Thursday, December 31, 2015

Not Two, Not One

Siddhananda: This one's cute too... (showing a small pink stone)

G: (smiling)

Siddhananda: We've got another pretty pink, it's got a little darkness here, in a ring almost.. so, let's see.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Ok, I just heard "butternut squash!" I don't know... (laughing)

G: (bursting into laughter)

Siddhananda: ...and they're laughing. (laughing)

G: I like butternut squash!

Siddhananda: They were just saying you like it... you said it right when I heard it... (laughing)

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: They're laughing hilariously.

G: I'd take some right now... it sounds actually very good.

Siddhananda: I know you like it.

G: They couldn't have brought some, could they? (laughing)

Siddhananda: I know, that would be very nice! (laughing)... Please have some later... you know, it's fun... it's fun.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: So, let's see what's the next thing with this one.

G: Other than butternut squash! (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) Never know, I like that... umm let's see... (pause) "Reality is not two," I heard...

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: "It's one."

G: Well, it's not one either.

Siddhananda: Ok.

G: It's zero. Reality is zero, it's not the one. 

Siddhananda: (pause) That may have created a stillness for this one, I think they [just went still].

G: Yeah, it's not two. It's also not one. 

Siddhananda: (pause) 

G: So, I think, basically, the mantra they need to say is "not one." "Not two, Not one."

Siddhananda: hmm

G: "Not two, not one."

Siddhananda: And, that I can feel, penetrating the energy of that... going into this particular energy.

G: Hmm hmm, yeah.

Spirit: (repeating the mantra) "Not two, not one," "not two, not one"... emptiness... nothingness... emptiness...

G: It's not an emptiness of devoid. It's pregnant with all that will be in existence. Absolutely pregnant.

Siddhananda: (pause) And they're feeling that. They're still feeling, maybe that, it's not like you don't [exist]... I mean, you still exist is what they're trying to convey.

G: Right... primal IS, primal IS, primal IS.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm (pause)

G: Before identification... runs like a thread through all life, all existence. 

Siddhananda: (pause)

G: Not two, not one.

Siddhananda: (pause)

G: Just IS.

Siddhananda: (pause) They're feeling much more settled and quiet.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: I hear that mantra... so, I can hear that they're taking that in, whatever you gave them... "Not two, not one," I can hear.

G: Hmm hmm. Yeah, so, I think we'll leave them to stay here for a while in the crystal cave and stuff. I think that will be good for them [to] hang out there for a while and just soak up the vibration of it. (getting up and placing the stone in the crystal cave)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Rivers of Living Waters

Siddhananda: Okay, and onward with our next little clear one (showing a rock). It’s cute! Almost looks like a tooth or something.

G: Yeah, it does look like a toothie. Toothies!

Siddhananda: A little bit! We have some connection… something comes forward when I say that, you never know. Okay, so I’m just hearing "clear pool of wisdom.. wanting to know God."

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: I feel a little Sufiness in there.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Maybe they weren’t, but maybe they were married to someone that was. So, I think they were female. Interesting...

G: I just keep getting from them “What is this I?” question. “What is this I?”

Siddhananda: I see that Sufi imagery there, and but then there is her. So, there’s this Sufi imagery and then there’s her beside it, you know. But I’m feeling that kind of blend a little, as you said, “What is this I?”

G: Yeah, “What is this I?” And do also the “I Am That I Am,” [and] the “Om That I Am.” I think those three-fold will be good for her, and just to keep in mind, the rivers of living waters… rivers of living waters. (waving her hand with fingers open up and down like cascading water)

Siddhananda: Yeah, that was nice.

G: She can take that in. Yeah, take that in.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and that definitely felt better, merging of energies, almost like she was feeling a little bit separate from…

G: Right!

Siddhananda: So it was good. Okay. All right!

G: Thank you!

Siddhananda: Thank you!

G: Yeah, I think that women don’t get to [do] the Dervish practices.

Siddhananda: I know. That’s it.

G: They are kind of on the outside looking in, so this will help her to get on the road to actually experiencing what she needs to experience.

Siddhananda: Right. She was almost watching him, standing beside him and he was doing that.

G: Right! And she’s wanting that for herself.

Siddhananda: Right, for herself. That’s right. So, good!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fires of Purification

Siddhananda: So we’ve got this one. I’m seeing some fires.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Something about [a] witch, so I don’t know if it’s a good one or not.

G: Okay, just ask if they have come here for aid.

Siddhananda: They are saying yes.

G: Okay, what is it we can help you with?

Siddhananda: I would stick with that… (closing eyes).. want to do good things for the world and for themselves. I am seeing fire, like the fires of purification or something.

G: The fires of purification.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So, yeah, I would say for that one that… (long pause).. [they can] have Morning Mantras.

Siddhananda: They took that in nicely. And it just, all the sudden, things felt so clear and light and then to see the dark Kali in the center. They took that in really nice. That was wonderful, really.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Excellent.

G: So that’s the beneficial thing for them, the Morning Mantras, with that fire and aid with the kundalini rising and things… that will help for them.

Siddhananda: Yeah, just purified that energy immediately. Wonderful!

G: Yeah, purified.

Siddhananda: Wonderful, wonderful! There we go with that one!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Spearmint Gum

Siddhananda: Here we go! It’s kind of a green looking little one (showing a rock). Refreshment like spearmint gum.

G: (bursting out with laughter) Green and refreshing like spearmint gum. Oh good! What can we help you with? (laughing) Refreshing like spearmint gum, that’s great! Never a dull moment. At least they have a sense of humor, so it’s beneficial.

Siddhananda: We’re always welcome to have a good laugh. Okay. They are saying fresh breath and no cavities.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: And so, okay. I am asking if they are a nature spirit because I do see a little image of one of those little fun, little green…

G: Yeah, yeah. It could be one of those nature sprites, Mother Nature sprite.

Siddhananda: …images. They are saying they are not…

G: …not quite a nature sprite.

Siddhananda: (laughing) No, not really, no. They just are connected in with I think nature a lot.

G: More identified with that.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: And they wouldn’t mind remaining that.

G: Okay, well there’s no reason that you have to change if you want to remain there as long as you are getting lessons and things. Absolutely! There’s no reason why you have to take other types of births. Consciousness is in all of it. It doesn’t matter trees, plants, nature, animal, human or other dimensions. It doesn’t matter. Consciousness is consciousness. Just the outplay and the experiential part of it will be different depending on which type you access.

Siddhananda: Boy, I am just seeing light now for this one, so maybe they were just…

G: That’s all they needed, permission to do that.

Siddhananda: They just needed that. I don’t see this…

G: That permission to do that, yeah.

Siddhananda: It’s light, I mean it’s just made of light…

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: And I think also that reflection is exactly that, and how that’s in all…

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: …living things, you know, it’s no different.

G: Yeah, it’s no different. It doesn’t matter which form. It’s just, you know, depending on what type of brain or whatever one has that acts like, you know, a filtering or a kind of a, what do you say, kind of like a computer program (moving hands around her head) depending on which one you have.

Siddhananda: Different patterns.

G: It patterns and it changes the experience of what it is. It’s all consciousness. But that’s like the programmer. (laughing) So, if you want to have different experiences, they have a different type of thing but it’s all consciousness. It doesn’t matter. It’s just the outward experience will appear to be different.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I see a little changing shape with that little nature sprit but then it goes back to this light. And I think it’s just really all into that feeling.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: It’s quite good.

G: Yeah, and that’s fine. We’ll leave him with that. Continue to be happy.

Siddhananda: Thank you for bringing that refreshment in.

G: Yes, we’re happy to have that refreshment.

Siddhananda: Okay!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Forgiveness and Compassion

Siddhananda: Next in the line up... (moving rocks around) This one reminds me of that other little rock yesterday.

G: Yeah (pause) and she's still in there, yes. (points over her left shoulder at the crystal caves)

Siddhananda: I was wondering… the little rock, the little rock… (laughter)

G: They're still hanging in there.

Siddhananda: They love that rock.

G: They love that.

Siddhananda: I can feel behind me, a little beam coming out of that rock.

