Thursday, August 25, 2016

Seeking righteousness

Siddhananda: (long pause with closed eyes) Okay, they want to know how to turn the wrong to the right.

G: (pause) By no longer doing the wrong.

Siddhananda: (smiling).

G: And by willing to go in and make reparations. (pause) They can always go back into form and work to right whatever they were doing that was wrong, be an advocate and that will lessen that karmic load.

Siddhananda: They would really like to do that. They would like to start travelling there now, actually.

G: I would suggest they go to the healing center first and get a little more wisdom on that and little more guidance.

Siddhananda: Nice.

G: that they can make the right choices. They can have a little more to go on to make the right choices.

Siddhananda: Okay, and then maybe from there look at the next manifestation.

G: Right. They can take off, but, i would suggest first they go to the healing center and work with some of the guides and masters there that can give them a little more insight before they go into their next existence.

Siddhananda: Aha. Get some reflection on things.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Makes sense, and that way they are going to have more awareness coming in and more preparation.

G: Exactly. More preparation and they will choose the right place they need to be to move forward in whatever they need do.

Siddhananda: Plus, they will have all those energies behind them helping to propel them in the right direction.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Very nice. Lucky again, very lucky for them.


  1. Namaste, thank you. Lucky putucky.

  2. Namaste, nice to see the guidance, get more wisdom first, then proceed in the new direction, thank you for posting

  3. Nice to see this soul getting the right guidance..Om
