Monday, October 19, 2015

Poetry of Doves

The spirit wants to share a message of love
The poetry is that of doves
It is a holy spirit energy
It's singing of doves
The light of Christ
It’s all God


  1. Namaste. Beautiful. Simple. Loving. Omm.

  2. Namaste..straight to the heart!

  3. Namaste..straight to the heart!

  4. God is all. God is in Christ. God is in the singing doves. God is the Holy spiritual energy. God is behind the poetry, God is Love messaged from spirit.
    A very meaningful piece of poetry. Understood by reading it up side down.
    And the clean white loving peaceful doves are beautiful symbols of the Pure Love of God. By knowing that all origin is coming from the same love, and that we are not different from eachother in Heart, we respect others, as we respect ourselves. After understanding this, one can meet challenges and people with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness.

  5. Namaste/\ God is Love...and Love is the Way, the Truth and the Life /\

  6. Namaste, can feel some freshness in this message. Great image- thank you for posting this.

  7. Namaste, thank you for this simple poem.