G: You know, she's still in there, yeah. (laughter)

Siddhananda: She is happy as a clam in that!

G: Just playing and having a good time at the moment.

Siddhananda: Just beaming, just beaming right now. (laughter)

G: (laughter)

Siddhananda: Sounds nice, huh? (giggle) Okay, so (closes eyes focusing on the rock)…

Spirit: I'm kind of seeking... I'm seeking clarity and guidance.

Siddhananda: Uh hmm. (pause) I kind of… I'm just seeing something there that's stopping this soul, maybe a wall or something.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: And... it's hard to... it's just coming in imagery like that, you know, like they're here or maybe there, even... it's something dammed up or something stuck there.

G: Ok.

Siddhananda: Yeah... there's kind of light here, but they're kind of, you know, they're just jammed up there.

G: Maybe… what is their understanding of Truth? Let's start there. And what's the last experience they remember?

Spirit: (pause) Time passed, I was a girl…

Siddhananda: (shrugs her shoulders to indicate she’s unsure of what has been said) And I think they were pretty happy with things. I don't see that they were unhappy, but some kind of turmoil happened though. Maybe they were kind of innocent in something? And something took that a little or darkened that innocence of that, you know, that child and wonder and things.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And they retreated or something, you know, away from being fully open.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Just my sense. And so now... but in terms of whatever their practices were or what they've done, I’m just getting a feeling of [being] a little lost… they’re feeling a little lost… like prayers, maybe some prayers… praying for my soul.

G: Ok, your soul is just fine. (laughter) First off, the soul is just fine, the soul is untouched by any of the things that happen. What gets touched is the mind and the experience in that time. So, I'm taking it that some innocence was lost through some perpetrator?

Siddhananda: (long pause) Boy, I just see this kind of light with this youthful thing, then darkness coming in. Maybe some abuse, possibly.

G: Yes, some type of abuse or something.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I mean that was just the feeling of it. And I heard abuse, so, I…

G: Right, right.

Siddhananda: You know, something happened.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Maybe when she was young? I don't know.

G: Yeah, it could be when she was young. So, what one has to come to is to a forgiveness and a compassion for the ones that have done these things, and that will free you. They’re driven and they’re in a hell realm of mind to be able to do that.

Spirit: You're saying it's not their fault?

G: Well, it's… they’re driven in a hell realm... driven to these horrid things.

Siddhananda: I am hearing…

Spirit: But they hurt me…

G: Yeah, I understand they hurt you... but you can be…

Spirit: I didn't do anything wrong.

G: I know, but you can be free of it. But you have to see that they are equally in suffering to be able to do the things they did. They’re in a hell realm.

Siddhananda: I do see a kind of, again, some bars and a cage, kind of opening. There is some... it's not fully light though.

G: Yeah, no, not yet.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: It's, you know, they're driven to do what they do... and they will remain in a hell realm, and then for that, you have to, you know, see it with compassion, that you have a chance to be free of it because you have done nothing wrong.

Spirit: Should I pray for them?

Siddhananda: …they’re saying.

G: You could pray for them and just develop a compassion and understand, you know, that they are in a hell realm. Nobody does those things out of clarity of mind.

Spirit: No… it wasn't my fault…

Siddhananda: …they were kind of wondering.

G: Not your fault at all, absolutely not. It's not the fault of the one that's been abused and you know, they will try to make it your fault. They will tell you it's your fault, but it's not your fault.

Spirit: Okay, ‘cause I was innocent. I was innocent.

G: Right, right, and you can take your innocence back.

Siddhananda: And that's what they want.

G: Right, you can take that innocence back, but to take the innocence back, you have to have compassion for them and let loose of that so that innocence can return.

Siddhananda: I do see a white flower (moving hands out as if a flower is opening), you know, it just came in my mind.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: It was just a beautiful white and clean and clear opening.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Maybe like a lotus.

G: That innocence is always there, it's not touched.

Siddhananda: And the darkness was around it a bit, but still this flower (makes the shape with her hand of a flower opening), you know, maybe coming from her struggles.

G: Yeah, it's starting to bloom.

Siddhananda: It's just kind of saying…

Spirit: I understand.

G: Yeah.

Spirit: That's what I am… a heart, that purity…

Siddhananda: (makes a shape again of a flower using both hands)

G: Yes, you are that purity at heart, that purity is never touched, it’s just the body that's touched…. and when the body is touched, then the mind is touched, okay... but that purity can never be touched.

Spirit: No, my spirit is still here.

Siddhananda: …she's saying.

Spirit: So it didn't take my spirit.

G: No, it can't touch your spirit, so let go of the rest of it. Come back to the spirit, not the experience.

Siddhananda: There's more light, and those... there was a cage of bars open and there's more light, and I see that blooming of that… (makes a shape again of flower using both hands) beautiful, white flower of some understanding. I mean there is still some darkness, there's work, but…

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, is there anything to suggest for this? Maybe you just want me to…

G: She can do the prayer:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

Spirit: Beautiful!

Siddhananda: …that's just what they're saying, and there is that flower there… and really flowering and, you know, really enjoying the energy of that prayer. And that seems to suit this particular energy.

G: Yeah... so, just continue to remain in that prayer and go into the purity of it.

Siddhananda: They’re saying…

Spirit: Gentle.

Siddhananda: They like the gentleness of it. It's not accusing.

G: No.

Siddhananda: Or, feeling this or that, for any particular [experience]... and they like that. (deep breath and a sigh) Okay!

G: So, namaste, thank you for coming.

Spiritual Paths

Siddhananda: This is a nice pretty rock. I just kind of want to show you the rocks we’re working with (showing a white rock with some yellow edges). Can you see? (having trouble getting the stone in the viewfinder but eventually finds it) Oh man! I can't even see my own hand, but it's pretty… it’s clear with a little kind of gold on the edges there… (closing her eyes, focusing inwards) Ok, so, single heart, single mind... Umm... Ok, so, do you have any questions for us today? (pause) I think they’re [asking]… I think, at least, what I'm hearing is, [they're asking] what brought both of us to the path? Umm, is that… let me reflect that back.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: Or, I think, [what they're asking is] in general, what breaks someone down enough to bring them [to a Path]… how does that process happen for some and not for others to, you know, someone who would walk a path of more surrender, Kundalini, I mean, why do some not and some do?

G: Why do some walk the path of Kundalini and some others... other paths, or…?

Siddhananda: Well, I guess, it's kind of like, why does... now I'm kind of feeling some of those kind of austerity kind of practices… not practices, but paths that are so hard and kundalini being one. But why would some kind of awaken there and go in that direction and not others? What is the difference between that?

G: Yeah, I think part of it that I know in this life, I went through a lot of lifetimes with a lot of heavy, heavy suffering, a lot of pain and a lot of trauma… And also, wanting to progress to the quickest way I could to know God, to know what is... and so, when you have a lot of trauma, it is in a way, a left handed blessing because then you are ready to surrender... totally… to surrender.

And I think because at that point, you can understand more of the path of Christ. [In] my own existence, I asked to walk that path... and you'll understand his surrender and his walking in his pain and the temptations he went through and all of that, it's umm… there’s just something more familiar (pause)...something more familiar.

Siddhananda: Aha, makes sense... um, let me ask if that's [what they were asking about].. (pause), I believe that's it, but they kind of asked about mine [too]… All that I can say is it’s similar in terms of a lot of suffering and asking to aid humanity or being, I guess... the way I asked is [for] being used for humanity's sake (laughter). I mean, I don't want to say for anyone else to do that, I had no idea what that meant, and that just came. I think these things, when they're ripe they come, and from whatever past practice and heart opening work of many, many lives and umm.. just kundalini… you know, lots of manifestations and phenomena and that kind of rose out of that heart opening and desire to aid humanity, but also to be out of suffering.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: So... I didn't really know what was going to come, I didn't know... I didn't have that kind of foreseeing at all. I'm glad I didn't (laughter) because it hasn't been easy.

G: (laughter)

Siddhananda: Yeah, I had no idea... I really didn't know what I was doing with all that, and what all that was really going to mean. So, anyway…

G: Yeah, I think different people are called to different paths depending on their energetic makeup and things as well, so…

Siddhananda: Sure, sure, absolutely!

