exactly it. All I see is this darkness and this rose lit up. It’s a really wonderful image. So he went into the whole bit, he’s contemplated the whole business. I am just feeling the ground, it’s kind of like that’s what he’s portraying now.

G: Right, he’s gone through that whole transformation within himself. All of those energies have transformed in each step of the way.

Siddhananda: He’s bowing low again in honor of that lingam, yes, he's bowing low.

G: Yes, he is that lingam and yoni.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Yes, he is that transformation… one hundred percent.

Siddhananda: He is sending the yoni, the picture of the lingam. There is a wonderful white flower on top that’s coming… yes.

G: Yep.

Siddhananda: Yes, it’s really nice, there’s a light coming from it. It’s just a wonderful energy.

G: I am sure… Ask him if he was around the time of Khajuraho. I’m sure he understands the inner workings of the temple there.

Siddhananda: Were those the temples with all the images on the outside?

G: Right, right.

Siddhananda: Because I see an image of that.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: I am just getting an image of that. I see it… I see all of the activity on the outside there.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: I see the openings.

G: There are all these worldly activities that goes on the outside, and also the cosmos, everything that has to do with the outer world. And then one goes in there into the inner sanctum, into that journey, that transformational part.

Siddhananda: It’s wonderful because as you are speaking I see that… those temples. Then I am actually taken in there, inside. It’s wonderful inside… it’s so cooling. Then you go into the inner sanctum with the lingam there.

G: Right, one leaves that outside world behind and goes into that inner journey there. I am just wondering if he had some time there in Khajuraho. I know he knows all the symbology of it.

Siddhananda: Oh yes, because I am actually transported in there in that one area with the lingam… I am kind of transported in there in my mind and there is that lingam there in just that one little space. It’s cool and dark in there.

G: Right, exactly.

Siddhananda: I am able to be in there now. It’s really nice! (laughing)

G: It is really nice there, yes.

Siddhananda: I could feel it and I think he is taking me in there. Yes, that's where he’s laid down there… he’s been there.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: All of it.

G: I could feel that with him very strongly, a very strong Khajuraho energy with him.

Siddhananda: He’s bowing low and I feel it with him just saying that all you are saying... yes… yes... yes… yes, leave that world.

G: Yes, it just makes a really bright light in my heart from that. Very, very powerful, very nice.

Siddhananda: He’s just bowing low and he is offering a rose… a white rose… a white flower. He’s offering that. He wants to give it to you as well.

G: Thanks.

Siddhananda: As an offering of the grace that's flowing here as well as an honoring of that light and that journey.

G: Very nice. Tell him thank you so much for coming.

Siddhananda: Yes. We’ll let him move on because I almost feel like he’s one that will move on and do his work elsewhere or whatever. So I think we’ll let him go as much as he’s wonderful to keep around, he can always visit again I’m sure if we called him back anytime.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Angel of Grace

Siddhananda:  I’m just seeing a stream of consciousness. I see an Angel in that stream with a halo and everything.

G:  Right. Nice.

Siddhananda:  Yeah, really nice. We’ll take it!

This being feels that they are Grace Incarnate, or that’s their name, or their energy ... Grace. They want to transmit that angelic purity that lives in all beings and never suffers, never worries, never has any fear. They are saying to flow with that ... to go with that ... to feel that and to be with that.

G:  Right. If one asks that angel, that specific angel, to come and aid them with that, I’m sure that angel will be happy to help.

Siddhananda:  Yes, I see that angel with the word Grace written on it. This is Grace. This is Peace. You can’t beat that, right?

G:  You can’t beat the Angel of Grace.

Siddhananda:  So, they just wanted to say that. I do again see some doves flying up from that.

G:  Grace is always present. It’s always possible. People just have to open themselves up to receive it.

Siddhananda:  They're just beaming with hearing that. They’re lighting up with that. So, yes, that’s beautiful. They are saying they can stay or go, whatever you want (laughing)

G:  Well, we never want them to go. (smiling and laughing)

Siddhananda:  Are we going to turn that away? (laughing)

G: Never turn that down. Grace, are you kidding? We never turn Grace away. (smiling from ear to ear)

Siddhananda:  They're just beaming. So, they are quite fine and feel good with that. So, we'll just put them over with the healing energies. Thank you so much.

