Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Karmic Lessons

This soul begins by offering blessings to all sentient beings. The spirit wants to communicate that the planet is going to have it's karmic lessons come more to the forefront now. There are very strong energies coming forth that will bring this up and forward more, to bring what is not in the view of people who need to have this brought into view.

For some it will get a bit easier and for some it's going to get much harder, as these karmic lessons are going to come back and smack them in the face.

There's that black and white polarization that's going to be seen more.  The feeling being transmitted is that this is a positive thing because it does bring cleansing.


  1. Great message indeed. Thank you for that. Very appreciated. Liza

  2. Namaste- Nice message which flows and is clear in it's message. Thank you for uploading.

  3. Namaste/\ Got the 2x4 here and grateful for the shakeup as it keeps the Path real, forcing the questioning of whether to continue to be on the karmic wheel of suffering or not...the choice is made to leave ego with that merry go round wheel. Namaste and thank you to All who brought the messages out. Surrendered in Heart, onward.... /\

  4. Ahhh, very nice to see these! Such beautiful lovely work!


  5. Namaste- A strong message from the spirit. The carmic lesson. A wake up call to make serious decisions of going forward with spirituality, or to continue being ignorant and suffer more. By forgetting or running away from past issues, one has the opprtunity now to face them, to clear them. To have a moment of reflection of ones life, and see which direction one is going. Hopefully forward. I appreciate Your nice job with the Blog. OM

  6. Namaste - What is needed is needed...

  7. Namaste, Karma is always in place, balancing the scales- good thing to do is choose wisely from this moment onwards.