G: Kundalini is not only a Hindu thing; it comes through a lot of paths. There are a lot of a contemplative nuns and things that have kundalini awakenings, that have… it goes through the holy spirit, one could say the holy spirit. So it runs like a thread through a lot of the paths, the Sufi path, other paths. But I think each is drawn according to their nature and according to their past experiences, what would best serve to move them forward to the light of God, that's all.

Siddhananda: Aha, and they’re saying thank you. They just, they wanted to know, maybe they’re just beginning to kind of listen. They don't really know what all… where they’re at totally, they just wanted to start kind of listening and learning.

G: Yeah, all you have to do… the main thing is just to be sincere in what it is you're seeking.

Siddhananda: Be honest, correct.
G: And honest and sincere if you want to know God, then that's what you put out there. If you want to aid others that's what you put out there, no matter what it is your heart's desire is, then don't be surprised if it's, if it umm, turns out to be a very difficult road.

Siddhananda: That's the thing.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: I mean, be open to that, you don't know… maybe a really long thing, and maybe shorter.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: I mean, no one can say, but just to be open, and not have [any notions like] I need to have it this way or that, because (shakes her head)…

G: Because you don't always know the lessons that you need.

Siddhananda: That’s right.

G: In order... if you’re going to aid humanity, you're going to have to do some very hard lessons.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Because, unless you understand what they have gone through, unless you had that experience you cannot give them aid, so…

Siddhananda: And they’re saying wow! but, thank you for saying that because it sounds like a big responsibility.

G: It is... it's a huge responsibility.

Siddhananda: Aha.

G: But, not everybody has to take that path. But, when you do, just understand that you're in for a very rough ride and you will have some very, very hard, hard lessons to go through in order to have the clarity to aid and guide others. That's it, it's not a fluffy yellow brick road. (laughter)

Siddhananda: And I'm seeing a fire (raising her hand to illustrate rising flames)…

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: …saying like a fire burning…

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Almost like a... almost with me, it is.. I don't.. hey, I'm just here, but it's encompassing my body, like kind of burnt your body mind kind of thing.

G: Yeah, it burns the body and mind.

Siddhananda: And the identification.

G: It burns away the dross.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: It does. It's like the Bible says, it refines the gold, and to refine gold you have to burn away all the things there that are not gold.

Siddhananda: Aha.

G: So, all the impurities have to be burnt out, so yeah.

Siddhananda: They’re saying "intense."
G: It's very intense, yes. (laughter)

Siddhananda: Yes, it is... so it is something just, you know... know that it's not a soft cushy road, it's if you want that, then that wouldn't be the way, maybe just stay grounded in more just regular stuff, you know.

G: Yeah, I think a lot of people think, well, if I'm on the path to know God then everything should be cleared away for me...

Siddhananda: And loving, loving…

G: It should be loving… (mocking tone)

Siddhananda: Oh boy!

G: And I shouldn't have any troubles in life… and everything should be swept away clear for me.

Siddhananda: Because I'm so loving.

G: Because I'm so loving... no it's not. (laughter)

Siddhananda: No way, not even close!

G: Not the way it is, no.

Siddhananda: You don't know all of the past stuff that needs to be cleared. No one knows that stuff.

G: Exactly, all the dross has to be burnt out.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: All of the impurities have to be burnt out, so yeah.

Siddhananda: Things you're not fully aware of.
G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So it's a time process, you know.

G: Yeah, many, many lifetimes. (laughter)

Siddhananda: Yeah, but just… it's good you're asking the question and getting clarity. So, thank you for that…

G: Yeah, thank you for coming. Namaste. (hands in Namaste gesture)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

True Identity

Siddhananda: This is just a cute stone! We just got the cutest stones today.

G: We did!

Siddhananda: [holding a small pink stone] This one's a little pink.

G: Little pink… I like this one, too [holding a small clear stone]. This one's very clear, it's like little water.

Siddhananda: It is. (laughing)

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: Let's see what comes from this one… so… (pause) Om… I… that's what's bubbling up… a big ‘I’ in my mind.

G: Mm hmm.

Spirit: I-dentity… that's I? or…

G: No. What you are identifying with is not the I, okay. That's the story that surrounds [which] you take to be the I.

Siddhananda: Mm hmm.

G: But, you are not that. You are what witnesses that, okay. You are the watcher of that. But, don't gravitate to those experiences to make it a 'I'. You are not that. You are That which sees that.

Siddhananda: Hmm... I still see that I-dentity in my mind, but, they definitely are hearing what you are saying.

G: Mm hmm.

Siddhananda: And…

G: You are That which is prior to adopting that identity. You are That eternal Para-Brahman that does not come and does not go, but is eternal in nature. Ever the witness. So, don't grab on to these externalized experiences and make it that I, that's something separate.

Siddhananda: I’m feeling some light moving through my body.

G: Mm hmm.

Siddhananda: It's definitely... you know, I still see a little bit of that identity (gesturing with hands), but, it is softening and then some light moving through my body… So, it's definitely creating a shift. So, I think it's the energy of it, you know, flowing through.

G:  Right. So, we'll have them do the Om That I Am and the I Am That I Am to help to break down that feeling of separation into a separate identity.

Siddhananda: Perfect! that sounds perfect for this energy, and they're hearing that.

G: Mm hmm.

Siddhananda: They're now just really hearing that, and there is some light coming through. So, there is some shifting. So, that sounds good.

G: Yeah. So, we'll leave them to do the Om That I Am and the I Am That I Am, and that will help to break down that solidification and bring in a little bit more of that resonance.

Spirit: Thank you!

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Risen Christ

Siddhananda: (long pause) Sometimes I have to wait a bit, because I sometimes still feel some vibration of the ...

G: ... of the past one. It takes a while to sync with the new one.

Siddhananda: Right, yeah. With this one for sure, because I'm feeling more of the vibration of the other one. So, let me ... (closing her eyes and pausing). Christ is coming forward, again.

Spirit: Christ ... He died for us, for our sins, and we didn't treat that situation well.

Siddhananda: Christ ... I see a big crucifix, and all of the blood ... thorns. Woo! Now that one is big in my mind, and I don't know where it is for that person, but that's looming! It's not a pretty picture, you know? Woo! I can almost feel what took place there, and I don't know if he was there, this person.

G: He might have been there.

Siddhananda: I almost feel it. I can feel the energy of what [happened], and before, you know, with Christ (grimacing with a pained expression). It's just that feeling all around, and he just feels they didn't treat Him (Christ) well.

G: No, they didn't treat him well at all.

Siddhananda: I don't know if he treated Him well, good or bad. I can't feel it, but I think there's some anger, some guilt, some ... (hesitating). I need to decipher that a little better, though. I just keep seeing that image so looming, and it's disturbing to him. I don't know if he was there. I'm almost feeling maybe ... (pausing), but he's stilling. That image is getting softer. Sometimes, just the energy does these things, you know.

G: Yeah, sometimes when they're around the energy, it helps to dissipate some of that.

Siddhananda: Right. It's not like much needs to be said.

G: No, to be there during that time, to see that, would be an absolutely horrendous thing to witness first hand.

Siddhananda: I'm seeing crowds. Some going forward in “Yay!” and others being pushed and trampled. Oh ... Oh, my gosh! (shaking her head with a pained expression and putting her head in her hand) That's just horrible ... horrible, horrible. (tearing up) Some are praying by the side, you know ... and Him there, and the cross is just looming (speaking with a trembling voice as tears well up). Just horrible! Some are wanting to help, and others are just being trampled. People are hooraying (shaking her head with great sadness), and I just ... (shuddering in utter dismay).

G: Yeah, some are jeering, and there's a whole lot of different things going on.

Siddhananda: I see that image ... (taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly) ... he's saying, "Thank you for reflecting that to me, because that's not easy, and I'm fine with it." What can we help you with today?

I don't know if he was an apostle. I don't know. There's something of a connection there, but I don't want to say. I don't want to put words or names [to it], but the feeling is that he had some kind of a connection, or presence there (blowing out an audible exhalation). He's taking a deep breath, like maybe some of that is leaving from his soul a little bit.

