Monday, April 4, 2016


Siddhananda: Okay, so, we'll get to the next one here. (pausing with closed eyes) It's always weird when i see my own reflection first.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: I just cut through that and keep going, it's like looking in a mirror.

G: It's all one (laughing)

Siddhananda: It's like looking in mirror for a minute.

G: I know, it's like woah! (making a facial impression like being startled)

Siddhananda: I know, anyway, [let's] see what happens next. (pause) Gosh, i'm hearing something and it's not fully coming to the surface.

G: Give it a few seconds, it will come in.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, so, i heard "I had myself in a bad situation."

G: Okay (pause).. in what way?

Siddhananda: Something where he was tortured and abused.

G: Okay

Siddhananda: ..locked up, shunned, spat on...bad things. Let's see why... It doesn't sound good, (pause) he's saying he did something bad, though.

G: He did something bad?

Siddhananda: Yeah (pause) He's saying he didn't harm others, so, i'm not quite [sure]... i do see a jail cell with him in there and it looks bad, it feels like it was a really bad situation for this particular man or whatever.

G: Yeah

Siddhananda: So, let me [get more details]..

G: What did he do, what did he break, what are the crimes that he did?

Siddhananda: That's what i'm trying to get out, (pause) He said he didn't do violence.

G: Right

Siddhananda: He's saying he went against the norms more.

G: He went against the norms

Siddhananda: (pause) he said he stole some things, too.

G: Stole something?

Siddhananda: Yeah, and something about going against the norms

G: Okay

Siddhananda: (pause) He's saying he stole maybe for himself and i guess, i'm hearing a little bit to help others, too. So, i don't know what that was about, fully.

G: Yeah, when you were saying that, i was getting the image of the theft, i was seeing like even if they stole a piece of bread they would throw them in the [jail]

Siddhananda: Well, that's exactly [right], and what i'm feeling, at least with this energy, is that it was more something that was against the norms, but also i think it was that kind of theft. Maybe he was hungry or his family was poor or something happened that made him do that. He's saying this is correct. He's not an evil man.

G: Right. No, i didn't feel it was done with an evil intention

Siddhananda: Right

G: He shouldn't have done it, but..

Siddhananda: Maybe desperation?

G: Desperation, right, it was a desperation, like a robin hood.

Siddhananda: That's exactly what I was just going to say (laughing)

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: You put it out there, i love it. Take from the, what is it, take from the [rich, give to the poor]

G: Felt like a robin hood.

Siddhananda: It was, and he's smiling, he likes that because that's how he [was]

G: Right, exactly

Siddhananda: ..but he didn't feel that way at that [time]

G: that's the thing, he stole what he shouldn't and paid the price and he needs to let go of that.

Siddhananda: Right, because he was really shunned, he was spat on.

G: He's paid the price over and over again. He's been put in jail and tortured for it and he's also tortured himself over it. He judged it himself.

Siddhananda: That's right

G: So, he needs to quit the judgement.

Siddhananda: Right, and this is just me talking, but you can see how, through society, a lot of people that were punished wrongly in these ways and they were not that kind of thing or never did anything that was horrible, but it went against what was ever happening then and they were very severely punished, it was not good.

G: Right

Siddhananda: So, anyway that's the way this feels.

G: Right, so, all he needs to do is ask for forgiveness. We'll ask Christ to come in and ask for  forgiveness and that's the end of it, and he needs let go of it and move forward. (pause) He's doesn't need to continue to be punished... but learn the lesson and not steal again. That's all.(laughing)

Siddhananda: He's saying "NO", I never do that".. and he's hoping for better conditions when he does come into rebirth so [that] he's not starving or desperate.

G: Right

Siddhananda: That's what he would like.

G: And he didn't know he would [be] able to make whatever reparations he needs if he comes in.

Siddhananda: Right

G: ..give to those that are poor, give to those that are in those desperate straights. Make the reparation that way.

Siddhananda: Perfect!

G: Balance the scale

Siddhananda: Perfect, perfect, so, he's [asking] can he have the COS?

G: Absolutely

Siddhananda: (smiling) Okay

G: (smiling)

Siddhananda: I do feel more lightness to that imagery. It's much lighter and it's nice, so, thank you so much, (hand on heart)

G: Yeah, he needs to let go of that. I mean, geez, he was punished then and he's continuing  to punish himself. He's remained in that torture for how many centuries? so much time...

Siddhananda: Right, and that's the thing. He felt like he was bad, but that's what happens sometimes.
You did something wrong when you really didn't.

G: It was like medieval ages

Siddhananda: That's what it felt like

G: For pete's sake, let go already (laughing)

Siddhananda: (laughing) That's what it felt like. I'm laughing for myself too, let me tell ya.

G: (laughing) Okay. The jail cell is open and he can go free now.

Siddhananda: That's right. i guess, in that realm, like we say though, it doesn't have the same time in that ethers.

G: Aha

Siddhananda: But anyway, if you look at it though, god that has been a long time (laughing) Isn't it about time to let it go?  yeah..

G: Exactly, i mean he's way more paid for that

Siddhananda: Yeah

G: Pay for that whatever he took. He's more than paid for it, over and over again.

Siddhananda: Right, totally, and others are on their way, that time is done.

G: (laughing)

Siddhananda: Okay, a lot of people that have been wrongly accused, like those two (referring to this and the previous spirit), wrongly felt bad when they shouldn't carry that.

G: Right, and there's no reason to carry that. You pass out of life and you go through and you see the life review, but it's not there to sit there and punish yourself with, it's to take that lesson to know that's not the way to go.

Siddhananda: Yeah, perfect

G: So, learn that lesson.. [that] this is not the way to go, so let me go in this other direction.

Siddhananda: Right, use it as a jumping off point to go in another [direction]

G: A jumping off point to go back into life and go in a different direction. You learn that's not the direction to go.

Siddhananda: Right, and what i see with these two is that they are lucky [that] they remembered what that [was about].

G: Right, exactly!

Siddhananda: ..but not everyone does, like, if  they have a rebirth they carry that, but they don't know where it's really coming from, a lot of the times.

G: Yeah, exactly. It's under there but they don't have the details

Siddhananda: Yeah, so, that's what's nice that they [the two spirits] have that clarity. But, even if someone doesn't,  you just still keep facing it and dissolving those things because there's no need to carry it.