Friday, July 15, 2016

Purifying Fire

G: Okay, this was the last one that i had. (Showing a brown stone).

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). Okay, this one's saying "i'm trying to be quiet."

G: hmm hmm. This was the one that was burning in hell-fire. 

Siddhananda: Is that right? Okay.

G: Yeah, this is the one that was burning, burning, burning.

Siddhananda: Oh God! (pause). When you say that, i see some of that still happening. (pause). He says, though, he feels that they are pure fires, they are cleaner fires.

G: hmm hmm. Not that burning, torture fire.

Siddhananda: Christ was there, right?

G: Right. (nodding). i think we had Christ come in and then some of the other Mayan priests and things that had been before come in to talk with him, they were sending love and stuff to him.

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's a calmer, more settled setting. There's a smaller fire, it feels calmer. It almost feels like that fire wants to make itself into a lotus or something. It's a purer situation.

G: Yeah. i get a feeling it's trying to be like the kundalini fire. See if that's right or wrong. Like it's more of a balancing [thing], because i get this energy going one way and then it's going the other way.

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause). hmm. boy, i'm not sure. i'm asking, but, i'm hearing more purification.

G: Purification, right.

Siddhananda: Shifting a little, it's changing, changing. It feels better, not like some big exorcism, i don't know if that was the exorcism one.

G: Yeah, this was the one that was really, really burning, burning in hell fires. It was really in hell fires. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. Well, it's definitely a calmer setting and they are trying to be quiet. Christ is there, the fires are working it, burning away all the dross. Should we just leave them there?

G: Yeah, we'll leave him for a while. He's going to be worked with some more. It was just feeling to me [that] it was like the kundalini fires now instead of a hell fire. 

Siddhananda: Right. It's not a hell fire anymore. Right.

G: It's not a hell fire anymore. i felt more like the internal fire because when it was feeling like the energy was going this way and then the other way (gesturing with rotating finger), like a balancing thing. 

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: Anyway, we'll leave them for a little more.

Siddhananda: Well, it's definitely not the hell fire anymore. That part's good.

G: It's more of the purification.

Siddhananda: Yeah. That's kundalini. i'm just not seeing a spiral like that, but, that's not to say that that's not the fires of purification.

G: Yes. It's just the way it felt to me like it was more balancing than like a hell fire. 

Siddhananda: For Sure. It's definitely changed to working towards the good and balancing rather than the burning in hell fires.

G: Yeah. Because when i hold this, it's going this way (gesturing with finger rotating clockwise and then anticlockwise), it spins back the other way real quick and then turns and spins the other way. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: For me, that means it's like the balancing energy, it's going to wind and unwind, wind and unwind, wind and unwind and keep bringing all these things to the surface to let go of. Kind of like the kundalini roto-rooter type of a thing. It's going to keep purifying.

Siddhananda: Sure. And that's more than likely what's going to come forward more and more from this. So, that makes sense.

G: Yeah. So, we'll leave him to continue to process. 


  1. Great exchange. Great pointers and reminders. Thank you.

  2. Namaste, anything about kundalini is always interesting- thank you for posting- Ronald

  3. Good to see this soul out of those hell fires and into the purifying ones..Om