G: (listening in full presence and nodding) You know, if he asks Christ to come to him now, it can relieve that for him. If he can come in now with the risen Christ, that will help him (closing her eyes).

Siddhananda (closing her eyes) ... (long pause) ... Oh, that's lovely. I do see Christ in white with the arms stretched out, and the heart (bringing both hands to her heart), and the sacrifice there, the compassion, but not being touched by that (the events of the crucifixion). His Light is there, too, and there's [His] open arms.

G: That will heal that. That will take that away. Once he sees the Christ is risen, and He's not touched by that ... that He is quite fine now, he (the spirit) can let go of that, and be with Christ.

Siddhananda: Mm hmm ... he's with Christ now. He just needed to get that out of his heart, so that he could open.

G: Yeah, he needed to experience the resurrection, not stay stuck with that.

Siddhananda: Yeeeaaah! It's a very lovely image. I just do need to say that image of open arms is [to say], you know, I (Christ) have always been here ... not touched by anything that takes place to my body or my mind. I am not touched by that. You're not either ... is the kind of thing [being conveyed].

G: (nodding in agreement as Siddhananda speaks) Right. So, He'll commune all of that with him. He'll give him those deeper lessons now ... 100 percent.  He'll give him all of the deeper lessons.

Siddhananda: (nodding yes) The energy is just love ... just light ... just beauty ... freedom. All of those things. Nothing that has to do with ... (gesturing indicate the pain of the crucifixion).

G: He'll take him, and then those energies will merge. Through the merging of those energies, that will cleanse the other stuff out very rapidly.

Siddhananda: (inhaling deeply) It's feeling a lot better for him. He's definitely with God, with Christ, and it's very much of a beautiful image. It's like those images you see with Christ with the children, or the ones, around Him, where He's there to just to take away [pain] like an ointment.

G: Right, right, right. He'll feel Him totally, 100 percent, in his soul, and that will cleanse it, 100 percent.

Siddhananda: (nodding yes) It's a very beautiful feeling now.

G: Yeah, it will be cleansing.

Siddhananda: Mm ... aaahhh! (opening her eyes wide and heaving a great exhalation of relief) Very peaceful. That was something else! (taking in a very deep, cleansing breath, then exhaling audibly AAAAHHHH) I just saw a blip of that cross, and then gone again. So, there's still a little bit of movement with that holding, but it's changing hugely.

G: Yeah, he can celebrate ... start the celebration now. That will be the end of the cross. He just needs to go into the celebration part of it, and that will be the end of it.

Siddhananda: It feels good (smiling). So, I think we'll go ahead and move that one forward.

G: So, we're good (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: Wooo! (taking another deep breath)

G: So, Amen to that.

Siddhananda: Amen (gesturing namaste)!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Siddhananda: This one feels something like a Christian nature, as well. I heard, "Samuel, Peter, John," those kinds of things. It's not their name, but I think it's their way of conveying of the Christian order.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: I see an image of the cross, the crucifixion.  They like the peace you've brought to that imagery and like that it is here. They don't like how that comes through to make people afraid.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: For them, they do want to know God. They want to know God in their soul, to embody that Source, Light. Again, I'm seeing the Bible. I think they've done whatever with that ... gone to church, and those sorts of things ... raised their family that way. I think they're just ready to know more, to go deeper, you know? To really know what He's pointing to in his writing, and to go there.

G:  They can say, again, "On the altar of Truth, I lay myself, and open myself to the wisdom of Christ." And, ask that He would come to teach them. Absolutely.

Siddhananda: He's gotten more still. So, whatever you're saying, it's just that energy is definitely stilling the questions and whatever holdings were there like ... I was this way and I did that kind of feeling.

G: If you're going to sacrifice something to Christ, you sacrifice yourself.

Spirit: Your body and your mind?

G: Yes, all!

Spirit: What remains then?

G: God-Light (smiling).

Siddhananda: He's quieter. I don't know if we'll get too much more.

G: Yeah, you know, God owns all of the cattle and everything. They used to have the sacrifices, but that's not the sacrifice that God wants. He owns all of the cattle on the thousand hills. He wants the sacrifice of the ego. Yeah.

Siddhananda: He's not speaking now, but the greatest, the greatest sacrifice would be that.

G: Exactly, but nothing is lost. Nothing is lost.

Siddhananda: I just feel this energy is soaking that in right now. That's all, or that was enough, was to just soak that in, and hear those words. It's more of the energy of it, too, that's stilling and causing more presence ... more like it's really okay to let go of body and mind, and that's okay. I'm getting that feeling that you don't have to be afraid.

G: No, no, Christ said fear not. Fear not. Knock and it shall be opened. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, so they're just soaking it in. So, whatever we want to do with this energy that's quieter now for sure.

G: Mm hmm (nodding with approval). Okay. Leave him over here a while, and he can choose to be here, and stay for a while, or continue on his way. He can always, again ... Christ is on the other side. Christ is there and can be there in a moment's notice. If he wants to know Christ directly, Christ is there, and would be happy to.

Siddhananda: It's good to put that out there, that energy, and let that flow out there.

G: Yeah, He would be happy to open that door. If you knock on that door, Christ will open it.

Siddhananda: Well, the ones that are there, who knows, maybe they'll come, but they don't need anything. They're there.

G: Right. Exactly.

Siddhananda: They're done, you know? They don't need anything anymore.

G: Yeah, exactly.

Living Awareness

Siddhananda: Friendly spirit. That's good (laughing).

G: We're happy to hear that (laughing).

Siddhananda: It's a twinkly, friendly soul ... young, maybe. I don't know if it's a child. I can't tell, but they're fun, you know?

G: A young type of spirit.

Siddhananda: Yeah. "Thank you for bringing messages of love," they're saying. [They're conveying an image] of a garland, or something. A garland of beauty and fragrance. What questions do you have for us today?

I do feel a youth there, maybe ... something youthful. They're innocent in the way that they never really were so touched by family, and that kind of thing. It was just kind of there. They were aware of it, but not [touched by it]. They're fine letting go of those things. Maybe they're youthful enough to where, you know, the older you get the more conditions that build, but with this one, that really didn't happen to them, because they stayed in that [youthfulness]. They're young. They have that young spirit, or energy.

G: They didn't have all of those imprints. Not clinging to any of it.

Siddhananda: Right, it was just there. They were aware of it, and then they lived it, and that's fine. They didn't feel like they lost anything as they moved in their experiences. They were just aware of it, I guess. That's what I'm feeling with this youthful [energy]. I'm seeing a kind of light, almost like a screen, and these things went through it, but ... (gesturing to indicate nothing got stuck in it) ... [it's like] ... oh well, it comes, it goes.

G: Yeah, untouched by it.

Siddhananda: I don't know in terms of full completion, but they really seem to want to convey that youthful[ness] ... just that presence is all that matters, and that awareness. The rest of it is just an experience.

G: Right. It comes and goes.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and the families, they come and they go, and the children, and you know, all that.

G: Another show (smiling). Another movie (chuckling).

Siddhananda: Yeah (shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders)! Yeah, it's just [like], you're here, that's all. You're here, you know, that kind of thing. He's just kind of got that ... we're here (gesturing with youthful animation)! He's settled, too, though. He's very fun. He's light. It's playful.

G: (laughing as she listens to Siddhananda) Just enjoying life and ...

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's playful.

G: ... and not getting taken in by any of it.

Siddhananda: No!

G: A clear light.

Siddhananda: Yeah, clear light. I don't feel there's full completion, but it doesn't matter.

G: It doesn't matter.

Siddhananda: In its own time.

G: Yeah, in its time. There's nothing urgent in this. It's good that he's not being imprinted by these things, and he's not taking any of them and holding, or fighting against them.

Siddhananda: No, not at all (shaking her head). He's just saying that he's aware of them. That's all. I'm not those things, or those experiences. I'm just aware of it. That's kind of the main message.

G: Yeah, staying in your awareness. That's it.  He's awareness ... living awareness.

Siddhananda: Right. It's almost like it all reflects. It's not going to affect the awareness (shrugging her shoulders).

