Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wake Up

Siddhananda: Okay, here we go (showing a small translucent lavender stone). (pause). There's nice rays of light coming from this stone. (pause). I see dancing, changing shapes. (long pause). Okay, i just hear "the world is not real."

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: Take it to be more like a dream.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And like a dream, you can't grab hold of it.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It's not made of any true substance. It's not made of anything hard or solid.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Don't gravitate to it. Don't grab on to it. (pause). Live within your Guru's pointings, they're saying, follow that course and really do it, do it with your full being.

G: (pause) Yeah, because the objective is to wake up from the dream. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah. Right, exactly. I do see at the end of this, the tree of knowledge.

G: Yeah, exactly.

Siddhananda: And, so, that's really nice (hand on heart center). So, thank you so much.

G: Thank you for that one.

Siddhananda: Is it okay if they have the COS too?

G: Oh, yes, they may have the COS too. Support your local Guru! (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) There you go. Your local Guru, like the fresh markets and stuff. (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Sunday, May 29, 2016

From Tears to Timeless

Siddhananda: Okay, so. next, (pause) I don't know why i see a "T" written in the stone, "T".

G: "T"?

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Okay. (smiling).

Siddhananda: "T" could mean a lot of things. (smiling).

G: That it could. It could cover a lot of ground.

Siddhananda: (pause) I did see it go from tears to timeless.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: So, it's like the journey, they're saying, from tears to timeless.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: i see some ice melting and just lovely clear water coming down, in crisp cold, cooling stream, sparkling!

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: The sun is warming it. (pause) I think they're just wanting to be that sun that warms those..

G: Right.

Siddhananda: I see stuff that might be in there, solid stuff. They want to come as the sun like that for people and humanity.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: And they are requesting the "COS".

G: Absolutely.

Siddhananda: And i think that's good with them (hand on heart center).

G: Thank you for coming.

Siddhananda: I think it's a nice little image with T. Bye, T! (laughing).

G: Bye T! (laughing).

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Checking in With Mayan Spirit

G: (Showing a small red stone). First thing, we need to check in with the one that is in fires of hell at the moment (referring to Mayan spirit that took part in sacrifices) and see how they are doing.

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). It just looks like it's still being worked with. i see the cross and Christ.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: Yeah, it's still being processed and worked with.

G: Yeah, still being worked with. A little better, though, than what it was?

Siddhananda: (pause). Yeah, feels like a little [better], not so heavy. i had a flash of it yesterday still being worked with.

G: Yeah, it's going to take a while. 

Siddhananda: No doubt.

G: It's going to take a while. Hopefully, that burning stops pretty soon. That intense burning. i hope that they're able to do that soon.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: We'll just tell him if he can rely on that Christ Light that's there, he can take it away. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm.

G: But, he's got to be open to let go of it. 

Siddhananda: (pause). That's being absorbed. i'm not hearing too much from that particular energy. All i'm feeling and seeing is that cross and Christ. It doesn't feel quite as intense [as the day before].

G: Yeah, doesn't feel quite as intense?

Siddhananda: No, not quite as much. But, it's definitely still needing some intense energy.

G: If the other Mayan priest can continue to help break through for him, i think that's the easiest [way] to reach him. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Turn Things Around

G: (Showing an orange stone).

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: Got it?

Siddhananda: Got it. i'll sit with that one. (pause). Okay, i see a fire, and i'm asking if they are sitting by that fire, they're saying they are. They came from that area.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: i'm hearing [they came] from the ruins area.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They're saying the fires are more the hell-realm they're living in.

G: ooh.. that's not good.

Siddhananda: That's how it feels to them.

G: So, what caused that?

Siddhananda: (pause). They are saying they helped with those sacrifices.

G: Okay. So, they need to look and see what pain they had caused others, and it was really useless.

Siddhananda: (pause). Yeah, [i'm seeing] a darker form with their head in their hands, and they're by that fire. They are trying to look inward. Let me see.. (pause). They are hurting for the people that were hurt, they're saying.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: They do feel that it was wrong and they did it anyway, because it just felt [based on] whatever status they were it was just what they did.

G: Yeah, they traded their humanity for the status. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. They felt they would get hurt otherwise, like some predator would come after them or their family.

G: Right. Yeah, if they don't go along with the program.

Siddhananda: Yeah, and they're saying sometimes they just shut it out and justified it in their minds. It was like a knife in their body, it was like they were being cut too.

G: But, you can't justify that. 

Siddhananda: During their time and now they're just burning in their own hell-realm, is what they're saying.

G: So, they have to be willing to come back into form and right some things , they can do that. 

Siddhananda: They're worried then those people will be after them once they manifest, that those same energies will be after them.

G: Well, they may have to have bit of a rough time of things to right the scales. But, that can be done. It's better than the hell-realm they've got themselves in. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. i do see those [ruins], it almost looks like cremation grounds, but it's not, it's those ruins. But, that's what i'm hearing, for them that's what it's like, a continuous cremation of their mind and body that they've got themselves in.

G: Right. They can seek forgiveness and forgiveness is there, but you still have to do somethings to right the scales, be willing to come back into manifestation and work for some causes that are for humanity. 

Siddhananda: i do see some scales being reflected, but, in the background i see this dark energy like they're still afraid. Maybe, they're afraid that they may not behave well again, maybe they don't trust their own judgement because of this.

G: Right. So, i'm going to ask if Christ light could come in.

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). That's there like a big presence, a large presence compared to this tiny little fire that is there. You see a big presence of Christ (gesturing with hands) there immediately, and then there's this little fire which almost looks ridiculous compared to this great Light there (laughing).

G: Right. (laughing). 

Siddhananda: It's like this tiny little thing!

G: Right. He needs to be able to have that Truth that Christ was preaching, what he was giving. He needs to have some of that. 

Siddhananda: There is a cross there, energy coming from it to dispel some of that darkness.

G: Right, to take on some of that. 

Siddhananda: i guess it feels a little bit like an exorcism energy to just cut that dark force.

G: Right, to cut some of that. 

Siddhananda: Boy, it's one of those feelings that you get when you really need to have a strong force there to break this very heavy karma and past actions, it's heavy.

G: Right. There's a lot of karma there to be cut through. 

Siddhananda: And i do see a trail of blood, there was a lot of killing and violence that this soul had been associated with, without really pulling themselves back from that and looking how they died, without any seeking to turn things around.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: So, it's quite a force to work with this.

G: Now they have a chance to turn it around.

Siddhananda: Yes.

G: They can seek forgiveness and they can go forward. That is possible for everyone. 

Siddhananda: Of course. And this very strong light with the cross, like you see in some sort of exorcism, is taking place with Christ there. So, it might be a little bit of processing.

G: Yeah, it's gonna take a while, because he's got a lot of stuff. There is that type of forgiveness there, but again, you do come back and right the scales too, to some degree. 

Siddhananda: Sure.

G: You do come back and do what you can to aid humanity.

Siddhananda: Sure, i would imagine.

G: You learn the lesson and then go forward and do what you can to make things better. 

Siddhananda: And whatever experiences you have to go through, you will have to go through.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: This is feeling like it will at least bring some clarity that that's not right and this way is more towards heart and light, it's better.. and whatever they have to walk through, they're going to have to walk through.

G: Right. They're going to have to walk their own death from that point, but, he's got to have something to balance that, that all he was told was that really difficult mindset that this is what you do, so, he needs something to balance that. 

