Sunday, August 28, 2016

Lost Sheep

Siddhananda: (closing eyes) So, this little stone is there with a nice little light around it. [It’s] saying, “What has God to say to me?”

G: What has God to say to you? In what reference? As far as what?

Siddhananda: Okay, something about Bible passages. [There’s a] Christian flavor to this soul.

G: Okay, and what is it they are looking for specifically?

Siddhananda: Let’s see. I see a Bible open. I see a sheepherder tending to the flock. That kind of thing.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Let’s see. Yeah, they want to know about that setting or something like that. I’m just getting the sheepherder imagery.

G: Yeah, I would say the best [is that] we’ll just send Christ to them and Christ can give it to him directly. He wants to know about the Bible and stuff. We’ll let Christ tell him in his own words. Can’t get any better than that! (laughing)

Siddhananda: For sure! Christ did come in holding a little lamb. A very sweet image with his halo and he’s got his staff [that] they use for the herding of the sheep, which is sweet. It’s very gentle imagery. He (the spirit) is a little bit astonished at first, but very grateful turning right away to that (image of Christ), like “Wow! I got that. I don’t have to sit and wonder. It’s like, there it is!”

G: It’s right there, right!

Siddhananda: So, he’s there. He’s kneeling low and it’s just a gentle image. So, I think they are good.

G: All you can hear with that is that “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not be in want... He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Twenty-third Psalm.

Siddhananda: It’s so beautiful and gentle, I think, that one.

G: Yeah. We’ll leave the sheepherder to the one that collects the lost sheep.

Siddhananda: There you go! To the source directly, can’t beat it!

G: To the source directly. You can’t get any better than that!

Siddhananda: No, my goodness. The other is more secondary understanding.

G: Exactly! Some of it has been changed and it is not all there in its purity. So better he gets it from the pure source.

Siddhananda: Maybe he felt a little like one of the lost sheep.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: He wanted Christ to come find him anyway.

G: Right… [He’s] gone astray. Baa, baa!

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. He wanted that sheepherder to come collect him, so that worked out.

G: Right, right.

Siddhananda: That works out. Okay. So, they are communing and we’ll go on to this next one.


  1. Namaste - how wonderful to hear it from the source!

  2. sweet and powerful at the same time, thank you

  3. Very nice. Thank you. Sweet and powerful indeed. Omm.

  4. Namaste, can't beat having Christ show up- thank you for posting
