Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hearts Come Together as One Heart

Siddhananda: (showing a rock) It’s a nice clear, pretty rock in a way. Let me put it up a little bit (bringing the rock closer to the camera). You can see it’s kind of clear.

G: Yeah, it’s a pretty one.

Siddhananda: It is pretty. It’s nice to look at. Okay! (pause) So, I’m hearing, “I let my heart be covered up with clouds.” I do see a heart with some clouds over it. Okay, so I’m hearing some kind of heartbreak, some kind of union that was there, some kind of relationship. I see a marriage of sorts. Let’s see. Okay, she left him, that kind of thing. And when it was reflected the two being joined in marriage, there was a lot of light. There was like a love. There was a heart being reflected. What he’s saying is that she left him. And then I see someone sitting there with his head in his hands just weeping.

G: Right. And she left him why?

Siddhananda: Okay, she wasn’t ill. It wasn’t something like that where she passed.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: She was angry at something.

G: Uh hmm.

Siddhananda: He was too closed in his way. He was too closed. He shut himself off and was getting involved in a lot of other things. She felt shut out. I see him in sort of a dark world. She’s there as light there.

G: He shut himself out.

Siddhananda: He shut himself out with whatever.

G: He shut the door.

Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: He shut the door. So now he’s going to bemoan it. He’s the one that shut the door.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: He’s the one that really walked away. He closed her out.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Does he not see that? Really he walked away first. (laughing)

Siddhananda: I think he’s feeling like he always loved her, like he didn’t quite understand in some ways why she would do that. But the image was one of him more in a darker space, her light. They were separate like that, like he wasn’t allowing that in. I think he’s thinking, “Well, I always loved her though.”

G: Well, no, that’s not love. If you don’t let somebody in, that’s not love.

Siddhananda: Right. Right.

G: What kind of love is that that shuts somebody out and then says, “But I loved her.” No. Maybe you wanted her, but that’s not love if you shut her out. You close the door on somebody, then you want her for your own ego gratification. But what are you giving back?

Siddhananda: Yeah, because I do see her made of light. It feels more like it was him that was doing this.

G: Exactly. He shut her out. He walked away. Of course, he wants to play the blame game. “But I loved her.” No, you didn’t make room for her.

Siddhananda: Exactly. There was no room in his world in whatever choices he made, his activities, that crowded her out of that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And let’s see what that’s about for him, why he crowded her out.

G: Yeah, find out what it is. But that’s what he’s got to see.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: She did not leave him. He left her at first. He locked up his heart. He’s the one who didn’t open to all of that.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So he can’t sit here and bemoan it and cry it now that she left, that she did this to me, and poor me. This is the time to learn a very valuable lesson.

Siddhananda: Yeah, perfect. So, we’ll let that sink in him for a little bit and we’ll see what happens. (long pause) He’s hearing it, but he’s aching. Like I say, his head is in his hands.

G: Well, yeah, but that can be breached, that can be mended immediately. But he’s got to open himself to it. He can’t continue to shut it out. He’s the one that’s continuing to shut out his heart. He’s feeling sorry for himself and he’s got himself shut up in his own cage, still!

Siddhananda: Exactly.

G: If he would have kept himself open to her, then she would have been there and if he would open himself up to her now, she would be there.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, I do see some more light coming in to him. I see some kind of arms there. It could be that woman or at least some kind of energy of that.

G: Yeah, absolutely, that can come back in there immediately, but he’s got to open his heart to it and he’s got to learn that you can’t shut it out and prioritize everything else first.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: And say, well, I love her. She’s just going to be there for me.

Siddhananda: Exactly, totally.

G: Of course, I have no time for her. It’s just enough that she’s around. No, no, no, no (shaking head).

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: You can’t do that.

Siddhananda: Yeah, that sounds like the story there. There is some light around him, someone with arms open.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: But he’s still a little block of darkness there and I don’t think he’s looking at it. He’s just not.

G: No, he’s got to look at it. If he wants that to come back, if he wants that union to come back, then he’s got to open and he’s got to let go of this nonsense. It can’t be from this ego perspective, “But I want it, therefore I am going to have it. It’s going to be my way.” Uh ah (shaking head). You’ve got to let go of that.

Siddhananda: (pause) More light is penetrating.