Siddhananda: For sure, and also some strength to stand up, even no matter what it is, to say no, even in that fear. That takes a lot of courage. And yes, sometimes people have died for that thing, but, times are different now and you can just hope that it would be better. Whatever situations are needed will come.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: i do feel that energy shuttering, he's got his head down, shuttering a bit and shaking. But, that Light is there and i do see some light coming through, piercing through. It will happen, if they stay open.

G: i'm gonna ask also our other Mayan priest that was there at that time, that is waiting for the full moon, if he could come talk to him since he had that difficulty as well. 

Siddhananda: Right. Did he participate in that kind of thing?

G: Yeah, he did. So, we will want to call him and have him there also and let this other one know that it can turn around, that it can get better.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they are creating a shelter for them from the heat and stuff, it's hot there! (laughing). They're creating a shelter from whatever is taking place, which is nice. i feel him communing with energy more, giving some cooling energy there as a way of saying relax, it's good energy and let this energy in.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: i almost feel like he's trying to see [get] reprieve from this and protection from this and just try to be there. And i do see the moon again, [indicating] like give it time.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So, that's very nice. i do feel little more light, he's got his little protective thing there, which is nice.

G: They're going to have to work for a little while on this to get him freed of that. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, because i am getting back reflected a heavy rope.

G: Yeah, it's a heavy burden. When you get to the other side and you see what you've done, and you get full cognition of what it is and you have to own it, that's heavy.

Siddhananda: And a lot of times this can be just the beginning. If he comes back in form, there's gonna be experiences to encounter and things, to show that you can actually embody this.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, anyway, it's definitely better. That light and whatever energy's been called to help, that's there and it's good.

G: Excellent. So, we'll leave them for a while because they've got some work to do with that. 

Siddhananda: That's major stuff. You have to open some where, you got to get going on this.

G: Exactly. Ignorance is sometimes no excuse, you still have to encounter it. If it's done in absolute ignorance, you still have to learn. 

Siddhananda: i don't know with this spirit if it was total ignorance, because he felt in a way that it was wrong but it was justified..

G: Right. You are accountable for your actions, especially when you have a feeling that it's wrong. If they are totally ignorant, it's one thing. If you know what you're doing, you have a much higher level of accountability. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: But, the way he takes on with this and he is in that hell-realm, he knows.

Siddhananda: Yeah, he knew. You also have to look at the predicament that you might get killed if you go against it, which a lot of people get themselves in that predicament, which is a challenge. But, you wonder if you want to die that way being in eternal cremation, or do you want to die with some honor. i don't know, it's a hard thing. But, that's what happened, and it's good that at least this Light is there now.

G: Yeah, people commit crimes all the time. They get in with gangs and they get groomed by the gangs, but, it doesn't mitigate your accountability. But, you can't be run based on fear. 

Siddhananda: Absolutely. You got yourself into it, you did somewhere along the way, you did choose to get into that. Sometimes, since you were young, maybe you were raised that way. i don't know, but, there's a bigger picture too. You got to look at it, it's a hard thing. There's suffering either way, you just have to look at where your heart is.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Anyway, we'll leave them to process, huh?

G: We'll leave them to process. The best thing for them to have is the message of Christ. He can sit there and teach them. They can hear that message and make that change in their lives.

Siddhananda: Yeah, there is more light there. It is hot, though, that heat with Christ and the fires. It's gonna be hot for a while (laughing).

G: Yeah, it's gonna be. He'll be in the flames for a while (smiling).

Siddhananda: (laughing). Hopefully, they'll just turn to the purification flames, that will be a good thing.

G: Yes, hopefully it turns into the flames of purification. They're hard and you got to face the flames of purification, and it's not easy to burn that stuff out. 

Siddhananda: They're lucky to have the Grace to come to you today, though.

G: They have the Grace of Christ! To say I endured the cross and I endured this to help you with this. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Revenge or Forgiveness

Siddhananda: So, this next thing, it is a darker stone  (showing a dark stone).

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: (pause) And i am seeing a darker stone in my mind, it does have a darker aura around it. So, that's interesting.

G: Right. So, we'll see what that is about.

Siddhananda: Yeah, you never know.

G: No, we'll find out soon.

Siddhananda: (lauging), we'll get to the bottom of it. (pause) Okay, they're saying the darkness is about drama.

G: It's about what?

Siddhananda: Drama.

G: Drama?

Siddhananda: Drama.

G: Drama, yeah. Well, that's a pretty good explanation of it. It's about drama, alright (laughing).

Siddhananda: Yeah. They're saying it's about drama.

G: Not a lot of light in the drama, so.. (laughing).

Siddhananda: No, no. I do see a black hooded thing in there, coming a little bit.

G: Aha. What's his drama about?

Siddhananda: (long pause) I don't know, something about being killed brutally.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Yeah, murdered or something.

G: Does he not see that he is on the other side now, that he has passed?

Siddhananda: (pause) The situation with this one is [that] they want revenge.

G: Ahh, we are not in the revenge department, and, if he goes out for revenge he will have himself in a way darker place than he is in now.

Spirit: Yes, but, i want to get them back.

G: The Universe takes care of it, trust me. They're not going to get out of it with nothing. (pause) But, if he wants to enter into the same hell-realm they're going to, he's more than welcome to. (laughing) I don't think he wants that. That's the only thing he's going to get out of it, to put himself in a hell-realm. Is that what he wants?

Spirit: No.

G: He think's it's dark now, he's seen nothing yet.

Siddhananda: Yeah, really. i do see a little image of a rose, behind the darkness, so, that's good.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Because he was, at first, before you were speaking, saying i want to get them back.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: But, i do see a little image of a rose now. So, that part's good.

G: Yeah, understand that the Universe is not going to let them get away with it. They will go through suffering hell-realms. But, if you take revenge, you will also go through suffering hell-realms. I don't think that's what you want.

Siddhananda: (pause) Now, i just see this image of a corpse holding that rose.

G: Yeah (nodding).

Siddhananda: i think they're still moaning about that, [about] how they died, quite a bit actually! (laughing).

G: Yeah. He's got to let go of this.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: He can let go of this and be healed, but, he's got to be willing to let go of this revenge thing. He's keeping himself in darkness and from the total healing. He could have been healed a long time ago.

Siddhananda: Yeah, because i am hearing they were not involved in the evil part of it, even though i do see that dark cloak thing. So, i am hearing that.

G: Right, yeah.

Siddhananda: It could have been an older woman, that sometimes they wear the dark things (moving hands around the head).

G: Right.

Siddhananda: I don't know, it's hard to say, but, now i'm seeing a skeleton, i think they're still reflecting on that death.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: But, it is being flushed through, at least i'm seeing that death image (moving hands in front of the face) with the skeleton with the hood.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And, then there is a rose in the hand of that skeleton.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: So, let's see what they're more into now. Let's see if they are ready to move out of this wanting revenge thing.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: (pause) I don't know, i'm seeing an image of a gun, i'm thinking guns and roses, no. (laughing). And i see that gun being fired. So, (pause) they're still harboring this revenge thing.

G: Yeah, because there's no forgiveness when you are harboring revenge. That's on them then. If they do that, there's no forgiveness. They will have to suffer the consequences of that. (pause) So, they'll put themselves in  a hell-realm as well.

Siddhananda: Okay, now i'm seeing a pool with tears.

