Thursday, August 4, 2016

Light beyond lights

Siddhananda: We've got some cute stones here.

G: Oh, yeah.

Siddhananda: That's cute, (showing a small stone), it's got a little stripe and then see the little end. It's just a cute pattern on there.

G: hmm hmm. (smiling).

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they are not of this world, they're from a different place [that's] more of light.

G: Okay. Another realm.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: A light realm.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. (pause).

Spirit: i drink in light, i am light, i bask in light, i live light.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, they just want to keep going into Truth.

G: hmm hmm. So, they can open themselves up to the Light beyond lights. There is a step beyond where they're at. There is a Light beyond lights. And if they are willing to open themselves totally to that, they can experience that Light beyond lights.

Siddhananda: Okay, they're asking how do i go there. Do i take my.. car that floats? (laughing).

G: No, you don't take.. No, you say "On the altar of Truth, i give myself" and you surrender one hundred percent to That.

Siddhananda: (pause)

G: And ask that that God presence would fill you, one hundred percent, would take you.

Siddhananda: So, they're saying i don't need to go anywhere?

G: No. It's there inside the essence of your heart, it's there. That Light beyond lights is what gives you life. And one surrenders into that entirely. The Holy of holies is there. Ever present.

Siddhananda: Okay, they are just sitting with that, drinking it in. Their place is alive with a lot of light waterfalls and..

G: They're in a very much more rarefied place than it is here. It is very much higher transitional, they have a much higher vibration there. But, they still have further to go. So, you have to open your heart to the Holy of holies and there's a Light beyond lights. It vibrates so quickly that it's not seen on your place. It's so bright.

Siddhananda: Okay, they're just going to sit with that. They don't have to go anywhere, so, they'll sit with that, bask in whatever beauty is offered there.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: And open up.

G: You just have to totally open that door and ask for that door to be opened and be willing to sacrifice yourself into that.

Siddhananda: Okay, i see a door opening. So, they are acknowledging that.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, (hand on heart).

G: So, Namaste (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: Namaste.


  1. this is very nice.. thank you .. om

  2. Very nice indeed. Thank you for keep on transcribing. Om shanti.

  3. Namaste, It takes a teacher such as Guruji that has gone the whole of the way to guide one who is having experiences such as in this blog....- to completion- Thank you for posting- Ronald
