Monday, October 12, 2015

Sufi Saint

The spirit is of a pure Sufi saint. The saint says Sufi is not a religion, it is pure God Energy. The whirling Dervish dance is a celebration of life, it's potent. It's non dual in the heart.

This saint has had kundalini which was very hard. Kundalini goes through the chakras and burns away any impurities. It goes through all the levels of consciousness.

There's just IS that remains. It's IS ... IS ... IS - it's concrete IS. You can't move away from IS.

All is non dual, all souls come from one essence.

May this pure heart rain on all of humanity


  1. Thank you dear Sufi saint :-) for a great reminder.

  2. A great story, with a good ending, and good messages from the nice Sufi.
    A beautiful dance it is, the mystic Sufi dance, not only the physical dance, but the mystic beauty beyond that. With closed eyes, their intensity of concentration on onepoint increases, while whirling around to the rhyhtms of the live music playing, and with synchronized movements with the other Sufies. This can go on for hours. The whirling dance reaches climax, or perfection, when the body instrument is perfectly aligned, while stil in movement. This creates a perfect dance. The minds is still, while body is moving. A mystic dance of love to God and appreciation of love from God. The dancer becomes one with the dance. The dance is love.

    1. Namaste, I am enjoying your comments as much as I am enjoying the message from spirit. The great message of Kundalini which is not for all at this time.

  3. Namaste,

    The message is really beautiful. To think of the whirling dervish as being a pointing towards celebration of life is really beautiful and heart opening. Truly then life cannot be separate from the god energy, including life as it is. Grateful to be reminded of it.

  4. Namaste, Nice message thank you!

  5. Namaste, Thank you for opening the meaning behind this dance.