G: Yeah, they can feel sorry for all they want, but, if they let go of this and ask for the light of Christ, they can be healed immediately. But, they need to let go of the revenge. The Universe takes care of that.

Siddhananda: Okay, i do see the gun being released form the hand.

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: That's good, falling into the water.. letting go.

G: Right. You need to let go and let God take care of it.

Siddhananda: I see that skeleton fading a bit. There's a rose.

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: (pause) They want to offer you the rose.

G: Okay, would they like the Christ light to come in to heal them?

Siddhananda: They would like whatever you can give them (laughing).

G: Okay, we're going to ask Christ to come in to help with this one.

Siddhananda: (pause) It's kind of sweet actually, Christ has all these roses in the hand, in the arms..

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Fresh, lovely roses. They are looking up at that, such beautiful image!

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: With Christ in white (moving hands over the head) and those bright red roses. Striking, really! And they are looking up, they have their rose, they're offering the rose to Christ, their little rose they had (laughing).

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: Which is sweet.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: And again Christ takes the chin and looks up, so they can look.

G: Yeah..

Siddhananda: It's just sweet, it's a very beautiful image with those roses there, and that one is embracing Christ's legs and feet, because they're down.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: And again, beautiful arms there, what can be said (smiling), So, the gun is fading off.

G: Yeah, that's gone, that idea of revenge needs to go, they keep themselves in a hell-realm.

Siddhananda: I am still seeing some flashes of those images, but, i think they're just getting flushed.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: As the light is working, it doesn't go all immediately. There definitely was a connection there that was working in the better direction, so..

G: Good, good.

Siddhananda: Yeah. (hand on hear center).

G: She'll be okay now.

Siddhananda: Absolutely.

G: You have to let the Universe take the revenge. They're not going to get out of it without facing consequences.

Siddhananda: No, exactly. It will get taken care of. If you harbor that, it just ends up being hate.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: ..and you don't want that.

G: You don't heal.

Siddhananda: Yeah. And you end up lashing out in anger in other places.

G: Right. So, make yourself go through one brutal death and cause yourself more suffering on top of it. (laughing).

Siddhananda: That's so idiotic, when people [do that]. Really, if you could stop and look at that. To harbor the imagery of revenge and different things, it's a disease for you, really, for your own self.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Not a good thing ever! So, forgiveness is better and moving forward and letting the Universe take care.

G: Right.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kundalini Awakening

Siddhananda: So, next. (pause) Okay, i do see, in this rock, a snake.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: Lot of snakes today (laughing). (long pause) There is a glow around it, there's a snake in there. (laughing) Okay, we gathered that much.

G: We got the snake (smiling).

Siddhananda: Okay,then there's a person outside of it, picking up that rock that has a snake in  it and then i see a snake moving up, like the chakras system (moving hand up and down the upper body) and how things go through.

G: Aha. That snake is going to bite him (laughing).

Siddhananda: Yeah, you're picking that up and then you really got something going on. Because it is contained in that now.

G: Yeah. I could see that one was going to come (laughing). It's Kundalini, it's going to bite him.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah, yeah.

Siddhananda: They are keeping it a bit in that rock, you know what i mean?

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: I guess that's a safety thing, but..

G: i think it's a safety thing, yeah. They don't want to fully let it loose (laughing).

Siddhananda: Yeah, right, and i think that's what happens a lot with people, they keep that (has hand up as if to keep something away) wanting to keep things out like that, away and all that.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, he's holding that rock with the snake in it.

G: He's got to let go and let the whole journey take place.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, i do see some merging, it's okay, but..

G: Like i say, sorry to be crude, but, you can't be half-assed about it (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) Yeah.

G: You got to go the whole hog, he can't be half-assed, (laughing).

Siddhananda: Well, that's it. You can't just hold it there and keep it contained, i mean that's going to be worse in the end.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: It's going to be worse in the end, i think.

G: Exactly. That's what people do, they want to play it. I'm playing with it, but, i don't want to actually want it, if i sit over here and here it's safe and i can say that i have kundalini, but, they really don't have it, No. They got to let the snake bite them and got to continue the journey.

Siddhananda: And that's what i'm seeing, maybe he's kind of had it there with his own, here i am made of light and all this.

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: I do see a larger snake coming out now, Ohh (laughing) Watch out baby because it's big!

G: Because you actually maybe get bitten... You actually have to see what it does.

Siddhananda: Oh boy, i see those fangs and i remember seeing that when i first, not first, but, further down [the Path], more further/beginning of the path, [i had] a lot of visions of those fangs.

G: i was being chased, i was going down like a boardwalk thing and the snakes behind me and the fire and the snakes( laughing).

Siddhananda: And I just  used to see those fangs, yawning at me..

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Huge, dripping, coming up, and that's what i'm seeing now, again, for this soul. That snake is huge.

G: The good news is it's the roto-rooter of consciousness, but, you got to go with the flow. You can't keep away over there contained and saying you got it. You don't have it. (laughing).

Siddhananda: He had it in his hand and he's dropping it, he's afraid.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: That snake grew big, and it will, man!

G: Yeah, it does, it has to, it goes through the whole consciousness. Of course it's big!

Siddhananda: So, it's there wanting to nip him, he's kind of backing up.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: He's afraid, because it's got some fangs.

G: You have to be either ready for the journey or you're not and once you accept it, you accept it and you got to go the whole of the way.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: You can't keep playing with this stuff.

Siddhananda: Yeah, no it broke open when he was playing with it, it broke open.

G: Right, you keep playing with it, you're going to get bitten and once you get bit you got to go the whole of the journey.

Siddhananda: Yeah, if you play with it, you are going to get bit and it's going to be no joke if you're not ready.

G: Exactly. So don't play with it if you're not ready for it.

Siddhananda: Let me ask him what he wants.

G: Yes

Siddhananda: ..because maybe, he still has a choice here before it bites him, it's getting close to getting him (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: Your heart has to be in the right place, so, let's see.

G: Exactly. You have to want liberation and you have to want to know God. If he's playing with it for powers or whatever, he needs to leave it alone.

Siddhananda: There you go. And there's a lot of people who want to open Kundalini, but, they don't know what they're asking for.

G: No, because they think they can control it, and, you cannot control it.

Siddhananda: Oh my gosh!

G: You cannot control it.

Siddhananda: It will control you and especially if you out of it and don't have any foundation, forget it.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: It's no joke. i know a lot of people say, "i had it, but, it's no big deal", but, i'm sorry you don't have a full-blown thing.

G: NO, they don't have it. They may have had a pranic surge or something like that, but it's not an active Kundalini. You do not pick that up and put it down.

Siddhananda: No, no, no, no, and it's not just a no big deal thing, it explodes your whole world, it's no joke.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: So, let's see what he [wants]. (pause). This poor guy is in the predicament (making a facial expression of being really apprehensive).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) That snake came out man, and it's full of life and vigor, let me tell you.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Let's see what he has to say. (pause) When i say do you want to know God and light and truth, he's [saying] "i think i do," but, he's just afraid, he's just looking at that snake.

G: Yeah, because the snake is light, it's going to bite him with it's light and it's going to challenge everything he thought he knew, one hundred percent. Anything that's dark in there, it is going to bring it up to look at [and] to let go of.

Siddhananda: Oh, boy. And even though like you say, it's made of light, it doesn't mean this journey is going to be just light in the beginning.

