Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Work on the Path

Siddhananda: So, here's our next little nugget of whatever (showing a small brown/greenish stone). Nugget of good or bad or in between, i don't know.

G: (smiling) Exactly.

Siddhananda: (long pause) Okay, they're saying, "where are the holy men, where are the holy waters."

G: Where are the holy men, where are the holy waters? Why does he want to look for the holy men and the holy waters? What is that he's seeking?

Siddhananda: (pause) They're saying "I seek to gather light from that.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: (pause) Let me find out a little more about him.

G: Yeah. (pause) And what is he going to do with that light?

Siddhananda: He's saying his practice has been to just lay his head on the holy men's feet or by the pure waters.

G: (pause) Aha. He think he's going to get by osmosis. (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) Alright. That's what he wants to do. That's the easier way, right? (laughing)

G: Right, i'm just going to get there and just soak it up and get by osmosis. No, you have to actually walk the path and do the practices yourself.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Unless  you're just seeking entertainment. Is he seeking entertainment or does he actually want to attain..?

Siddhananda: (pause with closed eyes) He likes the transmission light.

G: Well. there is a transmission light, but, it takes some effort on your part. You have to actually begin to walk and do things for yourself.

Siddhananda: (pause) Again, it feels like another stubborn one. He's not wanting to hear that, as much. He wants to be directed to the holy men and women  and waters and just sit there.

G: Okay. Goodbye.

Siddhananda: Bing.

G: I'm not introducing him to Christ, i'm not introducing him any of them.

Siddhananda: No.

G: We have people there, but, he's got to  be willing to do something, and you think you're going to sit there and get by osmosis and it's going to force you to change,

Siddhananda: Aha.

G: That's not going to happen. Pull him again for a minute. Is he still here?

Siddhananda: Oh, let's see. Yeah, he is.

G: Okay, does he understand that you're not just going to get by sitting there, that you have to put the stuff into effect?

Siddhananda: (pause) He doesn't want to hear that. He doesn't want to hear that.

G: Of course not! Well, then i'm sorry, it's going to be a number of lifetimes before... because that's the reality. You want a fantasy. You want entertainment. We're not here to entertain you and i'm not going to waste the holy men's time for you. They're not here to entertain you. This is not a ride you pay your money and get in and you have the ride of the Holy transmission and you're not willing to move forward in your life. No no no.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he is being stubborn.

G: Well, it's his right, he can be stubborn all he wants to, but, no holy teacher has to work with him. Does he understand that?

Siddhananda: He just started to say, "wait, i want to hear it, i want to hear it."

G: Okay, because no teacher has to work with any student. It's when the student is ready that the teacher will come , but, if the student is not ready and they just want to have entertainment ride, you're wasting their time and taking up this valuable transmission for egotistical way and we're not here to do that.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, he's stammering a little bit more, because i heard him say, "i think i don't know anything."

G: (nodding) Yeah.

Siddhananda: Something is getting in there.

G: We have many teachers here that are willing to work with people, but, the thing is work with them, not just give them free ride. This is not Disneyland. This is not spiritual Disneyland. You don't come here and buy a ticket and want the transmission and not willing to do any work.

Siddhananda: Yeah, of course, and that won't last that way anyway.

G: NO (shaking her head).

Siddhananda: It wouldn't be lasting unless you face yourself. You have to face yourself, bottom line, and, it maybe easier around that, but, it will come again and you got to face it.

G: Right, you have to. The transmission is there to stir the things up.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: It's not there for you to be in la la land with.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: And if people are just using for la la land, that teacher will walk away.

Siddhananda: That's the thing and i think a lot of people get addicted to just that transmission or something and...

G: Exactly, they become what I call shakti whores. (laughing)

Siddhananda: Yeah, and it ends up where they're not really facing their stuff.

G: No.

Siddhananda: They're not looking at their crap and it's just going to keep on being reborn, i hate to
say it, unless you really look at it.

G: Exactly. They're just spinning their wheels. So, if you're just going to be there spinning your wheels, eventually the teacher will pull the plug on that and say, no way. If you're not willing to do the work, i'm not here to provide a free ride for you and entertain you.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and as you say that, it really is there to make it come forward and to make everything surface, all the dirt and all the crap , but, you have to look at it and let it go. The teacher can't do that for you. The transmission won't do it for you.

G: Right, right.

Siddhananda: So, let's see (long pause). Okay, again i'm hearing that word try. I would like to try to be humble.

G: Well, he can't try. You are either willing to do it or you're not.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: But, if you're going to try, it means you have already decided "well, i'm really not up for the effort."

Siddhananda: Right, because you can still feel that stubbornness in trying.

G: Like Christ said, anyone who puts their hand to the plough and then turns back is not worthy of it.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: You have. There's no trying, that's what the word try [means], "i'll put my hands to it, but then,
i'm going to bail." No, there's no trying. You either are willing to do it are you're not.

Siddhananda: Yeah, absolutely. Let me just see what his choice is.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: (pause) He's saying light, but, let's see how he handles what you have to say.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: (pause) He's acknowledging what you said, but, that doesn't mean he's taking it in.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: He's just saying he's acknowledging it.

G: Okay. So, are you willing to walk a path or are you not?