G: Yeah, right.

Siddhananda: So, he's a fun [spirit]. I see a little kind of spunk there (wiggling her body). He's cute. I mean, no problems. No problems (smiling happily).

G: Well, thank you for coming (chuckling and smiling).

Siddhananda: Thank you (smiling). You never know!

G: No, you never know. That was fun. It's nice to see a spirit that hasn't been scarred, and hasn't held, hasn't pushed away, and just lived the experience ... the love of life and what comes. It's just another experience. That's it.

Siddhananda: Absolutely! It's out there!

G: I'm here, that's it. Aware of it, and I'm there. I'm just aware of it (laughing).

Siddhananda: Exactly, that's the feeling (rocking back and forth in full agreement), but that can be a reality.

G: Yeah, and go with the flow.  That's it. Another journey.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Om Maha Shanti OM

Siddhananda: Okay, so with this one, right away, I'm just seeing some white birds flying, a flock of them ... symbolizing freedom and letting go. [I'm seeing] a full moon, and waters, pretty waters. Okay, so what questions do you have for us today?

Spirit: Shanti Om dear ones. Tell me the way to truth. Guide me home.

Siddhananda: I don't know with this one. It has more of a nature energy. I'm feeling a real nature energy. That's all I can say with this. It could be an embodiment of that. [I'm seeing] mountains and things.

Spirit: Cut this knot. Untie this knot, please, that keeps me not fully in the heart. It's a knot. It's a knot.

G: They can do "Om Maha Shanti Om."

Siddhananda: That seems to resonate very well with this particular energy.

G: Om Maha Shanti Om (closing her eyes). Om Maha Shanti Om. Just say it from the heart, and be within the heart with that.

Siddhananda: It's quieter for sure. They've emptied out (inhaling deeply). I can hear that energy of that mantra ... (pausing) ... and then some light. Some of that imagery that was there is dissolving into more of a ... (making a rounded shape with her hands). It's there. It pops in, but then it's kind of a ... (moving her body side to side indicating a slight wavering).

G: Mm hmm (nodding her head slowly).

Siddhananda: It's still popping in with some mountains, but then I see some light in the center (making the round shape with her hands, again). There's definitely a shift in energy. I'm feeling like there's much gratitude, and that shift there.

G: Very good (gesturing namaste). They can continue on their journey. Om, the sound of the universe, and Maha Shanti, great peace ... great peace. The sound of the universe is great peace ... Great Peace.

Siddhananda: I can feel everyone being blessed by that ... all the energies that are here, and me, too. What can I say, we all are (smiling and laughing).

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Loving Jesus

Siddhananda:  [I'm hearing] "Times past."...  Something about, I heard, "meeting Jesus," but I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know. "Times past," and there are the robes of Jesus, and sandals, and bare feet. It's kind of coming where you see older buildings. "Jesus was a carpenter. Times past." There's just that image of Jesus walking and that era. "He's like a Messiah," or something. "He's my love. He's my life."  I feel like this one may have had sort of an emanation, or a feeling of Mary ... Magdalene. I don't know. It sounds odd, but I'm just having a feeling.

G: An emanation, or feeling, of what?

Siddhananda: Like Mary Magdalene, or something.

G: Okay.

Spirit:  In loving him.

G: In loving him, mm hmm.

Siddhananda: Loving him, but not sexual love.

G: Right, right.

Siddhananda: Just loving him!

G: That heart for him, and his message, his truth, and what he was saying, yeah.

Siddhananda: Yes! Just love (shaking her head with great feeling). I mean, just unbelievable ... didn't even have to work at it ... just drinking it in. That's all that I can say. I think it's just pouring that out, and how that love breaks down barriers.

G: Right (nodding yes). Is there something we can aid you with, or did you just come to share that?

Siddhananda: It feels like they're glad that you share the message of Christ so clearly, and they're wanting to thank you for that, and the way, or how, you take off some of the tarnish of it. In your doing so, it cuts through, and holds its beautiful, original, heart of the message. She is so grateful, because she loves him so much. I think she's still in that kind of feeling, and I don't know if it's binding her. I don't mean to be negative, but I just ...

G: She's not with him now, and she can be with him now. Does she know that she can be with him now fully?

Siddhananda: She does, and she feels like she is. I see him, but her (gesturing to indicate some sort of separation). So, I don't know if that's okay to just leave it like that. I think it is. I think she's fine. It's kind of like a servant, but not. It's one in heart. I think it's okay, I feel.

G: Okay. As long as she's happy with that, that's great.

Siddhananda: I guess, my feeling is maybe later. She doesn't know, but it's okay, I feel.

G: Fabulous. Thank you for coming.

Siddhananda: Amen to that one.

G: (holding up the stone) This stone looks very old.

Siddhananda: It does. It's kind of interesting.

G: It looks like it's from [that] time. It's kind of interesting. Compared to the other ones, it has a different feel for sure.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Reconnecting to Source

Spirit: Peace, harmony ... (pausing).

Siddhananda: So, [asking the Spirit] what do you have to ask us? Do you have questions? Can you bring those questions out? ... I just feel more of the energy of it right now, mostly.

Spirit: Quiet moments.

Siddhananda: So, what are your questions here today?

Spirit: Where does life come from? Where does this phenomena come from?

G: Where does phenomena come from?

Spirit: Mm hmm, where does life, this life ... (pausing).

Siddhananda: As we're speaking, I'm feeling that they're feeling something different already. They don't need that question [answered] anymore, they feel. So, is there anything else we can help you with (pausing)? I'm just not getting too much from this one. I'm not quite sure. You know, I think there was a bit of a separate feeling, a feeling of separation, but then, they felt like they were pulled [into being] more grounded.

G: More grounded, than separate?

Siddhananda: Yeah, more connected. I think they felt disconnected. That's what it was. That's it. Now, they feel more connected.

G: Now, they're more connected with their spirit, and stuff.

Siddhananda: Mmm hmm. Right, because otherwise they felt more floating, lost from that source, that light, that God source.

G: Right, and now they're a little more connected.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they're feeling more connected.

G: That's good (picking up the stone, rubbing it between the palms of hands, and then holding it in for a bit).

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Let Go of Regrets

Siddhananda: I'm just going to put out these things [as they come]. Sometimes they sound crazy, but, I'm seeing candy. It's the way this rock is shaped (showing a square, caramel colored stone). Right away, I heard candy bar chunk, or something (breaking out in laughter).

G: Candy bar chunk (laughing)!

Siddhananda: And, they're laughing, too. It's like a piece of chocolate, you know (laughing)?

G: Ha ha ha ha, that's funny.

Siddhananda: He's trying to describe like it's sweet, but sometimes you can get cavities.  

G: There ya go! It's so sweet, you get cavities (laughing with Siddhananda).

Siddhananda: It's like, maybe, he's taken in too many pleasures. His life has been that, and you get cavities, and gets disease from that. It feels like he's been a man ... I believe, a man. I just want to say it's a feeling that he has done that. That's why candy bar chunk came to mind (chuckling). I know! I'm sorry. I know it sounds outrageous, but the way they're conveying it is not the regular way.

G: Yeah, he's been geared too much towards the pleasures, and not taking it seriously enough. Probably, he's kind of wasted the opportunities here to move forward.

Siddhananda: He said, "yeah." He's gravitated towards pleasures of his body ... taste buds, hearing ... all of it, you know, ... experiences, and he didn't get serious.  

G: Right, exactly.

Siddhananda: I think he does feel that that was a waste in many ways, even though it felt good in some ways.

G: Right, his life review was not great when he went to the other side. The life review was not fabulous. It was just fluff.

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. He enjoyed it. He laughed a lot and all ... good wine, and drink, and dance, food and merriment, and other things. He has some regrets, and, I guess, he's here in some way to say, "Don't waste your time. Pleasures come and go, and that's not fulfilling in the end."

G: Right. When you get to the other side, and you have the life review, you'll see that it was just wasted life. You could have progressed. You could have gone further in your journey to freedom, and, instead, you just kind of bailed, basically (laughing).  

Siddhananda: Right, or abandoned your own soul in a way. He doesn't mean in a bad way, but just abandoned the ...