G: No, it doesn't mean it's easy because the darkness fears the light.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: You're going to have a lot of stuff come up to see that you don't want to see and, it is going to challenge you at every level. That's the journey.

Siddhananda: Right. So, let's see (pause) He's saying he will, he's going to try and be still.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: He's going to try and be there, and let whatever happen happen. He's very afraid though, It just feels that snake is there.

G: Well, just tell him there's a lot of help. The angels are here, the grace is here, the, one has to open to it, but, all of that is there to help him through the journey.

Siddhananda: (pause) He's wanting to know if he should be saying a mantra now.

G: Yeah, he can do the COS and that will help to open it.

Siddhananda: Okay, good.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) He's like "give me something."

G: For sure, it will open that box with that snake, (laughing).

Siddhananda: Yeah. Oh, boy. I just want to make sure this is what he wants because there's really no return.

G: Yeah, once you're there, and you're on that path, you're on that path. You can't shut it up again with regrets, it doesn't happen.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, he's going to take it in. He's going to do it.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: So, let's see here, he's got the mantra and (pause) I do see that snake there, it's coming around his feet.

G: Yep.

Siddhananda: It's moving around his feet.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: A big snake (laughing).

G: It's going to come right up the back (gesturing with hands intertwining and rising up) (laughing).

Siddhananda: That's right, that's what i was going to say, it's going to come up.

G: Oh yeah.

Siddhananda: So, that's there and it's moving over his feet now and, it's coming, it's intimate with him.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: And he's standing there saying the mantras like this (putting hands together in prayer).

G: Yeah. (gesturing with hands together in prayer).

Siddhananda: But, it is moving. It's starting to wind around his legs.

G: Yeah, the way it winds up the legs and goes right up the body.

Siddhananda: It's going up, it's moving through like that (gesturing with hand moving up in a circular motion).

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: He's feeling it, he’s shivering, he's shivering very much, and i do see it coming up, it's moving, it's in him now, and wow!

G: Yeah, you have a total Kundalini awakening right now. He's going to have a total activation.

Siddhananda: I see light in there, that kundalini self is showing as being of light.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: ..like you say, and he's shivering, he's just shivering.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: He's just [shivering] like that volcanic shiver and you just feel the floor shake.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: It's in him.

G: It's strong, it can be very strong, exactly.

Siddhananda: He's doing a little bit of kriyas, a little bit of involuntary movements. So, maybe we'll just let him simmer with that mantra and sit a while.

G: Yeah, we'll leave him here for a while, let's put him on the third shelf and let him percolate for a while. Tell him we'll check in with him tomorrow.

Siddhananda: Okay, i'll sit him out so it's kind of there. Yeah, he's ok, he's going to sit there, he's got good energy around him.

G: Yeah. He'll be fine.

Siddhananda: (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: But, it's good. You have to know what you're asking for with that.

G: Yeah, you can't be playing with that because if you keep playing with that you'll get bitten, you don't want to be bitten and not have the tools or the knowledge.

Siddhananda: Totally.

G: ..or something to help you forward, then you're really up a creek.

Siddhananda: That's it, and the right intention. I'm telling you, like you say, what the scriptures say, you can lose your mind from this stuff, it is no joke.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It is no joke, and nothing to play with if you don't have the proper..

G: The CoS will open that Kundalini. It will open it very rapidly.

Siddhananda: Oh, it's no joke. So, again, have the right intention in there. If you don't, it's better to just go back and live your life how you want to live it, yeah.

G: Go play, if you're going to play, then just go play . You can't dabble with it, and think I'll try it out and see, and if I don't like it, I'll go play with something else..

Siddhananda: No.

G: It doesn't work that way.

Siddhananda: Boy,i never have the luxury of, this is something you can put down, [it's] nothing like that.

G: No, no one does. Once it wakes up, it's open. There is no going back, that's it.

Siddhananda: No, it runs non-stop 24/7, and it is no joke, it's constant. So, this is just something we want to put out.

G: Yeah, there is no return.

Siddhananda: There is no return (laughing). No, even if you want to sometimes, it's doesn't happen. Once it's open, it's a flood gate, and it is no joke.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, we're saying just really have the right tools, have the right foundation, intention, guidance, the whole bit, because then it will be the best blessing, in the long run.

G: It's hard, it's hard.

Siddhananda: Be ready to go through it.

G: It shines that light on all your misconceptions, and it will challenge you on every level of your being, with everything you thought you knew.

Siddhananda: That's the thing, and it works rapidly, so, what it's doing is rapidly flushing out life times, life times..

G: Yeah, life times of garbage.

Siddhananda: Getting all that out in one lifetime or something, it really is so much.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: So, anyway, he's there (laughing) it's good.

G: He's going forward.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Find Union Within Your Self

G: (Showing a white transparent stone). 

Siddhananda: Okay, next.

G: Nice (referring to the stone)!

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's a nice one. (pet Raj walks by). Raj is right here. Hi honey (referring to Raj). Help me out with this one Raj. i got my hand on Raj, we're connecting. (laughing).

G: You're connecting to Raj today? (laughing).

Siddhananda: He's right here, put his little paws up and we're connecting. Right Raj? (laughing). Anyway, okay (pause). I heard a little bit about a wife, but then I heard "I want to be free of suffering." So, let's see where they came from. (pause). Okay, they just came out of wherever (laughing).

G: (smiling).

Siddhananda: (pause). I do see someone walking with some luggage, a woman. And then there's a man there. Again, it's one of these things where the woman left, because there's a train [and] he's telling her good bye. But, that could just mean her leaving for things.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: It wasn't like conflicts or anything. Somehow, she didn't come around.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: [He's] saying he doesn't think she died. He hasn't been able to reach her or connect with her again. But, let's see what he's more interested in, in his spiritual [journey].

G: Right.

Siddhananda: (pause). He desires more like a union with another.

G: Well, if he wants union with another, first he needs to find union with himself. 

Siddhananda: That's the thing, yeah. (pause). Can he know God that way through another, is what he's asking.

G: Well, once you find yourself then you'll understand what it is to be with another. 

Siddhananda: He's looking disappointed. i think that's his main thing, that love connection.

G: Right. But, he's got to find that love inside himself first.

Siddhananda: Sure, sure.

G: Not wait for somebody else to give it to him. When he finds that within himself then he can naturally have somebody else to share that with.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. (pause). I think since that experience has left him with such a hole in his heart.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: It doesn't sound like he necessarily needs her back, but, it's that feeling of emptiness, that ache and that abandonment, and that's what he wants to fill with another..

G: Exactly, i want somebody else to plug the hole but i don't want to find it within myself. i want a quick fix.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: When you're looking for that quick fix, you want somebody else to make it right for you, you'll never have that, because they'll always leave in some way, shape or form. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. You're going to be in the same predicament again.

G: Exactly. I'm trying to give him something that will help for eternity, not just another five years or something. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. Not like a band-aid solution.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And who knows if you could even get the right mate, there's so many things to that, that make it tricky. You never know!

G: Exactly. 

Siddhananda: So, let's see what he is feeling. (pause). Okay, he doesn't really want to accept it, though.

G: Of course, not. 

Siddhananda: He wants a woman.

G: He wants the quick fix. I'm sorry, we're not Santa Claus giving out goodies. 

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Okay, we'll leave him. That's not what we are here for. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, let's leave him.

G: We're not a dating service (laughing). 

Siddhananda: i don't think he's going to be open to more than that.

G: No, he's not open to that. If he's not open, there's nothing anyone can do to help him. 

