Monday, August 29, 2016


Siddhananda: This is another little heart looking [stone].

G: Yeah, there’s quite a few of them in there.

Siddhananda: Kinda cute.

G: Kinda like a little heart.

Siddhananda: Like a little heart. (holding up a very small, clear, heart shaped stone).

G: Heart feeling.

Siddhananda: Really nice. (pausing with closed eyes). Something about they’re in the Winter of their life.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: But I do feel a lot of stirring (moving hand across the heart area), but they’re saying that they are in the winter season, dormant, waiting for new growth. As it is stirring, it feels like water drop going in it. (pause). They are okay with it being the winter aspect of things and understanding that that’s part of the whole.

G: Part of the cycle.

Siddhananda: Yeah, part of the cycle and so that’s an okay thing. It needs to be right there for them. Let’s see if they have any questions. (pause). Okay, they do want to be more still, though, even with that. They are sounding like accepting, but yet, there’s this stirring.

G: Right. So I would say for that one, the COS, the Om That I AM and the I Am That I Am. [These will be] good for them and be more witness and relaxing into that.

Siddhananda: So, they are taking that in and it shifts the energy immediately. So, that’s nice (hand on heart).

G: Thank you.


  1. the acceptance aspect is very nice... thank you ... om

  2. Namaste - nice piece and image! thank you!

  3. Namaste, Thank you and omm.

  4. Nice prescription, as we see, works very well, thank you for posting
