Saturday, October 10, 2015

Priscilla of the Night

This spirit is more of nature, appearing to have a body clothed in a kind of soil with sprouts coming up that speaks of renewal. This one is like fertilizer made into a source of nourishment to help this time of renewal bloom. She wishes to speak of these changes coming forward on earth.  It is in motion and will draw away all that may keep one from renewal.  It will draw this away and absorb it to make way for new, sprouting growth.

She says to come more towards purification, to become more translucent, so that this light can emanate through the body more easily.  People should seek to become more grounded in earth and more grounded in the energies of nature.

Spirit says she knows of the mantras being given and that they are glad the mantras are coming – more greenery is coming out through that. This is a beautiful thing and is like fertilizer, too.


  1. Thank you for that. Green is good. More green is even better :-) Omm.

  2. the nature imagery is so lovely, fresh and beautiful.. really felt deeply ...

  3. Lovely imagery and great pointings as well.

  4. Namaste - A nice message of getting grounded. I was suggested to eat more meat to ground myself. But this can also be done in other ways, like walking bear footed in nature. It is good to be translucent so the light of can go deep and change one. Thank You for good pointings.

  5. Namaste and Great message from this spirit!
    Thank You!!

  6. Namaste, nice to see the connection with the mantras and more greenery coming out through that. Thank you for posting this message.