G: ... not abandoned ... you just didn't do the ...

Siddhananda: ... the heart of really getting into what's deeper.

G: Yeah, you just kind of wasted that opportunity.

Siddhananda: He feels and just really want to say that there are many nice people who do that. It doesn't mean they're bad, or anything.

G: Yeah, no, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. They just didn't take the opportunity to move forward. That's all.

Siddhananda: Hmm, I felt a little of that name coming back from the past. I'm hoping it will settle down a little bit (taking a deep breath). Okay, he's ... um ... (halting abruptly and pausing) ... I'm sorry.

G: It's okay.

Siddhananda: Let me just sit with that. I just want to give it a chance (sitting back and closing her eyes). I'm sorry, but when I get senses, I get it ... I'm just speaking for myself ... I get it through my body ... like my skin, it will get kind of prickly, or ...

G: Yeah, you can feel whatever emotional stuff that they're doing.

Siddhananda: Yeah! It feels kind of not great (grimacing), but I'm just gonna sit with that for a minute (sitting back, again, and closing her  eyes), and give it a chance. Stay with what's here if you want this opportunity now (speaking to the spirit).

G: Mm hmm. Well, the good news is that he can have another opportunity. He can go in body again, and pick up where he left off. This time, hopefully, he will go into the deeper things rather than stay on the surface with the fluff.

Siddhananda: What I'm seeing, again, is a vision of earth, or something solid. As you were speaking, it was carving through that a little bit ... like something got just kind of stuck and hardened. He kind of said that that can happen if you just stay on the surface, I guess.

G: Yeah, you just need to go deeper.

Siddhananda: He's a good man. I think he just ... (gesturing to indicate a back and forth movement) ... you know?

G: I think he just has regrets of missed opportunities, and things he could've done differently.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: The good news is that he can come back into body again, and he can pick up where he left off. This time don't make the same mistake. You get another chance at it (smiling). That's the good news.

Siddhananda: I just feel a little varying. I just keep saying [to him] to just stay with what's here, and let the past go, and open your arms to the new journey.

G: Yeah, don't hold to regrets. You know, give yourself the chance to move forward. You've seen what it is, and you know now not to stick with the fluff. So, okay, take it as another learning lesson, you know. Not as a negative, but say, ... okay, I've learned that lesson, and it's not the best thing to do. This next time now, I'm actually going to engage.

Siddhananda: I know this is silly, but I'm going to convey the image which is saying, "thank you." (chuckling and shaking her head) There's teeth with cavities that are sparkly white (laughing).

G: (laughing) That's a ...

Siddhananda: I'm sorry (shaking her head, laughing and smiling)!

G: No, that's a good image! That is a good image.

Siddhananda: Okay, okay (smiling)! You see a big smile and you know how they do with the big stars coming out (touching some of her teeth to show where the big sparkly stars shine).  You know, like white and shiny.

G: Yeah, yeah (smiling).

Siddhananda: It's an image of saying "there's hope", you know?

G: Yeah, there's hope. You know, there is hope! So, let go of the regrets. Okay, you see that, and if you let go of that strong emotion of regret, etc. then you can get ready to be drawn into another form, and continue.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he's crying, sobbing.

Spirit: Thank you for your compassion. I felt like I could have pulled myself away while I was here. Siddhananda and G, thank you for keeping [me] in the present and all your Grace here. May I have a mantra?

Siddhananda: I think he would like something to help him stay centered, if that's possible. However you feel, or maybe even the other practices you have.

G: (pausing) Yeah, the I Am That I Am, and the Om That I Am.

Siddhananda: Alright, and that sounds perfect.

G: So, you can start with the Om That I Am, and the I Am That I Am.

Siddhananda: Mm hmm ... I'm feeling some energy clearing. As you were saying those words, I can kind of feel in my body that's more like here (gesturing to indicate the heart center and chest region), but there's still some darkness below. There was just an energy there that was just not very healthy at all, and that's interesting about the decay and disease, because that was what was in him. This is working to clear it, but I can feel it is going to be a while of work for him.

G: Yeah, yeah ... So, the I Am That I Am and the Om That I Am will help to break down some of those barriers and bring him into alignment with some of the rest of creation rather than being separate and using creation for his own pleasures. It will start to break down some of those walls.

Spirit: Thank you so much. I definitely will start.

Siddhananda: He's having a hard time not being pulled back into his old [patterns], but he will definitely use these. You know, I'm feeling like here he is (holding her hands to one side) and I feel that light on the other side (holding her hand to the other side) ... and he's away ... not that it's away from him ever ... but I think that it's due to his [resistance].

G: He's still holding onto regrets. If he opens, they will be more than happy to help him on the other side as well, but he's got to open the door.

Siddhananda: Yeah, there's a lot of glowing on this side, but there's just a separation there, but it's (the light) there ... for us to tell him, it's there.

G: It's there. It's waiting for you, but you just have to open your heart and be willing to move forward. If you see that you wasted that life, then be willing to get the help so that you don't do that again in the future one.

Siddhananda: This is at his heart, his desire.

Spirit: Thank you so much.

G: If that is your heart's desire, then open to the help.

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Okay, it's better now, I'm feeling. Ready to move on. Thank you.

G: Thank you (gesturing with namaste hands). Thank you for coming.

Growth in the Mud

Siddhananda: [I'm getting] in the time of winter, the harvest still comes, and is laying dormant there.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: Know that if it is winter, there are still those seeds and life to come forward.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: They're a bit shy, maybe.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: (pause) Take time to be with that. Anyway, I'm feeling and what I'm seeing is this pool. It's got the greenery around it, and it looks like there may be some mud in that pool.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: They like this stone, because it's so clear, and they would like that mud, that sludge, to rinse out into clearer waters. The pool is kind of small. It's circular, you know, and to have that flushing ... I mean, they almost feel like this .... (gesturing to indicate a sense of being stuck) ... I don't want to say stagnant, but it feels maybe ... just a  pool, and how can i get this to flush through?

G: hmm hmm, okay. Well, it's like when the lotus grows, it's got the roots in the mud (smiling).

Siddhananda: They're just ... "Wow!"

G: Yeah, it's got the roots in the mud, and sometimes, you have that for a time, and that also helps with growth.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm

G: So, don't think that everything always has to be light, light, light, and that if you see that mud, or that substance, that it doesn't have value. It does for a time.

Siddhananda: hmm ... they really like that, because they thought, you know ... they felt like that just needed to completely go away.

G: Right. It's an erroneous thing, sometimes, along the spiritual path ... but, no, there is some reason for that, and one uses it for growth.

Siddhananda: They really like that! They feel like they can relax with what is there in them, and not feel like they've got to do all this work to make something ... (motioning forcefully with her hands as if to push something through).

G: Right.

Siddhananda: ... and, now, I just got a flash ... this person is saying that was a concept, maybe, that they were held in.

G: Right!

Siddhananda: That just really struck home with this particular soul. You know, when you see mud, or clarity, or this or that, with your eyes, that what creates, or you get certain thoughts and concepts out of it. It doesn't mean that this is right and that's wrong..

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It's just feeling like they got a flash.

G: They're getting it. Yeah, they're getting it. So, just be like the lotus (smiling). Be like the lotus ... well rooted, well grounded ... but, again, don't take it to be a negative. Don't take it to be a negative.

Siddhananda: Yeah! They're just really settled, I guess, with this is what it is, and that's alright.

G: Exactly. It's okay.

Siddhananda: namaste (smiling).

G: Thank you. Namaste (gesturing with namaste hands).

Friday, December 18, 2015

Beyond the Faces of God

Siddhananda: They're a still being. Again, I just put out what I'm hearing. "Journey. Journey ending. Flowing into ocean, into one heart, one being." The image of this one is more like a river that hasn't fully drowned in that ocean of consciousness, but is moving towards it, I feel. [They're] wanting to and desiring it. In this river, I see bits of pictures ... pictures of people, pictures of all these different manifestations.

G: Right. That's all of his past lives, and stuff.