G: Yeah, I’m sure that she is there and that union is there, but again he’s got to really open that heart and allow that in and be honoring of it, not compartmentalizing it.

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly! The way it feels in some ways is like she never really left.

G: No.

Siddhananda: He just blocked her out.

G: Exactly. That’s why I said he shut the door on her. She didn’t leave him. He shut the door on her.

Siddhananda: That’s right.

G: That’s what he needs to see. When he can come to that and honor that and see that for the reality that it is then he can open that door.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: He can seek forgiveness and can re-open that door because I’m sure she would forgive him if he comes in sincerity.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he’s got, whether it’s her or the feeling of her, it looks more like kind of like an angelic figure there.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: The light is coming in to that block of darkness is all I can tell you right now. It just seems like she is a really sweet-hearted person.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: I can see why he did love her so much. She’s just one of those that was just that way, always.

G: Yeah, but you can’t sit there and say, well, because they’re so sweet and wonderful and I care for them that you can abuse it and abuse the relationship and shut them out and not give them any time.

Siddhananda: Yeah, because I see her a little bit looking surprised by it.

G: Right, exactly, because he’s starving out the relationship.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: She wants to give but he’s not leaving any time for her to give.

Siddhananda: That’s it and it was his choice. She’s there. She remained the same throughout, one of those kind of spirits.

G: But there’s only so much you can take. If you’re shut out, you’re shut out.

Siddhananda: Absolutely! There was no room for her.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: There is that light feeling of her and it is definitely going into that blocky darkness. We’ll see maybe a little more what he has to say. I’m asking him if he’s able to take responsibility for his part of this.

G: Right. Yeah, he has to. If he’s not willing to then there’s no way to move forward. But he’s got to learn from this experience and accept responsibility and then open to change. If he’s willing to do that then that door can open, one hundred percent.

Siddhananda: He is beginning to see and feel some of this of what you are saying. It is slowly coming into view a little, but it is not fully there or anything. But, he definitely has that angelic kind of light around him, which is another thing to say that these energies, this purity, is around and when it’s shut out, it’s shut out.

G: So, he can ask to feel what her feelings were with this. Ask to feel what she was feeling with this. I’m sure she went through a lot of pain and heartbreak, loved him immensely. But, if you’re shut out, you’re shut out. You want to give and you’re not allowed to give.

Siddhananda: Right. (pause) Okay, so what I’m seeing are some tears, tears of sadness that’s flowing into that darkness trying to help him feel.

G: Right, let him feel what she was feeling, what he put her through. That indeed, she loved him and always loved him, but he pushed her aside.

Siddhananda: Right, so those tears are flowing through. They are very light, I mean they are made of light in a way. They are still in love.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, they are kind of flowing there. He is sort of shaken by that for a minute.

G: Yeah, of course!

Siddhananda: I can feel him coming out like, “She was so hurt.”

G: Yeah, he’s got to see that. He’s got to see what he put her through and understand that and accept his part in it. She didn’t want to leave. If you love somebody, you don’t want to leave. You have the best, you want the best, but if you are shut out, you are shut out and they starve the relationship. You are not being fed and you are being starved. You can only live for so long and it kills it. It shuts the door. There’s no other option but to move on.

Siddhananda: So it does show those tears and then there is also a feeling of someone that is holding their heart, the love that was there.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: They feel so sad. It showed that beautiful union where they were initially married, where that bright heart was there.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And how it changed to that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And how it really hurt her.

G: And the loss of what it could have been. Exactly.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it was so fresh and white with that heart. (hands making a shape of a heart)

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda:  Then it turned to him and more of that dark block of him in his own world and then her still as light. She just didn’t know what else to do. It’s kind of like if you can’t penetrate, if you can’t get in there, what can you do?

G: Exactly. Exactly. There’s only so much you can take of being shut out.

Siddhananda: Totally.

G: It doesn’t matter how much you love somebody, if they are not going to give you the time of day and they don’t have time for you, then how important are you really in their world? So that’s what he needs to understand.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And when he can understand that then he can seek forgiveness for that and I’m sure she will be right back. But, he’s got to repent to that.
Siddhananda: For sure. So he is shaken up by that, by those feelings coming in, because they are kind of newer feelings where he’s been more, “Oh, she did this or she left me.”

