Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rivers of Living Waters


The image that is coming through is that of water flowing over river rocks and a nice waterfall. Someone is taking up the water and pouring it over themselves. The message from the spirit comes through as follows:

This is the time of cleansing
Time to bathe in the rivers of living waters
And lay it down there
Go to that
And release whatever is holding you back from that

Let it all be cleansed completely
It's time 

It's this time now
So have no fear 

and be willing to let go

This is really the baptism. To be baptized is to bathe in the rivers of living waters. To let go of old belief systems, projections, illusions, delusions. Time to surrender all into that and come up with a real re-birth.
The spirit conveys an image of a beautiful lotus and beautiful white, clear water running over it as a way to speak of this purification, and to say thank you to G, and that they are understanding what G is saying.


  1. Thank you spirit and Thank you G. Deep gratitude. Liza.

  2. Namaste- Very clear message. Thank you for sharing. Om

  3. /\Hearfelt hope for All in suffering/\

  4. This is a useful message to hear- over and over - let it all go

  5. Namaste - A good imagery the water over stones. The clear water cleansing it all. Giving room for the opportunity to have a fresh start. This is a good oppotuniti for change and going forward. Thank You for this message.

  6. Namaste, Thank you spirit for the reminder.
