Siddhananda: So, next. (pause) Okay, i do see, in this rock, a snake.
G: Aha.
Siddhananda: Lot of snakes today (laughing). (long pause) There is a glow around it, there's a snake in there. (laughing) Okay, we gathered that much.
G: We got the snake (smiling).
Siddhananda: Okay,then there's a person outside of it, picking up that rock that has a snake in it and then i see a snake moving up, like the chakras system (moving hand up and down the upper body) and how things go through.
G: Aha. That snake is going to bite him (laughing).
Siddhananda: Yeah, you're picking that up and then you really got something going on. Because it is contained in that now.
G: Yeah. I could see that one was going to come (laughing). It's Kundalini, it's going to bite him.
Siddhananda: Yeah.
G: Yeah, yeah.
Siddhananda: They are keeping it a bit in that rock, you know what i mean?
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: I guess that's a safety thing, but..
G: i think it's a safety thing, yeah. They don't want to fully let it loose (laughing).
Siddhananda: Yeah, right, and i think that's what happens a lot with people, they keep that (has hand up as if to keep something away) wanting to keep things out like that, away and all that.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: So, he's holding that rock with the snake in it.
G: He's got to let go and let the whole journey take place.
Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, i do see some merging, it's okay, but..
G: Like i say, sorry to be crude, but, you can't be half-assed about it (laughing).
Siddhananda: (laughing) Yeah.
G: You got to go the whole hog, he can't be half-assed, (laughing).
Siddhananda: Well, that's it. You can't just hold it there and keep it contained, i mean that's going to be worse in the end.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: It's going to be worse in the end, i think.
G: Exactly. That's what people do, they want to play it. I'm playing with it, but, i don't want to actually want it, if i sit over here and here it's safe and i can say that i have kundalini, but, they really don't have it, No. They got to let the snake bite them and got to continue the journey.
Siddhananda: And that's what i'm seeing, maybe he's kind of had it there with his own, here i am made of light and all this.
G: Aha (nodding).
Siddhananda: I do see a larger snake coming out now, Ohh (laughing) Watch out baby because it's big!
G: Because you actually maybe get bitten... You actually have to see what it does.
Siddhananda: Oh boy, i see those fangs and i remember seeing that when i first, not first, but, further down [the Path], more further/beginning of the path, [i had] a lot of visions of those fangs.
G: i was being chased, i was going down like a boardwalk thing and the snakes behind me and the fire and the snakes( laughing).
Siddhananda: And I just used to see those fangs, yawning at me..
G: Right.
Siddhananda: Huge, dripping, coming up, and that's what i'm seeing now, again, for this soul. That snake is huge.
G: The good news is it's the roto-rooter of consciousness, but, you got to go with the flow. You can't keep away over there contained and saying you got it. You don't have it. (laughing).
Siddhananda: He had it in his hand and he's dropping it, he's afraid.
G: Aha.
Siddhananda: That snake grew big, and it will, man!
G: Yeah, it does, it has to, it goes through the whole consciousness. Of course it's big!
Siddhananda: So, it's there wanting to nip him, he's kind of backing up.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: He's afraid, because it's got some fangs.
G: You have to be either ready for the journey or you're not and once you accept it, you accept it and you got to go the whole of the way.
Siddhananda: Right.
G: You can't keep playing with this stuff.
Siddhananda: Yeah, no it broke open when he was playing with it, it broke open.
G: Right, you keep playing with it, you're going to get bitten and once you get bit you got to go the whole of the journey.
Siddhananda: Yeah, if you play with it, you are going to get bit and it's going to be no joke if you're not ready.
G: Exactly. So don't play with it if you're not ready for it.
Siddhananda: Let me ask him what he wants.
G: Yes
Siddhananda: ..because maybe, he still has a choice here before it bites him, it's getting close to getting him (laughing).
G: (laughing).
Siddhananda: Your heart has to be in the right place, so, let's see.
G: Exactly. You have to want liberation and you have to want to know God. If he's playing with it for powers or whatever, he needs to leave it alone.
Siddhananda: There you go. And there's a lot of people who want to open Kundalini, but, they don't know what they're asking for.
G: No, because they think they can control it, and, you cannot control it.
Siddhananda: Oh my gosh!
G: You cannot control it.
Siddhananda: It will control you and especially if you out of it and don't have any foundation, forget it.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: It's no joke. i know a lot of people say, "i had it, but, it's no big deal", but, i'm sorry you don't have a full-blown thing.
G: NO, they don't have it. They may have had a pranic surge or something like that, but it's not an active Kundalini. You do not pick that up and put it down.
Siddhananda: No, no, no, no, and it's not just a no big deal thing, it explodes your whole world, it's no joke.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: So, let's see what he [wants]. (pause). This poor guy is in the predicament (making a facial expression of being really apprehensive).
G: (laughing).
Siddhananda: (laughing) That snake came out man, and it's full of life and vigor, let me tell you.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: Let's see what he has to say. (pause) When i say do you want to know God and light and truth, he's [saying] "i think i do," but, he's just afraid, he's just looking at that snake.
G: Yeah, because the snake is light, it's going to bite him with it's light and it's going to challenge everything he thought he knew, one hundred percent. Anything that's dark in there, it is going to bring it up to look at [and] to let go of.
