Wednesday, April 13, 2016

God is In Control

Siddhananda: Next! (Showing a small transparent stone) (making a 'ding' sound)

G: (gesturing a mudra and smiling)

Siddhananda: We're gonna have a mudra with that, why not! (laughing)

G: Sure (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Thinking about the future too much.

G: hmm hmm. For what reason?

Siddhananda: Worried about it.

G: Do they not think [that] God is in control?

Siddhananda: (pause) I guess they haven't really sat with that. (smiling)

G: Yeah, they need to sit with that. At the center of all beings is God essence, do you think that God essence can be destroyed? (smiling)

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, I'm hearing them saying "God is in control.. God is in control."

G: Yeah, God is in control. God is at the center of whatever is being seen. So, the only thing that can happen is it can go through a transmutation, but, it's not going to go anywhere. It can be transformed into something else, but, it's eternal. 

Siddhananda: Okay, I am seeing a lotus blossom into that.

G: So, they're getting that.

Siddhananda: They are getting that.. it's a releasing for them. (pause). It's feeling much much better just with that. (smiling)

G: Yeah, all they need to do, if there is any doubt on anything, is just rely on that one ultimate truth that God is eternal and there is nothing that exists without God in the center of it, [that is] absolutely impossible or it would have no life at all.

Siddhananda: (pause) Yeah, that's definitely charging them with new energy and light.

G: Yeah, so we'll let them sit with that and contemplate that for awhile (smiling)

Siddhananda: And I'm going to say this for them, because I'm seeing the COS, is that okay for them?

G: Okay, yes, the COS is okay for them. 

Siddhananda: Good, they like that (smiling). Thank you (gesturing namaste)

G: Thank you (gesturing namaste)