Siddhananda: Yes, that's right. That's exactly it. They're kind of becoming bigger and then dying away. I heard something about chakras, but I don't know ... kundalini ... fire. I see these images, these pictures in the river, just emerging and drowning. What can we help you with today? What questions do you have for us (asking the spirit)?

Spirit: G, I'm sincere, a lover of God. Who am I? Who ... who ... who, who, who?

G: It's not about who. It's, "What is this I?"

Spirit: What is this I? What is this I?

G: What is this I? It's not about who. It's not a "who."

Siddhananda: He's kind of taking this in now. Again, I'm see this ... that he is a river, but he's taking it in. He's [asking], "What is this I?" He's like ... hmmm ... and sitting there with that. It feels like it's bringing in a different energy. It seems like the "who am I" ... I'm just gonna be honest ... kept him revolving.

G: Right. It's because "Who am I?" points you back to an identity, and he's searching for that true identity, but "What is this I?" cuts through that identification.

Siddhananda: You know, I did see a picture of Ramana come forward in the river, and he loves Ramana.

G: Well, he should (laughing).

Siddhananda: Right. He's just like ... ahhh! ... and he just kind of melts with that picture, but it's in the river as an identity, you know? It's still him (Ramana) and me kind of.

G: Right. It keeps him in that identification to some degree. Right (nodding yes). So, if he questions, "What is this I?"

Spirit: What is this I? Would that mean Ramana is wrong?

G: No.

Spirit: I don't want to be disloyal to Ramana.

G: No, Ramana is not wrong.

Spirit: Maybe, it was taken wrong then?

G: It was taken wrong.

Siddhananda: That is helping. I'm seeing the "Who am I?" and "What is this I?" merging in him as if to say, "It's okay."

G: Yeah, "What is this I?"

Siddhananda: Okay. He's okay with that. He's just going to let that resonate.

G: The last thing he can do is [say], "On the altar of Truth I lay myself," as that offering. Make that identification that final offering.

Siddhananda: (long pause) There is a lot of light coming forward as you spoke those words, and that image of the river and the ocean even fell [away]. There's just light. I'm feeling light, just light coming.

G: Yeah (nodding yes).

Siddhananda: That imagery went away, and there's just light. Love ... but not even love ... just IS, I guess.

G: Yeah, going into IS. That's the last thing. One has to surrender that ego of their own accord, that misidentification.

Siddhananda: (long pause) Yeah, he's really ... I'm not lying ... I feel he's really lost that being this or that kind of feeling ... or of going somewhere, needing to arrive somewhere, needing to hold on to something ... you know, these kind of things.

G: Yeah, it just falls away.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: One is absorbed into that IS (holding the fingertips of her hand together to indicate that singularity).

Siddhananda: So, he's quite fine. We can leave that as it is, or wherever you would like to put this one (placing the stone in front of G). He's very still and quiet.

G: Oh, yeah, he'll remain in that.

Siddhananda: It feels that way.

G: He'll remain in there for some time. So, maybe we should see. More than likely, he'll remain there until the shift occurs, too.

Siddhananda: I think he's just gonna be there. Yeah, I really do.

G: I'm going to put him up here with the others, and let him remain with experiencing Brahman (laughing).

Siddhananda: Good plan!

G: There's no disloyalty to Ramana with that. Ramana wants to see them get to realization.

Siddhananda: Of course! I think it was just taken in wrong.

G: Well, that's the difficulty with that practice, because when they say, “who," then they go to “Who am I?" (placing emphasis on the "I"). Again, that revolves around keeping that ... (holding her index finger up) ...

Siddhananda: ... seeks one to find an identity almost.

G: Right ... keeping an identity in place.

Siddhananda: That's not what Ramana was putting out.

G: No. No. Ramana did not remain an identity ... Brahman, that IS, which is without an identification. That which is beyond the faces of God. That which is prime.

Siddhananda: It's funny that you say faces, because I saw a lot of those faces in his river, and that's kind of what it was. He's moved beyond that.

G: Yeah, cut that identification.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Playful Spirit

Siddhananda: [I’m seeing] a bit of stone, glowing bright... (laughing) I'm just conveying glowing bright... love... dancing... he likes the stone.

G: It's a nice stone. (laughing)

Siddhananda: It is, yeah. (laughing)

G: It has very nice energy (laughing)... I guess, a great place to hang out and play for a while.

Siddhananda: That's it. I guess that's it, because what I see now is that little stone and I’m seeing a little greenery growing around [it]. It's kind of a fun, I guess you could say, a playful kind of energy.

G: Yeah. the energy with that feels a little more playful, rainbows and bubbly...

Siddhananda: Yeah... (laughing) they like what you're saying. They really, really like what you're saying.

G: I'm glad they're having fun here!

Siddhananda: They're getting happy. They're kind of conveying that when you're speaking, it's like a rain and I see some sprouts coming up, like, it's good, it's nourishment, however you want to put it.

G: New growth! (laughing)

Siddhananda: New growth! All around this little stone. I don't know if they want to stay in it. I’m just trying to see if this is like a hang out and play.

G: They just want to hang out and play for a while. (laughing)

Siddhananda: Let me get a feeling... (pause) They love the stone. I see some light emanating from it.

G: Maybe, they're getting something by just staying there. Maybe that's refreshing to the spirit and maybe that's what they need.

Siddhananda: I don't know if they could stay in there a while.

G: Yeah... that's the feeling I'm getting. 

Siddhananda: Ok.

G: They're just getting their spirit refreshed and that's what they need. You can see the little stone (showing the stone in her hand). It's very sweet... It's got rainbows and it's got all sorts of little things.

Siddhananda: And, I'm feeling the rain coming in.

G: Yeah, refreshing their spirit... so, I think they just want to kind of hang out in this realm.

Siddhananda: They'll be very happy, and, I see the light coming...

G: A nice golden realm that they'll be hanging in for a while. So, we'll let them hang out in their golden realm and play and just sit and listen in.

Siddhananda: They're completely content with that.

G: Yeah, we'll put them over here (placing the stone in the crystal cathedral)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Embody Truth

Siddhananda: So, I do see a person with a white cloak (gesturing with hands).

G: Hmm mm.

Siddhananda: Maybe a… I don't see a fire, but, a monk kind of thing…

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: …with the rope-belt kind of thing.

G: Ok, ok. (nodding)

Siddhananda: I don't see his face too much, or that will come into view later, maybe, but... he was a server like that.

G: Ok.

Siddhananda: I don't know what era totally, but, he is in that, those kind of robes, and… (pause) So, how can we help you today? (pause) He wants to embody Truth... that is what he wants to embody... I am feeling Christ energy there... [wants to] just embody Truth in his soul and… I can, maybe, see a little more like what his practices [were]…

G: Hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: “Breathe deep,” I’m hearing.

Breathe deep
Sit here

Siddhananda: …You know, listening and maybe being present… I’m not hearing any prayers or mantras or any of that…

G: Hmm mm.

Siddhananda: He's kind of earthy… he's kind of organic or something (laughing)… I don't know, but he wants to embody Truth.

G: Ok. (closing eyes and pausing). Maybe do COS.

Siddhananda: Ok… quite happy with that, he's quite happy with that.

G: Yeah, start with the COS.

Siddhananda: He's very, very grateful that you've given him that… and he will see it as a treasure.

G: …and then just ask for some more communing with Christ and that the Christ teachings would be more conveyed to him.

Siddhananda: Hmm mm… and he is feeling that COS in him and he said, "Yeshua, you mentioned [Yeshua]!"

G: Hmm hmm (nodding)… yeah, Yeshua Ben Joseph.

Siddhananda: He's saying "Yeshua! You mentioned… yes”… He's feeling the vibration of it in his heart center (holding hands crossed over the heart)… and, he's very grateful.

G: Yeah… so, that will help to connect him even more to Yeshua, and whenever he's ready, he can ask Yeshua to come to him directly.

Siddhananda: Hmm, like I said, he's just so grateful. He's saying that sounds good and he will use this like it's precious food for his Spirit.

G: Hmm hmm. Ok.

Siddhananda: He wants to thank you so much.

G: Thank you for coming (gesturing namaste).

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Reality of the World

Siddhananda: [They’re] just saying, "Be well."

