Siddhananda: I'm just going to put out these things [as they come]. Sometimes they sound crazy, but, I'm seeing candy. It's the way this rock is shaped (showing a square, caramel colored stone). Right away, I heard candy bar chunk, or something (breaking out in laughter).
G: Candy bar chunk (laughing)!
Siddhananda: And, they're laughing, too. It's like a piece of chocolate, you know (laughing)?
G: Ha ha ha ha, that's funny.
Siddhananda: He's trying to describe like it's sweet, but sometimes you can get cavities.
G: There ya go! It's so sweet, you get cavities (laughing with Siddhananda).
Siddhananda: It's like, maybe, he's taken in too many pleasures. His life has been that, and you get cavities, and gets disease from that. It feels like he's been a man ... I believe, a man. I just want to say it's a feeling that he has done that. That's why candy bar chunk came to mind (chuckling). I know! I'm sorry. I know it sounds outrageous, but the way they're conveying it is not the regular way.
G: Yeah, he's been geared too much towards the pleasures, and not taking it seriously enough. Probably, he's kind of wasted the opportunities here to move forward.
Siddhananda: He said, "yeah." He's gravitated towards pleasures of his body ... taste buds, hearing ... all of it, you know, ... experiences, and he didn't get serious.
G: Right, exactly.
Siddhananda: I think he does feel that that was a waste in many ways, even though it felt good in some ways.
G: Right, his life review was not great when he went to the other side. The life review was not fabulous. It was just fluff.
Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. He enjoyed it. He laughed a lot and all ... good wine, and drink, and dance, food and merriment, and other things. He has some regrets, and, I guess, he's here in some way to say, "Don't waste your time. Pleasures come and go, and that's not fulfilling in the end."
G: Right. When you get to the other side, and you have the life review, you'll see that it was just wasted life. You could have progressed. You could have gone further in your journey to freedom, and, instead, you just kind of bailed, basically (laughing).
Siddhananda: Right, or abandoned your own soul in a way. He doesn't mean in a bad way, but just abandoned the ...
G: ... not abandoned ... you just didn't do the ...
Siddhananda: ... the heart of really getting into what's deeper.
G: Yeah, you just kind of wasted that opportunity.
Siddhananda: He feels and just really want to say that there are many nice people who do that. It doesn't mean they're bad, or anything.
G: Yeah, no, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. They just didn't take the opportunity to move forward. That's all.
Siddhananda: Hmm, I felt a little of that name coming back from the past. I'm hoping it will settle down a little bit (taking a deep breath). Okay, he's ... um ... (halting abruptly and pausing) ... I'm sorry.
G: It's okay.
Siddhananda: Let me just sit with that. I just want to give it a chance (sitting back and closing her eyes). I'm sorry, but when I get senses, I get it ... I'm just speaking for myself ... I get it through my body ... like my skin, it will get kind of prickly, or ...
G: Yeah, you can feel whatever emotional stuff that they're doing.
Siddhananda: Yeah! It feels kind of not great (grimacing), but I'm just gonna sit with that for a minute (sitting back, again, and closing her eyes), and give it a chance. Stay with what's here if you want this opportunity now (speaking to the spirit).
G: Mm hmm. Well, the good news is that he can have another opportunity. He can go in body again, and pick up where he left off. This time, hopefully, he will go into the deeper things rather than stay on the surface with the fluff.
Siddhananda: What I'm seeing, again, is a vision of earth, or something solid. As you were speaking, it was carving through that a little bit ... like something got just kind of stuck and hardened. He kind of said that that can happen if you just stay on the surface, I guess.
G: Yeah, you just need to go deeper.
Siddhananda: He's a good man. I think he just ... (gesturing to indicate a back and forth movement) ... you know?
G: I think he just has regrets of missed opportunities, and things he could've done differently.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: The good news is that he can come back into body again, and he can pick up where he left off. This time don't make the same mistake. You get another chance at it (smiling). That's the good news.
Siddhananda: I just feel a little varying. I just keep saying [to him] to just stay with what's here, and let the past go, and open your arms to the new journey.
G: Yeah, don't hold to regrets. You know, give yourself the chance to move forward. You've seen what it is, and you know now not to stick with the fluff. So, okay, take it as another learning lesson, you know. Not as a negative, but say, ... okay, I've learned that lesson, and it's not the best thing to do. This next time now, I'm actually going to engage.
Siddhananda: I know this is silly, but I'm going to convey the image which is saying, "thank you." (chuckling and shaking her head) There's teeth with cavities that are sparkly white (laughing).
G: (laughing) That's a ...
Siddhananda: I'm sorry (shaking her head, laughing and smiling)!
G: No, that's a good image! That is a good image.
Siddhananda: Okay, okay (smiling)! You see a big smile and you know how they do with the big stars coming out (touching some of her teeth to show where the big sparkly stars shine). You know, like white and shiny.
G: Yeah, yeah (smiling).
Siddhananda: It's an image of saying "there's hope", you know?
G: Yeah, there's hope. You know, there is hope! So, let go of the regrets. Okay, you see that, and if you let go of that strong emotion of regret, etc. then you can get ready to be drawn into another form, and continue.
Siddhananda: Yeah, he's crying, sobbing.
Spirit: Thank you for your compassion. I felt like I could have pulled myself away while I was here. Siddhananda and G, thank you for keeping [me] in the present and all your Grace here. May I have a mantra?
Siddhananda: I think he would like something to help him stay centered, if that's possible. However you feel, or maybe even the other practices you have.
G: (pausing) Yeah, the I Am That I Am, and the Om That I Am.
Siddhananda: Alright, and that sounds perfect.
G: So, you can start with the Om That I Am, and the I Am That I Am.
Siddhananda: Mm hmm ... I'm feeling some energy clearing. As you were saying those words, I can kind of feel in my body that's more like here (gesturing to indicate the heart center and chest region), but there's still some darkness below. There was just an energy there that was just not very healthy at all, and that's interesting about the decay and disease, because that was what was in him. This is working to clear it, but I can feel it is going to be a while of work for him.
G: Yeah, yeah ... So, the I Am That I Am and the Om That I Am will help to break down some of those barriers and bring him into alignment with some of the rest of creation rather than being separate and using creation for his own pleasures. It will start to break down some of those walls.
Spirit: Thank you so much. I definitely will start.
Siddhananda: He's having a hard time not being pulled back into his old [patterns], but he will definitely use these. You know, I'm feeling like here he is (holding her hands to one side) and I feel that light on the other side (holding her hand to the other side) ... and he's away ... not that it's away from him ever ... but I think that it's due to his [resistance].
G: He's still holding onto regrets. If he opens, they will be more than happy to help him on the other side as well, but he's got to open the door.
Siddhananda: Yeah, there's a lot of glowing on this side, but there's just a separation there, but it's (the light) there ... for us to tell him, it's there.
G: It's there. It's waiting for you, but you just have to open your heart and be willing to move forward. If you see that you wasted that life, then be willing to get the help so that you don't do that again in the future one.
Siddhananda: This is at his heart, his desire.
Spirit: Thank you so much.
G: If that is your heart's desire, then open to the help.
Siddhananda: (pausing with closed eyes) Okay, it's better now, I'm feeling. Ready to move on. Thank you.
G: Thank you (gesturing with namaste hands). Thank you for coming.