Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Siddhananda: (Showing a turquoise stone) Okay, so there’s that stone, looks like a diamond formation in the center. (pause). They are saying something about the heart of being.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: ...as a way to know God.

G: (nodding)

Siddhananda: They have a question about completion. How is it done?

G: How is done? Completion?

Siddhananda: Mmm hmm.

G: Completion is done when one is totally surrendered into God. When all of the illusions are dispelled, that’s completion.

Siddhananda: Okay, I do see a lotus coming. They desire this completion and they just want to take in whatever they can for this, for that motion to take place until it dissolves away. I said is there anything else? And they said they just wanted to say thank you.

G: Namaste.

Siddhananda: Oh and the COS too (chuckling).

G: The COS?  Oh, ok. You can have the COS. Now that they have asked, yeah.

Siddhananda: (laughing) I guess that wasn’t the last thing. They said it was.

G: Enjoy! (laughing).

Siddhananda: (smiling)  It wasn’t.  Hehe.

G: By the way, COS might help that a little bit. Can I have that? (laughing)

Siddhananda: Well, it’s true.


  1. Simple again. Sweet and simple. Thank you. Enjoyed this read here. Liza.

  2. Namaste - deep question asked with a simple answer. Nice!

  3. Namaste, nice visitors passing through with a simple question, nice answer