Siddhananda: Right.

G: He's going to have to just reincarnate and he's going to have to find out that lesson the hard way. 

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Sometimes, they have to find out the hard way, and there's nothing that we [can do]. We're here to help spiritually move you forward, but, if you're not ready to move forward.. we're not a dating service, i'm sorry.

Siddhananda: Yeah. (laughing).

G: So, he's got to go on his way. Thank you for visiting. I will send him on his way.

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: Okay, there he goes. Do we look like a dating service? (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing). People want to make that out to be a spiritual [thing]. It can be, with that union, but for him it was just [about] filling a hole, about loneliness and all that.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: That was the main driving force behind it all.

G: Exactly. i just want somebody, i want a warm body and i want them now. And that's not what we're here to help them with. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016


G: So, moving along. We have a new one today (showing a small blue stone). 

Siddhananda: Oh, that's a pretty color, in a way.

G: Yeah, nice blue. 

Siddhananda: It is a blue, very nice! i don't think we've had a blue one, so that's nice.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: Did these just come in? Did you notice them this morning?

G: Yeah (shrugging).

Siddhananda: Okay. So, who knows about it.

G: i don't know how long they've been here or where they jumped in from (smiling), it could be anywhere. 

Siddhananda: (smiling). Funny. That's true, just like here, who knows.

G: Yeah. Yesterday, we had one that had to be absolutely from India if they were asking about the Atman. So, they're all not necessarily from Mexico (referring to the current place where G is at). They're appearing from wherever in the Universe. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Right, and there's no boundaries, there's no time and place, so it could be anything. Okay, let's see this blue stone. Is there a name for it? Azul? What's blue in Mexico, is it Azul?

G: Yeah, Azul is blue. 

Siddhananda: Azul. Perfect (smiling).

G: It's a blue stone, Azuuul.. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Azuul. (smiling). Okay. Let's see what that's about. (long pause). Okay, they're not saying too much.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: (pause).

G: So, we'll just ask if there's something we can help them with.

Siddhananda: Okay, i asked if there's any questions for us today, and, now i'm hearing "yes". Okay, so what is your question? (laughing).

G: It's like (gesturing with hands moving forward). (laughing).

Siddhananda: Let's move forward here (laughing). (pause). i guess they're having a hard time speaking, but, i'm not getting any imagery either, so, it's making it tricky to read the stone. (pause). i asked if they're interested in finding God [and] they said "yes".

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: (pause) i think they're attracted to some of the colorful clothes you wore.

G: Okay (smiling).

Siddhananda: It just sort of drew them there, the color.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: Maybe, a colorful spirit too (laughing). But, for whatever reason, here they are. And it sounds like for the right reasons. (pause). i do see an image of the voodoo doll and i asked "voodoo?". (pause). i'm hearing "yes", so i don't know what that is about.

G: Okay. Voodoo is only relevant if they believe in it, then yes, of course, that stuff can work. But, it's not something to be worried about. If it's not in your mindset, then there's nothing to be worried about. And if you engaged in it and you want to get out of it, you can get out of it very easily.

Siddhananda: i'm hearing [that] they didn't engage in it, [but] someone did it to them.

G: Yeah. So, all they need to know is [that] the Light of God is stronger than any type of voodoo and any type of dark force. The dark force is a shadow, it does not have any substance other than what you yourself are giving it. 

Siddhananda: (pause). Yeah, because i'm hearing it caused them some kind of illness. They feel [that way]. Maybe, it's something they took on due to their fear.

G: Right. If they believe in that, then absolutely it can work, because on their subconsciousness they make themselves ill. Yeah, they take that on themselves. 

Siddhananda: That's what it feels like.

G: Yeah, that's what happens with voodoo. So, that can be reversed quite easily. 

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they're hearing what you're saying. It does fade into some stillness with this energy.

G: So, we'll go ahead and give them the COS, the "I Am That I Am" and the "Om That I Am", and that will clear that out. 

Siddhananda: Okay, they're saying "Okay, thank you. I feel blessed."

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: So, they're transmitting a voodoo doll, but, over that there's a heart like that's where they want to go. It's nice.

G: Right. So, if they do the "Om That I Am", the "I Am That I Am", the COS, that will cleanse that out and they can go ahead and go forward. 

Siddhananda: Okay. So, [they're saying] thank you with that heart. (smiling).

G: Okay, thank you. Namaste. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mayan Spirit

G: Let's check in with our Mayan that has been here for a while (referring to Mayan spirit that was waiting and processing). (showing a small dark stone). 

Siddhananda: Okay.

G: He's been here for quite a while (smiling). 

Siddhananda: Yeah, that's right, we have him too, huh? (smiling).

G: Oh yeah. He's been here for a while. 

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). He's saying he's better. I'm trying to see what he wants to do. Do you want me to ask him?

G: Yeah. Ask him what he wants to do because he's been here for a while. 

Siddhananda: (pause). It's nice, because there are some flowers of understanding. He has come to some more depth.

G: Good. 

Siddhananda: I'm just seeing that. I'm asking him but am not hearing much right now. (pause). Okay, I'm seeing a moon, so maybe he wants to stay until the moon.

G: Until the moon. Okay, and then he should be ready to move forward with whatever other journeys he has to do. 

Siddhananda: That's what it feels like.

G: When is it, it's tomorrow i think. 

Siddhananda: The blood moon is, i think, Sunday.

G: Yeah? Is it Sunday?

Siddhananda: Yeah, 27th/28th, something like that.

G: 27th/28th? Oh my goodness, i was thinking the 23rd was the solstice. 

Siddhananda: Maybe the solstice [is 23rd], but the blood moon is Sunday.

G: Oh okay. 

Siddhananda: SO, still some days left, which is nice because people can sit in nature, take time to be quiet, which was the message here. But, that's not till Sunday.

G: Oh okay, so we have few more days left. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

One Heart

G: And the last [one for today] (showing a small translucent stone). 

Siddhananda: The last one! Okay, there it is (smiling).

G: Kind of a translucent one. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: A nice white translucent stone. 

Siddhananda: Alright. We'll get the last one in.

G: The last one for today (smiling). 

Siddhananda: (smiling). (pause). Well, it's an interesting image of corn and earth.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: Like a maze.

G: Yes, maze. (nodding).

Siddhananda: i do see other Mexican imagery and it's nice! i feel the area, the smell of the earth and all the wonderful food.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: (pause). My feeling is that it's more of a message that even through this imagery there is that one heart.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: Even though it feels like this is from this area or this is from that area, there is that central..

G: All from the same heart, yeah. 

Siddhananda: Exactly. (pause). Okay, i asked and they're not having [any] questions. (pause). They're just wanting to reflect that.

G: hmm hmm. Very good, nice message. 

Siddhananda: i think that was it, it was nice! Nothing more to that. (hand on heart).

G: Yeah. It's the same no matter where we are. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pool of Consciousness

Siddhananda: Oaky. So, let's see what this little tidbit has to say (showing a white stone), tidbit of energy.

G: It's the one that looks like the candy.

Siddhananda: I know, i was thinking that [too]! (laughing).

G: It looks like a little caramel (laughing).

Siddhananda: A little caramel. It's cute. (pause) Okay, i just hear "mental waves are dying, freedom awaits".

G: Mental waves are dying. Well that's good.

Siddhananda: And freedom awaits.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So..