G: I'm sure the angel will confirm that if somebody asks for grace that angel will be there immediately.

Siddhananda:  They're just beaming with that and I see a sparkling white lotus. That's just their confirmation of yes. It's just sparkling and beaming with yes. I think these healing energies are just energies of yes, in a good way. Everything is open. It's all yes. It's all flow.

G:  Yes, exactly. That's what people have to understand.  Everything is there if they are open to it.

Siddhananda:  Right. That's it. It's all an open door and, yes, nothing is closed. So, we'll keep this beautiful healing stone.  We keep accumulating those and, you know,  it's all good.

G: We may have to go and purchase some more soon. All of them are going to be taken up soon. I'm not saying to leave, you know. They can stay right there.

Siddhananda: Oh, I know. If you just come sit by them, you're good. I can really feel it. If you tune in, you can feel these energies. Not everyone can, but even if you can't feel it, if you just open up, it's there. It's there, that's all.

G:  Exactly.  So, I think that these messages will help. To put these messages out there for people where they can go through them and see all of the help that's there, what's waiting for them.

Siddhananda: I totally agree. It would be a wonderful thing to actually read daily ... read one or two daily. It's just a good, good start whether you're on the path or not on the path, or whatever. It's just all there for all.


Siddhananda:  This one is a nice energy. It's saying it wants to know more about love. But, it’s a really nice energy.  It’s reflecting a white flower, and it almost feels like love itself. So, I don’t know why ... I guess it's asking for others ... they want you to talk more about it.

G:  Talk more about love?

Siddhananda:  Not as much for themselves, but just for others.

G:  Well, all one can say is that if you really love somebody, or love something, one totally gives themselves over to it until they no longer exist and only the thing that one loves exists. One absolutely melts into that. That's what the Bhakti practice ... the love practice ... is about.  You become that which you are worshiping. You dissolve into that.

Siddhananda:  They are really glowing with hearing that.  It feels like this energy is an energy of love itself. It just wants that portrayed more in words that people can understand, and it's glowing with that. They're lighting up and sparkling as you are speaking.

G: Because you become that.  You are not separate from. You are never separate from. So if you open your heart to that ... I don’t care what you are communing with ...  if it's a tree, if you're communing with Krishna, if you're communing with an angel ... you open your heart to it and become that.  You lose your self-identity until you become that which you are seeing.

Siddhananda:  It’s kind of a neat image that I'm seeing with a white rose connected with that red rose that was not fully in blossom ... they sort of merge together… they merge together. It's really nice!  So, that’s what they are saying, yes!

G:  The two become one.

Siddhananda:  Yeah ... Here’s two different roses.  One wasn’t in a full bloom, red ... the other, white ... and they just merged.  So, it's just a really very nice image.  I can see the other rose, the red one within the white one ... they are there as one.

G:  Exactly

Siddhananda:  So, they really want to thank you for speaking on that.

G:  They reach the same harmonious vibration. You come into their vibration.

Siddhananda:  Yes, the energy gets in alignment and lines up as one.

G:  Exactly. Your energy changes into that vibration.

Siddhananda:  Right. They're saying that it just becomes as one stream, one stream ... totally in sync with that, and it's not seen as two any longer. So, that's what they're saying, too.

G: Right, it's not separate.  It’s One. What I am you are.

Siddhananda:  So, then I am seeing those roses have merged which is REALLY lovely, and I’m seeing a lot of wonderful light coming from that as they’ve merged. This is their way of saying thank you for speaking on that.

G:  Thank you for coming (gestures with namaste hands).

Siddhananda:  Another lovely energy, really, and a wonderful message (gestures with one hand on the heart center).

G: We'll keep that love energy. We're happy to have them around (smiling and laughing).

Siddhananda: Woo hoo! (laughing with G) Yeah, I don't know if they want to stay, too. I'm like ... do you want to stay? They do want to stay!

G:  Absolutely ... we're not turning love away!

Siddhananda:  Who would? They could just be here.

G: I mean, what more can we ask for? We've got love this morning. We've got grace this morning. (laughing with a huge smile)

Siddhananda: I know ... angels, and light, and love ... clear waters and beautiful green, and all that! We'll take it! (rocking back and forth with joy and laughter)

Heart Center Pummeled

Siddhananda:  Siddhananda hears, "My life has been what I call perfect."

