Saturday, August 20, 2016

Drop the Armor

Siddhananda: Okay, so I see this little rock with a white aura around it. Okay, so they remember when they were young and so carefree. They feel like they have been hardened now. They were running through the fields, laughing and playing. No worries about tomorrow.  Now, it’s different, of course, with them. Calloused. Hardened.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: Protecting themselves.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Like a suit of armor, almost.

G: Right.

Spirit: How can I break out of this coat of armor?

G: By giving themselves permission to let go of the armor and find out that they are fine.

Siddhananda: They will be vulnerable then, they feel.

G: Yeah, well, now you are encased in a prison of your own making. Do you like the prison?

Siddhananda: Shut, you choose, right?

G: Right, you choose.

Siddhananda: They don’t like it. They can’t really feel this way.

G: Exactly!

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So let go and be free.

Siddhananda: I see that child in their heart. It’s laughing and playing. It’s in their heart. But, they’ve got this armor around them, so it can’t really be that joyful and all of that innocence can’t be released.

G: Right, but they put that armor on and they can take it off.

Siddhananda: What will happen if they take it off, they are wondering.

G: Nothing. They will be lighter. (laughter)

Siddhananda: (nodding) They have a sword, too.

G: Yeah, they are ready for battle.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they are defending or ready to protect whatever they are protecting. You know, come on!

G: Exactly, exactly! There is in the end no death. So, what are you protecting?

Siddhananda: Okay, they are crying now. They are afraid of being vulnerable and their emotions were so strong and things that they are just afraid to feel. They are afraid to feel. They want to feel though now.

G: Then they have to let go of the fear first and they have to be able to move forward. You have to open the door. You can’t sit there be in fear and not open the door, because you have got yourself in a prison of your own making. You have to be willing to open the door and let in the light. Be able to stand out.

Siddhananda: Okay, there is some kind of connection being made now. I see that suit of armor. There is a door that’s open. There is some kind of darkness, but it could just be his own releasing of whatever.

G: Right, it’s his own shadows that he has collected, fears and dramas, and things around it. But, obviously, now he is no longer in body. He can see, what is there to protect any longer?

Siddhananda: Not even a body.

G: No, there’s not even a body there. There’s not even a corporeal. You are that eternal spirit. At this point, there’s nothing there that you need to protect.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah. So, I think that in this case it would be good to have the feminine in there as well. Ask Mother Mary to come in. (pause)

Siddhananda: Such a soft, beautiful, gentle, loving, pure energy compared to them. You see this whatever energy in this armor and it’s brown and dark. And this contrast, it couldn’t be more different. It couldn’t be more polar opposites than what you would imagine.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, that soft light is touching that shield and there’s more quietude. He’s kind of like, “Okay, what’s this?” It’s working with that. It’s really like the sun, just working to melt the ice, is really what it is.

G: Exactly! Exactly. So he’s got to see that there is nothing there for him to fear.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: What’s opening is that love and acceptance, so he needs to be willing to drop the armor and step into that.

Siddhananda: Okay, I see part of a foot like with pants. It’s more looking like a regular person that may step out of this armor just a little bit and it’s starting to fade a little bit with this armor kind of dissolving. It was an energetic holding or pattern that’s beginning to disperse and it’s going… it’s swirling.

G: Yeah, you can always let go of old patterns, but you just have to step into the consciousness that you want to be in.

Siddhananda: He didn’t realize that, that’s what he’s saying. He didn’t know what to do.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So that’s the situation. But, he is feeling this and it is dissolving that calcification and that pure beauty is there.

G: Right. What you seek is within. He seeks that childlike space. Well, it’s right there within him, but he’s got to let go of the exterior that is keeping it from manifesting. It’s still right there.

Siddhananda: As you mention child, I do see more of a child running freely through these green pastures, catching butterflies and all that beauty, innocence, laughter and joy.

G: Absolutely, they haven’t lost it. They just calcified around it to where it’s not manifesting outward any longer. They’ve got themselves in a prison, trying to keep themselves safe. They sit there and they’ve really got themselves locked away and they aren’t safe at all like that. They are miserable. (laughing)

Siddhananda: He’s crying. Yes, it is miserable. It is indeed miserable to be locked in and locked out.

G: Right. So you’ve got to open the door.

Siddhananda: It’s coming. I can see more of an energy on their knees and then I see part of the shield (moving her hands around her face), so it’s not covering him anymore. He’s crying. He’s melting. You can see that child running more free, not just locked in his chest, or wherever… chest more with sorrow there.

G: Right. Yeah.

Siddhananda: Yes, it’s definitely melting things down.

G: Yeah. We’ll leave them over in the healing center.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: We’ll leave them to work on that, yeah. He’s just got to see that he created that shell and he can take it off.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: That’s really as simple as that.

G: It’s as simple as that. You just have to be willing to come out of your fears and challenge it and pick a better way for yourself. That’s all.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and what you see with this, whether in body or not, these are just energetic patterns. In their mind, there is a body, there is a persona. It’s like an energy, it’s more of a holding of a pattern or something.

G: Exactly. It’s one thing if you are actually in form, corporeal form, and you are being abused or something and you are protecting yourself in whatever way you can.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: But, it’s another thing when that’s gone that you no longer need to have that.

Siddhananda: Right, and as you say even without a body and in that arena, it would seem like even less of a threat. But then again, you are also totally open. It just feels like that so much with this spirit, many times they don’t always sense the difference. They kind of stay in that same…

G: Right.

Siddhananda: That’s it. They are not sensing…

G: They haven’t seen that they are no longer in corporeal form.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: There is nothing there to protect.

Siddhananda: Exactly.

G: It’s absolutely free.

Siddhananda: Exactly. You would think that would be cognized, but it’s really not for some.

G: It’s not. They are still so stuck in that mentality and that consciousness they haven’t taken a look to see that there is no corporeal form.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: The form they are in is eternal.

Siddhananda: That’s the thing. It just continues on that same course. Okay, the body falls away, the same course. That’s the wake up call that’s here and the ones that get it, they don’t need this counsel. They are off with whatever they need.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, anyway, it’s just interesting. Okay!

G: It’s like what they say. It’s the ill that needs the physician, not the well.

Siddhananda: For sure! They are not going to come.

G: They are already off continuing forward.

Siddhananda: Yeah. In that regard, then it comes down to the exact same counsel as here. For them, many feel that they are still in that same kind of conditionings, same exact thing.

G: They still have those conditionings and they are still wound up by it. But that just shows how important it is to do the work here.

Siddhananda: Totally, one hundred percent! I think that’s the main message that should hit home, because you don’t get out of it.

G: You don’t get out of it.

Siddhananda: You continue… yeah, it continues…

G: You don’t get out of things, so you need to do the work while you are here.

Siddhananda: That’s right.

G: You can still stay stuck in the same dramas on the other side as you are here if you don’t handle your stuff while you are here.

Siddhananda: Exactly! That’s really the main “bing” and I see in my head red “Ring! Ring! Ring” (like an alarm). That’s it. (laughing) Listen, because that’s really the main message. You’ve got some flashing lights.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Trying to get your attention to that. It’s just something else.


  1. Namaste - great session - and the main message at the end hits home!

  2. very nice, clear message with with great imagery that flows from it ... in the messages that have come, the end is the MAIN Message and if there is anything to be gotten from them, this is it .... thank you for transcribing this so well and vivid... shanti om

  3. Great message. And pointings. Thank you. Cute image :-) Well done transcription. Very appreciated here.

  4. These pointings hit home, part of the path and difficult yet simple. Thank you for posting

  5. An important message for sure. Thank you..Om