G: Exactly. He’s been playing the blame game and pointing the finger.

Siddhananda: Yeah, so they are newer kind of feelings, quaking him a bit.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Like what in the world is this all about?

G: Exactly. He needs to be shaken up. He needs to feel what he put her through and understand it. And then ask for forgiveness.

Siddhananda: Right, and I do see some flowers coming from that. I think it’s just more kind of saying when this kind of opening occurs there is room for growth.

G: Exactly. There is.

Siddhananda: That’s coming from the light as a symbol, as a message of that.

G: Right, right. And he can. It can change around very, very rapidly. But, he’s got to accept what he did and seek forgiveness for that and move to open this.

Siddhananda: Okay, I do see that block of darkness being torn apart a bit. It’s being torn up.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: There’s that flower with the tears kind of raining in, with the flower coming. So, there’s a rip in that dark block.

G: Good. So we are making some progress there. So, once he let’s go of that blame game that he’s been so hurt and abused and so misused and misunderstood, etc., all that nonsense that he is telling himself, and comes to the reality of the situation, then he can open the door to that freshness again, what was there to begin with.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and I do see some arms coming from that kind of block and tears, kind of stretched out, so that part is feeling good and there is that flower there, that white flower. He is remembering now their wedding. He’s remembering how that was so beautiful. Everything was white and pure. He’s looking at her eyes and they are just in love. There is just this pure love.

G: Exactly. He needs to come back to that and open up his heart and then not put other priorities in front of that ever again.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it’s a beautiful scene.

G: And they can come together in spirit. You don’t have to be separate.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: You can come together in spirit even closer than you were in corporeal form.

Siddhananda: Sure. Absolutely.

G: But you got to open yourself to it and you got to do it the right way. You can’t shut them out.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he’s still got that image of them looking into each other’s eyes at the wedding and that’s nice. There are some birds flying, white birds flying. So, I think they are in good hands right now. What else did you want with this soul?

G: So we can leave him over there (the healing center) to just continue to work with this.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: We can check in with him again on Monday.
Siddhananda: Okay.

G: We can check in.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: He needs to know he can go back and have a union with this other person without a problem, but he needs to open himself again and go back to that and not shut them out any longer.

Siddhananda: I did briefly see an image of a man and woman embracing.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So I think he’s hearing you and he’s happy with that.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: There’s a glow of light there. So that’s great. I think we’ll just let him simmer over by the healing center.

G: Yeah, we’ll put him by the healing center because he needs some healing in this. I’m sure she needs some healing with it as well a little bit.

Siddhananda: Oh well for sure.

G: When he gets to that point he can call her and she will come, that spirit will come and they can continue to mend that.

Siddhananda: Yeah, because she is like I say, she’ll be quicker to come around than him.

G: Oh, absolutely, one hundred percent.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: She will be, if she hasn’t moved from that state, she will absolutely. But he’s got to come around and be honoring of it in a correct way.

Siddhananda: Of course. And it’s moving in that direction. So I’m going to put him back there by some of those white birds back there, too. Put them by that.

G: Yes, that’s a good place to be then.

Siddhananda: Maybe it will keep that sort of wedding feeling, that union going.

G: Right, exactly! It’s like they were showing those hearts come together as one heart and that vibration.

Siddhananda: Yeah. Right.

G: But that vibration has to be in sync. They can’t be off like that.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: One vibrating much more rapidly and the other slow and sluggish, then they can’t meld.

Siddhananda: Right, because it was there before and something changed within him.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: And he can get that back again. He can recover that.

G: He can get it back again, one hundred percent, yeah.

Siddhananda: Which is the best part in this whole thing, so anyway…

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: We would like to see that come together and that joy and stuff. Absolutely!

Siddhananda: Of course, it’s a beautiful thing!


  1. Namaste - great session, glad to hear it's not too late for this spirit to rejoin this union!

  2. very heartfelt.... all can be repaired when the heart is open... thank you

  3. Namaste, lots of great pointings in this one. Good to see them understand things and have another chance at it. Beautiful image that goes along with this exchange. Thank you.

  4. Namaste, nice message of opening the heart and moving on. Thank you. Om.

  5. Namaste, interesting post, will sit with this one- thank you for posting

  6. Namaste- Very much enjoyed, thank
