Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fullness is Always Here

The full moon lives here... 
it always lives here 
it’s not just at a certain time... 
it’s always full 
it’s always present, 
whether you see it in the sky or not
that fullness lives and it is ever present.

Siddhananda: Moon imagery is seen, full, bright and not marred by anything.

Spirit: Don’t think now this is in the past and it’s this or that. This is the mistake that is made... stay with the Heart.

G: We have had our blood moon and we will continue to have that opening. It’s not going to shut just because the phases of the moon are having a shadow over it. It’s quite open now and it will remain open.


  1. Namaste. And thank you for keeping it open for us. Deep gratitude. Omm.

  2. yes, it is open .. just a new phase coming in.. that moon remains forever full through these changes...

  3. Feel this to be a opening which is ongoing for sure.

  4. All is there, even the strongest configurations of the Universe. They will continue to be there, even unseen. And they are unaffected by time and space. Thank you for a meaningful message. OM

  5. Namaste, Hmmm turned out otherwise it seems..? *It’s quite open now and it will remain open*...

  6. Namaste, message seems to be- continue forward, greatness awaits. Thank you for posting this message

  7. Namaste.. Nice to know of the access to the full moon in the here and now. Brings more beauty into one's life with that presence. OM