Siddhananda: He just keeps saying i would like to try, so, i don't know what to do with him.

G: NO, when you're ready... When you're actually ready for it, you can come back.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: When you're ready to do it, not, i'll say i 'll try and give yourself a open door for bailing because it's useless for a teacher to try to work with somebody if they're not really ready for it.

Siddhananda: No, absolutely. I still feel a stubbornness in him like he just wants to acknowledge it, but in terms of accepting it that's another thing.

G: Exactly, he's trying to find a loophole and a door to backdoor it and get what he wants.

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's it. Exactly.

G: I'm sorry, but, i'm not here to cater to your ego. That's what i'm not here for.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and i think whatever you give him, to just grab onto the transmission aspect of it and not really look at himself.

G - Exactly, that's what i mean. He's trying to backdoor a way in. It doesn't' work with me.

Siddhananda: He's saying no, i'm a good man, i'm not that way.

G: Okay, then you're ready to go forward right?

Siddhananda: I'm having a hard time hearing.

G: Yeah.(pause) The path is hard. The path is hard. To walk a spiritual path is hard. It takes self sacrifice. It takes putting yourself on the line. If you're not willing to do that and just want a free ride, then, you're not ready.

Siddhananda: Okay, i'll ask him. Give him one more chance and ask him.

G: Yeah, you get one more chance and either that or we're done with you, but, no.

Siddhananda: Okay. So, he's saying he's not ready now.

G: Right, exactly. He tried every way he could backdoor it, but, that doesn't work here, i'm sorry, no.
There is the big planetary changes and things are coming in, but, you got ones that want to play with it like that are going to have the harder time.

Siddhananda: It's true. So, it's Grace to not get him.

G: Exactly, it's grace.

Siddhananda: It's better he just goes his way, yeah.

G: It will really smack him down.

Siddhananda: Right. So, i'm going to send him on his way.

G: Yeah, we wish you well, but, when you're actually ready, then come back.

Siddhananda: Yeah, you can't fool the universe like that. He's trying to fool things. He's trying to twist it.

G: Exactly. It's like that orthodox Jew thing, that they're going to try and find a loophole. They got all the rules and regulations, but, they're going to find a loophole in it.

Siddhananda: Exactly.

G: Thinking that they're smarter than God, Okay (laughing)

Siddhananda: That’s exactly what he was up to, exactly,

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: I think, like you say, it would be worse if he got started on the path because he would get slammed even more.

G: Yeah. He get..he would get slammed even more. So, you know, NO. If you're not ready for it, don't sit there and come and waste the teacher's time and play with it.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: And then just take what you want and leave the rest and ignore it, becaue that's really disrespecting teacher and the teacher's time and the teacher's energy. How egotistical is that!

Siddhananda: Yeah, absolutely. And i think, like we we're saying, the bottom line is you have to look at yourself, you have to face yourself, you have to cut through those things. That's the whole path. That's the the core of it.

G - Exactly. We got a ton of teachers on the other side waiting to help people, but, they are not here to placate egos like this, this is not Disney world. (laughing).

Siddhananda: Yeah. And it's just not all about your pleasure and you feeling good and all that.

G: Exactly. I just want to go zone out. I want to get a transmission and sit there and zone out and have them. That's like the people that wanted, a lot of people want you to do an ashram, because they want to come there and live and have somebody to take care of them and have no responsibilities in the world.

Siddhananda: Right. That's true.

G: Not go there and do the work. They want to go and bail and have somebody else be responsible for them.

Siddhananda: Yeah. That seemed like it was so much for the wrong intentions. Yeah, so much of the time.

G - Yeah. So, that's the type that he is. He wants to find an Ashram or the light and i want to go there and hang out there and they'll take care of me and I don’t have to do anything. I just sit there all day and... No no no no.

Siddhananda: And then it's effortless and i don’t have to do any of my own work.

G: We're not here to babysit.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: We're not going to waste the universe time with somebody that want's a free ride and has no intention of standing up and doing any work for themselves, no.

Siddhananda: Yeah, NO.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: So, it's better it all came forward now, because sometimes people would get on this path and they act like they're all this and that and it would show up later and it was much harder for them.

G: Oh, yeah. Better to close that door than to let them play with it.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Because you get that one that was here, yesterday, [that said] oh, i do all the manifesting, and you can have anything you want in your life. i'm sorry, they're going to have lifetimes and lifetimes and lifetimes and in the end really not be happy, because everything they are manifesting, everything they are doing is transient.

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: Yeah. It will come and go and is he fulfilled now?

Siddhananda: No.

G:  NO, he's still looking for it.

Siddhananda: That's the thing.

G: That's what i did in my last life, I still want that. I want to get.Yeah, i threw a life away .

Siddhananda: Right, and as soon as that's gone, they're on to another. So, it's just a constant motion of that.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: There’s nothing satisfying in that. There’s no fulfillment, true fulfillment in that.

G: No. NO, there no true fulfillment.

Siddhananda: Right. So, he's on his way and it was good example, if anything.

G: Yep. So, moving on.


  1. Namaste, Good example. And definitely something to ponder about. Great exchange. Thank you. Greatful for this. Om.

  2. Namaste, this post shows some of the difficulties along the way, thank you for posting this message- Ronald