Siddhananda: Oh, boy. And even though like you say, it's made of light, it doesn't mean this journey is going to be just light in the beginning.
G: No, it doesn't mean it's easy because the darkness fears the light.
Siddhananda: Right.
G: You're going to have a lot of stuff come up to see that you don't want to see and, it is going to challenge you at every level. That's the journey.
Siddhananda: Right. So, let's see (pause) He's saying he will, he's going to try and be still.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: He's going to try and be there, and let whatever happen happen. He's very afraid though, It just feels that snake is there.
G: Well, just tell him there's a lot of help. The angels are here, the grace is here, the, one has to open to it, but, all of that is there to help him through the journey.
Siddhananda: (pause) He's wanting to know if he should be saying a mantra now.
G: Yeah, he can do the COS and that will help to open it.
Siddhananda: Okay, good.
G: (laughing).
Siddhananda: (laughing) He's like "give me something."
G: For sure, it will open that box with that snake, (laughing).
Siddhananda: Yeah. Oh, boy. I just want to make sure this is what he wants because there's really no return.
G: Yeah, once you're there, and you're on that path, you're on that path. You can't shut it up again with regrets, it doesn't happen.
Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, he's going to take it in. He's going to do it.
G: Okay.
Siddhananda: So, let's see here, he's got the mantra and (pause) I do see that snake there, it's coming around his feet.
G: Yep.
Siddhananda: It's moving around his feet.
G: Exactly.
Siddhananda: A big snake (laughing).
G: It's going to come right up the back (gesturing with hands intertwining and rising up) (laughing).
Siddhananda: That's right, that's what i was going to say, it's going to come up.
G: Oh yeah.
Siddhananda: So, that's there and it's moving over his feet now and, it's coming, it's intimate with him.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: And he's standing there saying the mantras like this (putting hands together in prayer).
G: Yeah. (gesturing with hands together in prayer).
Siddhananda: But, it is moving. It's starting to wind around his legs.
G: Yeah, the way it winds up the legs and goes right up the body.
Siddhananda: It's going up, it's moving through like that (gesturing with hand moving up in a circular motion).
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: He's feeling it, he’s shivering, he's shivering very much, and i do see it coming up, it's moving, it's in him now, and wow!
G: Yeah, you have a total Kundalini awakening right now. He's going to have a total activation.
Siddhananda: I see light in there, that kundalini self is showing as being of light.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: you say, and he's shivering, he's just shivering.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: He's just [shivering] like that volcanic shiver and you just feel the floor shake.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: It's in him.
G: It's strong, it can be very strong, exactly.
Siddhananda: He's doing a little bit of kriyas, a little bit of involuntary movements. So, maybe we'll just let him simmer with that mantra and sit a while.
G: Yeah, we'll leave him here for a while, let's put him on the third shelf and let him percolate for a while. Tell him we'll check in with him tomorrow.
Siddhananda: Okay, i'll sit him out so it's kind of there. Yeah, he's ok, he's going to sit there, he's got good energy around him.
G: Yeah. He'll be fine.
Siddhananda: (laughing).
G: (laughing).
Siddhananda: But, it's good. You have to know what you're asking for with that.
G: Yeah, you can't be playing with that because if you keep playing with that you'll get bitten, you don't want to be bitten and not have the tools or the knowledge.
Siddhananda: Totally.
G: ..or something to help you forward, then you're really up a creek.
Siddhananda: That's it, and the right intention. I'm telling you, like you say, what the scriptures say, you can lose your mind from this stuff, it is no joke.
G: Right.
Siddhananda: It is no joke, and nothing to play with if you don't have the proper..
G: The CoS will open that Kundalini. It will open it very rapidly.
Siddhananda: Oh, it's no joke. So, again, have the right intention in there. If you don't, it's better to just go back and live your life how you want to live it, yeah.
G: Go play, if you're going to play, then just go play . You can't dabble with it, and think I'll try it out and see, and if I don't like it, I'll go play with something else..
Siddhananda: No.
G: It doesn't work that way.
Siddhananda: Boy,i never have the luxury of, this is something you can put down, [it's] nothing like that.
G: No, no one does. Once it wakes up, it's open. There is no going back, that's it.
Siddhananda: No, it runs non-stop 24/7, and it is no joke, it's constant. So, this is just something we want to put out.
G: Yeah, there is no return.
Siddhananda: There is no return (laughing). No, even if you want to sometimes, it's doesn't happen. Once it's open, it's a flood gate, and it is no joke.
G: Yeah.
Siddhananda: So, we're saying just really have the right tools, have the right foundation, intention, guidance, the whole bit, because then it will be the best blessing, in the long run.
G: It's hard, it's hard.
Siddhananda: Be ready to go through it.
G: It shines that light on all your misconceptions, and it will challenge you on every level of your being, with everything you thought you knew.
Siddhananda: That's the thing, and it works rapidly, so, what it's doing is rapidly flushing out life times, life times..
G: Yeah, life times of garbage.
Siddhananda: Getting all that out in one lifetime or something, it really is so much.
G: Yes.
Siddhananda: So, anyway, he's there (laughing) it's good.
G: He's going forward.