Friday, September 2, 2016

Drugs and Consciousness

Siddhananda: (Showing a milky white stone). (pause). Okay, just again, dream states rising. (pause)  I do see this one in a bed, asleep in a dream type of consciousness that they’re dreaming. Yeah, they’re kinda out, so I don’t know how they even got here to be honest (laughing).

G: (laughing).

Siddhananda: (laughing) sleepwalking here. But they are in a bed and they are dreaming, mouth open. wonder if they can even [talk]. Let’s see what’s happening. (closing eyes).

G: (chuckling) Where are you?

Siddhananda: (laughing) How did you get here?

G: You’re in lala land at the moment.

Siddhananda: Yeah, exactly. Well, let me see if I can see a little more about it without them having to talk (laughing).

G: (shaking her head, chuckling). Out in the ozone.

Siddhananda: Well, that’s the thing,

G: Surfing the ozone. 

Siddhananda: They are in bed and they are out, (eyes closed) dream states upon dream states, never waking (chuckling).

G: Odd.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Are they embodied now?

Siddhananda: No, they’re floating.

G: They’re just floating.

Siddhananda: They’re in the ethers.

G: Okay.

Siddhananda: They’re sleeping there. They are not conscious fully. They’re in these dreams, which happens. People are always in dreams (chuckling).

G: Yeah. I was saying that because I was wondering they could also be somebody that’s in a coma or something.

Siddhananda: Oh, yeah.

G: Embodied and not really embodied (motioning with her hand), and it’s kind of (twirling her hand above her head).

Siddhananda: I see what you’re saying. Well, this is also that I’m feeling that they are out more in the [ethers]. I see more space, so they are in the ethers.

G: Are they participating in a meditation type of practice? Could be a few things going on.

Siddhananda: (closing eyes, pause) Okay, I just see some patterns. I’m just needing to try to decipher it from another way, another angle. Patterns... there’s a center point (with her hand, motioning a weave). I don’t know if you’ve seen those things where there’s a circle and there’s a triangle and then there’s a circle around it and it’s all spinning (gesturing a spinning motion with both hands).

G: Okay, like a centrifuge.

Siddhananda: Yeah, when they’re just sort of spinning, not at the same time but they’re [spinning].

G: Right.

Siddhananda: So I’m seeing that spinning. I’m getting a little image of something, so let me see (pause). Yeah, I do see some energy moving toward a circle. Let me see if they did a lot of third eye or what was going on.

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: out of body or...

G: Something is going on because they’re really [disconnected].

Siddhananda: Drugs.

G: Yeah, they’re just really disconnected.

Siddhananda: I do see some kind of needle. They may have been injected. Some druggie states...  Maybe, just a lot of medical stuff in their lifetime.

G: (nodding in acknowledgment).

Siddhananda: Maybe they died in the hospital, quite out of it.  Maybe that’s it. It just feels like there was some medical thing, there is some drug induced state.

G: That’s why I was wondering if they were in a coma for some time. The body is there but they’re gone. 

Siddhananda: (nodding in acknowledgment).

G: Do they realize that they are no longer in that body?

Siddhananda: [They're] just in a haze. I don’t think they do. I don’t even think they know, here, there or where.

G: Right.  They’re still in that.

Siddhananda: I can feel it. I can kinda feel that sort of heavy, like a cotton mouth, all that crap you get from the drugs.

G: Right, right. From the drugs and all the medications and stuff that they give them.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Usually, they will have some sort of a guide or angel around them. We’ll ask if their guide or angel is around and if they could help this being to recover a little bit and take them to the healing center and work with them. Because they’re going to be awhile to come out of that.

Siddhananda: Okay, there is an angel that has come. They are coming with a blanket. They are covering them (the spirit) with the blanket. I think they are just trying to make them more comfortable.

G: More comfortable.

Siddhananda: Soothing their forehead and being more nurturing in that way because what can you do when you are so out.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: and putting a cold compress on their forehead to help them slowly become more alert.

G: (nodding).

Siddhananda: I’m going to speak to the angel a little and see.

G: See what other insight as to what happened or what’s going on with that. (closing eyes).

Siddhananda: (closing eyes) I’m just hearing the angel saying they were in a lot of drug induced states that left them unaware of where they were or what is happening. It’s feeling a little better with this angel energy. So, they (the angel) are trying to hold their (the spirit's) head up a little and put the cold [compress] around.

G: like something to wake up with.

Siddhananda: Right.

G: Bring them out.

Siddhananda: Yeah, they (the spirit) are trying to just look around and their eyes are rolling around. They are trying to get that refreshment, that cooling energy. The angel is being very good with this soul.  They are [trying] to sit them up but they are [asleep] (bends her body forward).

G: Yeah.

Siddhananda: So, it’s going to take a little while.

G: It might take a while. Yeah, that stuff, it affects your consciousness. 

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: It just really dulls you out. So, let’s go ahead and take that one and leave them in the Healing Center.

Siddhananda: Yeah.

G: Because it’s going to be awhile for them to process to come out of the drugs and stuff, for their consciousness to be cleansed and be a little bit more awake.

Siddhananda: Yeah, spirit is spirit, but there are times when people are just in those dream-like drug induced states.

G: Right.

Siddhananda: Maybe it’s happened a lot through their life for whatever reason and it just stays pretty out of it.

G: Exactly.

Siddhananda: Sadly, sadly, it seems like.

G: Yeah, drugs are not always the answer.

Siddhananda: No. Anyway, so that’s that situation and they’re in good hands right now.


  1. Sweet how the angel was taking care of that spirit. Kind and gentle. Hopefully they came out of that drugy state and moved on. Omm.

  2. Namaste, funny the synch here in reading this... Just had a talk with someone who was telling about his DMT drug experiment, etc...
    May this soul be blessed with more conscious awareness...

  3. Namaste - wow so interesting how drugs follow through to your spirit life. Another reason not to use!

  4. Namaste, Drugs are so detrimental, amazing how people plunge into that

  5. Namaste- Nice to see this soul getting much needed help..Om
