Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Beauty of Love

Siddhananda: Let's see what we got next. Another little bit of a darker one (showing a small, slightly dark stone).

G: Not nearly as dark (smiling), it's got a little more clarity (comparing with previous stone that was worked with).

Siddhananda: Much more clarity (smiling). (pausing with closed eyes). Okay, i do see this rock. i see some light, it does have little grey in it. But, the light is coming from it, has a little bit of grey around the edges.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: Okay, i'm hearing "Speak to me about love. Tell me the beauty of love."

G: Okay. Yeah, love is... when you really love something, you give yourself one hundred percent totally to it. You become that which you love. You lose yourself and become that which you love.

Siddhananda: As you are speaking, i do feel that resonating in terms of that love changes and yet you don't lose it. You still have that.

G: No, you don't lose it. You don't lose anything. That's the whole thing about Bhakti path. You love so much that you surrender into it so completely that you lose yourself in that, and you become that which you seek. That's the path of Love, you lose yourself and you become that which you seek.

Siddhananda: Yeah. And the feeling i'm getting from this energy is the love one. There's even broader love and it doesn't take the beauty away.

G: No, it doesn't take the beauty away, and that expands out to other, as well. 

Siddhananda: Expands out (nodding).

G: Yeah. Usually, with a Bhakti Path, you're focused on either Krishna or Christ or Mary, whatever it is that you love, and you surrender, give yourself to it one hundred percent totally until there is nothing left of you and there's just that other remains. The beauty of that Other remains, and one becomes That. 

Siddhananda: (nodding).

G: One becomes that energy. 

Siddhananda: There is just light coming from this little stone, and they're grateful and they are settled with that.

G: Yeah. So, find that which you seek. You're embodiment of love, that ultimate which you seek, that purity of love; become that and surrender into that, one hundred percent. 

Siddhananda: And they are showing two rivers coming together. That's what they're showing as a way of saying they understand that.

G: Okay. Namaste, thank you for coming. (gesturing namaste). 

Siddhananda: (hand on heart).


  1. How beautiful is this message !! Truly deep feeling of light and love ncripted into the words. Greatful to be reading it. Thank you.

  2. Namaste, interesting message showing different paths- thank you for posting - Ronald

  3. Namaste- Very much enjoyed, thank you..Om