G:  I just felt a big, huge flush right in the heart center.

Siddhananda:  Ah, okay ... interesting!

G:  It's just crazy, crazy big (sweeping hand gestures to show how the energy is moving up and out from the heart center)

Siddhananda:  Is it a good thing?

G:  Oh, yes, it’s a good thing! The heart is just ... (motioning with hands to show how expansive the energy is) ... like crazy energy. No, it's a good thing.

Siddhananda:  Oh, good! There are lot of wonderful energies here today, so I'm glad you're feeling that. Good.

G:  There is just a big flush right through the heart.  It's a very intense one.

Siddhananda: Wow! You can really feel it today. I'm just feeling nothing but love and light, and beauty here today. Really. It's amazing.

G:  This energy is really gonn'a pummel . I mean, these energies together can really pummel ... big time.

Siddhananda: Oh, it’s coming. It's happening. It's really such a good thing ... such a good, needed thing.

So, let's see.  I'm seeing the Guru sandals, and some roses.  I'm hearing they've had a perfect life, but maybe haven't lived perfectly, but I don't know if that's right. So, things are just kind of fading again. I'm seeing the Guru's sandals again with the roses ... the padukas, or however you say?

G:  Right, the padukas. Sounds like they had the perfect opportunity, but they didn't take full advantage of it.

Siddhananda: You know, that's my feeling of it because they say it was perfect, and yet, they have not lived perfectly.

G: Right. They had a great opportunity but they didn't take full advantage of it.

Siddhananda: Yes, that's the truth. I hear them saying they walked with some saints. Then the Guru sandals are there. So, they really had quite a lot of wonderful energies in their life, and maybe they didn't, like you say, take full advantage.

G:  Yes, maybe they didn't recognize it until too late. They were just kind of saying ... okay, this is nice ... kind of a thing. They had a lot of opportunity but maybe they didn't get the full benefit. So, what is it that we can help them with? What is it they are here for?

Siddhananda: Again, I'm seeing the Guru's sandals.  They are wanting to take that more into themselves now. They see that there was some time lost and some opportunity lost. So, what to do now?  They're following those rose petals.

G:  They can go ahead and do the COS.

Siddhananda:  That's being transmitted to them. There is a little bit of murky energy with this being.

G:  Right.  They didn't take advantage of what they had before. So, now they're going to have to prove themselves and open themselves to it. They kind of closed the door.

Siddhananda:  They're picking up those sandals now ... holding them to their heart and kissing them ... and just crying.

G:  It's one of those kind of things that you don't know what you've got until it's gone.

Siddhananda: yeah ... and so they're just trying to hold those near to have that energy, too. So, that was not a totally lost thing to them.

G:  So, now they have another opportunity. Don't blow this one off.

Siddhananda: They are saying no.  They're crying and holding those sandals. They have taken the COS and they're going to just go on.  They're very sad, though, but they're going to keep on.

G:  There's no reason to be sad. They need to go forward.

Siddhananda: okay ... so, yes.  Thank you.

G:  Namaste.

Siddhananda:  There's always another opportunity, but it's better if you do have these opportunities to take them when they're there. But, certainly, there's always another one.  It's just something to consider.

G:  Exactly.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Open Up to the Pure Light of Being

Siddhananda sees the image of doves in a cage that opens up like a door to allow all the doves to fly out in a stream.  This is a message of opening up ... open up and let that beauty and that purity be.

G: Exactly. Let that come out. It's already there.

Siddhananda: Yes, right. Don’t keep things caged up. You have this beautiful fresh being there, release it ... let things fly ... let all that purity be.

G:  If one contacts the Heart of Being, that’s what’s there ... the Holy Spirit is already there, ready to fly, but they've got to open to it. They've got to allow it to take place.

Siddhananda:  Right.  So, that's what they're saying.

G:  It’s a good message.

Siddhananda:  That image is kind of fading.  I just see more of the Light and that was their message, which is nice.

A Healing Light

Siddhananda:  Okay, I'm hearing, "flavored of fresh sweetness." They are here to bring healthy light. They are here to bring health and rinse all tears away. They want to bring good health, good spirit and to rinse sadness away.

G:  Okay, yes.

Siddhananda:  Hey, we'll take it! (laughing)

G:  That’s nice. That's good.

