Saturday, October 17, 2015

Rock Energy

The spirit says that it is a rock, and that's maybe a good thing... it's not a bad thing and it does not want to change this. They like being a rock. They're planted in a nice place.

They've got longevity with that form. It's slow and long. They can watch the universe go by. They can watch history and all of the drama.  

The rock spirit says that people come and sit on them. They're just a witness really. And, they just want to say that this is fine. It's perfect.

Everything has consciousness. The universe has consciousness. All has consciousness.  

G says there are some very special rocks, some of which are in service right now (points to the healing rocks nearby). 

The rock spirit says, "Rock energy." They don't have any questions and just wanted to share this. The spirit also says that they know of all that mind stuff people walk by with and they don't want to have anything to do with that.

They are just different forms. There is no way of saying anything is higher or lower. They're there. They're just present and sometimes much more so than the mind stuff that people are walking around with.


  1. nicely done ... you rock, rock... om

  2. Namaste - love this one, very cute to think about this. Being a rock, rocks!

  3. Haha You rock, Rock :-) Simple and beautiful. Thank you.

  4. Really helps to open up to all been one consciousness. Om

  5. Namaste. I've always loved rocks. I tend to pick them up and take them home :)
    ... but, this message helps me to see them in an entirely new, for which I am grateful. - namita

  6. always interesting to be reminded that everything is consciousness

  7. Namaste - A wonderful stone story with many pointings.
    Stones are not dead, but are blessed with Gods energy in them, as consciousness of their own, like everything else in the Universe. In this "low" state, with stillness, they are witnessing the background noise of the Universe. Being a part of the Absolut. Just like as white light is broken down to different colors and shades, the Divine energy is manifested in multiple colors and forms also. By knowing the jumping mind of people, they feel good just being a stone, with a stille mind, not wanting to change that.

  8. Namaste..thank you. .yes all made of the same stuff!

  9. Namaste,
    This message is a special message to remind one of consciousness being present in every thing that's inanimate. Simply recognizing this brings a stillness of its own.

  10. Namaste,
    Not wanting to be a mind... Who could blame them!

  11. Conciuousness is everywhere. Thank you for this message.