G: That's good. The more those mental waves die down and the more that one is free of the thoughts, then of course the freedom is going to come through that, for sure.

Siddhananda: Yeah, simple. Simple, but, true.

G: Absolutely!

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, they're feeling those mental waves are dying for them as well, or vanishing, however you want to put it.

G: Aha (nodding).

Siddhananda: ..as well as those for many in humanity and that kind of thing is beginning to stir up as well as vanish, so.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: (pause) They're kind of reaching in this small pool. This is what's happening with them, but, also in the larger pool.

G: On the cosmic level as well.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah, Macrocosm and microcosm.

Siddhananda: Yeah. The larger pool of consciousness.

G: Yes.

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay. So, i see a small pool that a lot of people live in.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: They live there, they play there, they are there.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: And they are crowded in there too with some other souls.

G: Aha.

Siddhananda: swimming pool.. mind, consciousness.. So, i see that sort of needing that cement of that pool to be broken apart.

G: Right, and that's why we're putting the COS out there.

Siddhananda: For sure.

G: They're all swimming in the same pool of consciousness, let's put it that way.

Siddhananda: That's right, perfect. That's it, exactly, and so that cement needs to be broken up with a sledgehammer or something.

G: Yeah, exactly.

Siddhananda: ..so that it can run out to the greater good and the greater universal consciousness, because people are so preoccupied with their entertainment and their life and all of their things, so, they're just showing that as the pool. They're just out there having fun.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: There's work to be done people, is what they want to say. (laughing).

G: Yeah. If you want to progress you got to put the work in.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Yeah. You have to see something of more value than the external stuff, but, so many people don’t even see that, they're just caught up in the externals and stuff.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: And try and cover over and not look.

Siddhananda: And that's the thing with how it is so with a lot of cases. So, I think that was about all, it was just break through that, start listening, open up and these kind of things.

G: Yeah. An admotion for people to start waking up.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: It's really nice, so, thank you.

G: Exactly.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Time to Rest

G: (Showing a small light pink stone).

Siddhananda: So, is that like a little [one]? Okay, i see [it now].

G: Nice pink one. 

Siddhananda: It's pink, did you say?

G: Yes. (Showing the stone again).

Siddhananda: Okay, thanks. It looked more white on the screen, but it's pink. Nice.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they were born in Mexico.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: [They] came to you to find their way to God.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: (pause). i do see a light burst, i do see Christ there with open arms. So, i don't know what the trouble is.

G: hmm hmm. Do they not see Christ right there?

Siddhananda: They're looking startled, because Christ just burst out there. They're looking startled! They were there, it's a woman [with] dark hair and flower dress. It's like she was still doing work or something, she was still doing the same work that she did there when she lived.

G: (nodding, smiling in amazement).

Siddhananda: She had her pots, she had her things, it's like it never stopped! (laughing in amazement).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: She was doing all of her same work that she's done there with her pots and grinding corn and all that stuff. Isn't that something? (laughing).

G: (laughing) Just kept busy! Busy, busy, busy! Well, it's time to rest. Let Christ come in and he'll give you some rest. (laughing). It's time to rest. 

Siddhananda: There's some children there, too, that just popped up. Maybe that was her reasoning for [doing the work]. She's taking care of her children, she's saying.

G: Yeah, she was watching them growing. She probably left early. 

Siddhananda: She's continuing to take care of them, she's making good meals (smiling). It's cute, it's a bitter-sweet feeling that she's doing that. I see these little ones, she's tending to them and sending them all of her love and good yummy food, all of her skills and knowledge of what she made. It's hard for her to leave that.

G: Yeah, they're fine, they're fine. They're all fine. She needs to go to the arms of Christ now. She'll see the children again, she'll see them on the other side, for sure. 

Siddhananda: (pause) She's sending her hearts to them, to you, to all of it. So, she's hearing it. She knew when she came to you that this was going to be [her] time to go. She just had a feeling.

G: She'll still be able to see them from the other side. She'll still be able to know what's going on. But, she does not need to be contained where she is at, she can go forward. 

Siddhananda: She feels relieved and she's been letting down and sitting. She's sitting because she's been working hard!

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, she's tired. She is turning there, but, she's tired. That Light is going into her and she is turning towards it. She knows it's time.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: She knows it's time. I think she knew and she just wanted your help with that.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: i do see the little children that she's been caring for, she's just sending her love to them and knowing your Grace is there. So, she's ready. (smiling).

G: Excellent! (gesturing Namaste).

Siddhananda: That was sweet. (hand on heart).

G: May she have a wonderful journey. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yeah, that was sweet. (smiling).

G: Absolutely!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Garden of Growth

G: Okay, next. A little one (showing a small transparent stone).

Siddhananda: Oh, little guy. Okay.

G: Yeah! Very cute (smiling). 

Siddhananda: Very cute (smiling).

G: Good things come in small packages. Let's see. (laughing). 

Siddhananda: That's true. We'll find out! (smiling).

G: We'll find out!

Siddhananda: (pause). i'm hearing they are from that area of the [Mayan] ruins.

G: (nodding). 

Siddhananda: They're a spirit, which is interesting. They are trying to spread light in that area.

G: Excellent! It needs more light. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, what i am seeing is those bodies that were sacrificed and things, in that ugliness i see a flower rising from it. That's what they're trying to represent, that that decay [and] death is over and this flower [is rising].

G: Right, the flowering from it, yeah.

Siddhananda: i do see those ruins in my mind and i see flowers that are popping, like they want to make those [ruins] into a garden of growth versus this stagnant energy that's there.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: The spirit is coming near the dead bodies and laying a blanket of light on it, laying a blanket on that imagery, and fading it in that light, which is really nice.

G: Nice. 

Siddhananda: Let me see if they have any questions. (pause). There is a lot of stillness with it, which is again a message of in anything that happens, no matter how violent, there is that Light.

G: Potential for growth. 

Siddhananda: Potential, yeah. It's good, it's there. These appearances, not to take them to be all these things, and know that that Light is a thread that runs through all experiences. And they're there doing that work always, that Light, that Grace.

G: Perfect!

Siddhananda: Very nice, yeah.

G: Thank you for doing that work there. 

Want to Know God

G: (Showing a dark stone with a stripe).

Siddhananda: Oh, a striped one!

G: Little stripy one here. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: (Turning the stone to the other side) Got another stripe on this side. Very interesting. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, very [interesting]. (pause). Okay, right away i heard "I want to know God."

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: Let's see where he came from. (pause). Again, not [from] the Mayan ruins or the area. So, they just went over there to you this time instead of [coming] over here. (laughing).

G: Yeah (smiling). They're just coming from the ethers or somewhere, i don't know how they got here (smiling). 

Siddhananda: Yeah, and it doesn't matter. You know how that is, that's how it works. Who knows. (smiling).

G: That's right. If they come through there or here, it doesn't matter. It's the same thing. 

Siddhananda: Yeah. (pause). He's saying he left a present for you in your heart, like an image of a rose or a flower.

G: Thank you. 

Siddhananda: And for me too, he's going to give me one, which is nice.

G: Very nice. 

Siddhananda: (pause). i'm just feeling that connection here with him. i don't know why he was building that. (chuckling). There's that connection there and i can feel it.

G: Right. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Okay, so what questions do you have for us today? (pause). i'm just hearing he's lived somewhere where there were a lot of rituals being done.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: It wasn't a really good time. There was more rituals that left people [as] some being higher and some lower, all those lines were drawn that were really not a good thing.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: And you had to follow them or you were in trouble!

