Thursday, July 21, 2016

True Rishi

Siddhananda: Okay, our first one that we're going to check in [with] has been on the second shelf.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: And i believe this was the Sadhu that was helping, or the one that came in the linga, i don't know. we'll find out.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, i'm hearing "clearing, clearing".

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: "Getting help, thank you for the help."

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Wasn't that the one that Baba Light was helping too?

G: i think this is the one, but, maybe we'll have to ask. (Addressing the spirit) was Baba Light helping you? the one that came with the fire?

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, i'm seeing that fire. So, that's a way to confirm that.

G: Yeah. That was the one that came in, the one that knew everything.

Siddhananda: That's it. And that's exactly what i'm feeling.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing). i don't know what they know now. But, we'll find out.

G: We'll find out what they know now, compared to what they thought they knew when they came in, that they were going to let me know how intelligent and how all-knowing they were. (laughing).

Siddhananda: That's what that was. (smiling).

G: So, we'll check in now. 

Siddhananda: (pause) So, [i'm hearing] "clearing, clearing".

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: "hard clearing", they're saying.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: So, let's see what else they have to say today. (chuckling).

G: Yeah, how is your knowledge compared to what it was?

Siddhananda: (pause). "i go through hard things now, this is hard!". Oh, they were the rishi, rishi-sadhu, great seer.

G: Yeah, that's exactly [right]. They were the great seer, rishi, sadhu.

Siddhananda: That's right. [They were saying] "i make light".

G: ..and i make light. This is the rishi sadhu that came in and was going to let me know how much he knows. Typical Rishikesh [sadhu].

Siddhananda: That's what this one was. Oh, and the baksheesh, you were mentioning.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: "No more baksheesh", they're saying. (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: "No more putting my hand out for baksheesh. Not good."

G: Right, that's not good. 

Siddhananda: Let's see if there's anything else.

G: So, what have you learned about the dhuni and the ashes?

Siddhananda: What i'm hearing is that, this is just their feeling, that this is the beginning of their Path versus..

G: ..versus when they thought they were at the end. Whereas now they have just really begun to do their journey. So, now that Big Baba light can help to open kundalini so that they can actually become the dhuni and they can do the path they should have been doing. Yes, absolutely.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they're saying this cuts away that darkness, that feeling that you know or you have some knowledge of anything, really. And that this is just hard, this is a hard cutting, burning, like the dhuni. i do see that dhuni and they are bowing to it. It's big, it's bright, like the Baba Light, and they're bowing to it like an honoring of it.

G: Right. And this dhuni that's burning is representative of what needs to take place inside of you. You must become that dhuni, and those ashes that you cover yourself with are what the ego burns down to. So, then you become Shiva. You become That which you are honoring now. You must become That.

Siddhananda: (pause). They're getting quieter with your pointings. So, i'm not sure where you want this one to..

G: i think we're going to just keep him. He's going to be doing his path for a while. We can go ahead and leave him up there and check in a while. He's going to be doing this for awhile.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Let's ask if he knows if he'll be coming back into form anytime soon.

Siddhananda: (pause). He says he doesn't know.

G: Yeah, he may, he may not. It's not necessary that they come back. [It's] quicker, if you can, but, it's also much more intense, much more difficult. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: So, at that, Namaste, thank you for coming.

Siddhananda: (gesturing namaste).

G: We just wish you to continue well on your journey. So, we'll put you over there so that you can continue to do your practices. 

Siddhananda: (placing them on the shelf).

G: Yeah, i just want to see these ones actually making some progress. They think that they have gathered all these knowledge about something, it's the same thing as you read lot of books and you think you have knowledge, but you really don't have anything until you begin to find it within. 

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: And that's what they have to find. It's not external thing of i can do this ceremony and that ceremony. They'll have to find out that the ceremony is themselves. So, we want to see them actually begin the journey. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. It sounds like that's happened for that one.

G: Yeah, he's starting the journey now. He's got some good background foundation, but, if he can understand now that that is what you become, that's not external to you but it is what you are internally at the end point.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. Totally different focal point.

G: Totally different focal point from where he was at, yes. But, like i said, this is what you find in Rishikesh. This is why i had such a difficult time while i was there. You find lot of the babas that think they know something, and, they're very patriarchal. They don't want to hear anything from a woman. They think they know it all. But, most of them haven't even really begun their journey in earnest. 

Siddhananda: Sure. That's an issue, especially when they're doing things that are dishonoring of the robes they're wearing.

G: Well, exactly! This is why i would be so angry and i'd take the danda (stick) and i'd chase them! i'd literally chase them! Because the people that come to India are thinking these are all holy men. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And they're really abusing it. They're not doing the practices like they should be and they're playing a game with themselves and with the tourists, and taking the tourists for a ride because they don't know. 

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: They don't know really what it takes to do the internal path. They're just see these externals, what these guys are wearing. They tell a good story, they live outside. Yes, it's a tough life. But, you have to really do the journey. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: Like i said, while i was there, i did see a few that were really honest-to-goodness sadhus. And when i saw them i did honor them by leaving some money for them. You do leave some baksheesh, but, it's not when they're coming over and saying "baksheesh, baksheesh." You tell them you're a beggar, you're not a sadhu, get away from me.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Go become a beggar and take off the sadhu clothes, don't disgrace them. Either that or do the practices like they're supposed to be done.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Because while i was there, i would do practices. i'd sit by the banks of the Ganges, in Haridwar, and people would see me that i was genuinely in practices and they would leave little offerings of some little fruit or couple of rupees here and there. But, they could see that you are really doing the journey and they would honor that.

Siddhananda: Makes sense.

G: Yeah, absolutely.

Siddhananda: That's good that that's coming forward out of this and it's turning around there.

G: Yeah, i want to see it again become another place of the rishis, those that are the knowers. But, right now, it's not that and it needs to turn around. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, true rishis.

G: True rishis. True knowers. That they have a good foundation. This is not to say that they're not doing it sincerely. I'm sure a lot of them think they are doing it sincerely. And they think they do have something. But, they don't know the difference. That's the problem. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. i think that is, in a lot of ways, especially when it's the general climate of things, all have that mindset.

G: They're caught up in the externals and think the externals are it. And they put so much attention on the externals, knowing the stories, doing the 'bam bam bole nath..'.. But, they've got to find the internal of that and surrender to that. 


  1. Thank you for this. Great exchange. Genuine verses not. All great things to read.

  2. Namaste, have heard Guruji bring up these points about the sadhus in India today, hopefully things will change for the better, thank you for posting this- Ronald
