Monday, May 16, 2016

Time to Rest

G: (Showing a small light pink stone).

Siddhananda: So, is that like a little [one]? Okay, i see [it now].

G: Nice pink one. 

Siddhananda: It's pink, did you say?

G: Yes. (Showing the stone again).

Siddhananda: Okay, thanks. It looked more white on the screen, but it's pink. Nice.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they were born in Mexico.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: [They] came to you to find their way to God.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: (pause). i do see a light burst, i do see Christ there with open arms. So, i don't know what the trouble is.

G: hmm hmm. Do they not see Christ right there?

Siddhananda: They're looking startled, because Christ just burst out there. They're looking startled! They were there, it's a woman [with] dark hair and flower dress. It's like she was still doing work or something, she was still doing the same work that she did there when she lived.

G: (nodding, smiling in amazement).

Siddhananda: She had her pots, she had her things, it's like it never stopped! (laughing in amazement).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: She was doing all of her same work that she's done there with her pots and grinding corn and all that stuff. Isn't that something? (laughing).

G: (laughing) Just kept busy! Busy, busy, busy! Well, it's time to rest. Let Christ come in and he'll give you some rest. (laughing). It's time to rest. 

Siddhananda: There's some children there, too, that just popped up. Maybe that was her reasoning for [doing the work]. She's taking care of her children, she's saying.

G: Yeah, she was watching them growing. She probably left early. 

Siddhananda: She's continuing to take care of them, she's making good meals (smiling). It's cute, it's a bitter-sweet feeling that she's doing that. I see these little ones, she's tending to them and sending them all of her love and good yummy food, all of her skills and knowledge of what she made. It's hard for her to leave that.

G: Yeah, they're fine, they're fine. They're all fine. She needs to go to the arms of Christ now. She'll see the children again, she'll see them on the other side, for sure. 

Siddhananda: (pause) She's sending her hearts to them, to you, to all of it. So, she's hearing it. She knew when she came to you that this was going to be [her] time to go. She just had a feeling.

G: She'll still be able to see them from the other side. She'll still be able to know what's going on. But, she does not need to be contained where she is at, she can go forward. 

Siddhananda: She feels relieved and she's been letting down and sitting. She's sitting because she's been working hard!

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, she's tired. She is turning there, but, she's tired. That Light is going into her and she is turning towards it. She knows it's time.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: She knows it's time. I think she knew and she just wanted your help with that.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: i do see the little children that she's been caring for, she's just sending her love to them and knowing your Grace is there. So, she's ready. (smiling).

G: Excellent! (gesturing Namaste).

Siddhananda: That was sweet. (hand on heart).

G: May she have a wonderful journey. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah, that was sweet. (smiling).

G: Absolutely!