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: (pause). i don't know, i'm hearing a little bit of 'Sufi'. It's hard to say, i'm just trying to get his question. (pause). i see some footsteps like he walked with some of the holy men and women.

G: Okay (nodding).

Siddhananda: He's not totally still. Just wants to be guided to that majestic heart.

G: Yeah, i would say for him the COS. 

Siddhananda: Okay, cut through all that (smiling).

G: That will take him into some expansion. 

Siddhananda: Sounds good. (pause). He's saying thank you so much.

G: Thank you. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wash Away the Debris

G: Okay, next. (Showing a dark stone to the screen). 

Siddhananda: Okay, dark one!

G: A dark one, yes. This is a jasper stone. 

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. (pause). i can see that stone and the energy of it there. There's a door opening up in it to go into that stone, which is interesting.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: They're saying that that's a type of cave.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: They're saying it's a cave for meditation and stillness.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: And once you get in there it does change in terms of [being] more still [and] more fluid.

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: There's a man there. He's made a little altar there, he's got some flowers. It does look like there's some Christian feeling in there, [like with] the Mexican and Christian imagery.

G: Okay (nodding).

Siddhananda: He is sitting by that altar.

G: What is it that we can help him with?

Siddhananda: (pause). So, you were walking by and he just came.

G: Okay (smiling).

Siddhananda: He's not from that area. We're getting all sorts of things (smiling).

G: Not from that area, not from that time. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, no. (pause). He wants to just wash away the rest of his debris that's in there. (pause). His practice has been to go into heart, contemplate God, contemplate Soul. Sounds like he's done a lot of solitude and a lot of really heartfelt work.

G: Right. Perfect. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, it is very nice.

G: i would say, probably for this one, [they can have] the kali mantras to cut through whatever is there, to cut through the last residual. 

Siddhananda: (pause). When you said that, i do see some fire burning, like a puja almost.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: And he is wanting to say thank you.

G: Thank you for coming. (putting the stone aside). Never know what we're going to find on our journey. (laughing).

Siddhananda: They can come in from anywhere! (smiling).

G: They can jump in from anywhere, just walk by and they jump in. (smiling). 

Siddhananda: Right. (smiling).

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stuck in Fear

G: Next (showing a clear stone to the camera).

Siddhananda: Another clearie, huh?

G: Another clear one, yes. 

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). i asked him why are you here [and] he said "because I died long ago." He is connected to the Mayan ruins somehow.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: (long pause). This is interesting. He died in a regular way. i asked him why he is stuck there. He said because he was, in his life, afraid of being killed or whatever. So, he is still living in that fear!

G: Yeah. He needs to understand there's nothing to fear. He is still alive. The body is gone, but, he's still aware of himself. He just got himself trapped there. So, he just needs to allow that door to open for him to walk through it, to go on his journey so that he can have better experiences. 

Siddhananda: Okay. So, initially i saw a man on his knees. He was a shadowy figure. i see him rising a bit. That's shifting a little bit to almost an angelic [feeling]. What it felt to me is that there's an angel there, his guardian angel, waiting for him.

G: Good.

Siddhananda: ..that had just been waiting for him. The minute he looked towards that, the angel was there immediately. So, it was just a matter of him opening up to that.

G: (nodding). Exactly. Perfect. 

Siddhananda: They're there embracing him. He's a pretty wilted guy. Even though he never had any violence towards him or killed that way, he held that in his heart. He was worried for himself and he just kept that worry and it built on itself.

G: Right. So, he had himself in his own cage. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So, we'll let him go forward with that angel and they'll take care of him now. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: So he can go forward to other times and better experiences. (hand on heart). (smiling).

Siddhananda: (hand on heart). (smiling). Just a little. My goodness, that's a long time there [to be stuck in that fear].

G: Yeah, a long time there!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Go Forward to the Light

G: Next. (Showing a small white transparent stone).

Siddhananda: Is that a regular rock?

G: (Placing the rock closer to the camera).

Siddhananda: Okay. i see it now. Perfect.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: Nice clear one (smiling).

G: Nice clear one, yeah. 

Siddhananda: Let's look into that clarity and see what's there. (pause). Okay, i see some dark imagery. They are from the [Mayan] ruins area.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: (pause) i asked and they were not involved in the sacrifices, but, they did have a lot of violence towards them.

G: hmm hmm. It was a very violent society. 

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, they were killed as an offering (grimacing).

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, i see someone laying on a board and they are slashed up and bloody.

G: Yeah. So, are they ready to move forward? There is an opening and a Light if they open, they will see others that came before them, relatives and other people, and a Light that they can go into, to go to the other side. They don't need to stay there. 

Siddhananda: (pause). i'm still seeing an image of that body that was killed and sliced. It's still a full body but there's blood dripping from it.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: Looks like it was a woman. (pause). They just are there mourning that. They're there on their knees and they're like this (gesturing praying hands).

G: Right. And there's nothing to mourn. That body is gone. If she looks then she can see that she's still aware of who she is. It has nothing to do with that body. She is now free of that body. Being free of the body, she can now soar, she can fly, she can go to the heavenlies.

Siddhananda: (pause). Okay, i see some black flames at the bottom of a curved thing, but above it, it becomes lighter and there's more of a lighter feeling (gesturing with hands).

G: hmm hmm. 

Siddhananda: It's an interesting image. It sounds like things are burning for her.

G: Right. Things are burning for her. We're gonna have her go ahead and look. If she looks she can see a nice Light. Can she see the Light? 

Siddhananda: (pause).

G: Let's ask some guides and masters that have worked with her before to come forward and help pull her through to the Light.

Siddhananda: That have worked with her before?

G: Yes, someone that has worked with her before, that has got a connection with her on the other side. 

Siddhananda: Okay. i just said someone with a good-hearted nature that loves her, if they could come to help her.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: There is a hand reaching out. She is in that burning. It's hard for them to get in through that burning.

G: Why does she wish to be in that burning? There is no need for it. Why is she doing that to herself?

Siddhananda: (pause). She doesn't know. She just is really in pain.

G: hmm hmm. Let's do the COS mantra. 

Siddhananda: (pause). i'm not even hearing [the mantra], it showed up and disappeared. She's pushing things away. She's just in a lot of purgatory feeling of her pain.

G: Exactly. She's got herself stuck there, and she doesn't have to be there. She can be released and be free of that pain. But, she has to allow herself to be freed of it. There's nothing that she's done that should keep her where she's at. 

Siddhananda: i guess she has taken on so much, she's worried about what her family may have gone through, other people doing these things...

G: Right. If she lets go of that, she'll find that her family has moved on, that others have moved on, but she's just stuck there. She kept herself stuck there and she doesn't have to. She can move forward. 

Siddhananda: Okay, i do see a little more lightness coming underneath that [curve] in which she's got herself burning. Maybe, even some flowers emerging from that. She is hearing some of what you're saying there.

G: Right. We want to see her be blessed. She's gone through a lot that there was no reason for her to have to go through. She needs to see now that life is eternal. And it can be better, but she needs to be willing to go forward and leave that situation behind. That was a brief happening in history, that's all.

Siddhananda: Okay, there's a lot more lightness i felt flowing into my heart immediately, which is nice. It's feeling a lot lighter. So, she broke through something. i really feel a Light in my heart now, some sparkling lights and things. Okay, she's open to the COS.