G: hmm hmm

Spirit: Gentle spirit, be well.

Siddhananda: Okay. So, can we help you with something today? (pausing) He has, or she has, some mistaken knowledge.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: ... that of the world, or the physical world, ... I'm hearing, "lessons," which sounds right, but [I'm] seeing someone's feet walking in this physical world, ... feeling that, I don't know, and saying that that has some reality ... or, is that your question (pausing)?

Spirit: World is real ... concrete world is true.

Siddhananda: I don't quite [get it].

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Do you?

G: Yeah, I'm finally getting a little bit of an inkling.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: I think they're asking if that world is real. It's real as long as your mind is making it real.

Siddhananda: I think that's [what they were asking], exactly.

G: It's real as long as your mind is making it real, but when you wake up into realization, then it becomes like a dream state. As long as your mind is interacting in it, and taking it as total substance, then it appears to be real during that time of experience.

Siddhananda: Hmm ... that's their experience. Let me see where they are at now (pausing).

G: Yeah, the further you go on your path, the less heavy substance it becomes, and more energetic embodiment. Do they understand that?

Siddhananda: I believe they do. Especially, as you're speaking, I'm feeling [it] just as more of energy, you know. I think that's their way of saying, "Yeah, and thank you for actually bringing that." You know, I want to say they don't feel like they're such a ... [holding fists trying to convey something] …

G: ... heavy substance.

Siddhananda: Right, heavy substance, or like less substantial.

G: Right. Everything, even the form, is corporeal, but in the form are all the cells, and in the cell is the nucleus, and in the midst of that is the empty space. So, really, [in] the form is a lot of empty space. There's a lot of room between the particles of energy that hold the body together. So, it's not really as solid as you would make it seem.

Siddhananda: They said, "Is this true?" They said, right away, "Then everything has a different vibration."

G: Right.

Siddhananda: They just got that, like everything [has different vibrations].

G: What one sees as far as color, sound, whatever, it depends on the vibration of it ... some are faster, some are slower, and then when it all comes together, it makes it a physical type of reality that's seen.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I think he got [that]. There was an insight there.

G: hmm hmm

Siddhananda: He's seeing the vibration. The seeing of something solid is a slower [vibration].

G: It's a slower vibration which makes it appear to be much more solid.

Siddhananda: There you go. That's exactly [right].

Spirit: But, I think it's the same energy.

G: It's the same. It's all the same energy. One is just vibrating at a slower vibration. The ethereal bodies, light bodies, are vibrating at a much higher resolution, so they appear to be lighter.

Siddhananda: Hmm hmm, and he's getting that. I think he's good with that. I mean, as we're speaking, he's feeling less heavy. He's feeling less bound by something heavy.

G: Yeah, the more he can sit and resonate with that, the lighter he'll feel, and the less of that heavy substantial thing will be there. He'll begin to understand that more, and come into that higher vibrational state.

Siddhananda: Right, I think he's beginning to convey something solid here, and something light here (gesturing with hands), and saying, you know, "They can merge, but they can also be ... just the light can be ..." He's kind of saying that, and I think it was kind of an 'aha' for this energy.

G: Yeah, a little 'aha' moment (laughing) ... light bulb! (laughing)

Siddhananda: Yeah, light bulb! (laughing) Sometimes, the light bulb gets transmitted as getting (laughing)... Okay, light bulb, finally! Oh, this is funny! (laughing) He did show a picture of a light bulb with a chain cord, and your hand pulling it (gesturing with hand and laughing) …

G: (gesturing with hand and laughing)

Siddhananda: ... which was cute. I get a kick out of these things. What can you say? They do have a sense of humor... He's laughing. He's happy that we're both laughing, too. So, anyway, I don't know if a mantra might be good for this one, or what do you think?

G:  hmm hmm. Is he asking for a mantra? If he's not asking, he doesn't need it.

Siddhananda: I wasn't sure if that's ... I kind of got a mix. We can just let it be then.

G: Yeah, if he wants a mantra, he can ask the other side, and they'll be happy to pass it to him.

Siddhananda: That's true. You're not going to be left out of whatever you need.

G: Right, if he needs the mantra and he wants to go into the vibration of that, he's quite welcome to do so.

Siddhananda: That's right. Okay.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wanting Stillness

Siddhananda: So this is another lingam, or linga, this brown one (closing her eyes).Yeah, this one is really still ... (pausing) ... kind of hearing, “No questions," coming from it. "So blessed that you put the lingas out," is what my feeling is with that, [and that] they could be in this particular energy.

G: Right.

Spirit: Thank you for your compassion in that (long pause).

Siddhananda: I am getting a little more like…

Spirit: I am still a lot of the time, but there's still some thoughts.

G: Okay.

Spirit: How do I remain still…

Siddhananda: …[they are] asking.

G: (closing her eyes) He can do the mantra, the COS.

Siddhananda: That sounds right. He’s going to take it with gratitude and soak it in. He loves this Linga. I don’t know if he could be in there a little while longer (looking to G).

G: Yeah, we'll put him by the cave. He can stay in there for a little while and take his time.

Siddhananda: Okay.

Spirit: Thank you so much.

G: Yeah. Namaste (picks up the rock and puts it in the cave with other rocks).

I Am Goddess

Siddhananda: Just right away, I'm getting feminine ... feminine Shakti … that element, ...  but phenomena, you know? A lot of it. It kind of feels to me like when we talked about the center of the yantra. You have that center, and then you have the emanation. She's in that emanations of it. She's almost ... God, I don't want to say enamored, but that's where she is, and believing that she's more of a goddess in that emanation. My feeling is that it's not serving her well.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: She’s attached there, thinking it's going to help others, but it's not. It's a separate feeling, not in that source light.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, I am asking her, "What can we help you with?"

Spirit: Freedom.

Siddhananda: I'm feeling a little resistance in there. We'll see what happens. Now she seems a little more balanced.

Spirit: Freedom.

Siddhananda: I think what it was is [she's] afraid, [because] she doesn’t want to leave that manifestation world, or whatever.

Spirit: Freedom and understanding.

Siddhananda: I think she wants to be a teacher, but I don’t know if she's willing to go further.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: That's what I am feeling.

G: There is a lot of them like that. They want to be a teacher, but they don’t want to go the whole way.

Siddhananda: My feeling is that she might want something here for herself to give, but she's not gonna really be there. It's just a feeling. I mean, I don’t think it's bad. I'm just going to try to reflect that.

G: I want more knowledge, but I don’t want to go [further]. Right ... I want to give something that I can give, but stay in the world of Shatki, in the world of duality, and not go beyond that.

Siddhananda: Right, and I'm just going to reflect that back to her, and [ask], "Is this it? Is this what you're saying?"

Spirit: Goddess. I'm a goddess. Yes, I am goddess!

Siddhananda: [It's] kind of like ... Bam! ... you know? I don’t know what to do here.

G: Right, yeah. You know, tell her we're going to let her go on her way.

Siddhananda: She’s already left.

G: There's more than just goddess.

Siddhananda: She's leaving quick.

G: There's more than just goddess. You can’t just stay stuck in the feminine. You have to have that balance, and come to that. She doesn’t want that yet.

Siddhananda: She’s angry. She's really angry. She's leaving angry.

G: Yes, she’s angry. She can be angry all she wants, but that’s the truth of it. You can’t negate one half of it. What she wants to do is to negate one half of it.

Siddhananda: Absolutely!

G: I am sorry, but you can’t do that. You can try. She can stay there for however long, but she's not  benefiting herself or others to remain in that. There has to be a balance, but she doesn't want that balance.

Siddhananda: Right, and you can’t be a teacher like that.

G: No. She’s coming to that point, that egotistical thing, when they get into that, "I'm Goddess. I am this ... (lifting her eyes heavenward and gesturing to indicate the savior). No, no, no… She wants to be worshipped.

Siddhananda: That’s it.

G: No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to help you with that (laughing).

Siddhananda: Nope. We're moving right along here!

G: Sorry, wrong place!

Siddhananda: Sounds like she fled. I don’t know if she'll come around or not. We'll deal with it as it comes.

G: Yep!