Siddhananda:  They rinse disease away, they rinse sorrow away, they rinse ego away. Geez, what more would you want? They're just a healthy light (laughing). So, they want to take any that are listening with their hearts open ... they want them to listen because what they want to do is sort of take them in. They want to take them up.

G:  Right.

Siddhananda:  Yes, they are taking them in, and they are almost floating them on this water like a baptism in a way. I see them floating. They want to say "you that are listening, you that are here and open, I'm taking you in ... taking you to the waters". They are putting water over their head, letting them float there. This form I'm seeing which the energy is working with is relaxing. They're totally relaxed, floating on this beautiful white clear water, with this warm wind, and blue skies, and clouds.

G:  Nice!

Siddhananda:  There’s flowers. Everything is just in peace and in balance, and there's no worries. They're just continuing to rinse that over them. So, they are just a healthy spirit. They're here just to help bring that. So, that’s just about it.

G:  Yes, I just hear the words that those that are laden come and lay it down.

Siddhananda:  Exactly, and they do. They're here. I see a light projecting outwards to say to you that are here, like you were saying... if you have baggage, when you’re clinging, if you're heavy, or you’re in worry, or fear, ... or worried about a loved one, or you’re not healthy, or whatever it is, ... just come ... come ... come ... come!

G:  Right.

Siddhananda:  So, that’s nice.

G:  So come and accept it, just come and accept it, lay it down, let it come. Yes, exactly.

Siddhananda:  Beautiful! So, very, very nice. Thank you so much (gestures with a hand on the heart center).

G:  Thank you. Namaste (gestures with namaste hands).

Siddhananda:  How can you shut that out, for goodness sake?

G:  Yes, can't miss that. So, are they going to stay awhile?

Siddhananda:  Let me see. They do actually want to. I'm glad I asked. I think they're a good healthy energy. We'll put them with our other healthy energy healing rocks.

G:  That's it. We've got our core group there. If you can't get help there, I don't know where you can (laughing happily).

Siddhananda:  Oh, my gosh ... it's like a healing spring and they're all pretty clear rocks and one is pink. But, otherwise they're all clear rocks which is interesting.  None of them are colored so far except the pink one.

Shanti Light

Siddhananda:  What they are trying to convey is that it’s all the same ... me, you ... nothing high or low ... here or there. They are saying:

the fabric of life
it all runs through it
like a thread
shanti light - coming
shanti light - IS
shanti, shanti
shanti light shining
shanti light message
it's coming

G:  (laughing) Are they reading my old stuff?  It sounds like my old stuff I used to write. I have a writing like that.

Siddhananda:  I don't know.  I don't know, man (smiling and laughing with G). Some things get reborn somehow, so maybe it's just kind of here again. So, I am seeing,

The Shanti light is like a beacon
like a star in the sky
that beacon ... that light
that’s what’s there.

I do see some turning towards it and some are not. Some are right there in it, all open ... or, even looking and wondering ... going towards it and pulling others along saying, "hey, let’s go to the shanti light!"  Others are not.  They're just so busy with their own stuff (motioning with her hands to show they are all in their heads).

G:  Right. They are not going to see it ... they are not going to take advantage of it, and will really be rocked by stuff.

Siddhananda:   Right. So, I see some dark, and then I see the Shanti light that kind of makes it more of a triangle. Others are preoccupied with their own "me and my world."  Then, I see others kind of looking, hearing, and feeling ... looking and going towards it. They're moving towards that way because all their senses are alive in it.

G:  We have got the sensitive crowd and then the Trump crowd (laughing).

Siddhananda:  Oh, my God ... ew (grimacing). That’s not good (laughing) ... the Trump crowd, oh lord have mercy! That’s definitely not a good thing there.

G:  Somehow I think Trump, with all his money, is going to miss it.

Siddhananda:  Oh, I would say that is a sure thing. Some just haven’t been exposed, that’s just not in their reality. They haven’t been exposed.

G:  Exactly. It's just not in their reality yet.

Siddhananda:  As this energy heightens, those ones, as they come near, they will start breaking that down. So, it's Shanti light ... go towards it ... open up and bask in it.  You don’t really have to be the doer any more.

G:  That's it. Go with the flow.

Siddhananda:  So, that was it ... their Shanti poem, their Shanti message. Shanti om.

G:  Shanti om.