G: She is open to the COS?

Siddhananda: Yes, she is open to it now.

G: Okay, let her go and have the COS. May she have the COS now and then be open to having the other side pull her through into a realm of Light. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, she has a guardian angel there, her guide that was there through her life as an angel that was watching her.

G: Yeah, exactly.

Siddhananda: That same angel, guardian of her spirit, is there. They're there and they're trying to offer her flowers like [saying] "Welcome, come in. Come home. Come to the Light," like that welcoming feeling. She has the COS and she is opening. i am seeing a beginning to opening towards that. It's sounding better, much much better. Maybe, we'll just let her go forward then.

G: Excellent! We'll go ahead and let them work with her and we'll check in again tomorrow. 

Siddhananda: Okay. Sounds good (smiling).

G: Thank you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Family Attachment

G: So, now we have what's come from here (referring to stones at G's place). Where they are from remains to be seen. (smiling). But, i went to [inaudible] and came back and now i have eight beings sitting here, waiting for me. 

Siddhananda: Brought some friends! (smiling)

G: (Smiling). So, here we have the first one (showing a brown stone to the screen).

Siddhananda: Okay. (pause). [They're saying] they're not from the Mayan ruins.

G: Okay. 

Siddhananda: They just hitched a ride along the way (laughing).

G: They just jumped in somewhere along the way. (laughing). That's what i was wondering about where they are coming from. 

Siddhananda: (laughing) i saw an image of a train, it's moving and someone's running and they just jumped on it. That's what they did.

G: Jumped in along the way, okay (laughing). 

Siddhananda: (pause) Okay, so they are not from that area. What i am hearing is that they have family there, they have hung out there because they have family.

G: Ah, okay. 

Siddhananda: So, let's see why they came to you and what's going on.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: (pause) They're saying they came to you because they felt like you are a Master of Truth and that through me, i could translate [for them] (smiling)

G: There you go (smiling). 

Siddhananda: So, let's see what questions [they have]. (pause) i do see a nice white lotus flowering, which is nice.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: First of all, let me see if they want to stay where they are [because] why are they attached there.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: Okay, they became a little rumbly when i brought out that question. (pause). They're saying [they became rumbly] because "you might rip me from my family."

G: hmm.

Siddhananda: [That we might] cause them to detach from that. They really had a bit of that darkness. First, they had that rose, and when i brought that up it really became angry.

G: Yeah. Do they know that the family that is in a corporeal body will not be in there for long? 

Siddhananda: (pause). They do, but like all things, they don't cognize it fully. You know how that is.

G: Right. So, they chose to stay there, but when family departs they'll be stuck there by themselves. Just because they go to the other side doesn't mean they cannot watch in on the family. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: They have access to see them from there all the time. 

Siddhananda: Okay, they're starting to sob "my mother", "my father", my this, my that..

G: They're not going to lose anything. Who do they have that's passed to the other side? Do they have grandparents or other ones that are on the other side?

Siddhananda: i guess this is their primary attachment, their family that is there.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: i see a rope attached there, i'm getting a bit of that Mexican feeling.

G: Right. 

Siddhananda: They're showing me some of the things that they did together and the love that was there.

G: Right. So, for what reason did they come today?

Siddhananda: i'm seeing that lotus flower so i'm feeling they want to know God, but, on the other half of it i see that rope attached.

G: That attachment. 

Siddhananda: Right, they're wanting to know God but then they don't. It's feeling like they very much don't want to detach. So, it's a hard thing.

G: Right, right. Well, they have to understand that life is eternal and they're not going to lose them by going to the other side and being ready to continue on with their journey, that they have an opportunity when they pass and go on the other side they can again re-incarnate together in another different type of unit so that they can continue to learn. 

Siddhananda: (pause) i do see that rope and it does seem like there is a bit of a tear in it. So, there is some hope there for them starting to get this and some Light there.

G: hmm hmm.

Siddhananda: They just are asking for whatever could help with this, a mantra or a practice.

G: Are they Christian?

Siddhananda: Yes.

G: Let Christ come in and explain to them that there is no death. (smiling).

Siddhananda: (pause) Again, some nice image of someone holding on to that rope for dear life and suddenly startled like "what is this Light that's coming in".

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: A new feeling. They're looking towards it and not as focused on the rope, of keeping that hold there. (pause) So, they are loosening that, they're looking towards the heavens [with] doves flying, with Christ's presence, the sun rising.. it's just a nice setting. (pause) i think they're in very good hands with that.

G: hmm hmm. i think they're in very good hands with Christ. So, we'll leave them with Christ and i'm sure Christ will tell them all they need to know, that they're not going to lose their family. (smiling).

Siddhananda: Yes (smiling).

Monday, May 9, 2016

New Beginning

Siddhananda: (Showing a small transparent yellow stone) This is our last one (referring to 3 stones that were waiting from previous day). Then we can go to the other ones over there (referring to the stones near G). (smiling).

G: We'll see what's here (smiling).

Siddhananda: i can just to do them from over there, you can just show me the rock and we'll go from there.

G: Yeah. 

Siddhananda: So, let's see.. (pause). i'm seeing that rock in my mind, it has some imagery flowing from it.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: There was some darkness, but, now there's a flower and that darkness is fading from that flower, or that rose. It's becoming more and more still as that darkness is fading from that rose.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: They're saying that's more of a message of how that is. i can feel it really in my being how once that shadow that was rising dissolves, that stillness and that concrete being-ness is present there. It's just showing that through example of that shadow of mind, once that flees then that's what remains. i see a very sparkly white flower, it's got a butterfly, like that new beginning. (pause). They're saying it's just a message.

G: Yeah, it sounds like a message. So, thank you for that message (gesturing namaste). 

Siddhananda: (smiling).

G: Yeah, you have to hold steady and stay continuous, and eventually it will go. 

Siddhananda: Yeah, it was really nice.

G: Exactly. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Walking the Path of Light

Siddhananda: (Showing a small purple stone) We'll go with this one. (pause) [i'm hearing] "How can I prepare for the Path of Light? How do I prepare to walk it right?"

G: Well, the way to prepare to walk it well is just to begin to walk it. (smiling). Know that it's going to take a lot of hardship, and you're going to have to continue forward once you begin. That's the best thing. Do not expect everything to be easy, it's not going to be easy. But, we have to have faith in that Absolute, and that God within the absolute center of your being will pull you through.

Siddhananda: hmm hmm. Yeah, and i think that's why he's asking too, because this energy feels like that would be a commitment for ever and he/she wants to make sure that once they start they don't want to turn around.

G: Yeah, right. 

Siddhananda: Let's see if there's anything else. (pause). Do they wear the clothes of an ordinary man or the clothes of a sanyasi?

G: That doesn't make any difference. Clothing is an outward thing, it doesn't make any difference. Sometimes, they wear that clothing in sannyas just to keep in mind where they're headed and what they're to do. But, other than that, it doesn't make any difference. 

Siddhananda: Okay, they're showing a heart in gratitude with hands (gesturing namaste). So, thank you so much.

G: (gesturing namaste).

Siddhananda: They are requesting whatever mantras or practices you feel are best for them right now.

G: (pause). The 'Om That I Am' and the 'I Am That I Am' to begin with, and if they really get ready to move forward then they can come back and request the COS. 

Siddhananda: (smiling) Thank you. (putting the stone aside). That's a good one, simple but good question.