Sunday, August 21, 2016

Bag of Gold

Siddhananda: Okay, so next! We’ve got the same one that kind of has that little (showing a rock)…

G: Yes, that little, yes…

Siddhananda: …the little thingy in the center. It’s a cute rock! Okay. (pause) Okay, I’m hearing immediately, “What have I done to deserve this?” (laughing) Let’s see. Oh no, what have you done?

G: Deserving what?

Siddhananda: Yeah, maybe that’s it. He doesn’t know what he’s done. So, yeah, deserving what? (pause)

Spirit: I’m not happy.

Siddhananda: I said what’s going on with you? What’s your situation? He said, “I’m not happy?” He/she…

G: Uh huh. But, why are they not happy.

Siddhananda: I’m hearing him say, “Those bastards! Those bastards!”

G: Well, that could be why he’s not happy.

Siddhananda: (laughing) I’m seeing people racing after him with clubs, so I don’t know what happened.

G: With clubs, huh? Okay.

Siddhananda: Yikes! He’s holding something. He’s running.

G: What’s he holding?

Siddhananda: Looks like a bag. Let’s see if he stole something.

G: A bag of what?

Siddhananda: He said he stole something that belonged to him and he got it back.

G: Uh huh. And that’s what killed him?

Siddhananda: They stole it from him and he went to get it back. Something of value, I don’t know, in that bag. I don’t know. 

G: And he’s still dragging it?

Siddhananda: (laughing) The bag you mean?

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: He is. Some kind of jewelry. And so it’s shiny and he’s like, “Ooh, but I got it.” Let’ see. So what do you need from us? (pause) He wants to get back there to clear his name, to make himself… because people thought he stole or he was bad or something. He died…

G: I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but does he not see that he’s not in form anymore and all of that is passed away? (laughing)

Siddhananda: Yeah, because I just see him alone and kind of floating with this bag.

G: Yeah, does he not see that he’s already left the body, so where is he going to go back to and convince who? Nine out of 10, the people that he was with, they are all passed as well. They have all died and moved on. Who is he going to go back and tell?

Siddhananda: (laughing) Because it sounds like it was way back, they had clubs and all that back then. Torches, I don’t know. It was a while ago.

G: Right, so where in the heck is he going to go back to?

Siddhananda: I don’t know. He doesn’t know. That’s what I mean. They hold on to this stuff. He wants to go back to that land. He wants to go back to that time and right the scales. That’s how he will right those scales is that way.

G: Yeah, well, you can’t go back in time. It moves forward. There is no going back in time. (laughing) There is no time machine. You cannot go back in time and everybody you knew then has all died and moved forward.

Siddhananda: Another bubble burster, huh? Can’t go back. (laughing)

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: He’s like maybe they have passed, but I could relive it. I could relive it. I could do that.

G: Well, he has been reliving it, for how many eons?

Siddhananda: Yeah, that’s right.

G: What does he think he has been doing? He’s reliving it for how many eons? Isn’t he ready to let go of that and move forward?

Siddhananda: He said to me, “What is she talking about like that? Why is she talking that way? I’m going to go back.”

G: It’s because it’s the truth of the matter, that’s why I am talking like that. There’s no way you can go back. You can’t go back in time. Impossible.

Siddhananda: Don’t people have those powers, he’s wondering.

G: No. It’s not going to do you any good to go back in time. You can only go forward.

Siddhananda: Can he find them in his next life and take care of this whole thing?

G: What are you going to take care of? You go into your next life and you just live it in a genuine manner. That’s it.

Siddhananda: He’s settling down a little. It’s like bursting his bubble a bit.

G: Yeah, well, that’s the truth of it. If he wants to go in, he can go back into another form. He can go back into another corporeal form. That’s not the problem.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: But he’s stuck in time. He’s stuck on an event. Yeah, so he can get a chance to right scales in some manner. But not exactly like what he was thinking he would go back and it was going to be exactly the same situation.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I asked if he was hearing what you are saying. He’s like, “I am. I am. I’m just being dumb, aren’t I? I’m stupid.” He’s saying, I guess.

G: It’s not stupid. You just got to learn and be willing to move forward. You’re keeping yourself stuck and keeping yourself miserable and trying to hang on to something that is no longer even there.

Siddhananda: I’m seeing more light come in. It’s calmer. It’s more like a giving up feeling of that sort of thing. A good giving up.

G: Exactly. You get a chance to come back and the scales will be righted in some manner. But you can’t go back into time and force something that absolutely can’t take place. The universe is going to right it in some manner, but you got to be willing to go forward.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he’s handing me a piece of jewelry from his bag and saying, “Can I give this to you?”

G: Well, thank you for that.

Siddhananda: Because he’s grateful. He feels more relaxed. He feels more like he just can kind of sit there a while.

G: Yeah, he can sit there a while and then be ready to go back into existence, back into another corporeal body. And the universe will give it a chance to be righted in some manner. But, he’s got to let the universe work it out in the way it’s going to work out. We can’t direct how it’s going to work out.

Siddhananda: Yeah, I see it is a full moon or something. I think his image, he was holding that on his shoulders. He’s saying, “I was holding all that up. That’s not mine to do anymore, to try to rectify what needs to be rectified and change what should be changed. That’s not mine to carry.”

G: Right, it’s not yours to carry anymore. The universe will help. It will bring a chance for things to be righted. But in order to do that, you have to be willing to go back into corporeal form and yes, you reincarnate with a lot of the same energies and people and there will be a chance to have it righted.

Siddhananda: So he’s grateful. He’s still got his jewelry pieces there. He wants to just throw them out. He wants to throw that jewelry out in a way and let go of that.

G: Yeah, it’s time to let go of that and move forward.

Siddhananda: So, he’s throwing that out into the cosmos. It looks like it was gold. He’s been carrying it a long time.

G: It’s heavy.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Gold is beautiful, but it can be very heavy to be lugging that around.

Siddhananda: He’s dumping all out into the cosmos. So it’s sparkling, raining down. He’s lighter feeling. So, he’s grateful. Could he have a practice or the COS or something, too?

G: Yeah, he can have the COS. Absolutely! And the “I Am That I am” and the “Om That I am.”

Siddhananda: He’s very grateful. Thank you so much!

G: And take your time to refresh and then be willing to go back into a corporeal body and continue forward.

Siddhananda: He’s grateful. He feels like a different man without holding to those possessions.

G: Yeah, that stuff is heavy.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And he’s been carrying around that anger and that angst for so long. It’s time to let go of it.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And be free of it.

Siddhananda: Yeah, so he’s very grateful. So that’s good. It’s definitely better.

G: Yeah. Absolutely! Namaste.

Siddhananda: Namaste.


  1. Namaste - great message on letting go and allowing the universe to right things!

  2. namaste, very nice message on letting go.. even of things you feel are so valuable and precious, it becomes heavy baggage in the end... and, yes moving forward in a lighter manner is the best way... thank you for transcribing... shanti om
